Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1229206-JENNY------Chapter-One
by Mandy
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1229206
Jenny, a shy teenager, constantly teased by her streetwise friend. This is her story.
The moon cast shadows on the dimly street reflecting the light from the cobbled road, dainty thatched cottages formed the small Exmoor village. The sound of footsteps disturbed the silence pausing for a few seconds before continuing. Caroline sighed glancing at her stiletto heel wedged between the uneven road Surface. She quickly removed her shoes hurrying to her destination knocking sharply, quickly disappearing inside.

"Jenny, I thought we were supposed to be celebrating your 18th birthday tonight." Caroline unzipped her white jacket as she spoke following her friend into the bedroom quickly checking her make-up finally straightening her leather Skirt, it clung to her slender body.

Jenny sat silently glancing at her reflection gently teasing her long auburn hair working mousse deep into the roots. She had never ventured out for a drink except for the occasional family celebration. She lightly applied her make-up enhancing her crystal blue eyes unsure about joining Caroline. The girls had known each other since junior school Caroline had always protected her from the taunts of the other children teasing her because of her Parents strict family values. Her thoughts drifted back to the day her parents announced she would be leaving the school she loved to attend a convent school in London. The memories of the day she boarded the train leaving the comfort of her Exmoor home, the open fields and farms she loved to play in with Caroline, tears filled their eyes as they said goodbye.

She knew her parents didn't approve of her friendship Caroline was too streetwise and disrespectful certainly not a suitable person to be associated with. Jenny's parents constantly nagged determined to keep the girls apart. a faint smile crept across her face as she remembered how relieved she had felt when they mentioned their forthcoming weekend break, relief from the constant nagging, a few days silence.

"Will you stop day dreaming and get ready." Caroline snapped brushing her long blonde hair.

"I'm not sure about this, why don't we stay in and have a drink" Jenny replied nervously knowing Caroline would want to go out.

"You're 18, and we are going to celebrate." She searched Jenny's wardrobe as she spoke throwing a short black skirt and top onto the dusty pink bedspread covering the bed.

"I can't wear those." Jenny stated shocked. Caroline had left the clothes the last time she visited.

"Why?" Caroline held them against her slender figure. "You will look great."

"My parents wouldn't like this" She paused not wanting to offend Caroline.

"Your parents are away, so how will they know, unless you tell them of course."

The girls strolled to the local pub, Jenny paused nervously as Caroline opened the door, walking into the quiet building brass plates decorated the ash stained beams, highly polished glasses neatly placed behind the bar awaiting use. Caroline sighed glancing at the few local men sitting quietly talking.

"I don't think this quite right for a birthday celebration. We can have a drink in here and then find somewhere with a little noise." Caroline waited patiently at the bar to be served.

Jenny sat quietly in the corner quickly adjusting her skirt, placing her bag on the smooth blue crushed velvet seat, hoping she wouldn't be noticed as she sat at the secluded table watching nervously as Caroline returned with the drinks placing them on the table.

"What is that?" She glanced at the contents of the glass as Caroline sat beside her.

"Drink it you have to get drunk one day." She drank half of her drink expecting Jenny to do the same.

The silence was disturbed by the sudden roar of bikes screeching to a halt outside drawing Caroline's attention. The room gradually filled with leather clad bikers laughing and shouting as they pushed their way to the bar, each hoping to get the attention of the barmaid first. The local men walked out in disgust their peaceful Friday night ruined by the sudden intrusion.

"I think we might stay here it seems to have improved." Caroline whispered sliding back into her seat. Two members of the group walked toward the table talking each holding a pint of lager. Jenny sat back almost hiding not wanting to talk to them.

"Would you mind if we joined you?" Jenny glanced at him quickly; his dark brown shoulder length hair and hazel eyes attracted her attention. He smiled sitting next to her making her feel uneasy, worrying as Caroline returned to the bar leaving her alone with them. She dismissed the thought from her mind.

"Do you come here often?" He unzipped his jacket has he spoke revealing his masculine chest restrained under his black t-shirt.

"No this is my first time, excuse me." She hurried to the toilet brushing her hair thinking back to the last conversation she had with a man, it was Father McKinley, vicar of the parish her family attended, an elderly gentleman she had known for many years, and a man she trusted. The thought of returning to the bar sitting beside him made her curious. She certainly had never felt like this when she spoke to Father McKinley, her father’s voice filled her head confusing her, she decided to leave knowing Caroline would be fine alone. The idea to celebrate her birthday had been a mistake. She hurried into the corridor bumping into the man that had previously sat beside her; he held his arm across the door preventing her leaving.

"I thought." he paused glancing quickly at her figure. "I thought I’d wish you happy birthday." She began to tremble pulling the door hard frightened by his presence. He attempted to hold her but she pulled away quickly returning to Caroline. The sound of their laughter tortured her thoughts upsetting her, Caroline whispered to Jim glancing at Jenny. She hurried to the garden to escape their laughter, tears filled her eyes, and she had become the subject of Caroline's jokes again.

