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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Gothic · #1232469
Olivera, the original Vampire Hunter in his first blood thirsty adventure.
Jennifer nodded her head despite the fact the Olivera could clearly see that she did not approve of the term rebel. It looked as if the very word itself had sparked some kind of hidden anger; anger that he hadn’t seen last night.
“So are you going to answer my original question?”
“I loved him, ok. I loved Crysiflur. Drake could never have been half the man his brother was even if he wasn’t a vampire. Crysiflur cared for me more than Drake ever would have. I made a mistake, but it’s not my fault that he ended up as a vampire”
Oliver shrugged. “Suit yourself. But when we saw Crysiflur before, he wasn’t his lovey-dovey self as you say he is”
“Drake’s changed him. He’s moulded him into some kind of monster. Crysiflur has been taught to hate me, to kill me at all and any cost. I blame Drake for that. He could not have what he loved, but who he loved got what he loved. In short Drake wanted me, but it was Crysiflur that ended up with me.”
“You’re not much of a poet, not even close to Shakespeare. Next time just take a quote out of a book, second thought read Romeo and Juliet.”
“Wether I’m good or not is far beyond the point. You don’t understand the simplicity of things. I don’t need a quote to demonstrate how things turned out; I have the teeth mark’s embedded in my neck for that”
“Boo-hoo, cry me a river!”
“Shut up!”
“You two keep it down up there, or I’ll kick you out onto the street” came the faint voice of the old lady from down stairs. She seemed to say something else but it was mumbled out by her movement as she walked across the room on the floor below.
Jennifer looked at him angrily, pointing her finger towards the door. “I think you should leave”
Olivera left without a word or a second glance.

‘I don’t like the word completely, it’s stupid. Nothing is infinite, complete or immortal, there’s no such thing. If such things where infinite the land would be never ending, you’d never be able to find the bottom of the ocean and the whole universe itself would stretch-out into what seemed forever. Back to what I saw saying though. Nothing can be completed because something new will always arise into it. For example you can’t say that you’ve completely cleaned your house because you either would have missed a spot somewhere plus the fact the more dust would have already fallen. The equation is incomplete…’

After that Olivera, didn’t have anywhere else to go. Well no where else except the bar that is.
So he walked the streets as the street lamps came on one by was and as cars went by. He began to feel guilty about what he had said to Jennifer. ‘Cry me a river’ wasn’t exactly one of the nicest things he could have said to her. Yet what was he supposed to say, he had never even been close to being in that same kind of situation. In his lifetime he had never loved somebody, not even a family member or a stuffed toy. Numerous times he had wondered if there was something wrong with him but had dismissed the thought finding himself close enough to perfect.

‘Going through life without a caring family is not one of the easiest things in life. At times I felt as if I may as well be dead, that if I through myself in a river and died that no one would care. Aunty Eileen and uncle Beck never cared for me, maybe I should have thrown myself in…’

Olivera opened the bar door taking in a deep breath of the smells it beheld. Strong beer scents filled his nostrils making him a little uneasy; no one ever drank anything like that.
He stood there for a few minutes, in-between the doorway, not letting it close when he heard and hissing kind of sound. Olivera turned around to see a man dressed in a pair of torn jeans and jacket. The jacket reminded him of the vampires and of something an undercover detective would wear. Atop of the mans head was a dark green beanie turned inside out, the stitching could be seen in numerous places. Olivera guessed that it had also been re-sowed multiple times. Yet the man had no shoes as he walked bare foot against the snow.
“You, yeah you” he said, his eyes darting all over the place as if he where looking to see if anyone else was around. “You wanna by a watch?”
Olivera shook his head. “I don’t need to keep track of time”
“Oh, no, no, no, no, no” said the man. “These are good watches, good quality watches. Straight off of a dead…” the man paused for a minute, looking around for anyone else again. When he saw that they where alone he lent closer to Olivera and whispered “Straight off of a dead vampires wrist”
Olivera turned his back on the man and walked into the bar. Although he was inside and there was a wall in-between him and the man he could still here his muffled cries. “I blame you if my children die of hunger”
Olivera chose to ignore this and walked over towards the bar tender. As he approached his seat he noticed something different, it was occupied. No one ever sat in his seat and that wasn’t his rule. No one ever sat in his seat because it was the crappiest of them all. It was worn and torn, the leather ripped and the stools red leather colour fading. It now stood their against the others as a pink. All of the others had been replaced the year before, but not that one, that one was special.

