Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1233817-Battlefield-2078
by Yaicon
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Military · #1233817
this only took me a good 30 seconds to think of this tell me whatcha think
CHAPTER 1: Don't get much closer to hell than this!

It was every soldiers worst nightmare. Being pinned down by numerous forces who know the terrain better than you do and are outnumbered ten to one. Team Foxtrot has been narrowed down to fifteen of its original fifty members to intercept a seemingly small insurgent on the thirty-fourth platoon's position little did the human army know that the enemy Volracht creatures had stationed a honey comb of outposts around the sighted insurgent’s area.

The planet Athol is covered in vast plains and small patches of forest. The human race moved here after earth became uninhabitable.

Joe call sign: Bat was the leader of the attack that went horribly wrong currently with fourteen of the fifteen survivors in a small ditch just deep enough to duck into but Roger call sign: Jaw was pinned behind a rock yet another thing just barely able to be used as cover. Every time you even thought of getting the hell out of there you were immediately shot at with the TACKA TACKA TACKA of Volracht machine gun fire.

About twelve hours after they all had to fall back and hide Jaw got pretty cramped behind the rock so he thought of something. He unlatched his last grenade off of his belt pulled the pin and heaved it as far as he could over the rock towards the non-advancing army of aliens. The second he heard the muffled explosion of the grenade going off Jaw made a hail marry run for the ditch to try and make a plan. But unfortunately a terrible cramp in his leg tripped him and a Volracht sniper had Jaw in his sights. Blam! as the sniper's trigger was pulled and a ploom of blood shot out of the back of the soldiers formerly gray suit and he tumbled right outside the ditch only to gurgle something that could only mean "please get that sum-bitch for me". Now Bat was not going to stand for this at all! His dirty gruff face turned a fire red as Bat reached for his belt and within two seconds had all four grenades pins pulled and heaved across the battlefield exploding in a kind of one-two-three-four succession which brought a thought to his mind.

"CUT! I NEED THE RADIO!" he yelled across the ditch Connor call sign: Cut knew what to do and slid the radio across the gravelly ground to Bat's hand. "MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY this is Team Foxtrot alpha squad of the thirty-fourth platoon we need an aerial strike now!" He yelled as loud as he could into the small black box. Chuck call sign: Clown for a reason unknown to Bat stood up with all but three of the squad and shot every round of every clip they could squeeze out befor showering Bat and his best friends Cut and Jake call sign: Dark with their own blood and falling on them sending Bat and his remaining team into an almost panic attack.

After a while Bat worked up the nerve to use his visor to look around the plain and when he did so he saw that the suicide attack of his squad mates had taken out a whole flank of the Volracht. Those sons of bitches wouldn’t go without a fight eh? Bat thought to himself. Just when he finished that thought he heard the best sound a person could hear. The close sound of planes flying overhead. Bat Cut and Dark all took there visors off and used them as mirrors to see how the Volracht would react right before they died. It was in slow motion as the bombs fell and exploded mid air on top of the two kilometer away fortress and atop the alien positions. Explosions everywhere in a torrent of fire, noise, and death nothing in the area was left alive beside the three of Team Foxtrot who had survived.

Not long after an allied helo landed and in his thick texan accent he yelled "ANY TIME YER READY BOYS!" the trio boarded the craft exchanged glances and knew that this was going to be a quiet flight back to H.Q.

CHAPTER 2: A strange proposition

Back at H.Q. the trio was the talk of the town and were awarded the highest medals for bravery and courage and strength. The Black Diamond. Right after they had put on their medals Colonel Ranns approached Bat, Cut, and Dark asking if they would see them in his office. the office looked more like one of those movie interrogation rooms with the lamp in the middle and the chairs lined up. They took a seat and the Colonel took a deep breath and said "I need you three to be stealth mission operators. As an SMO you will need to have the very most cunning stealth and swiftness in order to survive."