"Why do you listen to her?" Jenny wiped her eyes thinking he had come to ridicule her, trembling as he sat beside her. "I suppose you’re not enjoying your birthday" He rolled a joint as he spoke handing it to her.

"I don't smoke, but thanks." She replied nervously, trying to avoid his attention.

"Jenny try it, it will make you feel better." She reluctantly took the cigarette inhaling a little coughing, quickly handing it back. He rubbed her back gently. "Try it again." She soon mastered it offering it back to him. "You can have it" he paused. "You didn't answer my question, why do you listen to Caroline." She shrugged relaxed by the drug.

"We have been friends since we were little. I don't have any other friends." She said quietly.

"I don't think she is your friend, but it's none of my business."

"I suppose she has told you everything, hasn't she." He laughed making her feel worse.

"Jenny, I’m not really interested, so you don't sleep around, could she say that." He held her hand gently. "I wanted to talk to you in private. I'm sorry about earlier, in the corridor."

"No, you don't have to apologise it was my fault. I suppose Caroline is right, I do deserve it." She turned away not wanting him to see her tear filled eyes, wanting to tell him how she felt but unable to find the words. He turned her gently stroking the tears from her face; she trembled slightly from his touch.

"Does she always tease you like this?" She nodded silently. "You're cold put this on." He slipped his jacket over her shoulders. "I'm Pete, just in case you’re interested. What plan's have you made for tonight, your 18th should be special, exiting." He nudged her gently.

"I haven't planned anything, I was thinking about going home." He returned to the bar causing her concern, returning a few minutes later handing her a drink. She sipped it silently.

"Would you like to go for a ride, it will be fun?" He finished his drink holding her hand before she could refuse.

"I shouldn't be too long; we need some air, don't we." He held her gently around the waist as he spoke to the person he had sat with earlier. They walked outside, Jenny paused standing against the wall he held her hands gently.

"What’s wrong?" She glared at the bike and then at him. "If you're worried about falling, you won't, just trust me." He climbed onto the blue machine; highly polished chrome reflected the light of the moon, waiting patiently for her to sit behind him. "I think it might be a good idea if you hold onto me." He placed her arms around his waist as he spoke. The faint smell of musky aftershave surrounded him as she gripped him tight, frightened of slipping. He rode out of the village speeding along the country lanes stopping the bike, she fell onto the freshly cut hay laughing.

"That was unbelievable." She gasped. He sat beside her concerned she may have injured herself. "Why did you tell them we were going for a ride.”?

"I don't tell them everything. I thought you needed to get out of there." He paused making another joint. "I do have to find somewhere for the group to sleep tonight." She closed her eyes wanting to hold him again, to feel the warmth from his body submerged in her arms, but how it wouldn't be right to ask him. She opened her eyes turning toward him.

"There is an old church on the edge of the village, it should be big enough. No one has been there for years." She paused. "Strange noises have been heard, it might be haunted." He held her gently pulling her toward him. She pulled away from his grasp; he smiled handing her the joint. She smoked it silently gazing at the stars, trying to understand her emotions. He lay beside her looking at the sky, she looked at him puzzled.

"I want to see what the fascination is." He whispered turning on his side. "Do you feel better now?" He picked a handful of straw up dropping it on her chest making her laugh; she threw the straw at him turning away. "Okay now you're getting it." He pulled the mound of straw covering them, holding her hands gently preventing her getting revenge. He kissed her gently releasing her, his lips caressing hers as she held him close. "Do you want to come with me?"

"To the church." She gasped shaking the straw from her clothes, he nodded brushing himself. "I'll show you where it is." She attempted to stand up he pushed her back kissing her again.

"I don't think she can say you haven't been kissed now, can she." He whispered, she returned his kiss. "I think we should go and check that place out now, don't you." She nodded silently holding him close. He started the bike waiting for her, she gripped him tight trying to work out her emotions, and he was different from the other men her family associated with. The journey lasted only a few minutes, they glanced at the old stone arch leading to the 15th century church. The windows once a picture of radiant colour now heavily enclosed beneath wooden shutters. The once neatly kept gardens now overgrown with thick ivy, hiding the weather beaten tombstones.

He rode his bike threw the arch placing it against the wall. The roof hidden by a blanket of fog slowly descending. Jenny gripped his hand trembling walking slowly toward the door hesitating. The door opened with a loud creek, Pete brushed away the cobwebs as they entered the dark aisle.

"It’s really creepy." She whispered, walking into a hanging web freighting her. She clung to Pete trembling badly.