‘When two people meet up for a second time, trying to save each others lives, well I think that means something. Wether it be fate, destiny and other, they where meant to help each other out, no matter what the cost…’

Olivera walked over to the man occupying his seat and taped him on the shoulder. The span the seat around so he could face Olivera one-on-one.
“You’re in my seat”
The man didn’t answer, he span the seat back around and went back to his drink, ignoring Olivera al together.
Oliver didn’t bother tapping him on the shoulder this time. “I said, you’re in my seat”
The man turned back around again and looked Olivera straight in the face. He was pale and maybe a little shorter than Olivera himself but a strong build, almost as if he was an American football player. But that was when Olivera noticed it, the two teeth marks on his neck.
“And what are you going to do about it?” said the man as he laughed. The rest of the bar filled with laughter, almost identical to his as Olivera turned around to see the rest of the bar. Every one of them, all of them, wether they where playing pool, smoking, drinking or putting money into the jukebox, was a vampire.
The vampires eventually stopped laughing and went back to doing what they where doing, all except one. He looked at Olivera and then over to the wall where the entrance to the bar was. Again he looked at Olivera and then back to the wall.
Olivera decided to play it cool and looked over at the wall where that one vampire had been looking. There pinned to the wall where two wanted posters, either side of the entrance. On the left hand side was a picture of Jennifer, looking as lovely as usual. Details where scribbled on the bottom of the page but he wasn’t able to read them from his distance. On the right hand side of the entrance was a picture of himself, Olivera Davidson. Olivera didn’t know how to react to this. At first he was stunned, then shocked. A wave of emotion flowed over him, each one too fast for him to grasp.
The vampire that had been looking from Olivera to the poster let out a long whistle. The bar fell silent under this noise as they all turned to face the vampire. “Hey guys” he said. “That’s him, that who their after. Olivera Davidson”
Olivera just stood there as each vampire in the room turned their eyes on him. Each one got to their feet and began to move closer towards him as if in slow motion. Olivera didn’t know what to do, there was too many of them. All fifty odd vampires approached him, surrounding him in a circle until finally he found himself back up against a wall.
Olivera went for his jacket but found he wasn’t wearing it. “Shit” he said. “Wholly shit”
The vampires closed in on him, closer and closer. Snarling at him, their teeth a horrid yellowish colour. One of them reached out to him, trying to draw him nearer, they would have exceeded to if it wasn’t for that one interruption.

‘I never actually tried to defeat a vampire with garlic or holy water before; then again I’m not a very religious person. I find all water to be the same, be it holy water or not…’

The door blast open, each one of it hinges shot off. A cloud of smoke arose near the entrance. A figure stepped forward, yet it was too hard to make out who or what it was with the surrounding smoke.
The vampires began to hiss as they moved towards the figure. A few of them stayed where they were, not willing to give up their bounty. One of them grabbed hold of Olivera’s neck, pinning him against the wall.
The figure stepped forward pulling out what looked to be a long sword. The vampires grew louder. Within moments the first head was taken as if rolled over towards Olivera He looked at the head in disgust as it began to turn to dust. The vampires surrounding him let go at the sight of the head and went to formally welcome their new guest.

‘Old faithful, well where do I begin with her. I got her a few years back, when I was seventeen. I had enough of people bashing me on the streets so I brought her. At first I only used her for self defence but then she became something more. She was my pride and joy; I guess you could say that I easily became obsessed with her. I’d clean her everyday, taking my time as I did so. I’d load and reload the gun, trying to work in some practice so when I did need her I could assemble her easily…’

Olivera watched as vampire after vampire was attacked, most of them stabbed in the chest, directly into the heart. Whoever it was knew the easy was to kill a vampire. The fog was clearing up but not fast enough for Olivera to see who it was. He watched as another two vampires where killed on the spot. Each one fell to the ground with a heavy thump but soon decomposing into dust.
The figure began to move closer and closer. The fog was clearing rapidly now. The figure would soon be in his range of sight.