"Yeah were really stealthy huh?" scoffed Cut sarcastically.

"Yeah what makes you think we can do this?" said Bat.

"We think that you three have the best co-operation of all of the fourth national army."

"Who's we?" said Dark finally saying something.

"Well the coalition of course!" yelled Ranns in a cheery but creepy voice.

"How could you even know how well we did? visor look through are outlawed for the fact that a traitor cant get information like last time" said Dark in his voice that seemed to echo through you and stay there for a while.

"Well the coalition has decided that they are necessary right now to find a good team for covert missions and we looked through your last few battles and knew you were the team we needed!"

"See if i care guys i just want to kick some more ass eh?" chuckled Bat.

"Hell yeah!" Dark and Cut yelled at the same time.

"Then its settled then starting in two weeks you are to report to sector seven wing nine room four-hundred got it?"

"Yes Sir!" they yelled in unison.

"Well than DISMISSED!" yelled the Colonel in an overly loud voice.

CHAPTER 3: Suite up and move out!

First thing on that morning Joe woke Jake and Connor from there bunks and trekked the long walk over to the specified room. As always the colonel was there to meet them and hand them there new state of the art suits and gear as he said. "The suit visors display vital signs of teammates and your own. Also it tells you were a downed team mate is and where the injury is. The new suites even display holographic 3D designs of the place being scouted to give you a heads up on the enemy wear abouts. It also has all the classics like the night vision and thermal sensor and all the good stuff."

"Hey what’s this blinking red dot on my visor?" asked Bat.

"That means you have a mission to go to" said Colonel Ranns "now go on now don’t keep them waiting!” The three of the newly anointed stealth mission operators walked off to the center of H.Q. A wire shot from a console into an open plug in the front of the suit the mission briefing was projected into the teams visors.








As the briefing turns off it gives a list of directions to which hello will take them to there destination. "Well guys lets move out!" Said Bat.

CHAPTER 4: Skills to survive?

When the newly formed Team Echo arrived at the aviation station or AV they all boarded a never seen before craft that looked sort of like a plane with helicopter parts attached to it. "Captain Belisle ready to fly you to your destination gentlemen. I see you've found the HV-95 she’s a fine piece of work if you asked me."

"Your a fine piece of work yourself captain" Said Cut unable to control himself. He always had a strange temptation to hit on girls with blue eyes and blonde hair and all that stuff.

"Be careful what you say around me son you might regret it!" Snapped Captain Belisle.

"Frisky eh? i like that in a woman" said Bat in a sarcastic tone. The Captain didn’t say anything and just climbed up into the pilots seat.

"Hold on boys I’m going to be flying pretty fast to get over to the site by sundown." She called back to the awaiting trio. After all the system checks were done they were ready to fly. The vehicle took off vertically but flew horizontally like almost all flying craft since runways were hard to find sometimes. The whole time they were in the air they joked about how easy it would be and how many times could they kill a Volracht without making a sound Cut was the most cocky of them all saying he would strangle one with his bare hands even though he would need hands the size of himself to even fit around the monsters neck.

"Is that th place we need to bomb captain?!" yelled Dark over the roar of the engines.

"Yes it is we are going to be landing in the clearing over there. see it?!" called Belisle as they started to slow down.

"Yeah i guess so" said Dark while Bat and Cut were betting on who was going to save who when someone else got caught.

"Send a communication link when you are finished with the job and we'll all rendevous here when the jobs over. Hell we might even see the fireworks from up in the sky!" said the captain cheerfully. ”Now you boys don’t let me down all right? You go in there and kick some ass!"

"Will do captain!" said Bat as he jumped off the craft.

"Don't die on me now you hear I don’t want to be flying back and forth for nothing ok?"

"You can count on us! We die hard right fellas?"

"HOO-RAH!" yelled Cut and Dark as the captain took off and shot off into the distance.

"Not long after she flew off it didn’t take bat long to say "ok boys let's make a plan."

