Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1234572-Battlefield-2078-The-Fight-For-Humanity
by Yaicon
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1234572
the sequel to Battlefield 2078 enjoy!
Chapter 1: Victory or Defeat Either Way Something's Got to Die

"FRAG OUT!" yelled Bat as he dropped grenades from the HP-95 he was currently circling the sky in as his best friends Cut and Dark were sniping and using the air to surface gun at the bottom of the craft.

"I NEED ANOTHER CLIP!" yelled Dark from the opening to the turret as Cut tossed him another giant string of fifty caliber shells into the shaft then resumed sniping. About half of the enormous ships landed on the surface and were dispensing troops about one hundred at a time into the fray of gun fire and explosions.

"HE'LL BE FEELING THAT IN THE MORNING!" cheered Bat as his previously thrown grenade detonated right next to an un-suspecting giant, green, fleshy, ogre like monster the humans had previously named the Volracht.

"Nice throw!" yelled Captain Belisle from the pilot's seat.

"He's always had a good throwing arm!" said Cut from the sniper position of the craft. "Back in little league not a soul could hit his pitches!"

"I can see why!" she yelled back to Cut as he shot a round into the skull of a Volracht spraying it's strange shimmering purple blood around the area as the couple ton creature collapsed against the rock it was using for cover.

"INCOMING MISSILE!" yelled Dark as he franticly clambered out of the narrow opening and grabbed a pole put in the craft for just such a reason.

"Hold onto your hats boys!" yelled the captain over the roar of the engines. Bat half crawled half stumbled over to the pole right next to Dark. "This could get hairy!" she said as she barrel rolled away from the missile. Cut was thrown into the side of the ship as he clung to a hand rail. The wing just barely missed the hostile explosive formerly hurtling towards them.

"Ok guys you ready to land?" she yelled as the last of the carriers took off and immediately began shooting at the enemy aliens.

"BRING IT!" Screamed Bat as the craft began to descend. Team ECHO jumped off the HP-95 before it even landed plunging them four feet to the ground. The three rolled once and immediately ran to the nearest rock and pressed their backs to it and began to shoot at all aliens within a good hundred meters of the rock that held their lives. That was about the gun's accurate range before the special made anti-Volracht bullets slowed down and wouldn't make a lethal hit.

Chapter 2:We Came We Saw We Kicked Some Ass!

"One less hostile!" Cut bragged as he tore a Volracht's body apart with a well aimed shot to the gut and his pieces fell to the ground. An explosion could be heard somewhere off in the distance as Bat opened a com link with his flank of the soldiers and said:

"I want teams seven through ten to follow me! Look at my nav. point to find my location we are going to flank the Volrachts from the small patches of forest to the right of their position. That should be a good vantage point to let the remaining troops to advance on them." "Cut and Dark i need you to lead the rest of the soldiers for me okay? while you guys hold the fort i might have a surprise for you."

"You got it sir!" came Cut's voice out of the sound of a friendly rocket being launched.

"What he said" said Dark less than a second later

"Let's move out!" called Bat into the small headset at his right ear. Not long after there was a small swarm of soldiers making it's way to the rock team ECHO had hid behind. As Bat made his way across small patches of clearing with his small army of soldiers towards the forest he stopped to make sure none of his soldiers were downed then sprinted to the nearest tree. The trees around this part are about twice the size of a normal soldier giving the newly arrived marines perfect cover against enemy gun fire.

It wasn't until the last of the marines had taken cover behind the many trees that Bat realized the Volracht had had the same idea on flanking them. Only a few hundred meters away he saw advancing Volracht forces weaving through the trees and then stopping to see if they were spotted and then started to run again. Clearly they were going to overwhelm our position if I hadn't tried to flank them first Bat thought to himself. "Ok men we have advancing forces dead ahead of us now lets go kick some ass!"

"This is Admiral Pettway call sign: Wolf permission to engage sir?"

"Don't shoot until you see the white of their eyes!" Bat called back "or actually more like whatever color their eyes are." "Just shoot on my command all right?!"

"Sir yes sir!" the soldiers responded.

