Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1233233-The-story-of---CEMETARYKAT
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Animal · #1233233
Cemetary a cat sent to comfort a lonely hurting girl.
    Hello!  My name is Cemetary.  I know strange name but I kinda like it!  They call me "Ceme", when she named me it was a very strange ,but then life is strange.  See I had a very hard life until this wonderful lady took me away from the only home I ever knew. I was doing ok but I always felt hungry and scared. I didn't want to wake up most the time.  I spent my days laying on the tombstones just trying to stay warm.  It was so cold in the open atleast the stones held heat and I could get warm, most of the time, until they were covered with ice.

    I had only gotten here because the angel Grace had saved me. The first human in my life had not been a friendly man. He always seemed angry at the world.  All my siblings were afraid of him.  Me, well I was the rebel, I guess that is why eventually he took me for a car ride on that fateful day. He stuffed me in a plastic sack. I couldn't breath, I thought I would die before I could get it open. I clawed and bit at that sack over and over again finally managing to hook a claw in the side and tearing it open. That had just brought bigger troubles . The sack had been thrown in water, I now fought to stay above the water while trying to get my legs free of the sack. The sack stuck to my belly and seemed it would never let me go.  I could feel myself sinking, trapped, my head was out but I was stuck with my back legs still in the sack. I moved my front paws rythmically trying to stay above the water. The current was strong and I couldn't fight the pull the at the same time. I gave in as the sack began to bump rocks and pick up speed.
  I knew I was dieing and gave into it. Suddenly, I layed in a pool of heat , opening my eyes and seeing the sun . Believing I was now in another world. That was when I met the angels for the first time. It was Grace who had seen me as I floated in the creek. She had reached in and plucked the sack and me from the water. Grace told me later when she found me she had cried, and carried me to the lords feet asking his forgiveness for me.
  The lord upon seeing what had been done to one of his helpless creatures by a human boomed, "Who has done this!" loud enough to scare Grace.
  "I do not know sir, I only answered a feeble call for help in doing so I found her drowning in the creek." Grace whispered back.
" Her heart had called for an angel to help at the last moment, I would guess!" Grace said as she backed away from the Lord in fear.
  The lord filled my lungs with air , removing the water that was there. The slight rise of my chest allowed Grace to know my small heart beat once again. She thanked the lord and delivered me to the cemetary to be watched over by the many angels that gathered there.  Knowing she could not watch over me alone as her human charge was a young child whom always seemed to be getting himself into trouble. 
  Many nights while her charge slept Grace would come talk to me about her troubles keeping him out of harms way. I always wondered why she did not take me to him until the day he and his parents arrived on the eternal land.His older sister had lost her baby boy. Grace had made sure her charge had seen me.  She had hoped he would love me and convince his parents to take me home.  He approached me in a hurry. He picked me up by my tail, tossed me over his shoulder. Being in great pain the way he was holding me, I couldn't help myself my claws on all four paws extracted blood as I fought for my release.  The little demon threw me down and charged at me.  I high tailed it to the hole under the church steps. I hid there until long after all the humans had left the eternal land, nursing my wounds. 
  Grace was much later in appearing that night. When she did she seemed scared to approach me.  " I am so sorry little one, I did not think he would hurt you. Are you alright? Now you know why I have not taken you to him all this time."
  I just gave her a look saying, " Hey, I clearly understand and am grateful to you always!"
  "The angels look after me here, I love you all and enjoy hearing the music.  There must be a human companion out there for me some where though Grace or the Lord would not have brought me back, even with your pleading." I wove my way between her skirts that fluttered in the wind. I couldn't feel her but know she felt the comfort I tried to give her.
  She took a seat in the grass, a top the hill overlooking the eternal land and covered my shivering body with her warm wings instilling a pleasant feeling inside my cold body. The angels did a wonderful job of caring for me but I dearly wanted a human companion for the pleasure of feeling more than a whisper of movement when petted. I wanted to bring comfort when needed and the pleasure of a human hand petting my soft fur was uncomparable to the light breeze of Graces hands as she petted me. 
  Each month that went by my yearnings seemed to get stronger. That fall a new urge had settled in. That is when Joe the big clumsy angel, informed me the urges I was having were natural and finally he informed me how I could get rid of those urges. He even made sure to give Tom, a black and white large male cat that lived in the barn way down the gravel road behind the eternal land,  a little push in the right direction in the woods that  fall day.  I had been romping in the woods with only one intent in mind to find release. Tom had said it was my scent that brought him bounding through the woods, but I know old Joe helped him a little for Tom had never traveled to the eternal land before.
  I got my first lesson in sex that fall day. Tom had held me helplessly with his big paw between my shoulder blades. He ravaged me, actually hurting me that first time so much that I layed there in the woods afterword and believed the angels had deserted me.  I didn't move for hours, when Grace and Joe had appeared Joe had laughed, until Grace yelled at him to go find me a meal. Grace cared for me tenderly. Grace gently bathed me and even dried me with her wings. Joe brought a fat rat for my dinner, he was old and tough but I understood Joe could not bring me a young healthy creature for my dinner.  He had found the oldest weakest pray possable.  The rat even thanked me before I made him my dinner.  He had had a good life and was glad to be of service to bring me my health to nourish my young.  I was confused by this but did not hesitate to make him my dinner.  I began to feel strong again shortly after that, and told Grace so.  I thanked her but knew she should return to her charge before he managed to create more havoc for her to fix.  I would rest here on the porch of the church in the eternal land. 