CHAPTER 5: Bat's time to shine

The trio decided to split up and take 1 of the three bombs with each of them so they could get the job done faster and more quiet. Bat chose the target next to one of the Volracht buildings. Cut Chose the target right above an underground tunnel system connecting the beehive shaped structures. And Dark got stuck with planting his bomb right next to a Volracht fuel station.

Bat was feeling confident of himself and went a little faster than they had planned to go. In the middle of his treck Bat finds a wall blocking off entry to the designated bomb target. He reached into his suit case and pulled out a long metal tube, a mechanism with a switch on it, a V shaped piece of metal and a plastic triangle shaped object. He screwed to tube onto the mechanism and jammed the plastic backing and not long after it started to take the shape of a sniper rifle. He changed his new suits color to black to match the newly darkened sky and his gun. After a slide on of the scope and a slide on of the V shaped stand to the bottom he was ready to scout ahead using the scope and make sure there was no danger ahead. Just as Bat peers through the scope he sees what has not been his happiest sight a small pack of about five or so Volracht standing outside a gaurdpost.

He knows that he might be lucky enough to snipe them all and get a good look inside the complex before he had to move the bodies from sight. so away he goes Bat moves the Center of the scope to the head of the closest Volracht to the wall and Blam! the Volracht's body goes limp and falls over leaning against the wall with no head bleeding its strange glowing purple blood. That’s one! Bat thought to himself. The other four Franticly look around wondering what just happened and then Pow another Volracht drops with no head to the ground. Not even an instant after the first alien thinks to run away Boom! thud it crashed to the ground with a bullet through its chest

"BYE BYE BUDDY!" Bat whispers to himself as he downs the last of the Volracht patrol. Now to get over to that opening as fast as i can he thought. Thinking there wasn't enough time to put his gun away Bat clipped it to his back and sprinted towards the opening. he reaches the opening takes a sharp turn and BAM! it feels like he just ran full speed into a wall. He looks up and staring down at him is the vile, fleshy, green, putrid mass of a Volracht and its huge jaws that looked to him like it was going to eat him. But it was just as surprised as he was but Bat recovered first, yanked out his silenced pistol, and with a quiet pop had bore a hole in the Volrachts forehead with the bullet. The thing dropped with the force of a train wreck for the thing had to be over 8 feet tall and weighed a few tons. Now Bat doesn’t want to be anywhere near here for they had to have heard that. He sprints to the nearest shadowy area, Checks to make sure his suit is still on black color setting, and awaits until everything is quiet again. When suddenly he hears off in the distance a sound that reminded him of one of those old nerf guns shooting off a round. Cut! or Dark is in trouble! as the Volracht run away to investigate the noise Bat spots the building about forty meters ahead of him. Bat bolts towards his objective once he’s sure the Volracht aren’t around any more and plants the bomb at the specified location. Now he sets his sights on finding which comrade of his is in danger.

CHAPTER 6: Big mistake

Cut wants to make sure that from start to finish this mission goes smoothly so he first makes sure his suit is turned on the darkening skies color and will change as the light changes. Then he makes sure he has his pistol silenced and he was ready to go. The first thing he wanted to do was get more to the right of the clearing so he would only have to walk straight to the objective. Now that he was in the right direction he just started to walk along. It wasn’t hard to see Bat a little way over to his right way ahead of wear he was supposed to be and then disappear behind some shrubbery. Out of sight out of mind until Cut hears 5 sniper shots ring out and break the silence. Cut checks his visor's vital signs screen to make sure that it was Bat or Dark sniping a Volracht. It wasn’t long until he too had his own action to attend to. It seems that along the way to his destination there was a Volracht troop patrolling the area around his objective. Woo hoo time for some fun Cut thought to himself Here I go!