Bat was waiting until the enemies got within range of the front most soldiers to call an all out assault and when that moment came all hell broke loose as all the soldiers in the forest jumped out from the cover of their trees and shot ballisticly at the enemy position. Immediately half of the small force of Volracht was killed. "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" yelled Bat as he tossed a grenade right next to a tree. The explosion killed a few Volracht who didn’t see it and the splinters from the tree impaled about two of the giant aliens. As the last four aliens were easily killed off and the forest was cleared the small squad moved freely assembling heavy gun turrets and a few sniper positions farther back.

"Sir this is wolf again calling to report an advancing Volracht force closing in on the rest of the Squad we might need you up here"

"What you think i'm going to miss my own party admiral?" "I'm helping set up the last of the gun turrets and then I can join you in a good pig slaughter."

"That would be great sir" said Wolf in an excited tone. Not long after he finished that sentence Bat was laying down right next to him in the tall grass of the forested area.

"All units attack!" was the last thing anybody heard before the flank of the Volracht lit up with gunfire. As massive chunks of the enemy forces were dropping like flies Bat and Wolf moved up into the large area the enemy used to occupie and used it against them. The allied snipers took out all enemy snipers so long range wasn't a problem and the gun turrets kept the Volracht at bay really nicely. This battle was looking like it was going to be a human victory.

Chapter 3: Great Victory and New ECHO Member

As the humans charged forward and ECHO team met Bat's new friend Wolf they all called in the carriers for a pickup and told captain Belisle there was going to be a new person on board this time around. More carriers were sent for the survivors than actually survived giving the empty carriers time to pick off the last forty or so Volracht too terrified to come out from hiding.

"Great show out there boys! I’m impressed." said the captain as ECHO team boarded the HP-95. "who’s the new guy?"

"Cap'n this here is Wolf. He helped Bat and his squad flank the enemy position giving us the win!" cheered Cut as he strapped himself into the seat closest to the door.

"Damn good show out there team! I'm proud to be your pilot" yelled Belisle unable to control her excitement. "Nice to meet you Wolf" She said as she shook his hand.

"The pleasure is mine" said Wolf right before turning to Bat. "Thanks for all your help out there Bat maybe we might meet again someday."

"That time might be sooner than you think. Hold on a second guys i am going to lie down in my bunk for a while" said Bat walking through the opening to the bunk room.

"Come on man spill it! what happened on your end of the fight" said Cut punching Wolf lightly in the arm.

"Oh yeah i've been dieing to hear that story ever since we knew Bat was leading a small army into the forest" agreed Dark. As Wolf was telling the story in great detail about the ass they had just earlier kicked Bat came back out of the bunk room. "Wow you weren't as tired as we all expected you to be." said Bat after he took a seat and added a few details to the story.

"I didn't go in there to rest like I said I was." said Bat not taking his eyes off of Wolf.

"Why did you go in there then?" asked Cut before anyone could say anything.

"I was checking with Colonel Ranns to see if we could add Wolf to team ECHO" said Bat still not taking his gaze off of Wolf. "What do you say guys should we let him in!?"

"Well what did the colonel Ranns say about this whole thing?" asked Dark patting Wolf on the back.

"He said it is all up to us and Wolf!" Said Bat getting more excited as his friends seemed to like him as much as he does.

"Hell a friend of yours is a friend of mine Batty!" yelled Cut shaking Wolf's hand.

"Sure he seems like a good guy" said Dark as he finished patting Wolf's back.

"Well i'll be damned it's all up to you partner!" said Bat getting a little over excited as his new friend stood up out of his chair and walked over to Bat.

"Admiral Wolf of team ECHO reporting for duty SIR!" said Wolf as he saluted Bat.

"Welcome to team ECHO Wolf i just know this team will only got better now having you at our side" said Bat as Wolf finished his salute. A faint clapping could be heard coming from down the hallway to the front of the craft. "I forgot you were over there cap'n!" laughed Bat as Cut and Dark joined in the round of applause.

"It's not often i get that line" laughed captain Belisle back at him. "we are almost at the AV so wrap up any congratulations or whatever you haven’t said yet."

"We should go down and get your paper work as soon as possible when we get to H.Q. okay?" said Bat as the AV came into view from the side of the HP-95.