  Joe and I sat and talked after Grace left, "Joe now that Grace has left, tell me what the rat meant by being nourishment for my young?"
  Joe explained in a month or so I would begin to really know what he had meant but until then the only way he could satisfy my curiosity was to inform me. " Like your mother with you and your siblings dear one, you will eventually be responsable to look after a few children the Lord has given you."  Joe left my side shortly after that.  I had not seen Joe since.  The angels never appeared to me personally after that, just in the air above those humans as they gathered around the cold stones in the eternal land. 
  They sang above , each night they sang me to sleep as I tried to stay warm.  I got heavier and heavier, it took more and more energy to hunt.  I began to feel movements inside of me.  I yearned for Joe or Grace to come explain what was happening to me.  Only once did Tom come to find me, when he found me so fat he ran from me.  Many times after that I begged for the Lord to end my suffering. Bring me Grace, or even clumsy Joe. Even send Tom back.  The only answer I ever got to my prayers seemed to be the cold winds blowing above.
  Soon the snow and ice began, by then I was so heavy hearted and hurting inside I knew something would happen soon.  Instinctivly I knew I had to find shelter.  I walked slowly down the gravel road Tom had said he lived off of. When I arrived there though Tom had chased me away.  He wouldn't even listen, he said not to return until after I slimmed down again. Stuck his nose in the air and retreated. 
  Soon Grace came to tell me my physical pain would be all over, but my suffering was just beginning. I would be needing to feed more than just myself. She would be back soon, she was sorry but her charge was having so many problems now a days she could seldom leave his side.
  I found a warm spot under the church porch where the boards had seperated making just enough room to squeeze through. I dug a hole in the earth large enough for me to lay in , the earth would help keep the cold winds from reaching me. I layed in terrible pain that evening as I gave birth to the children' Joe had told me would eventually arrive. I was exhausted and slept for hours why my children laid and mewed in painful need of food.  I had to find help for my children.
  Only two had survived this long and I doubted they would make it through the day they were so hungry.  With no teeth they couldn't eat the catches I brought them.  I spent the nights hunting , the days trying hard to keep my children warm.  I had no milk they were each dieing slowly.  Why did that damn Tom have to have his way?  Didn't he realize what he was leaving me with.
  It broke my heart to watch my last born die, he was so sweet, looked just like his daddy. He mewed in pain for so many hours.  Even if we were fed well I doubt he would have made it long.  Then the coyote got the two when I couldn't move them fast enough.  I saved the two strongest and hoped I could get them to survive until spring. They were so weak though.
  We were living under a small building where the lawn mower was kept.  Atleast it kept us dry and safe most the time.  It had come to be a little warmer but it had been raining for weeks now.  I would guess it was the beginning of spring. It was still pretty cold out.  I knew if I didn't do something quick my two little ones wouldn't make it much longer.  I had to do something.  In the morning I would carry litttle Sam down the road to the home of Tom.  Hopefully he could get his human to take his young one in.  I knew Tom didn't really want anyone on his territory. He had run me off when I had come down the day before his children were born.  I knew they were on the way and all I wanted was a warm barn to have them in.  He didnt want us invading his territory.
    I had just gotten back to the eternal land when I heard a car pull in.  It made its way slowly to the back of the land.  I watched from the safety of the church steps.  Uh oh, she parked in front of the building how will I get to Peaches now? Tom had said to bring Peaches down right away.  Once he had seen his child,Sam, he knew they wouldn't make it with out the help of his human.  He knew he could get her to take care of them if he took them to her.  He had immediatly taken Sam to her front porch.  I watched her come out and gently take Sam from Tom's mouth.  She spoke so softly and thanked Tom for not killing the young one , bringing it to her instead.  Gave him a pat on the head and some scraps of em' was that bacon.  When she closed the door Tom walked away and sashayed his tail to let me know the scraps were mine if I wanted them.  Of course I did.  Boy were those scraps good it gave me the energy to run back to get Peaches.  I could only hope that beautiful sweet woman would take her in to.
  I ran through the bushes, around through the trees to the back of the building hoping the human in the car  wouldn't see me.  I noticed she was softly talking and crying as she sat next to that black stone.  That one hadn't been there very long.  She was missing that human, obviously that human had left her to become an angel way to soon.  She was crying so hard now I knew she wouldn't hear peaches weak cries if I woke her up.  Now was the time to go.  Gently I scooped Peaches neck into my mouth.  Peaches didn't even give a weak cry.  Oh no, am I too late for Peaches?  I can't stop now I have to get her to Tom and his human maybe that warm kitchen will bring her around.  It started to rain again, oh it was just a gentle rain. 