The Volracht patrol seemed to pass at the same places every time giving Cut an idea. He crawled his way through the brush and undergrowth until he got to a point were Volracht patrols intersected at different times to give him a chance to kill a lot of them. The first alien to cross Cut's intercepting path was his first victim the creature was lumbering by as Cut sprang on the side of the alien and within a second he had gouged its face and throught with his sharp edged knife. He did the same thing to a few others until his suit was a shiny purple and he wasn't camouflaged as well anymore and he decided to get them at a longer range so they couldn’t see him well enough to know what he was until it was too late. He silently pulled out his pistol and crouched in a bush as a Volracht passed by a quiet gunshot would ring out and the thing would be dead.

Cut started to get bored and decided to toy with the stupid seeming creatures and took off his silencer to his pistol and threw it at one of the nearby Volracht. TANG! the thing went as it bounced off the back off the Volracht's head. Cut couldn’t help but laugh. It could have been his last mistake ever. The nearest Volracht heard the chuckle and charged at him. Cut rolled out of the way just in time as the Volracht tried to turn around and fell over in a clumsy bulk of a thing. The force shook the ground and the beast seemed to be hurt because it didn’t try to get up until Cut realized it had broken its neck in the fall and died instantly. The others followed his lead and charged at his direction none of them looking like it could come close to trampling him. He got up and ran for the spot he was supposed to put the bomb but one of the Volracht had already made a full charge towards him. Cut turned and shot but missed and hit one of the very few still behind the raging monster. As Cut was turning back around to see were he was going he tripped. Everything went dark as a flashback of his friend Jaw falling and being shot in the gut then dieing in front of him two meters away from the ditch in the ground that could have saved him.

Then his vision returned once he heard a familiar voice screaming "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF HERE CUT!" as the faded outline of Bat wrestling with the creature punching, kicking, biting, stabbing and clinging to the Volracht’s back and its arms not being flexible enough to reach him.

"NO SIR IM GOING TO HELP YOU!" screamed Cut as he tried to get up but stumbled and fell again.


Cut sprang to his feet and sprinted across the rest of the small patch of forest to the clearing right above the underground tunnel and planted the bomb and tried to run back to were Bat still wrestled with the rampaging wounded Volracht and as Bat's arms gave out from exhaustion and he toppled to the ground BOOM! a gunshot rang out as the Volrachts head landed on Bat's collapsed body and the rest of the creature dropping to its knees and falling to one side. Les than a minute later Dark Came out of a bush to the left of the terrified duo with his sniper still in his hand as he started to walk towards the mystified Bat and Cut he called out "I GUESS I WIN THE BET BECAUSE I SAVED BOTH OF YOU SORRY BITCHES!"

CHAPTER 7: Calm, Cool, and Collected

From the start of the mission Dark already had his plan worked out. No killing, no drawing attention to me, and evaluate the situation before i do anything. so off he went to the left of the clearing watching Bat run off ahead of schedule. "Just like Joe he’s always got to be the first one done." he mumbled to himself. As he i walking along a path he made for himself using his visor's lock onto position mode. It wasn’t long until Dark found the corner of a huge wall blocking his view to the inside. Dark climbed a near tree to see what was on the other side. All he saw was a massive beehive shaped building, a parking lot looking area, and to his right he saw Bat assembling his sniper and decided to watch Bat do his dirty work. One shot two shot three shot four shot five shots he counted as Bat killed all the enemy Volracht forces around. Dark chuckled because of how much he sounded like that old vampire from that sesmee street or saseme street show his children used to watch when they were little. When Bat disappeared behind the wall Dark decided to keep on moving on so he jumped from the tree limb to the ground.

As Dark Rounded the corner he saw his objective a huge Fueling station that looked like a cross between an airport and an enormous gas station from earth. he knew exactly what to do he stayed close to the wall making sure he was in the shadow passing by numerous Volracht's backs. Sometimes less than a meter away from brushing up against one of their legs. Just as Dark was about to place the bomb down he felt the ground shake a little and he knew that something was going down with his friends. He quickly placed the bomb and sprinted as fast as he could on the outside of the wall opposite the wall he saw Bat snipe those Volracht.