"I agree sir" Said Wolf feeling like he had just won the lottery. I am now going to make a difference in this war he thought. Now i can finally feel important not just another of the crowd doing nothing more than the next guy. Now i am a hero he thought as a grin the size of half the moon appeared on his face

"You seem excited" "I don’t think I recall ever getting your name." said bat as they pulled into the AV so low to the ground he was surprised that the bottom didn't scrape.

"The name's Gary" he said grunting as they all jumped off the craft before it landed. Jumping off was against the rules but it has become a tradition for ECHO. As Wolf landed he knew it would take a long time to get used to.

Chapter 4: Welcome Home

As ECHO team jumped off the ship and recovered from their fall of about 4 feet they looked around and as usual there was nobody there to congratulate them or anything. "What's going on?" asked Wolf.

"Our missions are kept classified by the coalition" said Dark grimly. Wolf looked over his shoulder and saw Bat in a half disappointed half pout walk as he crossed the hanger.

"But wouldn't that-"

"It doesn't matter" said Bat interrupting Wolf's sentence "I've already tried it. It won't work." They all walked over to the one of the many exits of the AV and as the door hissed open.

"SURPRISE!" yelled a huge group of people in the main room of H.Q. with a banner that said welcome to ECHO team Gary and a few others that said well played and nice victory!

"Batty! over here!" yelled a voice from the back of the crowd as an arm was waving above someone’s head. "It's colonel Ranns! get over here!" said the same voice over the crowd and partying. Wolf and Bat made their way through the crowd and over to the arm of the colonel.

"Hello colonel" said Bat and Wolf as they got to the back of the crowd.

"I thought about what you said the other day and i asked the coalition members if we could make the SMO's missions public and they agreed." said colonel Ranns.

"Nice to know" said Bat as he looked around the room. "They really seem excited"

"I'll say" said Wolf as he copied Bat for a second.

"Back to business colonel" said Bat focusing his attention his attention on him "We are going to need our new member's paper work and for his new uniform."

"Speaking of your suits" said the colonel "We have an upgrade for you guys!"

"WHAT KIND OF UPGRADE!?" said Wolf excitedly

"It's a stealth mode. I don't know how it works or any of the technology in it but i do know that it is a new color setting in your suits. The new color will be downloaded into your suits mainframe at your next mission briefing." said the colonel "Well let's get that paperwork done shall we?"

"Yes sir" Bat and Wolf said following Ranns down the corridor that leads to the exit of the party.

"Here you go" the colonel said handing Wolf the few papers he needed to fill out.

"Thanks sir" Wolf said as he left the room and the door hissed shut with Bat right behind him.

Chapter 5: The Call to End the War Once and for All

"Finally!" Wolf yelled leaning up out of his bunk grazing the top of his head on the bottom of Dark's bunk.

"Damn man! you scared the hell out of me!" said Bat as he jumped out of his bunk in a fight ready position. In the dim o the light he finally got a look at his new friend Gary. He had a dark comp lection unlike the rest of the team. Gary also had a half inch high black afro and he wasn't the tallest people in the army but like Cut he just had the strength inside him. To Bat Gary seemed a lot smarter than him making him feel great knowing that someone was there to help him not make mistakes.

"OH GOD!" THUD! "OW!" was all that could be heard a little ways away from where the light ended in the spacious room.

"Cut get of the floor and get in your bunk" Bat heard Dark say in the darkness too.

"Sorry guys I hate paperwork and I guess I’m happy I don't have to do anymore" said Wolf a little embarrassed from the bunk at the foot of Bat's. "Why are you the only person here that sleeps on the top bunk of he’s rooms anyway?" asked Wolf as Cut climbed back up the ladder.

"I'm surprised you guys don't" said Cut nestling back into his bunk. Just then they heard a strange beeping noise.

"A MISSION!? AT THIS HOUR!? I swear the colonel will have me up in his face for a week!" yelled Bat as he rolled over onto the floor lying there not even bothering to get up. "Suit up guys." Bat said reluctantly.

"Maybe if we are really quiet it will go away" said Cut as he again rolled off of his top bunk with a THUMP "OW!"

"Doesn't that hurt?" asked Wolf as Cut stood up as if nothing happened.

"No I think it's just so much fun" said Cut sarcastically. When they all had woken up a little bit and slipped into their SMO suits they all walked into the mission briefing room as all the wires appeared simultaneously an bolted into the plug in the front of the suit.


