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I believe a critical key to becoming successful in life is singleness of focus.

Chasing Rabbits - Do You Lack Focus?

By: Mike Shanta

I believe a critical key to becoming successful in
life is singleness of focus. Now, I realize that
singleness of focus, like anything else, can be taken
to an extreme; like when you refuse to acknowledge
anything in life other than what you're dealing with.

What I'm talking about here is not letting yourself
become easily distracted or let yourself go chasing
after rabbits in every direction.

What do I mean by chasing rabbits? I'm glad you asked.
Anyone who has ever clicked on a link in a newsletter,
and found themselves on a webpage where a couple dozen
other articles, links and offers are presented, knows
exactly what I'm talking about. 

From that point you find yourself following one link
after another. Reading this ad or that article up until
next link and then chasing another rabbit. After a while
you forget what you set out to do originally was read an
article on having better relationships.

Now, there is nothing wrong with clicking on those links
and investigating different offers or information, but
finish reading the article first, then move on to other

Now this doesn't just happen in the cyber world, it
happens in the non-digital world as well.  I'll give
you a perfect example and see how many of you don't
squirm or grimis a bit at how close it hits to home.

Have you ever started cleaning your kitchen, and a
short time later found yourself cleaning the bedroom?
Of course the kitchen is still a mess, but for some
reason you ended up somewhere else.  What happend was
you chased a rabbit out of the kitchen into the bedroom.
How you ask?  Let me tell you.  You picked up a finger
nail clipper or some other object off the kitchen counter
or table that you or someone else set there earlier.
Now, since you're cleaning the kitchen, and you know this
item doesn't belong there, you bring it to its proper

Of course while you bring that item home, you notice
the dirty laundry draped over the chair or at the end
of the bed. So, you pick up those items and deal with
them.  Now if you don't see an item that belongs in the
kitchen, there is a chance that you will continue
cleaning the bedroom unless you chase a rabbit back into the
kitchen or another room.

So it goes on and on.  And if you think about it, you
can see how this can be applied to any area of your
life.  The main problem is a lack of focus, and a lack
of commitment to accomplish what we set out to do.
Now, I don't care what it is you want to accomplish in
life, what goals you're shooting for or what level of
success you desire to reach; without focus and  commitment
you will be hard pressed to accomplish much of anything
in life.

So what can I do about it, you ask?  You probably already
know the answer, but I'm going to say it anyway; make lists,
set goals, follow through. 

As far as setting goals, there is not near enough space
to totally deal with that issue here and now.  If you are
uncertain about how to set goals, there are many books,
tapes and programs on the internet that can help.  In a
future issue of my newsletter, "All-Round Success", I may
try and tackle the issue if I can find a way to condense it.

As far as making lists and following through, that is a bit
simpler.  What I do is take an index card each day and
write down the things I want or need to get done tomorrow. 
Then I review the items on my list and dermine which item
is the most important to me and put a #1 in front of it.
The next most important item gets a #2 in front of it and
so on until the whole list is prioitized. When tomorrow
comes, I start with item one and stay on that item until
it is completed.  Then I go on to item number 2 then 3,etc.

Now, as will always happen, something will come up.  A rabbit
might jump up and beg you to chase it; DON'T DO IT!!!  Keep
a notebook handy, and when that rabbit jumps up, write down
which direction it went in, what was so interesting about
it, etc. and leave that rabbit alone until you have
accomplished those things that have been prioritized
on your list. You might even add, chasing rabbits to the
bottom of your list, or the number one priority for the
next day.

If you're cleaning the kitchen, stay in the kitchen until
you're done. If you must bring something into another room
tell yourself, I will not chase any rabbits in here, and
get back to the kitchen. If you're studying someting or
reading an article on a website and a rabbit jumps up,
just write it down and keep going with what you're doing.

If you  really desire to become successful in life, you
must learn to prioritize, follow through and focus, focus,

Wishing you success in every area of your life.

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