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Rated: E · Essay · Inspirational · #1233836
For Christians to understand the full armor. Not just for children.
Ephesians 6:11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

  Let us start by looking at the belt.  In Ephesians 6:14[NIV] Stand firm then,
with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place.

  The Roman soldier wore a belt usually made of leather.  When in battle, he would pull up the ends of his robe, and tuck them in his belt.  Also, the belt would hold
other tools needed in battle.  This would free the soldier to move more quickly.

  When we think about truth, is there any time that God says we are to live
no~truth, speak no~truth, think no~truth?  As a child of God, the belt of truth should be "buckled around our waist" the very core, center of our being.  Never
to take off, change for a more acceptable, fashionable half truth casual belt.  It
will soon turn into a chain, and we will not be able to "stand firm". 
  Life will become full of lies and compromise.  Our tool, the Bible, will not be tucked in a chain...-
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