‘I never owned a weapon before Old faithful. The closest thing I ever had as a weapon was my aunt and uncles axe, strictly for firewood purposes only. They used to live on the edge of town so they weren’t fancy people with electric heaters; they liked to live life the hard way. I used to watch my uncle set of bear traps but the closest thing we got to a bear was a feral cat. On rare occasion we’d get a fox or a squirrel but that’s just about it…’

The fog was gone and now stepped forward Jennifer. Olivera’s jaw almost hit the ground at the sight of her. Here she was a long sword in hand and a shotgun attached to her back. He guessed that she had used that to destroy the doors hinges. Yet here she was, in an act of rage and violence.
She moved forward some more, she was less than a five meters away from him now.
“Here” she said as she through Olivera his jacket that she had previously been wearing.
Olivera slid into his jacket with ease and pulled out his gun from his jacket left hand pocket. He didn’t know why he had left it in there, he never had before. He quickly loaded his jacket with a few silver bullets from his right pocket and began to fire away. One quick shot to the chest, killed most of them.
Olivera moved around the room swiftly, Old faithful held in his two hands. He could shot with one but it was guaranteed to be a lousy shot if he did. If he held her in both hands his shot was to be more accurate.
Five kills and he still wanted more. Jennifer would have had to have been up to her twentieth by now. She stood in the centre of the room, swinging her long sword from side-to-side, wielding it like crazy.
Olivera was suddenly struck with a sharp stabbing pain in his left shoulder as he fell to the ground. A group of vampires assembled around him, ready to feed. Before he could do anything to protect himself one, two and three vanished into dust. Four, five, six and seven came next. Eight and Nine where killed by the same deadly blow, their bodies decapitated as the long sword cut through their chests and directly through both of their hearts. Ten, eleven, twelve and thirteen all put up a fight but died defeated. Fourteen, fifteen and sixteen where beheaded their bodies all in a pile, each one turning to dust. Yet there was still one left. Olivera still couldn’t get up; his shoulder was in too much pain. He watched defenceless as the vampire made its way over to Jennifer, taking her sword out of her hands.

‘The bar tenders shotgun sits in my living room now, encased around eternal ice. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to touch it again, not that I want to…’

Jennifer gasped as her sword was taken from her. Olivera could tell she didn’t mean to gasp but she had anyway, and he knew for a fact that he hadn’t meant to give up her sword.
The vampire laughed a hideous laugh as he beckoned Jennifer onto her knees. She did what she was asked, without question. The vampire raised the sword above his head, ready to splinted her skull.
“No!” cried Olivera as he managed to shoot Old faithful with his good arm. His other shoulder screamed as he moved to do this but it wasn’t in as much pain as it would have been if he had used his other arm. He watched half petrified; half mortified as the bullet made its way towards the vampire. It looked at him with its greedy eyes, Jennifer’s sword still in its hands. But then its face seemed to change, the bullet had made contact. The vampire seemed to look at Olivera, to Jennifer and back to Olivera. Its face was full of confusion as it too like the other vanished into dust. Jennifer flung herself away from where the vampire had been as her long sword hit the ground where she had been kneeling.
Jennifer let out a long quavering breath as she looked behind her at what might have been. Most of the sword was embedded in the floor, while half of the blade and the entire hilt could still be seen.
Olivera was able to make eye contact with Jennifer before he blacked out.

‘People say that vampires only exist in Transylvania but their wrong, vampires are everywhere…’

Olivera awoke to one of the most hideous sights ever, the old lady. Her face was inches away from his while she started intensely at him. He cringed at the mere sight of her, putting his hand over his eyes.
“Jennifer!” the old lady screeched. “He’s awake”
Olivera lay there, listening as he heard Jennifer’s footsteps patter softly against the floor as she made her way down stairs. The old lady left the room as Jennifer approached.
“How are you feeling?” she asked as if she were a nurse.
In truth Olivera was aching all over. His shoulder felt as if it had been smashed while the rest of his body throttled with pain. He also had a slight headache.
“Just fine” he managed. He grinned at her but knew she hadn’t bought it.
“For someone who had their shoulder hit with a metal pipe…” she trail off with what she was saying. Olivera was a little frightened by this. She was recalling something she had either seen, heard or read before. People only ever did this if they where curious or not wanting to go any future into discussion.
“So how much money are you worth?” he asked.
“I take it you saw the posters too?”
Olivera nodded his head. It still ached but he had had worse headaches in his life. His shoulder was causing him the most pain, yet he chose not to show it. He didn’t need to have her know his weaknesses, not yet anyway.

‘The first step to beating your enemy is to know their weakness. To uncover a weakness is something spectacular as it could lead to more wondrous possibilities. The only problem is, not to let your weakness get out…’

“Five hundred grand is on my head, it’s doubled it I’m kept alive. There’s two thousand on your head, not much of a prize compared to me. A million is offered to the person who can bring us both to Drake alive.”
Olivera whistled. “Is it possible to turn yourself in?”
“You fool” snapped Jennifer. “Do you have any idea what Drake would do to you if you where taken to him?”
“I have a fair idea” he said. “He’d probably turn me vamp then find some constructive way to torture me for the rest of my immortal vampire life”
“Not even close” said Jennifer.
Olivera listened, expecting her to elaborate on what she had just said. Yet she just stood there, saying nothing. Olivera looked at her and for the first time realised that she was scared.

