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Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Drama · #1234187
If you had a short time to express your love to someone what would you say?
         What would you say? (Tentative title)                              Michael S. McCullough


         The story begins after the vehicle in which both Renee and Sean are traveling in tumbles down the side of a ravine from a blown tire. The plays action occurs in the mangled wreck of the car among the woods at the bottom of the ravine.

         A gentle but cold, blue light slowly begins to fade in from behind the silhouette of trees upstage. From stage right come the sounds of leaves and twigs snapping in a rhythmic fashion. The stage lights slowly bathe four chairs positioned center stage with the front, left chair occupied by the contorted figure of a man. To his immediate stage right lies an empty chair, and behind him sit the other two chairs; one leaning onto the other.
         The man sits calmly looking forward into the distance in contemplation. Blood, dirt, and bruises are painfully evident.

Renee          (Enter stage right limping, bruised and cut, one earing dangling from the right ear lobe, she calls out with trepidation) Sean? Sean?

Sean          Yeah. I’m ok.

         (Renee struggles with the invisible door as she proceeds to enter the vehicle)
Renee          (with agitation and sorrow) I still wasn’t able to get any reception on the road. I was thinking though that maybe I could start walking back towards town? You never know. A car may drive by, and I could get a lift or....maybe they know someone in the area that can get us some help?

Sean          (Calmly) It’s close to 2 in the morning Renee. I really doubt anyone will be out at this time of night, plus the town is 20 miles back. Even if you did make it back to town, it would be close to noon.

Renee          (rubs her face ) I know...I know, but we can’t just sit here and wait Sean.

Sean          (small giggle) Not much else I can do now is there?

Renee          This isn’t the time to be joking Sean

Sean          I just figured that...

Renee          (frustrated and angry) Why do you always do this? Are you capable of being serious for once? When are you going to grow up? Huh?

Sean          (looks away from her with lowered head) I’m sorry.

Renee          Sorry isn’t going to cut it Sean. It’s because of this bullshit that we’re in this mess. Why do you think our marriage is in trouble?

Sean          (hesitating as he tries to find an answer) I....I...

Renee          You never took the time to look around you. To see what was happening to our family...To our marriage Sean. You are always working, and when you’re not at work you are distancing yourself from us. The kids are growing up without a father.

Sean          (looks at her in sadness) I’m there for them....

Renee          Bullshit  You’re either on that goddamn computer, or talking to someone on your cell. I swear that thing is more intimate with you than I am. When was the last time we had sex? (Tears welling in her eyes) When was the last time...the last time you told me that you loved me? Huh? (Turns her head away)

Sean          I don’t know what to say. I never meant to hurt you guys. I thought I was making a good life for us. A life without worry. A life that....I’m sorry. If I could take it back I would.

Renee          I just want a life with you. I want my family back.

Sean          Well I thought this trip could help us put it back on track. I didn’t want to give up on us hun. I know that I’ve screwed up, and I know there are a lot of issues that I need to confront. I guess I didn’t know how ... how to face those demons.

Renee          You can’t run forever Sean.

         (Uncomfortable pause)

Sean          (staring into the distance) Every time I look at the kids, I wonder how they were able to be so damn perfect. It’s amazing to see what beautiful people they are turning out to be. Watching them grow and find themselves in this hell hole of a society. I guess it isn’t that hard to realize when you see who their mother is. I just hope they are able to keep pushing forward past all the hardships this world will throw at them.

Renee          They’re tough kids. Plus they have us, right?

Sean          Yeah...Yeah they do.

         (He looks away to avoid Renee’s eyes for fear that she may see the truth behind the lie)
Renee          Are you ok?
Sean          Yeah. Why?

Renee          Cause you didn’t sound to sure there.

Sean          Oh...well we won’t be around forever ya know?

Renee          True, but that won’t be for awhile. I should go back to the road and see if we can’t get some help. Will you be ok for awhile?

Sean          (with furrowed brow and hesitation) I think so. Do we have a blanket or something in the car?

Renee          I can check. You sure you’re ok? You’ve been stuck like that for awhile.

Sean          I’m ok. I’m just getting a bit cold. It’s probably the night air, ya know?

         (Renee turns to find a blanket in the backseat. Finding one, she shakes the broken glass from it.)

Renee          (leaning in to cover him up) This should help.

         (Her right hand moves down his left side. so as to cover him up as completely as possible. The sudden feeling of warmth and moisture hits her fingers like a hammer. With terror covering her face like a mask, she slowly sits back into her chair afraid to look at her hand. She glances over at Sean who in turn slowly lifts his head towards her. She becomes painfully aware that the color in Sean’s face has been depleted, and forces herself to look at her right hand. The moonlight glints off her red fingers forcing her to face the truth.

