Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1235840-land-of-fantasy
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1235840
story in chapters
Chapter 1
The berth of twin kings.
The land of Marlice is a lush and fertile land with mountains bordering the known world. On the planet Mica the sun almost always shines everywhere except during rain-season. The year is 777 R.D. (Religious-Date.) 777 years after the date of god. A handsome just and fair king rules the land. With long blond hair flowing upon his shoulders. He is a medium built man with a face that showed wear and tear but his mighty eyes show that he had still some fight in him. He wore a mighty crown upon his head of not gold and fancy jewels but of pewter and of strained glass to show to his fellow man that he was not in it for the fame and glory but for the little man who could barely afford the shelter he lived in or the food he ate. He was so noble that he did not send his men into battle alone but he fought along side them, in no fancy armor or weapons but what his warriors wore and weapons they fought with. There was only one to be loved as greatly and that was the queen. She to was just as noble and fair. She was a tall slim frail looking creature of humanity and was starting to show the sings of pregnancy. The sight of the pregnancy gave the people something the smile and laugh about as they built the foundations of a new city. The name of the city was Alband. Were the walls were tall and so weren’t the buildings all made of great slabs of marble. The trade was almost as great as the city itself. After a few months of pregnancy the queen started to go into labor. The queen as she laid in agony in the castles medical chambers with the king sitting next to her gave birth to one of the two baby boys. The queen managed to get out the first ones name before she started to give birth to the second baby boy and the king went to the balcony and raised the new born and screamed Christopher Robert Alkain son of king Richard Phillip Alkain. The people who stood before him screamed in joy for the king the king had a look of pride on his face. He went in side and gave the child to his first knight James Showling who was the only one he trusted the knight in his mid teens smiled with a toothy grin. He was a medium built man like the king with short black hair and a Sketched face. His eyes were ecstatic and full of joy the blue eyes looked as though they had blue lighting in them. As the first knight rushed away from the king and brought the child to the nursery the second was born. And the queen managed to get out his name too before she passed out. The king took the child went out of the balcony and raised the boy just like the other and screamed Stephen Mathew Alkain Son of king Richard Phillip Alkain. The look on his face made the people shout even louder than the first time. Then the king walked in side and his first knight had a sad look on his face. That is when the king knew something was wrong. He walked over to the first knight gave the child to him and said in a puzzling tone
“What is wrong it is to be a joyous night for the birth of my two beautiful sons.”
“Yes but without a mother it will be difficult for you and them,” as a tear came to his eye and flowed down his cheek. The king confused looked upon his wife and saw she was bleeding out and all the healers around her trying to stop her from dieing but to no avail. The king wept while he walked to the balcony again and the people drew quite again and he screamed out with a crackling voice
“My beloved wife and your beloved queen has just died, I am sorry,” The people started to cry at this news and started to blow out the candle they had lit in celebration. The night became a morning night for everyone. A few months later the king still not over the loss of his darling wife seeing the peoples anguish decided to get remarried to a widow of the north she was a beauty to see. She was a tall elegant lady of the north from a place no one had heard of. With long black hair and a cold pair of eyes. The people did not learn to love her but to hate her as they found out the truth she was not in it for the people but for herself. The First knight tried to warn the king but the queen had poisoned his mind and told him that the knight was betraying him so the king banished him from the castle to a far away land. The Knight in his last attempt to rectify the problem had one of his men still loyal to him steal the first born to raise as his own so that one day he may claim the thrown and bring peace back to the land of Marlice
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