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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1234544
An adventure of a girl facing the odds
Chapter one

A Lords youngest daughter was riding a pure breed black stallion called Shadow. Sitting side-saddle, with a straight back the girl rode through the forest with her personal guards a discreet distance behind her. She enjoyed these outings because she got a chance to see the forest, and get away from her family. Looking up she saw some birds nesting in a tree she smiled. All around her were the sounds of the forest, from the songs of the birds, to the scampering of animals in the under growth. One of the guards suddenly rode past her and forced her to stop.
"My lady Andrea, we can go no further, it is dangerous to go deep into these woods." Said the man with the badge of a Captain on a grey mare. The man was small with dark brown hair, and the plain tanned look of a man who has seen to many years in the saddle with his weather beaten face.
"I have my guards to protect me, what harm could possibly befall me?"
"Any and all my lady, these woods are dangerous."
"As you wish" stated Andrea "is there a meadow with water near so we may rest?"
“Yes my lady would you please follow me.” He turned his mount around and headed back the way they came. With one more look the way she wanted to go, Andrea followed suite and turned Shadow to follow her guard. With a second one falling in behind her.
It was noon when they arrived at the meadow. Sighing Andrea slid off Shadow not waiting for her guards to dismount and help her. She gave Shadow a pat on the nose to thank him then started unpacking the food she thought to bring. Andrea smiled in remembrance of the fuss she had coursed walking into the kitchen. The workers stoped doing their own tasks to stair at her blankly as she walked over to a very upset cook. Shadow snorted bringing Andrea back to the present. Pulling out the rug from the saddlebag Andrea placed it under a tree and set the food upon it.
As Andrea set up lunch the guard seeing no danger here dismounted and set the horse to graze. They walked over to Andrea a little unsure of what to do. She smiled up at them and nodded to the ground. “Please come sit and dine with me.” Picking up some meat with delicate fingers Andrea started eating gesturing for the guards to do the same.
Not wanting to offend the Lady they started eating, the younger of the guards eating as much as he could trying not to offend the lady. Andrea smiled and turned to the older guard "May I have your name sir?"
"It is Fredrick my Lady."
"And yours young man?" She asked smiling at him as he stared at her mouth agape.
"His mute my Lady, but his name is Tanos. First born son of the blacksmith." The Sanders were the only blacksmiths in town so Andrea knew whom he was talking about.
"Oh you poor man." She said as Tanos shook his brown head, and smiled at her with his big brown eyes.
"I would not call him a man just yet my Lady as he is the same age as you. Meaning no offence of corse”
"Oh so you’re sixteen Tanos?" A nod "well if I may say so sixteen is a good age to be." Tanos smiled at Andrea then continued to eat "your father must care for you then to place you in the Guards." Another nod "Well I for one am glad to see someone my own age for a change... It is lonely..."
"My lady we must get going" said Fredrick standing up "it is getting late and your parents will be worried for your safety if we don't return you home soon."
Andrea sighed and stood up "if we must" before she could clean up Tanos had already packed the rug away, as there was no food left. Andrea went to mount Shadow, as the captain stepped forward to help and Shadow bit the air just in front of his face. Andrea climbed into the saddle and said to the startled looking man "I am sorry, but Shadow won’t let anyone near but me, my apologies, I should have warned you."
The captain said nothing as he turned and mounted his horse. He took the front and automatically Tanos rode behind Andrea. Heading down the path Tanos stoped and looed behind them, Andrea noticing him halted Shadow. Then she heard something that sent her stomach plummeting to her riding boots. A menacing growl from the undergrowth sounded sending the hairs on the back of the neck to rise.
Suddenly A pack of wolves jumped out from the concealment Startling Andrea into a scream, Tanos and Fredrick drew their blades and started to fend off the wolves. A man came out of nowhere and joined the fray Andrea at Fredrick shouts to get to safety turned Shadows head towards home. Andrea got past the snapping and growling wolves and was just about to leave the forest when the man appeared out of nowhere and blocked her path.
"Stand and fight!" He ordered Andrea and the man dismounted and Andrea seeing a second sword on the man pulled it from its sheaf. The wolves closed the distance between themselves and her, As one made to rip her throat out Andrea ran it through and pulled the sword out of the carcass. More wolves seemed to be joining the pack, in all the confusion Andrea thought of nothing but her own safety. She stabbed sliced and hacked at the animals one after the other until there were none left to be fought.
Panting heavily She looked up at the man noticing his blue eyes and blond hair. He grabbed the sword from her and cleaned it on a dead wolf near by. He was well built, with strong looking shoulders. He turned back to her.
“My, that is thirsty work. Shall we go and par-take in a drink?” Confused again Andrea walked over to Shadow the man following. “My lady, are you ok?”
"What would you like in return for helping us sir?"
"Drink, as I said a little food perhaps and a warm bed is all I require."
“My lady Andrea” the captain's voice called “I need to speak with you.”