"Okay?" "I guess this is going to be a big mission" said Bat the team didn't move but just looked at each other with the same thing on their minds. This could be the end of the human race. As they entered the lobby they saw what easily could have been the entire fourth national army. On top of a stage stood a speakers desk at which Colonel Ranns was standing.

"The time has come for the human race to put it's foot down!" yelled the colonel waving his fist in the air "I have received orders from the Coalition to take the war for ourselves. We are to attack the Volracht menace where they live!" "You all are going to be escorted into battle by the Stealth Missions Operators and are required to kill all of those ugly bastards along with their main base in two days!" "I have the utmost confidence in all of you to win this momentous battle and bring the Volracht to their knees right before you take a point blank shot into their face!" the huge room filled with almost two million soldiers erupted into applause and cheers making most people clasp their hands to their ears.

Chapter 6: Two Days Left

"This is big guys" said Cut as they all stood in the doorway of their room unable to move another inch.

"I can't believe it" said Wolf in awe. Bat and Dark just stood there staring at the back of the room thinking about how they were going to win this war in one battle and what if they lost.

"Hellooo?" said Cut waving his hand in font of Bat's face snapping him out of his trance-like thoughts.

"What are we supposed to do?" said Bat not to anyone but to throw the question out into the open.

"We take the troops, we fly on over there, and we kick some ass!" said Wolf jumping on the question.

"And if we get our own handed to us?" said Dark finally joining the conversation.

"Then we take them back and club a couple Volracht with them!" said Cut who seemed almost unphased by the task at hand now.

"And that’s when one of those giant hands of the Volracht grab you by the head and-!" said Wolf as he abruptly stopped and clapped his hands together loudly making everyone jump as Cut fell to the ground laughing at how Bat had jumped and smacked his head on the side of a top bunk.

"Okay fine you got me!" yelled Bat as he rubbed his hand on the side of his head. "Let's just get to bed it's three in the morning and we are going to have the biggest day of our lives in a couple of days."

"By a show of hands who slept last night!" yelled Wolf as the morning bell rung which seemed to be louder now. No one raised their hands but nobody could see Cut because he preferred to be on the top bunks of any bed at least six of the ten rows away from the door for a reason nobody cared for."At least i wasn't the only one" he said as he sat up, rubbed his eyes, and looked around the dimly lit room.

"The big day is the day after tomorrow is everyone ready?" asked Bat wondering if he could guess what Cut and Wolf's response would be.

"The fall of the Volracht is the day after tomorrow is everyone ready?" said Cut mocking Bat from his bunk a little ways away. Bat let out a chuckle as he had guessed what Cut would say perfectly. Let's just see what Wolf will say he thought to himself. He looked at Wolf expectantly but Wolf remained silent. A looked of disappointment flashed across Bat's face for a fraction of a second because he had guessed wrong about Wolf's reaction.

"I think im going to check with the colonel about this whole ending the war thing it seems rather fishy to attack headlong right after a big battle and try to end the war." said Bat as he started walking away "no body is coming with me so don't even ask. Bye guys i'll be back later"

Chapter 7: Change In Plans

As Bat was walking down one of the many corridors his fatigue caught up with him causing him to lean on the wall for a second but he quickly realized what he was doing and reluctantly walked onward. As he was walking Bat noticed that the people he walked past didn't seem to see him. But being as tired as he was he didn't suspect anything. FINALLY! Bat thought as he saw the colonel's room down the short hallway. The door hissed open and he walked through as the colonel yelled something into a phone.

"Yes yes I know I will get the SMO's right on that." he heard the colonel say from about four meters away from his face. The colonel didn't seem to see him either. What is going on! he thought as he looked at the ground to think. It was just then that he realized he must have turned on the cloak the colonel was talking about earlier. Oh great i'm SPYING on the Grand Marshal of the fourth national army! Bat started to get angry as he finished that thought. ”Okay! yes the SMO's are the finest you've ever seen! they can take any job you throw at them it's amazing!" colonel Ranns said into the small earpiece. Those words of praise made Bat feel a lot better as he waited for him to say more to whoever he was talking to. "Okay i need the exact location of the attack, the time, and if they are headed for Athol." "Okay I will get the team in here once you tell me about what these new invaders are like." That sentence made Bat take an invisible step back. New invaders means unknown weapons and unknown intelligence. Could these knew aliens be smarter than us? These thoughts brought his disappearing anger to a whole new level. "Okay i think i have all the intel. I need now i will bring ECHO in now bye" finished the colonel as he hung up the phone.