‘Virgil lives with me now. He’s eighteen, three years younger than me. I’ve taught him all that I can’t and in return he doesn’t suck my blood. He doesn’t talk much now, not after what happened. We’re both still hurting but we dare not show it. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and fix what is done, but I know it is impossible…’

The old lady came back into the room, claiming that she was just checking in on them. Olivera had a feeling that she didn’t quite trust him in her home. He had also learnt in the short time he had known Jennifer that she too didn’t like the old lady, but tried her hardest not to show any signs of remorse towards her. She was just too polite to be cruel to the old lady.
“When do you think they’ll stop coming after us?” he asked once the old lady had left again. He knew that she would be back to check in on them. She’d be back in about ten minutes.
“Never; Drake won’t let them stop hunting us down until he has us in his command. He’s rich a powerful Oliver, he wont stop until he has us.”
“My names Olivera not Oliver”
“Oh” said Jennifer a little embarrassed by her mispronunciation “I’m sorry”
“It’s not your fault” he said. “Those vampires are going to be sorry when they see my shopping bill. Do they have any idea how much it cost for one single silver bullet. I may as well sell everything that I own just to keep buy them. I not bloody made of money”
“They know that and they use it to their advantage. The more shots you miss the better it is to them. They want you to buy more silver bullets, don’t you get it. Its not a case of them being killed they want you too waste all of your money for ammunition.”
“Bastards” mumbled Olivera as he thumped his leg with his fist. “The bloody bastards, I should have known”
Jennifer laughed at this. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, you didn’t know and you weren’t meant to know. Vampires are very secretive about their business; they never let their competition know what they are thinking”
“What about you then?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are you hiding anything from them, from me?”
Jennifer blushed. “That’s none of you concern. What is though is the death of all vampires and our survival”
“So how do we go about it? As you can see I’m not exactly rolling in enough cash to keep on buying silver ammo.”
Jennifer thought about it for a minute then dashed upstairs, leaving him alone in the old ladies lounge room.

‘I get shivers up my spine when ever I think about it; Vampimeria. Jennifer had the only copy in existence. I was surprised when she showed it to me and told me what it was. It was our key to survival, our one way out Vampimeria: of myth and legend…’

Jennifer came back downstairs carrying what looked to be an old leather bound book. Olivera was a little surprised to know that he guess had been right. The book (as she handed it over to him) was old and worn. Parts of it where beginning to rot while the pages themselves had gone brown with age. Each page was close to falling out, yet none did.
Jennifer ushered him to sit up so she could sit down next to him. Olivera did, despite the pain still in his shoulder. He was sure he hadn’t just been hit with a metal pipe; it hurt too much to be just that.
Olivera quickly skimmed through it then came back to the start reading the first page as the cover itself had no name. ‘Vampimeria: of myth and legend’ it read yet there was no name to say who had written it.
Olivera flipped over to the next page. Often in books there was a contents page, but this book held none. The first page was filled by an introduction, written only by hand. The whole duplex building seemed to go quiet as he read it out loud.

“Thou, who shall read from thy book, will behold unknown secrets beyond power. Beyond these pages lays hidden secrets far beyond imagination. Secrets able to destroy people long forgotten and races no more than a myth. Tales of our ancestors and of what they have done, who they have forgotten and what must be done.’

Olivera felt a shiver go up his spine. The book didn’t strike fear into his heart or even frighten him but there was something about it that mad him edgy towards it. He wasn’t quite certain what it was though.
“Are you ok?” asked Jennifer, her eyes seemed big as if she too had felt a shiver creep up her spine.
Olivera nodded. “You?”
Jennifer nodded back while Olivera continued on reading from the next page.

