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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Crime/Gangster · #1235129
this is not the second chapter in mafia dolls but will be a chapter called tiffany
To really understand my life youd have to know my background where I came from shit like that I was born in one of the many ghettos in new york brooklyn to be exact tiffany josephine jones on April 5th 1955 my father was a poor factory worker who I called daddy nigger behind his back don’t get me wrong I loved my father he just acted like a nigger meaning he acted like he had no education and treated his hunky boss like a piece of gold talking about how he was “good white folk” he hated anyone black who were against whites hed even spend his money at the wops number rackets my mother was fuckin great she only dealt with whites when she had to wasnt afraid of them and would speak her mind if they said the wrong thing she ran a small seamstress business and the wops muscled her out of a percentage when I was real young around 8 I became best friends with this sicilian broad named angelina michelle milano who lived in the italian ghetto section of brooklyn her father was the sicilian version of mine loved the bastards who were trying to keep us in the ghetto hated gangsters mobsters people who said fuck this crooked law and did what they had to do to get out of poverty I me and angel admired men like that we were both mature and overdeveloped for our ages body wise if you get my drift we were curvy you know small waist round ass big jugs I was a 34c when I was 12 and angel was a 38b and on top of that we were blessed with looks and looks got you everrywhere where were from we stopped developing at 16 I was curvy and a 36d and angel was curvy and a 38c we lied about our ages so we could work at the hot spot in the new york underworld a lot of mafioso and wannabes hung out there it was called ozzy’s play parlor and located in brooklyn it was a stip joint whorehouse and bar all in one mobsters and empty suits came there to discuss things get a drink and get a quick fuck without their wives finding out ozzy found out from fucking leach detective vollero we were 16 but he let us keep our waitressing jobs most of the time angel made twice the tips I did cause some of those bastards didnt want a black chick to bring their drinks we all wore a mini skirt with a garter attached heels corsets and lacy thigh highs we looked like hookers a lot of the girls who thought they were hot shit ended up being turned out and became hookers our parents didnt find out about us working there because wed pretend like we were going to school and go to work there and were out at 3 so it was like wed been at school all day eventually angel caught the eye of sal the plumber who was the counselor in the villari crime family in new york he was 40 married with a 19year old son but was loaded and she became his mistress goumada whore whatever you want to call it I started seeing a junk dealer who was slaving I mean working for the johnson family he had to give them 20% of the profit he made from selling dope it was that or be dead and someone else would take his place his name was tyrell sanders he was black basically a militant hated anyone who wasnt black and he was extremely sexy the johnson family was the only powerful black crime family at this time but I was happy he drove a dark blue cadillac and always wore silk suits and dress shoes and loved to smoke cigars he’d always take me to the hottest blck clubs and buy me whatever I wanted I decided to move out my parents house and move in with him he lived in a nice home in elizabeth new jersey angel moved into her own apartment which sal paid for and he bought her a mercedes tyrell got me a lincoln we were happy but they both hated that we liked working at ozzy’s and didnt want to quit 2 of the villari brothers started coming in and had a thing for us their names were vito and leonardo leo was supposibly the boss and vito the underboss vito was 26 and leo 28 theyd give us a 100 tip everytime they came leo would tip me and vito would tip angel then 1 day vito: angelina that’s your nam isnt it do you know who I am look me and you should go out sometime me and u and my brother and your amica you two are gorgeous broads why are you working at a joint like this angel: were seeing guys tyrell sanders and sal the plumber im seeing sal she’s seeing tyrell vito: so you 2 are seeing a fat ass and a junkman what could you 2 possibly want with them scmuchs angel: we lve them their our first fucks and here’s your 100 back vito: thats fine keep it we always get what we want we felt weird turning down these 2 gorgeous mobsters for our men these were very wanted men vito was handsome tall and skinny and leo was handsome tall and muscular leo had short black hair he always wore brushed back and leo had short wavy black hair they both wore suits all the time and smoked cigars leo drove a rolls royce and vito was always in a limo women swarmed around them like bees to honey