"What is going on here!" said Bat as he undid his cloaking and stood there staring at the colonel as he looked like he might have a heart attack. "What is this new threat!" "TELL ME!" he yelled as he ran at the desk and grabbed the colonel by the neck.

"How long were you there!" the colonel managed to stutter.

"Long enough!" Bat yelled as he stated squeezing the air out of the colonel's body.

"Okay fine yesterday we lost connection with a satellite on the east side of Athol" said the colonel as Bat relaxed his grip on his neck "We just received confirmation that it was an attack on us but the Volracht don't have the intellect for space travel let alone a cannon that could knock them out of commission. "I have been ordered to send the force you were supposed to end the Volracht with and send it into space and deal with the new threat. I am to hold the base while you are gone."

"Sounds fair" said Bat as he dropped the colonel back into his chair. "When do we depart?"

"Later today so I expect you will be prepared" the colonel said as he pushed a button on his desk. "SMO's you've got a mission! report to the briefing room."

"I guess i'll be seeing you later then" said Bat as he walked out the door. Of course Bat got to the Briefing room first and as always that creepy wire appeared out of the console and shot into the plug in the front of the suit.






Well isn't that surprising? Bat thought to himself as the rest of the team arrived in the room. "No need to do the briefing I can explain on the way to the AV."

"What's going on Batty? you seem pretty messed up" said Cut looking at him strangely. It was then that Bat realized his hair was messed up and the bags under his eyes looked like they would all off his face in a minute

"I just need some rest is that okay with you?" said Bat agitated that they were worried for him.

"I guess so." said Dark from the back of the four person crowd.

"Let's just go." said Bat walking around everyone. The rest of the team followed close behind.

"You forgot to tell us what the mission is Bat" said Wolf when they were halfway to the AV. Bat started to explain what he had heard, seen, and done with the colonel in his office with the attacks. After he was finished nobody knew what to say anymore.

"Here we are" said Bat when the door made it's familiar hissing noise as it opened. The AV looked almost alien with all of the new equipment being loaded and unloaded.

"What took you!" Came captain Belisle's voice from behind them. "I've been waiting for so long i thought you guys got lost."

"Get lost? US!? Impossible!." said Cut before he even turned around to look at her.

"Are you going to be our pilot in our space mission?" asked Bat as he almost ell over trying to turn around.

"Of course! all pilots have to take a mandatory space training course for just such an occasion" she said getting excited about the mission.

"Well that's a relief!" Said Dark remembering the missile they had evaded a few days ago and how he started to trust her skills a lot more since then. "Are we going to take the good old HP-95 into space too or is it not equipped with the anti-vacuum of space deal"

"Sadly we are not" she said drooping her head low "The HP-95 is as you said not equipped for space travel."

"That's a shame" Bat said "Were is our new craft now?"

"Over there" she said as she pointed to a ship that looked oddly like something out of a star-wars movie. It had a gun turret on the top instead of the traditional bottom and it had a disk on top of the huge oval-shaped body which looked like it didn’t do anything besides have a turret on it.

"Wow that's going to take some getting used to" Wolf said as he stared at the craft. "The thing has to be at least two times bigger than the HP-95!"

"The ship's name is Ghost" Captain Belisle said with a grin. "I personally like the HP-95 better but this spacious craft can get almost any job done."

"Why is it called Ghost?" asked Bat as he started to walk towards it.

"It got it's name because that disk on the top is not only a defensive turret." "It is a cloaking mechanism using the same technology your suits use!"

"So now we can flip a switch and not be seen?" Said Cut as he heard the news.

"We can't be seen from above." corrected the captain." It only projects what is under the craft on a big screen on top of the disk so it has the illusion of not being there."

"And that's how our suits work?" said Dark.

"That's how your suits work" said the captain.