He was about half way to the other side of the empty wall when he heard yelling of some sort. Dark couldn’t make out the words but he knew he had to run faster. As this adrenalin rush is flowing through him Dark finally reaches the other side of the wall to just hear Bat scream something just before Cut ran off to somewhere Dark then crawled over to some small patches of bushes and starts assembling his sniper as Cut starts to plant the bomb. Somehow Dark finished the assembly before Cut planted and set the timer on the bomb. As Dark looked through the scope of the Sniper to see Cut running to help Bat in his fight Dark decides to neutralize the Volracht when he realizes that Bat won't hold out much longer. But Dark is smart and waits until Bat is safely off the back off the Volracht so he can shoot freely without the chance of hitting Bat too. A split second later and BLAM goes the bullet as the trigger is pulled ending the epic battle for their lives and the first thought that came to Dark's mind was to announce that he had won the bet and stop their incessant little competitiveness for a while.

CHAPTER 8: Home sweet home

"THANK YOU GOD!" yelled Cut as he fell to the ground completely wiped out.

"GOD HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT SON!" yelled Dark as he continued to walk towards them. Bat just lay there in silence because he couldn’t even imagine how many times he could have ended up like his old pal Jaw that night. Dark did the honors of calling captain Belisle for pickup.

"Hey there Captain dead men tell no tales and oh baby have us three got a hell of a tale to tell!" Said Dark as he sat down next to Bat who was still not saying anything.

"I sure want to hear it sir but first I have got to find you. I have been hovering here for a little while now and I don’t seem to see you were are you?"

"Change in plans cap'n your going to need to fly yourself farther north of your position to find us."

"Oh yeah? Why's that?

" None of us are willing to walk another step right fellas?" Cut and Bat groan loudly instead of saying anything in the background.

"Ok fine how long until bomb detonation?"

"You got a good fifteen minutes or so"

"I'm am inbound to your position just hold on a little longer boy's." When the captain arrived and they all boarded the craft they all hovered a couple kilometers away from the bomb site and got to watch a hail storm of fire erupt from the bombs as they exploded and eradicated everything that once was the Volracht base. "Hey do you mind if I sleep in the co-pilots seat Joe and Connor and debating what our next mission is going to be or how we will be rewarded?"

"Boys will be boys eh?" chuckled captain Belisle. But Jake had already fallen asleep in the co-pilots chair.

CHAPTER 9:Eerie silence

When the SMO's got off the HP-95 there was something strange awaiting them. Absolutely nothing. There was nobody there the congratulate them or give them nice new awards. Just nothing. As they walked around it seemed like no-one
even noticed they had left. "What the hell is going on man?" asked Bat as they went over to colonel Ranns' office.

As they walked into his office the colonel turned in his chair ran up to them and gave them a hug screaming "NICELY DONE GENTLEMEN NOW THE VOLRACHT CAN'T MOVE AROUND WITHIN FIFTEEN KILOMETERS OF OUR BASE!"

"Wait hold up we aren't getting any recognition outside of the coalition?!" yelled Dark who was we expecting a big party in their honor.

"Yeah this makes no sense" said Cut.

"Are you aware of the psychological effect it's going to have on the soldiers if they don't know of our achievements!?" yelled Bat "If they don't know about this they are not going to be willing to patrol around the base for fear of Volracht attack!"

"Very good point Bat and I have to say I agree but one disobeyed order from the coalition and I will be out of here with nothing but a knife and a roll of toilet paper trying to fend for myself so I can't do anything about it." said the colonel in a calmer voice

"Your life? Or everyone's life sir? including yours! no matter what your going to die commander! so choose the better of the two and inform these soldiers about the Volrachts threat being eliminated from our area!" said Bat

"That may be true but one of those choices gives me a longer life span Joe!" yelled the colonel.