  I peered around, noticed the young lady stayed sitting in the rain like she didn't even notice it had started raining again.  I had to go! I made a mad dash through the woods.  Tom would know what to do!  He was waiting on the porch, his human was in the kitchen again.  I could see her moving around in that warm house.  I laid Peaches at Tom's feet turned with tears in my eyes, knowing Tom wouldn't be able to see them through the rain.  The rain pelted down I looked over my shoulder and simply said, " Thank you, Tom, please be good to them!"
  He just nodded and jumped on to the swing under the kitchen window. He howled to get his humans attention.  As she opened the front door I went under the near by rose bush and watched.  She knelt down picked Peaches up and began to cry.  She looked at Tom, "If there are anymore big boy you better get them up here its getting bad out.  Supposed to be thunder storms tonight.  They won't make it through the night out there.  I am even going to give you the privelage of being on the porch tonight.  You might even want to see if your little woman would want to come in tonight."  I walked away through the woods.  My head hung low.  I knew I had not been a good mother when all my children were now gone.  Atleast maybe the two had a chance to get strong and healthy like there father.
    When I got back to the eternal land, I didn't expect the human to still be there but there she sat just where she was before. I was curious what would keep her staring at that stone for so long?  Oh, I was use to seeing humans sit in there cars, crying over those stones.  Some put flowers out and left, some pulled the weeds around the stones but all left in a short time none ever stayed til the darkness came.  This one seemed to want to just dissappear into that stone.  She sat on the grass in front of the tire of her car her feet pulled under her.  The blue of her jacket got darker and darker.  I was nursing my own grief but I could feel the grief radiating off of her.  I felt sorry for her.  I crept silently closer, I slipped under the car and up close behind her.  Oh boy, whats that smell?  I have smelled that before, I remembered Tom's human had given him some treat last winter he had shared with me in the barn.  The taste had been heavenly but didn't last very long.  I had just wanted more.  Tom had said it was because she had appreciated that he saved her child from having to deal with a nasty little slimey animal out in the barn.  Tom didn't like any animal invading his space wether the child had been there or not the slimy thing would have been killed.  If she wanted to believe he was just doing it for her all the better.  I couldn't resist trying to see what was in her pocket.  I began to paw at the opening gently, hoping she didn't see me.  Maybe I would get lucky and the treat I knew was there would just fall out for me.  The angels had said a warm and friendly human was in my near future that is all that had kept me going this long.  Maybe she was the one.
    Uh oh she felt that!  Maybe she doesn't see me.  I crouched low to the ground in the shadow of the tire watching her carefully.  Hmmm! Is that a smile?  Maybe she is getting over her crying and now she will go.  Boy I really was hoping for  that treat, now my mouth is watering.  She reached in the jacket pocket, two little chuncks fell to the grass when she pulled her hand out.  I couldn't resist I pounced on them, but as I started to chew on my precious tidbits she reached toward me.  I skittered off I had my treats.  I was too scared to run I just dissappeared under the car again.  She began to call, "Here kitty kitty" she slowly got up and opened the vehicle door.  I thought for sure she was leaving but then the door slammed and I saw her feet again.  Hmm now what was she doing?  A plastic container appeared.  I crept a little closer.  She sat back down on the ground her attention went back to that cold black stone.  I began to sniff around that plastic container, emmm smells good!  Loosing my attention span with my stomach growling now.  I started to just gobble the contents down.  Oh my it was delicious.  Suddenly I froze, she had her hand on my back, softly she stroked down my back.  Obviously she was not out to hurt me, I went back to eating.  I finished and my stomach calmed down .  Her strokes felt so good I could not walk away.  Instead I gently stepped into her lap and curled up.  If she was just gonna sit here I was gonna make use of a warm lap.  After a few minutes she removed her jacket and gently laid it over my shivering body.  Even with her warm legs under me, and a full belly I could not stop shaking.  She seemed to realize this calmly she talked on and on as she gently stroked my back.  I felt safe enough to close my eyes and try to sleep.  I somehow knew she would let nothing hurt me while I laid in her lap. 
    We sat like this for some time her gently stroking my back, me sleeping lightly, while she stared at that cold black stone.  Her legs began to twitch.  I figured she was getting uncomfortable but she seemed unwilling to move, or else she just didn't want to disturb me.  I got up and lazily stretched out.  I figured my time was up. 
    The angels began to sing as the darkness began to close around the two of us sitting there beside the car.  I knew it was time to go to the church stairs and watch this human drive away.  She sure was nice  the warmth and full stomach, all I could do was tell the angels, " I hope she comes back soon!" I slowly began to walk away. Listening to the angels sing their beautiful music, they just kept on singing their sweet song.  They were trying to tell me something but the sadness in my heart wouldn't let their  words come through.  I looked back over my shoulder, the human was only a few feet behind me .  She spoke softly, " Oh sweet little one show me where your babies are!" If she only knew, my babies didn't make it , how could I possably tell her.  I was too weak to care for them. I was ashamed of myself and what I called home.
