Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1231382-The-Man-in-the-Dark
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Gothic · #1231382
It's a vampire love story.
My name is Isabella DeLaCross, I am a 22-year old vampire. And I am going to tell you my life story. It all started in the mid-18 th century when I was given the Dark Gift of Immortality. I was born into a wealthy French family the oldest of three girls. But at that time I was young and foolish, I was grateful of my life but I wanted more, I wanted to see the world.
When I was human people use to tell me how pretty I was, but I never thought of myself as pretty,but I guess other people did. When I looked into the mirror all I saw was a tall skinny girl with long wavy brown hair and midnight blue eyes.

Lots of the guys in the village liked me, but I was not ready for a relationship
I was still young. What I really wanted was to travel.
Then one day on the walk home, from the village. I noticed a guy that was standing in the shadows. He did not look like any of the guys that lived in the village so I knew he was a foreigner. He was very good looking, there was something different and unique about him but I just could not put my finger one it. Since it was twilight it was difficult to distinguish his features, however he was extremely tall, lean and exquisitely dressed. What captured my attention was his penetrating look, that seemed to draw me to him. As I came closer he introduced himself as "Nickolas." I was about to ask him his full name when he interrupted me and and simply said "Nickolas." I was a bit startled by this, but then I introduced myself as "Isabella DeLaCross." I then asked him if he was lost and if I could help him. He said "no" that he was just admiring the night. I then asked him where he was from in which he replied, "Italy" and it was here in France that he was thinking of settling. He then told me that he that he traveled much through out Europe and even Russia. I asked him many questions, and even the ones that were still in my mind he seemed to answer.This power he seemed to have made me nervous, but I wanted to know more about his life and how he got his gift. Little did I know what his whole gift was.

A week later I saw him again, I was about to walk away when he appeared at my side. Once again his actions started me, but what really caught my attention his time was his creamy white skin and his eyes. Since this time we were in town and it was day time I could see him much better. As I said earlier he was very good looking, he had long ashen blond hair and intense blue eyes that reflected the light.

He asked me how I was, and said that he was so glad to see me again. Before we went our separate ways he asked if he could see me again, that night I could not stop thinking of him. After that, we saw each other frequently over the months but the strange thing was that it was almost always at night. As the months passed we became quite good friends, and every time that we got together he shared something new about his many travels around the world.

For some reason I did not tell anyone about our friendship, why I don't know. Soon our friendship began to take a new turn; I was falling in love with him and I knew he knew it. Our affection for one another grew stronger each time we saw each other. But there were still a few questions about him that he did not answer. One night he invited me to his house, it was on that night at his house that I became a vampire.

He had many rooms in his house all filled with expensive French and Italian furniture, he had many different types of paintings and sculptures all around his house. I was very impressed with his house, and wanted to see more, but Nickolas said that there was one room in particular that he wanted to show me. I could hardly wait, excited to see the beauty of this room. As he lead me to the room which was at the far end of the house he told me not to be scared. As he opened a thick heavy door we entered a pitch black room, the candelabra that he held with his left hand just lit the room enough for me to see. The thing that I saw astonished me, in the middle of the room was a coffin. I then turned and backed away from him a little bit, but I did not run. Maybe somewhere deep down inside of me, I always knew what he was. There were always stories of vampires, but the vampires were usually described as being vicious and ugly. Again Nickolas read my mind and said "yes' he was a vampire. I panicked, and then he assured me that he would not harm me. He did say that if our friendship was to continue then I needed to know what he was, and that I needed to make a choice. To join him as a vampire or to turn around and leave, and that if I left that i never see him again or tell anyone about him. That was the last night that I was human.

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