‘I found out after the recent events that have occurred that Crysiflur has a son, one that I had never heard about. No one knows much about him apart from the fact that his son’s mother’s identity is well hidden. His sons name is Felix but what has me thinking is that vampires can’t have families. Unless of course Felix was conceived before Crysiflur became a vampire…’

“Transylvania” he read out aloud. “Transylvania is a vampire’s place of origin, and where the first vampire ancestor came to be. Dracula was the first of his kind, abandoned as a child and taken in by family after family. No one knows how he lived for the first few years of his life but by the age of nine he had killed well over two thousand people, wether they be travellers or locals. Each one was found with two fang marks on his or her neck. Most of the victims had been alive when they where bitten. People began to disappear like fireflies while other just vanished without a trace. People could have sworn that they had seen their loved ones in the dead of the night but could never prove it.”
“Kind of scary, huh?” said Jennifer.
Olivera smiled. “As long as you don’t pull anything like that on me I’ll be fine”
Jennifer but her hand over her heart and smiled back at him. “I swear I won’t do such a thing”
Olivera continued on reading. “By the age of fourteen Dracula’s appetite had hit sky high as it had increased by fifty percent. He was killing an estimate of thirty-five people per week, leading to the death of five people each day. Dracula became greedy and blind sighted as more vampires arose as his pervious victims. At the time it was hard to hunt for food with Dracula around so most of them left Transylvania, seeking blood from all over the world. The world was shocked as sixty-nine people died all from the same town in the one day.”
Olivera could feel his heart quickening just by the knowledge of this. It was madness he knew that but no one deserved to be slaughtered, not even by a vampire.

‘Some time’s I wonder if Jennifer’s sense of time was correct. Was six months to her a week or two years? Maybe when she said six months she meant six months but I cant help but wonder about Felix. I know one thing for sure about him though; no one knows the identity of his mother. Who ever Felix’s parents are well let’s just say that they’re smart people. If anyone knew who his mother was, well the effects could end up being disastrous…’

“Are you sure your ok?” asked Jennifer. “You don’t have to read this if you don’t want to. Maybe it was a bad idea; I shouldn’t have brought the book out in the first place.”
“No” said Olivera. “It wasn’t. We need to know this stuff. That’s if we want to fight the vampires and win”
“But what if we don’t win, what if this was all a waste of time”
Olivera smiled. “Then I’m glad I spent this time with you and not by myself”

‘Maybe deep down inside I did care for her in my own way. There was something there I knew that but I always thought that it was just our friend ship. But I can’t admit to that, these feelings that I have, even if they aren’t what I think they are I can never let them out…’

“Jennifer!” screeched the old lady as she came back into the lounge room. She looked as if she had been sleeping with her clothes on. “Jennifer” she said as she entered the room. “It’s almost five”
Jennifer jumped to her feet. “I have to go to my room” she said. “I need some sleep”
Olivera nodded. “Sure thing” he said. “I’ll go home”
Jennifer stood up, taking the book off of him and putting it under her arm. “That would be best, you need some rest. You can come back around tomorrow.”
“Ok” he said as he got to his own feet. His shoulder still hurt like crazy as he winced in pain but told Jennifer when she asked that it was nothing. “By the way” he said, as he opened the front door. “How long was I out cold for?”
“From six minutes past ten to five to four in the morning”
“Thanks” he said as he stepped outside. He watched as the old lady slammed the door in his face. From there Olivera walked home. Yester had been one hell of a long day but today was going to be even longer.

‘I dream about Dracula sometimes, wether it be day or night. He haunts my thoughts but not very regularly. If he wasn’t already dead, I would kill him myself. Thanks to him and of course the people like him, Drake is the new evil…’