a few weeks later tyrell was shot down in front of our house after he tried to break off from the johnson’s and sal the plumber was shot down in front of his house when he went outside to get the newspaper I was torn up about it and so was angel and ozzy letus stay with him because the whole time tyrell was married and his wife got everything and so did sal’s once I found out tyrell was married I got over his murder and thought he got what he deserved it became hell at ozzy he insisted we fuck him to stay with him and keep our jobs and when we didnt he’d beat and rape us he knew we had nowhere to go after 2 months of us being there then one night I was in the kitchen when I heard a crash and ozzy yelling coming in his room like he was in pain I pulled out the 9mm in his kitchen drawer and before guido his fuckin muscleman could go in ozzy’s room or pull out his gun I unloaded the 9mm on him it was my first time holding and shooting a gun and it felt good once he hit the floor I walked to ozzy’s room angel came out covered in blood me: what the fuck happened to you angel: I fuckin stabbed the bastard to death he wanted to fuck I didnt so when the jamook punched me in my fuckin mouth I got up told him to lay down and close his eyes when he did I took the letter opener that was on his nightstand and started stabbing him with it he was screaming like a bitch where’s guido me: I shot him down with this and showed her the gun and we started laughing angel : what are we going to do me: we take us some money and burn the house down ozzy was 20grand in the shitter had a lot of enemies no1 knew we were staying here angel:whatabout the cops me: fuck them they cant prove shit we then took 2grand out of ozzy’s drawer it was the only loose money in the house packed our clothes angelina threw gas around the house and set it on fire shee got in her mercedes and I got in my lincoln and we drove off that night ozzy’s brother was running the club and when the villari brother’s came in we asked them to take us out and they did we went to the opera and out to dinner I left with leo and angel left with vito me and leo ended up oing back to his place and fucking he didnt care that I was then 17 and he was 29 the next day me and angel got an apartment it was sotr of a dump but ok she fucked vito the night before after a month and a half me and angel ran off to vegas to marry leo and vito leo bought us a 5 bedroom 5 bathroom house in long island I knew his neighbors and some of his friends hated me but I didnt give a fuck and they knew not to run their fuckin mouths I was no longer allowed to drive and had a chaffeur who drove me wherever I wanted to go in a limo I even had a maidand leo had georgio gollow me around he was l of leo’s musclemen he eventually decided to show me around his business and how to operate it if anything happened to him leo:tiff if anything happens to me I want my famiglia to go to you I love you so much and I don’t trust anyone else to run it in my absence vito likes his temper is to hot and he has a big fuckin mouth and the rest of my brother’s are legit unless you don’t want to learn the business me: of course I do leo and I love you to I want to have a family to leo: tiffany it’ll happen soon enough weve been fuckin like jackrabbits now back to what I was saying rule number one you keep the organization private noone is to know how we operate our codes names of members anything you give your life before exposing the family or ratting you get pinched you go down alone that doesn’t apply to you if you became boss cause another rule is that the don/boss is to be protected at all costs rule number 2 always send contracts and other deals down the chain of commands the only 1 who should hear your plans is the advisor and the underdog and buffer if you have one no1 else is suppose to hear it from you the chain of commands in the villari organiztion is goes from you to advisor to your vice president to lieutenanat to solider who takes care of the problem never get involved with lower ranking members could cause you to get pinched next never write anything down don’t discuss business on the phone if they cant meet you in person wait till they can when you have problems with another organization’s members or boss call for a sitdown before having anyone whaacked unless it was something heinous they did then handle it always keep a piece me:whats a piece leo: a gun I got you one it’s a custom made 9mm silver with pink lining and your nickname engraved in pink on both sides hold it see if you like it me: I love it if I went somewhere and needed to be strapped where would I put it leo then got on his knees and pushed my dress up and adjusted a pink strap around my leg and stuck the gun in it me:why there and whats this thing leo: this is a gun holster vito got angel 1 just like it they never rub a woman between the legs when their searching her tiff you will always have a muscle with you but if something happens you need to be prepared that’s how a lot of bosses meet their death depending