"Look it’s nothing to really frighten you." He hugged her gently reassuring her. She pushed open one of the doors, stepping back from a cloud of dust. She quickly glanced inside before entering only the light of the moon could be seen filtered by the wooden slats unevenly covering the window. The room was scantily furnished with a large chest of drawers, Jenny walked in cautiously, a large dusty carpet covered the floor, she quickly searched the drawers eventually finding some candles.

"Very romantic, I just need someone to share it with." Pete stated walking into the room; she sat on the carpet relieved to remove her shoes from her aching feet. He sat beside her rolling another joint. "Will you stay with me tonight Jen?" He paused lighting the joint. "I won't force you to do anything, I promise."

"I don't know, I’ve never." She lowered her head clearly embarrassed.

"Stay with me tonight, I like you, respect you and that doesn't mean I want a one night fling and forget you." He handed her the joint, his arm resting gently around her waist. "I'm not that kind of person."

"It’s very quiet here." She stated trying to avoid the question, her thoughts drifted back to the bike, the feel of the wind blowing though her hair.

"Do you want to go back?" He asked quietly.

"No not yet, I'm sure Caroline will have something to say." She paused. "She would stay with you."

"Just tell her to get out of your life, and I would never ask her." He paused. "I asked you for a reason." He whispered kissing her, expecting her to pull away. She held him close unsure how to react, but wanting him to hold her, he released her. She glanced at him clearly shocked; he smiled beckoning her with his finger to come closer, kissing her neck gently laying her down making her gasp. She lay quietly thinking about her first kiss, when she fell in the hay, and now he had pushed the thoughts of Caroline away with yet another kiss.

"What are you thinking about?" He touched her shoulder making her jump.

"Nothing." She stated, trying to hide her feelings. "What reason?" He looked puzzled. "You said you asked me for a reason." He held her close.

"I've told you, I like you." He whispered. "You must be thinking of something, just talk to me Jen." She shook her head refusing to look at him. He picked up her shoes holding her hand walking toward the door. She paused turning to face him.

"I thought you said we could stay here for a while. I don't want to go back." She sighed disappointed.

"Talk, or walk, your choice." He smiled has she returned to the carpet.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked as he sat beside her.

"I want to talk about tonight; we can have a drink, a few laughs and get some sleep." He lay down beside her has he spoke, she turned to face him holding him gently kissing him.

"You can wait." He teased. "I think we should go and get the others." They returned to the pub. Caroline sat quietly talking to Cassandra.

"It took you a few hours didn't it; you must be losing your touch." Cassandra laughed standing beside Jenny.

"Ah poor little Jenny, have you had lessons from Pete." Caroline shouted walking toward her. "Can you kiss now?" She laughed teasing her once again. Jenny attempted to walk into the corridor to escape Caroline's taunts. Cassandra held her pulling her aside.

"Your friend is really jealous isn't she; you should teach her a lesson." She paused. "I wouldn't let it bother you, he isn't interested, but I think he likes you doesn't he." Jenny blushed trying to hide her face making Cassandra laugh. "What’s the problem, don't you like him."

"I like him." She whispered.

"This is only advice; it's up to you if you do it." She held Jenny close whispering. Pete stood with his friend describing the church. Caroline sat quietly beside Jim listening with interest. Jenny walked toward them holding Pete close kissing him. Caroline stormed out of the pub waiting for Jim, Jenny glanced over to Cassandra, She smiled finishing her drink.

"I thought you would stand up for yourself eventually." He pulled her toward him kissing her again, she returned to Cassandra.

"If you really like him, just go with the flow, Caroline won't stand a chance, trust me I know him." Cassandra handed her a cigarette. "You need to relax Jen, learn to have some fun, and stop listening to her." She paused. "You will be okay with him. Pete will make sure you have a good birthday, just don't rush things." She walked outside has she spoke Pete stood with the others waiting for the girls.

"Have you given Jen any more advice?" Pete said turning to face her.

"Just enough to help Pete. I'm sure you will give her more." She smiled walking to her bike; Jenny gripped him climbing onto the bike.

They arrived at the church Caroline sat clearly annoyed watching as he led Jenny into the room they had shared earlier. He closed the door laughing, holding her gently.

"Did you see her face, she is fuming." He noticed the troubled look on her face. She sat down. "What has she said to you?" He sat beside her.

"She's going to get you, I know her. She gets what she wants." She sighed not wanting to lose him.

"I think her luck just ran out. I've told you, I don't like her." He held her hand gently. " I'm with you."

"But for how long, I have to go home tomorrow, and you will be just a memory." She held him close gazing in his eyes. "Will I see you again." tears filled her eyes.

"I don't live miles away Jen." He paused wiping her face. "I'm not going to vanish, stop upsetting yourself. I'm not going to ditch you, I promise." He laid her down gently holding her close, thinking. Music could be heard blasting from the main body of the church. Jenny opened the door slightly watching Cassandra dance teasing the male members of the group, pressing her body against them. Pete held her gently around the waist glancing at the crowd.