    I decided I would show her what I called home and where I had left the one that had died shortly after coming into this world.  I walked to the church and jumped onto the stair, I crawled between the loose boards and waited to hear her foot steps above.  I gently picked my baby up, what was left anyway and crawled back out.  I laid my little one at her feet.  She reached down and softly whispered, "Oh sweety are there anymore?"  She took and wrapped my little one in a small cloth she pulled from her pocket. Then bent down and peered between the boards.  I walked off the porch.  I can only guess she didn't see anything to keep her there, suddenly she was following me again.  I decided I would show her where I was now living so when she came back she could find me.  I could only pray she would come back.
    When I came back out from under the little building she was doing strange things.  She got a small silver thing from the back of the car.  Walked back to the small building behind it she began to dig a hole.  The whole time I sat beside her as she cried and spoke softly to me, " I wish I had found you and your young one earlier sweety.  There is nothing I can do for this one it is already gone all I can do is bury him for you.  I pray your others have grown or it was a merciful death atleast."
    " I will not allow you to stay here and starve, I hope they are gone and none await your return sweety.  I wish you could talk to me and tell me where they are. How long have you been here?  Why did someone leave you here to die a slow death?  How I hate the inhumanity of some people.  If they didnt want you then why take you out here and leave you, why? why? why?" she screamed the last part so loud I jumped.  She didn't seem to have any answers.  She laid my sweet little one in the hole she had dug, covered him up and turned away as she said the Lords prayer.  I had heard this prayer many times as those beautiful decorated boxes were lowered into the large dark holes the men dug with that loud machine in the building I slept under.  Many humans usually crowded around as this occured time and time again.  Within a few days another couple men would show up and a  new stone would rise in the eternal land.  Each occurance the angels would gather above and surround seeming to give comfort to the crying humans.  This human though she seemed not to have an angel above her to give her comfort.  Yet a warm glow like the angels came from her body.  She gave me comfort in her presence just as the angels always did.
    The human walked to her car.  She glanced back twice as I patted the earth with my paws where she had just covered my little one.  I wanted to lay down on the warm earth but I didn't want her to leave.  I looked back only once, I ran to the vehicle and jumped on the hood it was cold and wet.  I fell my balance was not very good.  The door opened and she got back out as I stood up again.  Dang it, I had fallen in a puddle now I would be cold, wet and muddy.  Suddenly I was held close and she tucked me under her jacket.  I could feel her heart beat, pitter,patter, pitter, patter.  I became still.  What would she do now , should I run or should I just enjoy the warmth and comfort she gave me?  She looked down at me with her heart in her eyes.  Tears flowed freely down her face!  I wondered why she cried so much, what hurt her so bad she cried like this?  Could I give her the same comfort she was giving me with her presance here.  I snuggled in close as she sat back down and closed the door.  Oh the warmth in here felt so good.  Suddenly she plopped me in the seat next to her and said, " I know he is not gonna like this and your gonna have to prove your worth or you will be thrown right back outside, but atleast there are several warm barns and other cats in the area.  You will find a warm home if he throws you out atleast!"  I looked around.  I couldn't resist the heat below the seat it beconed to me.  I hopped down on to the floor and directly made myself comfortable.  She looked up and determindly decided to pull away from the land I knew as home.  I didn't even look out one last time there was nothing there for me.  My children were with their father.  Hopefully peaches would come out of it with that lady's love and care.  I could only pray the angels would make sure they got takin care of.
    My new home awaited me.  She began to talk insisting I listen closely.  I got a little too warm so I moved to the back window where I could watch as the scenery flew by.  She was trying to make me understand what I would have to do to stay with her. 
    " Remember now no jumping on the counters!  Keep yourself as clean as you can!  By all means you better be a good hunter and keep the mice down.  He hates the mice!  One sure way to stay is to prove to him you can pay for your keep by keeping the mice down!  First thing we need to do is make sure you have no more of those kittens hope you feel the same way cause once he approves of you, says you can stay, that is the first thing we will take care of!"  She rattled on and on I only cared that I was warm.  Looked like I could make this Roger fellow happy cause I am a dang good hunter.  Heck how did she think I had survived this long!  Humans how stupid did they think we were shoot we have the angels talking to us daily why do they not listen to their angels.  Thing was this human didn't have that ever present angel with her today, that I had a hard time understanding.  From what the angels in my old home had told me each human had an angel always present beside them helping them every moment of their day. 
    I had settled back in the rear window , resting lightly.  I figured I better savor the warmth, why I could , hard telling when I would feel it again.  I hoped I could make this Roger person happy enough he would allow me to stay.  Here I was starting over again.  As I laid there napping listening to her rattle on and on. It seemed as though it had been ages since she heard her own voice and that was all she needed.  Suddenly she began to pray to her angel, she called her angel her right hand angel only I saw no presence there like I had seen beside other humans.  I wondered what she had done that her angel had deserted her even though she continued to pray.  She didn't seem to realize she was talking aloud, sad that her angel wasn't there beside her.  I thought in my own mind aloud, Where was her angel, how was she to survive without her angel beside her?