"But that choice ends the lives of millions of soldiers fighting to protect you colonel" yelled Bat back at him "are you willing to throw away the lives of the many people trying to save you?" "if we all left you do you think you would live!? it's your choice commander! you tell them or I do! no matter what they will know. I’m going to let you sleep on that commander. is it really worth it?!"


On that note the SMO's stormed out of the office unable to think anymore. They all go to their room thinking the same thing "the human race's life lies in the hands of a guy who would rather save himself than anything else". They all finally got to take of their suits for they had been made to be comfortable enough to sleep in so troops didn’t waste time getting dressed but now being an SMO they had a lot less missions and could relax for a while. Bat took off his suit exposing his gruff face, tall figure and looked like he could have been a human hulk. Dark had a small beard and an army trained body. Cut had scars over most of his body but his worst was one that went across his eye he always seemed too skinny and frail to do anything but he could do a lot more than what he looked like.

With their newly acquired "me" time they thought of how it would feel like to be out of this war zone and not have to worry about being invaded by an enemy less intelligent than you but sure as hell able to crush you without thinking. Also about the future whether or not the war will be won! Or if this is only the beginning of the end for the human race as they are slowly killed off and conquered. Then having to survive on the planets surface with barely enough oxygen to breath and creatures not know to exist yet.

It made everyone miss earth every time they thought of the fact that global warming caused massive storms ripping towns to shreds and only people who lived inland were safe until the tornados and earthquakes set in. Only the people who could afford to get to the formerly called area fifty-one and get into the many U.F.O's they had stored there could even hope to survive. Many people who lived through that still have flashbacks and nightmares of the horrors and experiments performed there as they were escorted to one of the craft. Most people wonder if it is still there and some just don’t care. While Joe was in the middle of one of the newly made news stations he heard his suit beeping meaning he had a mission. He quickly suited up and was out the door wondering if he would be the first person to briefing or someone else.

Chapter 10: Heroes or more fatalities

When he arrived at briefing the Cut and Dark were already there with strange looks on there faces. "what's wrong fellas?" he asked but they just pointed at were the wire is supposed to appear.




"Damn guys! i guess they mean it when they say mission BRIEFing eh?" no one was even thinking of that joke not even bat. They all turned on their visors to see where they would be headed. Not surprisingly the were going to the AV to fly out immediately. Everywhere there were carriers twice the size of a seven-forty-seven jet liner. Team Echo had a private carrier piloted by you guessed it! "Captain Belisle! nice to see you again if only it were under better circumstances." yelled bat across the AV hanger.

"I agree" she said as She started climbing into the pilot seat "buckle in boys were going on a hell of a ride"

"HOO-RAH" yelled Team Echo from the hold of the ship. The carriers took off in groups of twenty but not before the head group in the HP-95 took off and was circling overhead until all the rest of the carriers had taken off and were speeding towards the enemy main strong hold. The victor of this battle would almost certainly win the war for the other side would have enormous casualties. Leaving the rest to be found and picked off. Just on the horizon there was the top of the beehive shaped monster of a structure.

"Team Echo can i give the order now?" called the captain from the pilot seat.

"Do it" yelled Bat back

"Units this is the HP-95 captain Belisle speaking all units are to lock and load and prepare for landing!" "We will Land in groups of fifteen" "landed and unloaded airships are to provide air support for landing ships and troops" landed troops are to immediately find cover and provide cover fire for landing aircraft we have 6 air ships filled with grenadiers they are to be used for anti air or tank fire only yet can be used on infantry if needed" and after saying that i would like to wish the entire fourth national army luck and lets give them hell!" cheers of praise were heard over the radio clatter and the first ships began to land starting the battle of 2078.

(sequel being started tomorrow Sunday march 18th)

© Copyright 2007 Yaicon (yaicon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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