"Well what are we waiting for lets get in there and look around!" Said Bat as he opened the door of the Ghost and jumped inside. The others that were unaware of his absence started to jog over to were Bat had disappeared. Inside the craft the ship had blinking lights, cords, and switches all over the walls and ceiling.

"Welcome to where i spend my time boys the cock-pit of the ships!" the captain said when she realized her friends thought it was where they were supposed to stay. "The main room is through that door." She said pointing at one of the two doors. Team ECHO ran through the door to see Bat collapsed in one of the many chairs already stone cold sleeping.

"Wow he was REALLY tired" laughed Cut as he got in the seat in front of Bat. "Let's get out of here shall we?!"

"We can't yet we have to wait until we get orders to launch from colonel Ranns.

"That makes sense" said Dark taking the middle seat of the last row. "You mean to tell me that this thing doesn't even have a bunk room?"

"Of course it doesn't!" "You each have your own rooms not one smelly big room." said the captain as she pointed at the doors behind them.

"SWEET!" The team yelled as they each ran for the doors.

"Wait!" captain Belisle said after them "what about Batty?"

"If you want to keep all of your limbs you'll just let him sleep" said Wolf as he pulled his arm into his under-shirt "See what he did to my arm!?" When everyone had finished laughing at that joke and everyone was sleeping in their rooms the ship gave a small shudder as it took off and rocketed off into the distance out of the AV hanger.

Chapter 8: A whole New Ball Game

"Wake up sleeping beauties!" "We are incoming on the enemy ship!" Called the captain over the intercom.

"WHAT! ALREADY!?" Bat's voice could be heard clearly throughout the giant craft.

"They engaged us about thirty minutes ago i have the cloak on so we are safe for now." she said back over the intercom. "Suit up and move out team!"

"I fell asleep in my suit so I’m ready" he said to himself. The rest of ECHO team walked out of there cabins and walked over to the boarding hold that looked more like one of the bunk rooms back at the base.

"We are now inside their hanger! Hold on boys! "Over her yells you could hear alarms blaring yelling in some alien language that sounded like a cross between Greek and Japanese. Then the gunfire started ZANG! THUNK! ZING! resounded through the chamber they all were in as the bullets bounced off of the armored space ship. "Oh grand marshal these things look creepy!" the captain said over the intercom. "there looks like a wall you could use as cover a few meters to your left now go give them hell!" the wall of the chamber opened up leaving the floor of the chamber about four feet above the ground which was sort of an ECHO team tradition to jump off before the ship landed to surprise the enemy.

Off they went as the team jumped off the craft, rolled once on the ground, recovered, and ran franticly for the wall to their left. They went behind it and when they heard the engines of Belisles ship roar off they knew it was time to attack.

"FIRE AT WILL TEAM!!" screamed Bat over the gunfire that couldn't seem to break the wall.

"I brought along a little present for these guys!" yelled Dark from along the side of the wall. "HAHA lookout!" he yelled as the "woosh!" of Dark's rocket launching shot off into the distance.

"Dark that's not fair!" "How are they to even hope to win if you have your hands on a rocket launcher!?" yelled Cut over to Dark.

"Who cares!" he yelled back at Cut.

"I know i don't!" yelled Cut back to him.

"Hey Wolf let's pull our old tactic out of our sleeve shall we" said Bat as another rocket shot off into nowhere.

"I'd be honored Sir!" Wolf yelled back. "Let's get to it"

"We already know what to do" Said Dark as he loaded another rocket into the launcher and turned around to launch it. Bat and Wolf looked around to see if there were any aliens that were focused on them and took a hail marry dash towards a small vehicle-like hovercraft that resembled a fork lift. Bat jumped behind it but Wolf being small enough got on his stomach and just rolled over four times to get to the other side of the thing.

Bat looked at Wolf and Wolf just nodded his head and said. "I got shotgun!" as Bat lurched into the driver seat and started the thing with the press of a green glowing button. Wolf pulled out his machine gun and gave Bat some cover fire while he figured out the controls.