Part 2----- My new home!------

    We pulled in a gravel road. Finally the car came to a stop the scenery wasn't real clear out the dirty back window.  I looked around as she got things together still rattling on and on.  I had really stopped paying attention a long time ago.  If her voice tone changed I might look toward her but I was enjoying the scenery and the warmth.  With of course a short nap here and there.  I was so tired from the nightly vigils.  It sure felt good to sleep where I didn't have to stay on gaurd  and could actually fall asleep.  I awoke with a start when the car had stopped.  As I peered around I wondered if I hadn't made a mistake.  Suddenly there were huge animals feet from the front of the car.  Oh yeah, I remember when I tried to cross that field to the trailer.  Animals like these were there.  They are kind of fun to tease, I found they were more scared of me than I was of them.  I never did make it to that trailer that day.
    She had opened the backdoor of the car and reached to take me from my perch .  I took advantage of the fact her arms were full and the open door.  I ran for it.  She just hollered after me, " Ok, well I will be in here, you know where to find me or would you like for me to chase you down?  I turned and stared at her , turned around and strutted my stuff toward the barn. 
    " Well I am gonna take that as when your ready you will find me!" with that she went in the house.  I wondered around the yard making myself familiar with the different things in the area.  There were some very strange smells in this yard.  Some I had come across before others seemed familiar yet weren't . Then there were those that I had no idea about.  I figured I would learn in time!  I made a few quick friends with the barn animals.  Especially Ralph the mule.  He was a character! He said hello immediatly and stood and told me about the landlord.  His name was Larry, I had better stay away from his carts and the buildings as Larry didn't like cats.
    Now I was worried how was this sweet lady going to pull off my staying if the landlord didn't like cats?  That meant I had two strikes against me right from the start.  So did she when you really looked at it since it was obvious she loved cats.  How was she managing to survive this invironment with these restrictions?  I wandered back toward the house she had entered earlier when Ralph became too tired and closed his eyes.  I stood on the front porch and hollered out for her hoping she would hear I had returned.  My stomach had begun to growl again.  I hoped she had some scraps to feed me.  Some bacon pieces like Tom's lady gave him would be real nice about now.  Did she intend for me to stay here, was I just company on her drive?  Did she expect me to go back home?  Well Ralph had said she was friendly and had brought me here for a reason.  He said she never did anything without a reason.
    Uh oh, another vehicle coming better hide for awhile.  Oh what a pretty blue on that truck.  I ran hid under the friendly lady's car.  Man that human is huge, and he looks mad.  He went in the house said something to her.  She followed him back out the door and back to the truck.  He went back and forth, they must have made that short trip six times, while she tried to tell him about her day.  They had gone back inside for quit some time when the door finally opened and she got down on her knees.  Softly she spoke to me, she could see where I hid under the car.  I went to her immediatly, my stomach was growling something terrible now.  It had gotten dark and the only thing keeping me waiting here was the hope she hadn't forgotten me.  Here she was finally wanting me and lifting me into her warm arms again.  I found myself sitting on the big lap of the large man that had come in before.  He seemed gentle enough yet there was a feel of danger too.  I knew instantly this was the one she was telling me I must please to stay in this home.
    I immediatly began to search for way to make him happy.  He made it very clear that my hair falling out would be a problem if it was left behind on his couch.  Made a mental note find somewhere outside to groom myself while away from furniture.  he got up, I made myself comfortable on the warm spot of the sofa he had left behind.  I heard water running, then water running in the kitchen, pans rattling around.  Neither human said much to the other.  The big box with changing pictures came on, and I began to nap.  I tried anyway, my stomach growled insestantly.  Whatever he was cooking in that kitchen smelled mighty nice.  It came to me she probably had no idea how hungry I was seeing as how content I was just to have a nice warm safe place to take a nap.  I stretched out lazily on the couch and slowly made my way in to the kitchen.  I wound myself around his legs in hopes he would understand I just wanted a small nibble.  He reached in the pan and plucked a couple pieces of the cooking meat, set it on a glass dish and put it under my nose.  I couldn't resist I gobbled it down so fast I didnt even taste the meat.  He treated me to several more bites as he teased me about making sure his fingers were moved first.
    I heard a door open and close then another voice, just as he opened the cabinet under where he was cooking.  I darted for cover.  He reached in patted my head and spoke softly, telling me I might as well come out and meet him now cause he would probably be around often.  Might as well get use to the person now while he was here to rescue me if need be.
    I slowly gazed around the cabinet door as a shorter, young person stepped into the kitchen door.  He was wanting to pet me but she held him back, "Ok Forrest, approach her slow and remember she is scared still.  I don't know if she is up to date on shots or carrying anything so be very careful."  The young man, named, Forrest sat on the floor and just sat there looking at me.  I got curious and wandered up to him.  I pawed at his leg, no reaction at all.  I slowly leaned forward and sniffed his mouth.  He chuckled and reached out to pat my head.  Ok this Forrest person is not gonna hurt me.  With that I plopped down lazily in his lap, hoping the big man would pass me more treats.  I had fallen asleep laying in his lap, when Forrest decided to get up, he tried hard not to wake me.  He gently lifted me and deposited me on a warm blanket on the sofa.  I stretched a bit, opened one eye and gazed at Forrest.  He laughed and said, " Aunt De I think she just winked at me!"  He left shortly after that.  Roger prepared their dinner, De had left for a short time.  When she came back I awakened to the smell of fish.  Oh my it had been a long time since I had smelled fish.  MMM, that was a treat to just smell.  Was that to be part of their dinner, would the big man sneak me a bite pretty soon?  I jumped off the couch I had to go inspect where that smell came from.  There Roger stood in the kitchen, my dish was missing at his feet though.  I gave Roger a sad pouty look and mewed.  Just to let him know I was dissappointed I was hoping for more of a snack.  I turned to go back to the sofa when all he did was take the utinsil in his hand and point it at me.