Andrea walked over to Fredrick and noticed Tanos lying face down not moving. Shacking Andrea made her way over to him, not heading Fredrick when he told her to stop, she rolled him over to find his throat and been ripped out Screaming she backed away. The stranger gently grabbed her elbow and guided her to Shadow. Fredrick pulled out the rug that they had used that afternoon and wrapped it around the boy and gently lifted him and placed him across the saddle grabbing the rains he led the horse over to his own mount. Once in his saddle he headed for the town, forgetting his own injuries and often looking back at Andrea.
Just at the town gates they opened, it seemed that her parents were worried and sent out the entire guard to find her. Entering the town Andrea looked around her for what felt like the first time in years. The path they were on led to the huge doors that was her home, the other path led to the proper town where she could see the markets for fruits and vegetables on the left and the shops on the right. Andrea looked at the ground on the path leading home. Healing herbs grew in abundance on the right and the castles own vegetables on the left. Here and there were patches of flowers in neat little circles of every kind her mother could get her hands on.
Andrea reached the doors and waited for a guard to help her dismount Shadow trying to bite him as he did so. After the stable boy had taken the rains she looked up feeling eyes on her. It seemed everyone was looking at her. Wondering what they were staring so rudely at she looked down at herself and nearly fainted. She was covered in blood, mostly wolves but some of Tanos's.
Andrea put her head up high even though she was feeling ill and led all the men into the castle. Knowing her father would still be dining she made her way there looking at the richly decorated hallways. Pushing open the Dining hall doors Andrea made the way to her father, a deep silence following her. Reaching the high table Andrea curtsied to her father, he glanced at her the half way through a gesture of dismissal he stopped and looked at her again his mouth opening and closing but no sound came out. Finally he managed "What happened to you girl? Look at you! What have you done?"
Andrea told the story of what happened in the woods her father’s face growing more and more pale as she spoke. After Andrea had finished the walked over to the stranger and clasped his forearm "Thank you for helping my daughter, What is your name stranger, and what would you like in return?"
Andrea looked at her father he was not the most attractive man that she had seen but had inner strength that most men would kill for. When he spoke everyone listened to him. His grey hair trimmed neatly just above his ears, and his facial hair was never allowed to grow too long.
I am Benjamin, my Lord." He said clasping the arm offered "All I would like is some food drink and a bed my lord."
"Welcome to my hall Benjamin, I am Lord Winter, I pray thee sit, eat and drink. Your bed will be ready shortly." He nodded to one of the servants who rushed out of the hall.
"If you will excuse me father, Sir Benjamin, I am in sore need of a bath and sleep"
"Yes" replied her father "I will send someone up to help you and bring you food and a little wine."
Andrea curtsied again thanking him and left the hall. Once outside and the hall doors closed she leaned back against them. Seeing servant hurry towards her Andrea straightened and stepped away from the door. The servant silently led the way down the halls filled with odds and ends. Paintings of people Andrea had never heard of, tapestries so old they were fraying. Andrea was led up the winding staircase reaching the second landing she was led off to the left. Passing two closed doors Andrea stopped out the front of her door and dismissed the servant
Walking into the room Andrea smelt the sweet aroma of food and the welcoming warmth of the fire. Looking around the room she glimpsed steam coming from behind a screen. Looking down at herself Andrea wrinkled her nose, seeing all the blood and grime all over her. Stripping down she stepped into the tub, leaving her clothes where they fell. Sighing as the warm water flowed over her aching body, Andrea felt herself start to relax.
“My lady” said a soft voice “I am here to help with your bath.”
Andrea not wanting to cause a fuss sat up and allowed the girl to preform her duties. Willing her to hurry. Andrea having enough stood up and reached for a towel. Wrapping it around her she turned to the girl
“Thank you, that will be all” as the girl left her room Andrea quickly got into her nightclothes and made her way to the tray that was sitting on the little table. Sitting down and pulling the chair closer to the table. Lifting the lid off the try, Andrea’s mouth started watering. Big slices of meat and vegetables, all that Andrea knew she would eat everything that was on the platter and enjoy every bite of it. Sighing her appetite satiated and feeling drowsy Andrea stumbled to her bed and collapsed onto it. Snuggling under the covers she fell asleep in moments.
The door slammed open and brought Andrea fully awake, hearing the birds outside she realised it was morning. Andrea looked at the door and saw the woman she would become, standing in the doorway looking slightly out of breath was her mother Victoria. With her long brown hair, blue eyes with little wrinkles ant the sides, a straight but small nose and full lips. Andrea looked a younger vision of the woman before her.
Rushing out of the bed Andrea cried “Mother! Oh mother.”
“Andrea my daughter, I was told what had happened.”
“Mother, it was horrible! I was so scared” Andrea rushed into her mothers open arms sobbing “What were they, and it seemed like they were after me, but why?”
“Are you sure Andrea? Could you be mistaken?” Victoria asked
“Mother, the wolves were not from around here.” Andrea pulled away
“Whatever do you mean Andrea?” She asked watching her daughter start pacing the room. “Please tell me.”