Renee          (Trembling voice of tears) Sean?

Sean          (trying to gather the strength to smile) I know. It’s ok.

Renee          (Filled with terror and sorrow) We need to get you some help....we need to get you...

Sean          (Serene) Renee...hun...it’s ok. Even if you could find someone, it’s to late for me.

Renee          (unable to control the tears and helplessness) No, no, no.....we can get help. Someone will drive by and we....we can call a doctor....we can...

Sean          (twists his arm to reach over and place his cold hand onto hers) Renee?

         (Renee nervously looks over at Sean with tears flowing down her face)

Sean          It will be ok. Trust me.

Renee          But Sean...you’re...

Sean          Shhhh.....I love you. I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve put you through. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be the husband you deserved. You have always been there for me, and I’ve never really thanked you for that. No matter how bad I felt you were always there with a smile. Picking me up when I couldn’t stand on my own.

Renee          (frustration overflowing in her voice)I don’t want to lose you Sean.....I can’t do this with out you. I don’t know what I am supposed to do.

Sean          (his speech beginning to slur) It’ll be ok....I promise. Just promise me that you won’t leave me, please? I don’t want to be alone.

Renee          (squeezes his hand and kisses him) I’m right here baby, and I will always be here for you...always.
         (Sean gathers enough strength to smile deeply at Renee)

Renee          I remember the day that I realized how important you were to me. You and the kids had gone outside to play. The day was warm and the wind was soft. I stood on the back porch with my coffee, and just watched. The kids ran around the yard screaming with pure joy, and you were lumbering towards them like a gentle troll. The sun swaddled all of you in beautiful rays of orange and gold, and the world stood still in that moment. Oh how they worshiped you. Falling into your arms with reckless abandonment knowing you would be there to catch them....to catch us all.

Sean          I will always be there for them....for you. We share something that death will never take away.

Renee          But I need you...I need you here with me. When it feels like the world is falling down all around me I hold onto you for hope. I need your smile to remind me that everything will be ok no matter what the truth may be.   

Sean          (looks down at his trapped, left hand then back up to Renee) Take the ring...

Renee          (cheeks drenched in tears and shocked) What? No! There is no way I am taking your wedding ring off.

Sean          (calmness has set in along with the stuttering of words) Yo...you can u..use it when you are scared. It’ll be something for you to hold onto when the days seem to dark.....it’ll be th..th..there to remind you that I...I am by your side.

Renee          (gently caresses his face) No...no. I am not going to let it end like this. There’s still time. ( her voice gives away the fear inside of her heart) I can find someone, and we’ll get you to a hospital...we’ll get you some help and everything will be alright. It’ll be alright...I promise...it’ll be alright...

Sean          Renee....it’s...it’s to late for me....

Renee          no...it’s not.

Sean          Look at me hun. I don’t have much time left, so let me at least...at least sit here and look at you. I..I want th..the last thing I see on this earth to be your beautiful face. I want to feel your breath on my skin....to ki...kiss your lips once last time...to let you know just how much you mean to me....how much I love you.

Renee          ( lets go of her emotions while looking into his eyes) I love you...you are my life. You are my reason to shine...(leans in and kisses him) I’m so scared....what do I do?

Sean          J..j...j..just stay here with me.

Renee          I am right here...forever ...

Sean          (trembles with fear) Renee....I...I’m cold...

Renee          (attempts to better cover him with the blanket, kissing his cold face) I’ve got you...I’ve got you....

Sean          (starring off into the distance) You were so beautiful the day you gave birth. I never believed in God until I saw your face...the room lit up from the sparkle in your eyes. I felt so little then...so useless...insignificant. It was then...that I...that I realized how much you meant to me...how helpless I really was...as helpless as those newborns. You were always there for me...willing to guide me through the darkness of my own fears...to protect me from the monsters of this world. You kept our lives together. ( coughs and struggles to remain conscious as tears flow freely) I’m scared Renee...I’m scared...

Renee          (struggles to hold onto her own frail emotions as she leans over to hold him close) I know baby...I’m right here...I’ve got ya...

Sean          I..I need you...I need the kids. You were the only thing that made me feel whole when I didn’t even know myself....

Renee          (crying as she feels Sean begin to slip away. Pets his cold face) You were the best thing that ever happened to me....

Sean          (falls into deaths arms) Tell them that ...that I love them...that I...love youuu.......

Renee          (feels his body go limp as the last bit of air frees itself from his lungs) I love you to Sean...(kisses him one last time, and removes his ring as the lights go black)
© Copyright 2007 Michael S. McCullough (michaelmcc at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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