    Thank God I turned toward the other door leaving the kitchen.  There she stood by the big shelves, I'd inspected earlier.  A box had  been put under the shelves, she stood holding the glass dish he had fed me the scraps in.  Oh my, that's where the fish smell came from too.  She set that glass dish on the floor beside the box and a small glass bowl.  I could taste the food on that dish before I got to it.  I told myself as I daintly ate to be a lady for this kind of treat.  I didn't need to gobble it down there was noone else to take this food from me.  I sat down and leisurly enjoyed the first meal I didn't have to kill something for.  I sniffed the glass bowl beside it, hmmm warm milk the lady back where Tom lived use to sometimes leave warm cream and milk, well what Tom left for me to eat.  Oh how I could love it here.  I would always miss Tom and the kids but I knew they would be taken care of.  I trusted the angels would watch over all of them including Tom's human.
    After finishing eating the two Roger and De moved into the couch where they layed together watching that noisy colorful box in front of it.  They laughed together alot, they seemed to know what each other needed in the way of conversation, neither said much to the other.  It got late I got tired.  I had found in my slow casual search for a soft place to lay down, after being tossed off the foot of the couch a couple times after attacking moving objects that bugged me, I'd found a basket of old clothes on the back of a high shelf.  It was very comfortable to my sore bones.  Much more comfortable than those old cold stones were, warmer too.  I dozed off contentedly.  I had a full stomach and a safe place to sleep.
      Hours went by when I heard her up searching through things.  She was softly calling, kitty, here kitty kitty!  UHOH! She is looking for me?  I popped my head up stood up and stretched as I did I looked up through the crack in things that were stacked on the shelf.  There she stood her hands on her hips laughing silently.  She reached in and picked me up.  She carried me into the living room where he stood.  "Come on please, she isnt hurting anything!" she seemed to be pleading with Roger.  Roger looked at me and then at her, " Sorry hon, you don't know that she is house trained, if its meant to be she wont go far!"  Uhoh , what does he mean by that?  Now she is working her way toward the door.  Well there goes my contentment.  Oh well guess time to explore outside.  I have to go potty anyway and Tom always said whatever you do in a humans home don't go to the bathroom until your let back outside.  Tom said that was all he could think he had ever done in his first humans home.  He couldn't understand as how he could of done anything else wrong.  I would take his advice in this case.  I would find some way to get out when I had to go potty. 
    Ralph greeted me warmly, he was just tired of standing still or walking in circles.  He said only two more days and he would get his turn in the big field to graze and move around.  It took me a little while to learn all the horses names even with Ralphs help.  Most the horses were stuck up and didn't think a cat was fit to talk to anyway.  They called me inferior and even tried to keep their young away from talking with me.
    "They will eventually accept you if you let them my dear.", This is all Ralph would reply to my questions of "Why don't they like me?"  "What did I do wrong?"
    I had birds outside the house attack me, I didn't know if I was to defend against birds or not. I don't remember her saying one way or the other in the car.  Now mice that was a different story.  My benefactor had made it clear on the ride that would be the fastest way to make it clear I could earn my keep.  The entire night during my strolls around meeting the local and not so local animals in the neighborhood that evening.  I met and socialized with many but found most held there heads high and did not seem to even acknowledge my presence.  Not knowing if I would be allowed to stay I didn't make a big deal out of it.  Just continued my merry way, always keeping an eye open for that mouse that would allow me to show Roger I could earn my keep.
    I hit upon just the right little area out behind the house soon after leaving Ralph to sleep. I was beginning to get exhausted walking about with no place to go.  I began to slowly work my way toward the barn again , when movement by a large barrel attracted my attention.  I began to slowly work my way toward the barrel.  There in the shadows.  As I approached I coud hear small scrapings and began to think the noises were coming from inside the barrel.  Suddenly a little grey fur ball went darting across my path.  Wow, there went my prey I have been looking for all night.  Didn't take me long to run him down.  My stomach was full I had no reason to eat him, but that poor Duchess , she was locked in the shed across the road.  She would probably like a tender morsil of fresh meat.  I loped across the street and mewed at the door.  She let me know in very terse words my gift was not neccesary , she had plenty of that meat at her disposal.  In the process though she did remind me that my benefactor had said I needed to prove my worth to Roger.  What better way to do that than show him my hunting skills.
