Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1230420-If-I
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1230420
Sometimes it's hard to find the words, or even put in context how much you love someone.
If I

If I used every word in every dictionary there ever was…
There wouldn’t be enough.

If I used every ray of sunlight the sun would ever shine…
There would be no day.

If I used every star that would ever illuminate the night sky…
There would be no shadows.

If I used every cloud that ever floated in the heavens…
There would be no rain.

If I used every drop of water there ever was…
There would be no life.

If I used every bead of sweat, drop of blood, tear shed…
There would be no me.

If the only eternal is a four letter word that is over used and under meant…
Then I love you.
© Copyright 2007 Peter Parker (gr8-1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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