The craft lunged forward with it's two passengers in it and barreled down towards the aliens. Finally the duo got a good look at these menacing creatures. They had brown wood-like skin, red glowing eyes, long hook clawed arms, were only five feet tall, and their feet had three toes in the front and one in the back for balance. The strange thing is they didn't carry their guns the weapons seemed to just levitate in the air and shoot when the controller opened its eyes. Even the guns looked strange it was just a four meter by six meter flat rectangle with a gun barrel on it but those guns didn't seem to be that powerful for they just bounced off metal surfaces. "YEE HAW!" yelled Wolf as his gun rounds just tore through the enemy aliens bodies and they dropped like a rock to the metallic floor of the ship.

"Nice shooting tex!" said Bat continuing with the texan banter. "With shooting like that we could win the war with just you, me, and this creepy go-cart thing."

"I have decided to name it the Cruller!" yelled Wolf as he yet again took out another number of those new aliens.

"Why name it Cruller?" asked Bat as he made a sharp left turn giving Wolf a better shot at another group of aliens.

"It sounds cool doesn't it?" Wolf yelled back as he ducked behind the seat to reload.

"Eh i guess you're right" he said a little more quiet now that Wolf was right next to him. "What the hell is that!" he said pulling the joy-stick steering wheel back to make the vehicle stop. BZZZZZZZWOOOOMPH!!! a giant green bar of light blasted through the back of the Cruller making it flip through the air and crash down next to the edge of the other side of the enemy hanger in pieces and burning wreckage.

Chapter 9: The Other Side of the Fight

"It's just us again Dark" yelled Cut as he shot off a couple rounds at a small group of aliens trying to attack the hover-forklift.

"See if i care!" yelled Dark as he rolled out of his wall he used for cover "This is so much fun!" BOOM! Dark's rocket exploded right next to a console showering some of these foreign aliens in sparks and shrapnel. "Yes! another downed group of enemies."

"What do you think they are going to do with that thing?" asked Cut as he realized Bat had gotten the vehicle moving.

"I'm sure they have a plan" said Dark as he searched his case for another rocket shell. "Damn i'm out of rockets well that ends my fun." he said as he placed his rocket launcher down and picked up his semi-automatic machine gun.

"The end of your fun is the beginning of mine!" yelled Cut as he snatched up the launcher and rolled a rocket out from behind a few boxes.

"You!" said Dark pointing at the rocket in Cut's hands. "You stole and hid my last rocket!"

"Why should you have all the fun?" said Cut when he finished loading the rocket. "Wow!" "What is that?" he said pointing at what looked like a super sized neo-alien which had to be four times the size of a normal one.

"What is it holding!?" Dark said staring at what could have been the size of a tank cannon with an enlarged gun barrel.

"Take it out man!" begged Dark from the other side of the wall.

"Don't need to tell me twice!" said Cut aiming the rocket launcher at the giant beast. "Die!" he screamed as he pulled the trigger and the rocket flew out of the barrel hurtling at the monster at break-neck speed. The rocket connected with the fifteen foot tall alien's shoulder but it just shrugged it off and continued on it's course. The thing's gun began to glow a bright green and the barrel began to elongate to about twice it's normal length. "Man! there's got to be something in the water here!" said Cut as he watched the super sized monster carry an equally amazing weapon with only what seemed to be it's mind.

"The gun is going to fire and look were it's aimed at!" said Dark pointing at the hover-craft. When he finished saying that sentence the gun fired propelling the gun backwards with such recoil the monster had to have been hurt. The beam traveled extremely fast and it struck the back of Bat and Wolf's totaled vehicle sending it flying through the air and smashing down with tremendous force next to the other side of the hanger. "We got to get over there!" Dark said as he sprinted away from the wall and towards the wreckage with Cut not too far behind.

Chapter 10: The Ordinack's truth

"Wake up" came a slurred voice which seemed to be coming from nowhere. "is he Okay?" "Where is Wolf?" "Wake up Batty!" the voice continued.

"What the hell just happened?" groaned Bat as he opened his eyes to see flaming wreckage and the foggy face of Dark crouching over him. "Where am I!"

"We are still in the battle man! get up!". Dark said "we need to get to cover!"

"Let's get out of here!" Bat yelled as he rolled over, got up, and fell over flat on his face. "GOD DAMN IT! My leg!" he looked down at his leg which felt as if a truck just ran over it over and over again. His leg was twisted in a gross disturbing way that made him turn around and throw up.