on their muscle and not having a piece tiffany did I never told you about my father he started the villari family and I took over when I was 20 because his best friend who was also his right hand man had him whacked by a couple of small timers when I thought it was him I had him meet me at the villari bookmaking business and I walked up to him told him that I knew he had my father whacked when I reelly didnt he admitted he was behind it but claimed it was for the family and begged for his life I made him kiss my shoe and I shot him in the back and watched him suffer and bleed to death I took over and been in charge since me: you killing that bastard turns me on he then carried me to the bed and we made love the next day angel showed me her gun it was like mine but in red and had angel on the side she said vito was a coke addict and a few days later I walked past leo’s office and overheard leo yelling and I knew vito was in his office leo: you fuckin shit head I could fuckin kill you you let that fuckin irish broad get into your head you fucked up this time im not paying off your debt this time you fuck up alone I paid off fuckin 30g for you last time to keep you from being whacked and you fuck me over again and even sold membership to a fuckin germ for 30g and you fuckin making deals behind my back with the jimmy the fuckin jew when were you going to tell me this shit whats the matter with you I don’t want nothing else to do with you youre finished I want you to leave town and don’t come back vito unless you get the ok from me and youre out the family tiff will be taking your place vito: it will never work youre going to let that black bitch wife of yours take my place is the fuckin that good that youd turn your back on your own blood and what if I don’t leave leo: ill tell you once unless you want angelina to be burying you youll leave im letn you have yourlife and if you ever fuckin say something against my wife again ill skin you alive now get out of my face and vito came out the door and went down the stairs and out the front door I tried to walk off but leo seen me leo: how long have you been standin thereyou listening in on my fuckin conversations now tiff me:no leo: you fuckin lying bitch and he chased me into the bedroom with his belt and beat me with it raped me and grounded me to my bedroom for the rest of the night I sat in there to and cried myself to sleep the next morning I woke up was sore all over and seen a white velvet box and a big silver box next to me with a card from leo saying how sorry he was the white box had a diamond tennis bracelet in it and the silver one had this white versace dress I wanted and the matching shoes in it I got up showered brush my teeth and everything and went downstairs leo was downstairs on the phone so I went back upstairs cause I was scared if he seen me he’d beat me again he came upstairs about an half hour later and came in our bedroom and sat down leo: did you like your gifts look tiff im sorry I just lost my temper last night I didnt mean to you know how much you mean to me and you know I love you the business is stressful did I leave any marks me: yes I have welps from your belt on my back legs and arms and my body is sore then I started crying me:i thought you loved me till last night when you beat me with your belt and raped me leo: I said I was sorry tiff and I do love you were going to go away for a while im taking you to las vegas with me we’ll be there for a week I’ve been given an offer to buy al anderson’s lucky duck casino and resort there he said business been bad and he’s willing to take any offerto be rid of the place me: leo I want a baby I get so lonely here now that angelina doesn’t live around us anymore leo: did you know she’s trying to convince me to let vito back into the family me: maybe she’s right it’s not like he was ratting maybe he was tired of living in your shadow you’re the one everyone talks about women flock over you you have all the money and power he could be a solider or a associate and be banned from being ranked higher that way he wont feel like you are abandoning him he loves you and looks up to you he’s been calling like crazy apologizing to me and telling me to tell you how sorry he is leo: okay ill give him another chance want to fuck me: no leo:vaffanculo then me: fuck you he then got up and I was about to run but he grabbed me by my hair threw me to the floor and started chocking me leo: I don’t want to fuck up your pretty face all I remember is everything turning black and when I finally woke up it was midnight and leo was gone but gilberto who leo paid to keep an eye on me and protect me was on the couch sleep I shook him and he woke up gil: what wrong dollface me:where’s leo how long has he been gone how long have I been out gil:when I got here at 5 boss said you were sleep he left and said he’d be back in the morning I then got my gun and my keys gil; I cant let you leave tiff the don told me not to me:fine and I went in my bedroom opened the window and tried to slowly climb out and fell