Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1232291-Story-off-the-OKGO-song-Invincible
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1232291
Good and bad superheros...but the dividing line is very thin.
            “Ah, that’s my girl. Where are you going tonight?” Val watched as a tall woman in a slick leather trench stepped from her top floor apartment onto her balcony. She had on her usual pair of reflective sunglasses that wrapped around her eyes. As he continued to watch her, she began to crawl up the side of the building. It wasn’t much of a climb up to the roof of the apartment building but he knew no normal human could make that climb. He also knew that she was going out to save humanity, the last and maybe the only superhero to live. There had been a time when they bounded from building to building all over the city but that was long ago, now only Invincible was left to save the humans from themselves or evil.

         Val always watched Invincible from his apartment directly across the street from hers. He knew that she didn’t do anything until the sun went down, her apartment staying dark throughout the day. He would turn off all the lights in his apartment just before the sun went down and sit, smoking a Marlboro, in his favorite chair. Waiting patiently for her to exit in the same manner every night.

              As he watched her climb over the edge of the roof, using just her arms to lift her over the precipice, he remembered his last encounter with Invincible. It had been last year, during the winter. Val had caught her off guard. That was not easy to do. Invincible has excellent hearing due to her poor eyesight. At least Val had thought that was why she wore the blackened lenses. They had gotten into some hand to hand combat at the fairgrounds where Val planned on starting a fire in the funhouse, just for shits and giggles, when she showed up out of nowhere. They had moved from room to room in battle, their skills equally matched. Val eventually got the better of Invincible in the hall of mirrors, pinning her down to the floor. They were both tired. It had been a good fight. The best he ever had to date.

              She had gotten very quiet, a certain calm had come over her as he looked down on her. He was afraid that she was preparing some unknown power, but is all she did was turn her head away from him and let out a long breath. Then the most lyrical voice came to his ears.

“You going to say something or are we staying like this forever?”

         Val couldn’t believe his reaction to his most hated enemy. He knew she was a woman but he had never thought of her in that way. His heart racing he made a vow right then and there to never do another evil deed again in his life. That was when the knee slammed into his groin.

“That’s less than you deserve! Setting a funhouse on fire! That's even low for you.” Putting venom into every word, Invincible got up from the floor, peering down at Val. “Hmm, I should have tried kneeing you in the balls long ago. It’s quite effective.”

“You know there is a thin line between good and evil, Invy?” Practically spitting the words from his mouth, writhing on the floor. “I think you just crossed it with that move.”
         Val decided it would be best to stay on the floor. He was managing to breath regularly now, but he didn’t want her to know that he was able to move.

“Man! Invy, you couldn’t play fair, could you?” He curled up into a fetal position, fainting extreme pain. He was in pain but nothing that he couldn’t get through.]

“Aw, Skhate.” Using his supervillain name given to him by Arachne ages ago due to his usual dress of skater tees and Etnies. She had also told him he looked like he was still a teenager, even though he was nearing thirty. “Now you know I would never have let that go on for very long without making a move. You’re getting sloppy.” 
              She crouched down next to him. He couldn’t see her eyes through the glasses but he knew she was amused. “That was a good fight. The best fight I’ve had since Total Disaster died two years ago in that avalanche. What was he doing out in the mountains anyway?”

“Skiing.” Val squeaked out. “He set off the avalanche himself. You know how he had a thing for natural disasters.”

“Huh, I wouldn’t have taken him for a skier.” Shrugging nonchalantly. “So, what are we to do now?”

        Val didn’t know. He did know that neither of them was going to kill each other. He quickly grabbed her and flipped her back onto her back. Giving her his biggest grin, he quickly went for the most daring thing he had ever tried in his whole life. Kissing Invincible.

              At first she recoiled slightly. Then he felt her respond to his kiss. He knew he was letting his guard down but he didn’t care. Taking a chance with Invincible was like playing with fire, his favorite thing to do. He deepened the kiss, moving his hand to her face, letting his body cover hers completely. She eventually responded, her hands touching whatever part of him she could find. When he felt like he was going to become glued to her face he pulled back slightly. They looked at each other briefly, not really knowing what to say or do next. When Val thought he would take one more chance and see what her eyes looked like.

          He went to take her sunglasses off. It was too late for Invincible to do anything about it; Val was just too fast for her. He got them halfway off when a beam of light came shooting from her eyes, grazing his hand. Val quickly rolled off her, jumping to a crouch he heard her let out a blood-curdling scream. Val covered his ears and watched as the mirrors began to crack from the power of her scream. The roof of the funhouse had also started on fire from her laser shooting eyes.

                When she had stopped screaming, he noticed that her glasses were still off and she was stooped across from him shooting daggers of hate his way. He finally got his wish though. He could clearly see her eyes. They were such a complete baby blue that it was hard to tell the difference of her iris from the rest of the eye. The only resemblance to a normal eye was the stark black pupil.

              As he watched, he could see what looked like fire kindling in her irises. He knew he had to get out of there quick. He gave her a shit eating grin, just so she would know that he wasn’t intimidate easily and she would be seeing more of him. Using his speed, he high-tailed it out of there, leaving her to clean up the mess.

            That had been Val’s last encounter with Invincible. Since then he had done whatever it took to figure out who she really was. It had been fairly easy. He didn’t think that she suspected him of finding out her true identity. She still went about her normal day. Never suspecting that her enemy lived across the way.

            Val, on the other hand, had stopped his evil ways. Maybe not for good but at least until he figured out what to do about Invincible. He couldn’t kill her and she couldn’t kill him. Not only were they evenly matched when it came to fighting but they were the last of their kind. All the other superhumans had been killed in various ways. They both could easily sleep with a human and have children that would at least carry the gene for superpowers but it didn’t look like either of them had any prospects in mind. His date card was empty, and from what he had seen of Invincible’s free time, he didn’t think she had anything lined up.

They were perfect for each other.

              He looked out at where Invincible stood on top of the roof of her apartment. She had been just standing there in her thigh high black leather boots. Her black dyed hair blowing from the wind, when she looked directly at him. He knew she saw him, even with the glasses on. He stopped breathing for a moment wondering what she would do now that she knew he was there.

She gave him a lopsided grin and blew him a kiss. Then turned on her heel and jumped off the other side of the ten-story building.

“That’s my girl.” Getting up from his chair, he knew what he had to do. “The game’s back on.”
© Copyright 2007 Liadan Road (liadanroad at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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