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Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1232216
This is the 2nd chapter of the WolfFables, and introduces you to the lore keeper...
The stream is cold, but refreshing, and the smooth pebbles, worn by years of running water do not hurt your feet. Don't worry about your shoes, they will be fine there, subject to inspection by a few insects i should imagine, but no-one will take them. As you step out of the stream, you officially enter the den of the she-wolf, Ichibannori, or Ookami-chan (wolf & female honorific), if you prefer. The ground is covered in the leaves of last autumn, although that is now months past, and will lie there quite possibly until next autumn, slowly decomposing to help the balance of nature. The cave mouth lies empty now, no wolves in sight, you cannot even hear them inside. Wolf affairs are private though, and unless invited in I sincerely suggest you leave it that way.

The rest of the den area is an enclosed clearing in the thick forest which you traversed to get here, and is overhung by the great trees' thick leafy canopy. It allows in plenty of light, especially if you happen to be a keen-eyed wolf, and more than enough even for weak human eyes to notice the fine sunlight of the day outside. The stream encloses around half of the clearing, acting as a boundary to the den site, and keeping the residents in abundant supply of fresh water. The other half of the clearing is penned in by more of the heavy-leaved bushes you were hiding in earlier, completing the natural fortifications of the lair.

Whilst enjoying the fresh, natural air of the den site, a scuffling noise can be heard, as caused by pebbles being scuffed on stone, and a padding of leather. Turning to look at the cave, you see another wolf, very different to the alpha. This wolf is grey, flecked with a mixture of white, black and even hints of red in its fur. It is slightly larger than Ichibannori too, but of a lighter build and it's fur is slightly less thick around the mane. It is a beautiful animal all the same. It gracefully lopes towards the stream, in particular to a flat rock hanging just over the water, and next to a fallen tree. It seems to be taking its time, and could even be seen as tired in it's movement. It lies down on the rock and looks at you with burnished gold eyes. Looking at its fine features you notice an abundance of white on the muzzle. This is an old wolf, the oldest in the pack in fact.

This wolf does not speak to you, just looks. Making you way over to it, make sure your stature low, and all you muscles relaxed. Keep your eyes down from those of the wolf, but still on the face, and go sit on the trunk of the dead tree. You are in for a treat it seems, if the wolf doe not growl you away that is.

Congratulations, it seems you are allowed to join it.

Greetings pup. I am Roaa Rusui Yuusuru Kinme, or in your tongue as close as I can tell you, Lore-Keeper Endowed with Golden-Eyes. I, as my name suggests, hold the knowledge of all the generations of wolves. I will share some of this with you, if you would like?

a generous offer, and if you did not wish to know more of these wolves, you would not ahev crossed the steam.

Make yourself comforatable, pup. First I shall tell you of our Gods, Uumanhantaa Kaika (Huntress of Mysterious Fire) and Otousan Tenchi (Father of Heaven and Earth), and of how they created the wild wolf.
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