“Olivera, where have you been? Business has been great lately. I was almost going to send a search party out after you I was that worried”
“I’m here now” said Olivera as he walked into his work place. Standing in front of him, blocking him from the staff room and reception was Monty.
Monty was a pretty average guy. He slept around, owned the shooting ranch where Olivera worked and earned heaps of cash. The only down side to it all was that he still lived with his mother. He was an averagely built guy with blonde hair spiked in multiple places. He always wore a pair of black sunglasses even if he was indoors. He was an average shooter but nothing spectacular. Olivera had no idea why he had brought the ranch in the first place.
Olivera shoved past him and over to the notice board. As usual, there were no messages for him.
“I don’t know why you even bother looking at that thing” said Monty. “You never have any messages”
Olivera pushed past him and went over to the gun rack, directly hanging on the wall behind the reception so the customers could see. Olivera picked up a rifle out of the room and into the actual shooting ranch, picking a cubical. Olivera pressed a few buttons to get the targets going. He aimed the rifle with his two hands, one holding the trigger, the other the gun itself. Twice he fired it before Monty came over to him.
“Not using Old faithful today” he said rasing his eyebrows. “Let me guess, you have chick problems”
Oliver shook his head while Monty clapped his left shoulder, making him wish he’d taken the day off of work.
“You’re a bad liar Olivera” he said. “No one, not even you uses the RKH4427 rifle if they aren’t having problems with the ladies. Now what is it, you can’t talk to me. Man to man, you with me?”
Olivera looked at him. “Are you a fag?”
Monty looked at him a little shocked but then laughed. “That’s what I like about you Ollie, you’re always honest”
Olivera brushed past him and went back into the staff room, placing the gun back on the gun rack. He came back out and walked over to Monty. “Happy now, no gun”
“Hey Dave” Monty called across the room. Olivera was surprised to see that Dave could hear over all the gun fire but he had known Dave for a while and knew that he had good hearing. Dave was only a beginner, in other words a high school drop out. He was only fifteen but had already learnt his way around the place. He was a tall boy for his age, almost as tall as Olivera but he still had a long way to go before he would reach his full height. Olivera himself was of average hight.
Dave had tanned skin and brown eyes. His hair resembled that of a mop but of a brown colour. A base ball cap covered his head.
“Dave I need you to take over for a while!” yelled Monty over the firing. “Olivera and I need to have a talk. Do you think you can handle it?”
Dave nodded and went back to work leaving Olivera and Monty to have one of Monty’s famous talks.

‘Monty’s an ok guy. He’s been there for me when I’ve needed him, not that I actually have. He’s the kind of person I wanted to be when I was younger, but at that age you don’t know what you want. I was actually really glad when he hired Dave. Dave is a great kid, I don’t know why he dropped out of school though, he has great potential, he could have done anything with his life. I know why I dropped out though. I’m not all that proud of why I did and I wish I could take it back…’

“Females now where do I begin” said Monty as he grabbed a can of beer out of the staff fridge.
“I already told you Monty, I don’t have problems”
Monty snorted. “You can’t lie for shit mate. For one you smell of perfume and second you have a lipstick smudge on you jacket collar”
Olivera quickly took his denim jacket off just to check that Monty wasn’t teasing. Sure enough there it was a pink lip stick smudge. “You’ve got it all wrong” he said. “I left my jacket at this girls place and-”
“Aha” said Monty, cutting Olivera off. “I had a feeling it might be this. So you slept with her”
“No” said Olivera. “No, no, no. I’d never do that, you see I left my jacket at her place and so before returning it she wore it”
“Olivera its ok, were friends. You don’t have to hide these things from me”
“I’m not trying to hide anything!” yelled Olivera.
Monty seemed rocked by this sudden outburst from Olivera as Dave came running into the room.
“Is everything ok in here?” he asked. “I heard yelling”
“Everything’s fine” said Monty. “Go back to work”
Dave left the room silently closing the door behind him. Monty got to his feet and got another can of beer out of the fridge, sliding it across the table to Olivera. Olivera took it reluctantly, looking at it with disgust but drank it anyway.
“So you’ve meet a girl, lent her your jacket but haven’t slept with her. Am I right so far?”
Olivera nodded, not trusting himself to open his mouth and speak just yet.
“You have some serious problems then” said Monty laughing. “If you know a girl you don’t just talk to he and be her friend, that’s what other girls are for. My advice is to go in there and win her over, shit if there’s no competition around it should be easy, no offence”
“And what do you think I do after that then Monty. Screw her once and leave her like you. Do you want me to go in there and play my life as a continuous one night stand? Is that what you want me to succumb to, because I won’t do it? I would never hurt Jennifer, not for anything in the world. She’s saved my life twice already.”
“Jeez Olivera, and you where asking me if I was the gay guy.”
Olivera got to his feet and left
“You got work again tomorrow!” yelled Monty after him. “I’m glad we had this chat!”

‘So what if I did have feelings for Jennifer, it doesn’t matter now. I was too late to act on how I feel but yet I wasn’t. I didn’t know I felt that way about her until recently. How was I supposed to know that that one feeling I had wasn’t friendship but something else…’

By the time Olivera got home it was a minute past ten in the morning, leaving him the rest of the morning and the rest of the afternoon to sleep. To his disappointment though a letter awaited for him, sitting on his door step. He picked it up and went inside, almost collapsing as he did. He was so tired.
He walked into his own lounge room, his shoulder still aching. The pain had faded a little, but it was still there. He ripped the letter open and began to read.

My dearest brother Olivera,
I know you received my last letter as it was opened. Maybe you just don’t want to face the possibility of having a sibling but never the less if you return this letter I will have to result to other measures. Haven’t you ever wondered about your family, about who you are? I best be going, I have work to do.