into the pool and luckily wasnt hurt and I got in my car and drove to ozzy’s well it use to be ozzy’s it was then luigi’s play parlor it was the same type of club except it had been remodeled when I walked in luigi walked up to me and hugged me luigi: dollface it’s been a long time almost a year since I seen you you went into seclusion after marrying leonardo why are your clothes wet me; long story I seen leo’s car outside where is he forget it ill find him luigi: come on tiff calm down go home and get some rest leo’s not here why woul don villari be here me: I know his car luigi it’s the only white rolls royce around here and I ran upstairs and opened the first door that said don’t disturb and was the only one with double doors and in the back so I guessed it was someone importants room I opened the door and seen 2 people fucking and shot in the air and the man was my husband and some irish looking bitch me: you dirty ass wop piece of shit all this fuckin time youve been cheating on me with this bitch I shoul fuckin kill both of your asses but there is to much witnesses and ill be seeing you around you hunky whore it’s over you bastard and I left and drove back to our house packed my shit and left and gilberto couldnt stop me I went to stay with angelina and vito and found out was prenant leo called the next morning angel told him I didnt want to speak to him but when he flipped out on her gave me the phone leo: you fuckin bitch you have the balls to follow me I didnt mean for you to see that tiff it was an accident I don’t want that whore you’re my wife I love you youve proved your point now it’s time to come home it wont happen again I promise please tiff don’t leave me cause of this me:fuck you you piece of shit fuck whoever you want im filing for a divorce capisce and I hung up in his face then he called again and I hung up the next day I came downstairs he was sitting on the couch it was obvious I was pregnant cause I was 41/2 months pregnant and was showing leo: can we talk for a minute me: why so you can beat me and rape me I don’t want to be with you anymore leo my baby deserves better than that leo: youre some piece of fuckin work your baby I remember it I fucked you im the one with the dick you didnt fuck me youre not leaving me so get your shit were going home did you see the puppy I bought you 100% yorkie it’s a girl I got you a new mercedes ill buy you a new house just please don’t leave me he looked so sexy begging leo:we can still go to vegas get away from it all you werent fuckin so I fucked up and went and fucked 1 of luigi’s waitresses she didnt mean shit to me and it wasnt good I need sex tiffany me: fuck you but ill go to vegas with you cause im your vice president and it’s my job to go im keeping the dog and we got on in leo’s private plane and took off he ended up getting what he wanted cause I fucked him soon as we got to our room he let vito back into the family as a solider he hada meeting with al and I was right there paid him 500g in cash for the joint and al tookit like it was a million bucks we spent 2million on renovations and adding more slot machines tables and another bar I gave birth a few months before we opened leo had changed the name to dollface casino and resort I had a little girl leo chose to name her belladonna which means beautiful woman in italian she was so beautiful had a head full of curly jet black hair and black eyes she weighed 7pounds looked just like leo hewas so happy to be a daddy I was tired a lot and he held her and rocked her to sleep got up in the middle of the night to feed her and everthing he spoiled her always carried her he was in heaven I had to exercise a lot to get my shape back his mother finally came to visit she hated me at first but then loved me and she loved belladonna and moved close to us so we didn’t have to get a nanny and so she could watch her while we were out of town angel and vito moved back to manhattan they were living in colorado so I got to see her more often she had had her son vito a few weeks before I had belladonna he was a beautiful baby even though he didnt have much hair me and leo finally had to make the trip to vegas to open the casino I wore a long lowcut strapless white dress and leo wore a black suit his favorite color I looked like his mistress instead of his wife and he ended up beating a guy’s ass and throwing him out after he groped me then he took me into the bathroom and bitched at me about my dress opening night was a hit we made all our money back and a lot more we went to bed after midnight and went home the next morning which was my 18th birthday leo bought me a new wedding ring and wanted to renew our vows I wore a long pink strapless dress with a veil and 5 foot train for our honeymoon we went to denver colorado cause leo had been called to a sitdown cause thomas randazzo wanted to talk to him about being partners with the casino randazzo was boss of the randazzo organization based in california but he lived in colorado
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