“They were smaller then the ones we have here mother,” Andrea quickened her pace thinking “also their coats were different. A darker gray.”
While Andrea spoke Victoria’s hands had risen to cover her mouth. Bringing them down Victoria walked over to the chair Andrea sat on the nigh before and sat down folding her hands into her lap. Looking heartbroken she sighed “Andrea, it is time I told you about the other half of your family.” She looked up at her daughter standing still in the center of the room. “Your uncle, my brother is Lord Andrews.”
“Lord... Mother you are playing a very nasty and rude joke on me.” Stated Andrea her nose in the air. “I am not amused mother.”
“Andrea! I am not telling you some joke or making this up. Your father and I were in a meeting with our families when we first met. I fell in love with him at first sight, so as an act of peace my family get your father woo me.” Victoria sighed “He may think you and your siblings want his throne.”
“But mother! That is not true! Zac told me all he wants to do is look after fathers’ land and get married. He has no wish to grow larger.” Andrea stated coming to her brother Zachary’s defance.
“What of you and your sisters?” Victoria queried “what is your wish?”
“Well...” Andrea was thinking back to the late night talks that she once had with her sisters “they want to be married also, so that they can have a nice handsome man.”
“And you Andrea, what do you want?”
Andrea had to think about that. She made her way slowly to the bed thinking. Spinning around she stated “I want to go places mother, have some fun! I don’t want to be stuck in a loveless marriage.”
“Andrea please calm yourself.” Victoria told her daughter looking shocked “You are a lords daughter, act like one Andrea or I shall tell your father.”

Andrea looked back at her mother, shocked and confused. She didn’t think she had stepped out of line with what she had said. Seeing her mothers eyes dart to the door Andrea bowed her head “Yes mother, I am sorry. It shall not happen again.”
“Good” she looked at the door “how can I help you young man?”
“My ladies,” a boy stepped in and bowed “the young lord grows worse.”
Andrea’s eyes grew large, as the boy bowed his way out the only young lord here was Zac... Andrea looked at her mother “Get dressed quickly your skills will be needed.”
Getting dressed quickly in a plain blue dress that Zac had bought her Andrea thought about her skills, she knew how to sow as her sisters but the one thing she knew that no one but her mother knew about was herb lore. There was an outbreak of some a plague a few years’ back and Andrea snuck into see the doctor to see if she could help. Not wanting to refuse a lady and needing more helpers then what he had, the doctor agreed and taught her all her knew. Andrea had proved to be a good student remembering everything he taught her, and learning how to adapt what she had learnt to new circumstances, now the doctor came to her.
On one of the night Andrea had snuck out her mother had followed her worried for her daughters safety. Seeing what She was doing Victoria apparently went about her busyness as if nothing happened, Until now.
Fully dressed now Andrea knelt next to her bed and reached under pilling out her basket, most people who looked at it would think it was her sowing things but they were in her chest at the end of her bed. Straightening up Andrea looked at her mother and nodded Victoria walked out the door with Andrea close behind and led the way to the steps. Taking them a quickly as ladies could without worrying anyone they happened upon reaching the top story in this wing they opened the first door on the right and Andrea stopped. Standing over Zac was someone that called them self a healer Andrea advanced on him.
“Get out” she ordered through clenched teeth “get out now you are not welcome here.”
The man took a step back “I am trying-”
“Get out or lord help you I will hurt you.”
The man ran out of the room and Andrea stepped forward. Something had been burnt in the fireplace and the room stunk. She stepped over the bag that was left in the center of the room and opened the window, letting the fresh air into the stuffy and smelly room. She walked to the door that led into Zac’s bedroom and knocked, a low moan answered her knock and Andrea opened the door. Andrea marched to the bed and looked down at her brother. He was sweating and a stench hug in the air around him. Gesturing to A servant lingering in the doorway “Get me some fresh water and some food for both him and myself” She stated and the girl rush from the room “Mother I would like to be alone with him.” Victoria nodded and left the room to sit in the parlour. Andrea looked at her brother his brown hair was plastered to his head he had dark shadows under his eyes. How long had he been like this, yesterday he was fine walking around happy making jokes with the guards. Andrea pulled down this bed covers and was shocked to see his once full frame now was just skin and bones.
The servant entered the room and placed the food on the little table, giving a quick curtsy she left the room again. Andrea felt her brothers pulse, his hart was beating weakly and the skin felt clammy under her fingers. She looked him over for any new markings finding none Andrea looked at him confused. Suddenly Zac sat up and started vomiting. Feeling the need to get this out of his system Andrea grabbed a bucket and put it in front of him. Then quickly moving behind him she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled her arms tight around him, making him vomit some more. He collapsed against her and franticly she felt around for his pulse. Breathing a sigh if relief as she felt it against her fingers it was growing stronger with each passing moment. Calling out for a servant Andrea handed him the bucket and told the man to take it straight to the doctor in the village and to make haste and stop for no one.
© Copyright 2007 Princess Wolf (pen-pen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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