Your loving sister,

Olivera fell asleep before he could even put it down.

‘I saw Felix for the first time ever yesterday. At first I didn’t recognise him until he came over and introduced himself. He knew who I was, but I don’t know how. It was just in the middle of the street to. He just came up to me and said “Hello Uncle Olivera”. Why he called me that I don’t know. Then he started saying something about she misses me, that she too wishes she could change what had happened. I still don’t know who he was talking about…’

Olivera was at Jennifer’s by ten past eight. He knocked on the door ignoring the doorbell and waited. The old lady answered the door and sourly beckoned him into her house (that’s even if you can call a duplex building a house).
“Jennifer!” she called. “Jennifer, your boyfriend is here!”
“I’m not her boyfriend” he said, correcting the old lady but she wasn’t listening.
Jennifer came racing down the stairs dressed in a white knee high dress. Like usual her black boots accompanied her outfit. She span around in front of him. “What do you think?”
Olivera raised an eyebrow. “You sure can scrub up good”
Jennifer gave him a teasingly soft punch on his right arm grinning as she did so. “Oh you look fabulous too;” she said sarcastically “is that a new jacket”
“You’re hilarious” he said. “You should be a comedian. But what are you so dress up for?”
“You should know by now Olivera that vampires aren’t all about killing, we do also like to party”
“No” said Olivera. “You can’t be serious, were not going to a party are we?”
Jennifer nodded and led him out the door, waving good-bye to the old lady as she did so.

‘I thought she would have been smart enough not to get drunk. I mean I know my limits and when to stop but I guess she didn’t drink all that often. She didn’t know her limits as well as I knew mine…’

Cars lined the streets closest to the house where the party was being held. Loud music was being played as Jennifer led him into the residence of the party. People where every where, leaving Olivera to feel rather uncomfortable. People where drinking, smoking and dancing rather to close together. Jennifer didn’t seem to mind though as she led him through the crowd. Olivera thought at one stage he saw drugs being used but dismissed the thought. Jennifer seemed to be enjoying herself as she started dancing. She was beautiful he knew that much but this whole idea was stupid. They were meant to be studying vampires, not partying
Olivera just stood there, people all around him dancing. The music was horrible, some new techno crap that most radio stations played these days. The people seemed to be closing in on him as Olivera began to panic. He knew that the people hadn’t come any closer to him than they had just a second ago, but still he was beginning to feel claustrophobic.
“I’m going to go get a drink” said Olivera as he walked out of the room and into the kitchen. He wasn’t sure if there was going to be anything there but he first guess was right. Eskies filled to the rim with ice and alcohol lined the kitchen benches and floor.
Olivera grabbed a can of beer and went outside to get some fresh air. He should have known better. Outside in the garden may as well have been known as ‘the mating grounds’. Olivera turned around in disgust and walked back inside, opening his can as he did so. He took a swig and went back to Jennifer. To his amazement his wasn’t that fortunate. Jennifer had already found herself a dance partner.
Rage built up inside of Olivera as he saw the two of them dancing like everyone else. He wouldn’t have even been inches away from her body, yet they where both dancing like crazy.
Olivera hated this. He hadn’t wanted to come at all. Now he couldn’t even sit outside because of the animals out there and he couldn’t hang out with Jennifer because of her new fanatic.
Olivera finished off the rest of his can, crushing it in his hand once it was empty.

‘There are only two things I care about in this world, my property and Old faithful. I don’t own much of anything but by property I don’t just mean items, I mean people…’

He dropped his can and stepped on it, making it even more crushed from what he had originally done with his hand. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed another can. He opened it and took two swigs from it.
Olivera thought about it for a minute and came up with a conclusion, he had no where to go. He couldn’t just leave Jennifer here by herself while their was a prize on both of their heads. But he couldn’t go outside either if he wanted to keep his stomach contents.
In the end he came up with one solution. He walked back into the room where the music was the loudest and stood against the wall. He didn’t know how long he stood there for, ten minutes, half hour, two hours, he didn’t know. Finally he gave up and turned the music off, he couldn’t stand anymore of the trash they where all listening to. A few people yelled at him as he did this while two guys started a fight over it.
Olivera had had enough of this. He walked over to Jennifer and grabbed her arm.
“C’mon” he said. The music still wasn’t back on and he was thankful for that. “We have to leave”
“Leave her alone mate” said the guy Jennifer had been dancing with. “I can give her a lift home later”
“No you cant” said Olivera matter-of-factly.
“How come”
“Because I’m taking her home now, that’s why” said Olivera as he dragged Jennifer out of the house by her arm.