    I began to really hunt, using all my hunting skills. The sun was coming up, I could see the pinks and oranges in the sky. The colors I had always looked forward too. The warmth of the sun was always welcoming a new day! It looked like I had come to my conclusion to collect my catches and display them for him a little too late.  I would have to work fast.  I carried each one of my catches , even one overly large furry creature that I don't believe was a mouse but hey I caught it so I am going to display it too.  That animal was half my size but didn't put up much of a fight actually it seemed to try to hide down a tunnel in the earth.  It didnt move fast enough. I was laughing at its slow movements and almost let it get away.
    I had collected about seven small mice and the large one when I noticed there was movement in the house.  I decided to perch myself on the porch.  There was a nice chunk of wood that made a perfect perch to watch my catches and the front door.  If one of my benefactors came out I would see them.  I could make it clear the prizes here were for them.  Maybe I would get another of those delicious treats, or a good meal out of it.  At the last minute I dexided to take the larger creature and hide it under the bush just in case I did need a meal later. Never hurts to be safe.
    I had just returned to my perch on the porch. Was prepping and grooming myself. That awful mud at the cemetary had caked between my toes , it felt like cement now.  I was working hard at this when the front door opened.  It was Roger, he stepped out and walked toward the stairs where I had left my catches.
The cement must have felt cold to him , he tip toed across the porch toward me.  He seemed to do a quick sweep around the yard like he was looking for something.  When his eyes landed on my catches laying on the step he smiled real big, and a twinkle appeared in his eyes.  He approached me, watching my every flick of my tail.  He leaned down, I could smell his breath he got so close to my face.  His hand reached out and softly scratched between my ears.  "Well all be, great job little one.  Guess we have to keep you around now.  You can obviously earn your keep."  He gathered me into his arms.  I knew better than to claw, instinctively I knew that would get me thrown down but I was slowly sliding out of his arms.  Instead I grasped his shoulder with my front paw and heaved myself with little effort up to where I could place my back paws up on his left shoulder and curl myself around the back of his neck.  Resting my cheek against his shoulder and stretching my front paws down his chest on the opposite side.  I was now securly hooked around his neck.  The only way I could fall now would be if he suddenly leaned back ward.  He seemed to realize this and leaned slightly forward so as to slant my body into his neck.  " Making yourself comfortable !" he stated as he opened the door heading back into the house. He reached up and scratched my ears once again.  Boy, he knew just where I needed scratching he was good at it too.
    "Shall we go wake her up or would you like to do that on your own this morning!"  Not understanding what he wanted, I stayed right where I was. Kind of enjoyed the view, not to mention his warmth.  He approached the bedroom, Wow a big bed with lots of pillows. There layed the sweet lady who had saved me too sound asleep. She layed there on her side with one arm off the bed, snoring slight murmurring sounds.  Roger reached up and lifted me gently from his shoulders.  Setting me down on the soft bed where I found myself sinking in a pool of soft cloth.  I began to knead at the cloth , making a soft bed thinking I would be allowed to take a nap now that I had proven I could earn my keep.  Just as I curled up my little round spot suddenly slid sideways and her hand found my chest, she pulled me up until my head layed just under her chin.  She was smiling I could feel that.  My body was stretched out along her form which now could be felt under all the soft material.  Oh the feeling of her warm hand sliding down my back repeatedly.  I could lay here all day.
    "What changed your mind?" she asked him .
      " Well get up and come look on the front step!" he answered.
    "Oh, jeez just tell me dang it, why must you always make it hard to get information out of you?" she said, I could sense her irritation and she stopped stroking my back.  I softly mewed at her in an attempt to get that soft hand back on my backside.  Instead she lifted me into her arms as she swung her legs out from under the cloth on the bed.  Her skin felt warm as she held me tightly against her bare chest.  She put a terrycloth robe on from the foot of the bed.  Transfering me from one arm to the other as she followed him back to where we just came from. 
    She was as shocked as he had been.  She giggled, "See I told you she was a hunter."
    She patted me between the ears, leaned in close to my head, as he headed back in she whispered, " You did good girl, now you get to stay here with us.  Glad you listened so well now just keep in mind no getting on the furniture unless he invites you or laying on the blanket I gave you last night."
      Now I understand what she had meant for me to do with that soft thing in the wood shed out there.  I hadn't even gone back in that dark shed. It smelled bad in there.  I didn't sleep last night anyway, I had work to do. Doesn't she know the night hours are the best time for hunting.  Looks like I will have to teach her a thing or two about cats.
    I enjoyed being carried around in her arms sometimes she got a bit too enthusiastic though.  When she saw my catches from the night before she began jumping up and down jostling my empty stomach a good deal.  Roger spoke as he went back in the house, " Well I do believe she was trying to tell me something. She left those in plain sight and was sitting there on the log grooming herself when I came out. Obviously she was waiting to show me her mousing abilities."
    She carried me as she went back to the bedroom and layed back down.  My stomach was growling now so sleep was out of the question.  Once she got comfortable I jumped down .  I was curious what Roger was doing now.  I followed the sounds and found him in the kitchen sitting at that big table.  He was staring at a big sheet of paper. I jumped and pawed at the lower corner, it shook and rattled a bit. I did this several times each time jumping higher and getting more of the rattling sound.  Suddenly the paper lowered, he glared over the top, yet he was smiling. "Hey now enough of that!" he said as he playfully slapped at my paws.  I found a good spot under the table to curl up . I waited quietly in hopes he would realize I was hungry.