"I think i forgot to tell you that your leg is broken in five places and you won't be moving anywhere." said Dark as he caught a glimpse of Wolf and Cut running over to their downed team mate.

"Come on guys we got to get him to cover STAT" Dark yelled as the other two got over to Bat's disabled body. Cut and Dark grabbed Bat's shoulders as Wolf grabbed his not so hurt leg and lifted it high enough so the bad leg wouldn't drag on the ground.

"Let's get out of here!" yelled Wolf as he spit out a wad of bloody spit. The three broke into an un-coordinated run to a nearby door. "Okay i can't see straight so i will administer first-aid while you two guard our back and the door."

"Hey look at this" said Cut as he looked down the hallway behind them. "It is a long passage way." "I'm going down to check it out."

"Fine just make sure we aren't ambushed. Okay?" said Wolf as he jammed Bat's leg bones back in place one by one with a sound that made Bat pass out.

"I'm shoving off." said Cut as he made his way down the hallway with his gun at the ready. While he rounded a corner he saw a giant door. What could be behind such a massive door!? Cut thought as he sat down next to the door. He didn't want to even try moving the thing because it was clearly to big for him to move. He sat there for a while and finally decided to try to open the door. He pressed his hand against the door and pushed with all of his strength but just fell over in a dark room on the other side. The door isn't even there? it's just an illusion. I wonder how they do that he thought as he let his eyes adjust to the low light in the room.

"Who is it!?" came an extremely low voice that seemed to echo in the large room. Cut took a step forward toward the source of the voice and said

"My name is Connor"

"What are you doing here!?" came that voice again in the same tone.

"I am sorry but-" Cut got cut off by the presence.

"Are you one of the invaders!?"

"Invaders?" asked Cut.

"Yes the beings who are allied with the Volrachts trying to destroy us!" the thing yelled back.

"I guess so but we are not-" the creature cut him off again.

"Then you are to be destroyed!" as the creature finished the sentence a light just bright enough to light up the room lit up and Cut got to see what this thing looked like. The monster was only just another giant version of the neo-aliens that had to stand a good twenty five feet tall and was just a monstrous creature.

"No no you don't understand! Cut pleaded as the giant thing lumbered towards him.

"I understand completely! you are here to destroy me but i assure you it will not be me who is destroyed!" the thing said as it raised a giant clawed hand to rush Cut and one mighty blow.

"Oh I beg to differ!" yelled a familiar voice from behind Cut.

"Wolf what are you doing here!?" Cut yelled behind him as the beast adjusted it's head to look at the new visitor.

"Dark wanted me to check on you and when I heard this things voice from the other side of the door i wanted to see if you needed any help."

"There are more pests to take care of!?" yelled the monster.

"We are not allied with the Volrachts. We have been at war with them since our landing on Athol." the creature stopped it's charge on Cut and looked at Wolf.

"You have been too?" "Then why are you attacking our ship?!" bellowed the monster.

"A satellite was destroyed and the last thing it sent back was an image of this ship." said Wolf walking towards Cut.

"I-I-I am extremely sorry if you suffered any casualties we thought it was a Volracht ship sending data back to their base." said the creature as it crouched down to get a better look at the duo.

"No casualties and what might you're name be?" said Wolf as he helped Cut get back on his feet.

"My name is Irion and i am of the Ordinack race." said Irion. "I am grateful that there were no deaths and i am now wondering if we could be allies to destroy the Volracht menace." "Shall we?"

"Only if you call off you're attack on my friends we are only two of the four in our squad." said Wolf.

"It has already been done" said Irion as he blinked slowly.

Wolf opened a com link between the rest of ECHO team "I order everyone to stand down i repeat do not shoot at any of the creatures. I will explain later. Dark if you can get Bat down her that would be a big help.

"So let me get this straight you hate the Volracht too?" said Wolf as he closed the com link.

"Yes we had fought the alien menace many years ago. They chased us off the planet and we vowed revenge." Irion said as he adjusted his sitting position.

"Okay so about our alliance" Cut said, holding out his hand "Can we be friends and take down the Volracht together?"

"By the order of the Ordinack i accept your alliance and would want no more than to have us aid in your destruction of the Volracht." said Irion bowing his head low. "What is your command?"

(book three being made currently)
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