‘Virgil and I don’t talk much and when we do it’s not about the past. It’ll just be the general conversation like “what did you do today?” or “can you change the channel?” We didn’t used to talk much before but now we hardly talk at all. We’re both getting better with each passing day though. Each day we talk more, we do more and we put more effort and enthusiasm into things, even if it’s just to make a cup of coffee. At this rate I’ll be eighty by the time thing are back to normal…’

“I was having fun back there, you know” said Jennifer, finding it hard to walk. “I could have handled myself.”
Olivera shook his head. “There was no way you could have taken care of yourself, look you can’t even walk right not and you’ve had too much to drink. Plus that guy back there was all over you, anything could have happened.”
“So what if it did” said Jennifer. “Have you forgotten Mr. Big head that people like me come with the ‘no pregnancy guaranteed’ label?”
“I wasn’t just talking about that” he said. “There could have been other vampires there that could have recognised you. It’s not safe for us to be out and about socialising”
They walked in silence for the next two blocks and a half before Jennifer broke the silence between them. He was grateful for it but at the same time hurt. He couldn’t stand to be kept in silence, especially not around her.
“So you where jealous?”
“What, no, never, I mean, why would I be?”
Jennifer hit his left arm playfully. Olivera winced in pain. After a day the pain was still there, he had to go and get it checked out by a professional. “Well you obviously didn’t like me dancing with that guy before and now you’re giving me a lecture as if you’re my parent, which may I add you certainly are not”
“Do you really think I would stoop so low as to be jealous of someone like him? Oh come on Jennifer, what do you take me for, an idiot?”
“Could have fooled me” she mumbled.
“What do I have to do to prove myself to you? Everything I do you seem to criticize. I’m not bloody perfect”
They walked another block in silence. By Olivera sense of time it was about one or two in the morning. He was beginning to get more and more used to these late nights. Homeless people lined the streets that they walked upon. They all sat there huddled around each other and a fire in a trash can. Olivera looked at them each with sympathy but didn’t stop to chat or give money. As soon as they turned the corner a car raced past, leaving a think cloud of exhaust fumes behind. Jennifer and Olivera coughed as the horrid smell filled their lungs.
They where only a block away from Jennifer’s house now. Olivera was beginning to feel glad to get rid of her. He like her when she was sober but not as much when she was drunk.
Jennifer stopped in the middle of the footpath and turned to face him. “Prove it” she said.
Oliver sighed; he was tired and wanted to go home. “Prove what?”
“You said that you weren’t jealous, so prove it. Kiss me. If you retaliate you where jealous if you don’t then you where right and I was wrong”
Olivera looked at her weirdly. “I can’t, your drunk”
“So what?” said Jennifer as she rolled her eyes “You act as if you’ve never kissed anyone before?”
“You’d be surprised” he mumbled.
Jennifer looked at him stunned. “Are you serious, you’ve never kissed anyone before?”
Oliver nodded his head. “Never”
“Have you ever kissed anyone on the cheek?”
Oliver shook his head. “Never”
“What about your mother?”
Oliver seemed frozen. His mother, Annabella Davidson. Pictures could provide only so much of a memory to your family. He had only ever been shown and given one of his parents photo’s which he now kept in his house, next to his bed. He had known them as a baby but no one can ever remember that far back.
Neither of them seemed to speak. Jennifer had no family and Olivera had lost his. Yet he hadn’t the nerve to ask her yet what had become of her family. There would be plenty of time for that later.
“C’mon” he said. “We still have to get you home”
Jennifer didn’t budge though. “I’m not leaving until you kiss me”
“Give it up already” said Olivera. “I admit it, I was jealous but can we please go already”
“Not until you kiss me”
“Just do it Olivera!”
He looked at her, both angry and upset. The whole night had been one huge mistake. Yet there she stood, as beautiful as she was. Of course there was the fact that he could drag her home but there was also a chance that she would bite him. So there he stood, confused and nervous, angry and upset. He was taller than her by a few inches he now noticed. She seemed to be closer to him than she had ever been before.

‘Ok so I lied a little, we where close on occasions, closer than friends. I kissed her that night and a few other times but that was all. I never made my move because I knew she still loved Crysiflur and that she would be his until death…’
© Copyright 2007 hunter19 (hunter19 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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