"She's a good dancer." He nodded pushing the door closed. "How long have you known her?" She stood against the door awaiting his answer.

"Two years, she’s my ex it just didn't work out." He opened the door glancing at Caroline. She sat on Jims lap kissing him. "Caroline seems to have calmed down." He closed the door has he spoke. "I don't think she will bother you again." Jenny sat quietly thinking about Cassandra.

"Would you go out with her again?" She questioned him as he sat beside her.

"No we are just really good friends. We have shared a lot of things." He paused thinking back to the day they had split. "It's over." He rolled a joint handing it to her.

"What does this do anyway?" She lit it has she spoke.

"It helps you to relax. I only smoke it on Fridays; it helps me to unwind after a hectic week at work." He hugged her gently.

"Why what do you do at work?"

"I'll tell you in a few weeks, it’s nothing to worry about. I just don't want to discuss it." She offered him the joint laying down clearly affected by the cannabis, her eyes closed. She toyed with her hair imaging herself in his arms kissing him. She sighed turning to face him as he lay beside her his arm resting across her waist.

"Pete." She kissed him pausing as their lips touched. "I feel really weird." He stroked her thigh gently teasing her. He paused thinking back to the promise he had made.

"I can't do this. I promised remember." He kissed her on the cheek helping her to sit up.

She had forgotten about the promise, it didn't matter for the first time in her life, she knew what she wanted. The feeling of control, making her own mistakes. She took a cigarette from his packet thinking, knowing he had no intention of breaking his word.

"I need a drink." She sighed, he handed her a can of lager sitting beside her.

"What’s wrong?" He knew she was disappointed it would have been so easy to seduce her, to steal her innocence, now she silently wanted him.

"Nothing, I want you to forget the promise." She paused drinking the lager. "I think you said, or implied it was my choice." She closed her eyes not wanting to hear his excuses. He couldn't control her fantasies, the one thing he couldn't take away. She heard rustling turning toward the sound. Pete unrolled a large sleeping bag unzipping it. He silently got undressed, She turned away quickly blushing. He smiled snuggling inside waiting for her to join him.

"Why don't you get in here, it’s nice and warm." she undressed slowly, embarrassed, She cuddled into him resting her head on his shoulder thinking back to the last time she lay in his arms. "Jen, about the promise." He held her gently thinking.

"What promise?" She pulled him toward her gently teasing him; he slid his hand down her slender body.

"So you want to tease," He whispered making love to her, she gasped holding him close, he kissed her slowly releasing her laying her down gently. The music from the group subdued into silence only the occasional voice could be heard. He turned her to face him revealing her tear stained face.

"My parents were right, I am weak. I've broken everything I believe in." She paused wiping her face sitting up. "I'm no different from Caroline." She snapped. Pete sat up lighting a cigarette.

"Listen to me." He turned her head gently, stroking her hair away from her face. "You are very different, so you broke a few rules, your parent’s rules." He handed her the cigarette. "If you can put up with all the teasing Caroline does, that proves your not weak, you just need to believe in yourself." He paused for a few seconds. "Does it really matter what anyone thinks." He held her gently. "It’s what we think that matters." She cuddled into him trying to relieve her guilt.

"I wish, I could believe that." She laid on his chest holding him close. " My parents are strict Catholics." She sighed.

"You're 18, Live your life and enjoy it, make your own rules." he paused. "Just remember to include Me." he laughed kissing her again. "I want you to relax, forget about your parents, Caroline, everyone. We can talk."

"What do you want to talk about." She held the quilt shivering. "I don't want to talk about my parents."

"I'm only interested in you, what you like." he laid her down. She looked puzzled. "Jen, you must like doing something." she shook her head.

"Not really, I get up do my chores, listen to some music and go to bed." she sighed.

"Do you want to come out next Friday." he waited for her answer noticing the worried look. "Jen, you need to have some fun. I thought you liked being with me."

"I do, but my parents wouldn't allow It." she paused. "To be honest, this will probably be the last time we see each other." silent tears ran down her face she held the sleeping bag close crying. Pete rolled the last joint lighting it before handing it to her.

"Stop upsetting yourself, this is the last one until next week, instead of breathing it out hold it in and count to ten." she began to cough. "I forgot to mention that try it again, and I promise you will feel better." he held her close has she cuddled into him her head resting on his chest. He took the joint from her hand has she closed her eyes.

"I'm tired." she stroked his chest softly, kissing him.

"I thought you said you were tired." he whispered laying her down.

"I am, but I can't get into any more trouble can I." She kissed him, teasing him until he made love to her, she lay quietly in his arms falling asleep, he wiped the sweat from her face gently not wanting to wake her, kissing her on the cheek.

© Copyright 2007 Mandy (enigma1503 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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