    He got up, I followed behind him.  He approached the bed again.  He leaned down closely to where she laid I watched from the door.  I wouldn't allow any one to hurt this woman I now considered my human.  She had brought me to safety and warmth. Not even this man whom she seemed to love so much.  When he was near her, even now half asleep she seemed to have a glow about her.  I began to nod off right there in the doorway , it seemed they were going to lay there for awhile. 
    Roger suddenly got up he came toward me so fast I didn't have time to react and move out of his way.  He tripped over me and went sprawling face first on the carpet.  It hurt but not as much as it scared me.  I ran and hid under the bed as this big man started to yell, he was talking so fast and loud I understood very little but I knew he was mad, mad at me.  He had finished yelling when I heard him walk away.  The box with the voices came on in the living room.  I no longer wanted to go watch.  I was scared to move.  I knew I needed to check on my rib cage for it hurt bad. I was so scared his anger would come back I didn't move an inch.  I heard him yell, "Check under the bed, she ran there!" I hadn't heard her speak before this but I had begun to tremble by then and was getting cold for some reason.  What had I done wrong?  All I did was fall asleep while waiting to see what happened next.  I wasn't at fault that he fell over me was I?  I was worried now I would be thrown back out into the cold.  I hadn't even got a treat for my catches!
    Suddenly the sweet lady's head appeared at the edge of the bed, upside down, but a smile on her face.  Come on out sweety he is ok, are you?  I didn't move.  She continued to talk to me, trying to coax me out of my hiding spot.  I was just about to believe in her and come out when I heard Roger heading toward the bed.  His footsteps were louder than usual.  Was he still mad?  Another part of the covering at the side of the bed suddenly popped up and light shown in.  Rogers face suddenly appeared, also upside down.  Roger's big arm and hand open suddenly had hold of me around the middle.  I shook but made no attempt to get free.  When he got me in the open he stood up.  Looking down at De as he softly stroked my back, "I think it scared her more than it hurt, she is just scared, stop crying!"  I was plopped down beside her on the bed.  Maybe I finally get to lay down on the soft covers.  " I have to get to work, if you think she is hurt take her into work and get her looked at.  Why she is there get her shots we don't want her catching anything out here.  Might as well get her spayed why your at it.  Larry isn't going to allow a bunch of kittens even if he does allow her to stay.  That will be up to you to convince him to allow her to stay." Roger said, as he moved around the room opening the drawers and slamming them shut again. 
    "You mean it, your allowing me to keep her?" De asked.
    "Well she did prove she can hunt! She even seems to like me suprisingly!" he replied as he scratched between my ears again.
    He leaned over me to give her a kiss goodbye, then rumpled the fur on my back. I gave a loud purr of frustration.  Dang it, now I will have to groom myself again.
    "Now, Roger that wasn't nice!" she said as he left the room.  She reached down and pulled me back up beside her.  "Well you managed to pull that one off, I really wonder now, can you understand me?" She gave me a complex look then her eyes closed as she nodded back off to sleep.  All the while continuing to stroke my back softly.  Maybe I wouldn't bother grooming just yet this was better than all the grooming I could give myself. I even forgot my hunger laying there beside her.  I felt her love for me growing with each stroke of my fur even in her sleep.
    I layed there and slept peacefully beside her, the light purrs rumbling from my throat rythmically.  I found I could enjoy this life.

    For the following five years I would sleep contentedly beside this loving woman, hunt by night , sleeping contently until they would each get home from their respective jobs.  I loved them both deeply and did my best to keep them both happy.  Many a tear were shed on my back , but I was always there to comfort her when she wanted my comfort.  Roger would even occasionally confide his secrets with me, but he was more likely to talk to Ralph for some reason.
    It wasn't long and I learned why she had been at the eternal land that day she saved me.  That cold black stone had been to mark her mothers' plot. In many crying sessions she would beg to speak to her mother just one more time.  She felt her mother had sent me to replace her beloved Prince, who's picture was posted throughout the house.  His scent was still around, I would come across his hair everywhere.  I now knew why Roger had such a temper over shedded cat hair. Prince's white hair was everywhere. Standing out against the dark backgrounds in this home.  Everything was dark greens or dark browns, like the earth outdoors. It was a peaceful home, yet so much saddness.
    Over time I would learn this wonderful lady De had suffered a great deal of loss in just a short span of time. Just before my arrival into her life.
    I learned what was expected of me.  I also learned alot about love and the peace that loving a human could bring.  My whole world changed suddenly though, it hurt her as much as it did me, I believe. I would remember my old home the eternal land, Grace the angel that saved me from the creek. The mean man that put me there from the home before. I would wake from naps shaking in fear she would always hold me and bring me comfort until the bad dreams were past. I thought I would spend the rest of my earthly life with this couple.  How wrong I was, yet Grace visited me that last night, reminding me there was a reason for all things that happen!
    My next home would be just as loving but different in many ways, that is another story though!

Cemetarykat aka "Ceme"


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