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by Keltoi
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1228851
Just a short story I've thought up.
          3:25, the cold wind whipped his hair into his eyes. His name is Alexander Daemon, and he is a highschool student. His friends call him Alexander, just Alexander.
            Alexander was walking home, not neccisarily eager to go home that day. His driving exam was today and it was his second time taking the test. Dully he thought of the events of what today had held. While his favorite band blasted away in his earbuds.      He never could find out why but his music always kept him from thinking too hard on things. It was as though when his earbuds were in they filtered out all the static of life that bothered him. Almost as if he were closing a door to where he could be himself. Alone, and at peace.
  Today had not been a good day. Just before lunch his ex-girlfriend had found him. She tried yet again to take him back, he refused as always. She cheated on him, he had no time to waste with someone like that. He saw no reason to forgive her especially if she kept insisting that he was in the wrong. As always she started cursing him and swearing, and making a scene as he walked away. This time was different though, this time she called after him and shouted.
"Your dead. Better kiss your mother goodbye tonight because you won't be around by dawn." she had snarled at him.
      Why was it his knees always got weak when she got near him, or his heart became rapid?
        Alexander turned the music up on his music player, he was thinking too hard again. A man was walking towards him wearing an over sized hoodie and a baseball cap, with baggy blue jeans. He kept his head low and almost waddled slowly towards him. It was almost as if he were constantly shrugging. The two passed eachother and Alexander suddenly felt very uneasy. He took about five or six steps before stopping. His favorite song had started but that was not what had stopped him. Looking down at his heart he saw the exploded cotton of his winter jacket dyed red by something wet and sticky. A bolt of fear shot through Alexander and the world around him began to spin and tilt in fast forward. Everything became bright and pale as he turned around falling to his knees.
"A gift. From Lianna." The man standing behind him said nervously. He laughed cautiousley as Alexander reached out for the man. Blood ran down his body and leaked on to the pavement as Alexander's vision started to blur.
    His life, his memories, his fears and doubts all lay bare upon the screen of his mind. As they slid before his mental eyes he wept inside himself. He thought of his mother and his friends. He thought of his brothers and how they looked up to him. At this he felt a flicker of pain and anger. He thought of the girl he fell in love with. The one he was going to meet right now. She loved him deeper than anyone had loved him and he loved her equally deep. She would be all alone. At this the pain grew intense and Alexander felt a rage grow inside him. He felt a burning in his heart where the bullet had passed through.
"The pain lets me know I'm alive," he growled as the world spun back into focus. The smile on the man's face was gone.
"What in the," He stared in awe as a flame actually grew out of Alexander's chest. Alexander fell to his hands and began to crawl towards the man. The flames blossomed from his back and wrapped around his torso. As he got closer he drew himself up to his feet and staggered towards the man.
"Hey, man get away from me, I mean it stay away," the man whined fearfully. He drew the gun and stuck it in Alexander's face. Alexander grabbed the firearm and twisted it away. A shot fired and hit him in the shoulder.
"Oh, oh, whoa," the man yelped as the gun heated up and burned him. Alexander continued to stagger towards the man, unphased by the second wound that also sprouted flames. He wrapped his fingers around the man's neck and held firm. The pain was excruciating and the man tried to pull the burning fingers off of him. He struggled and squealed in pain but the vice like grip was unrelenting.
"Please, please," The man whispered. "Let me go," Alexander snarled and his face twisted into a horrible grim smile. The rage he felt burned through his eyes. To the man these were the fires of hell come to claim his soul for the sins he had committed.
"No, please," He begged further. Suddenly the thought of Alexander's love erupted into Alexander's mind. She would never forgive him if he killed this man, but the true question this raised was, could he forgive himself.
"Tell Lianna, to go to hell," Alexander snarled as he lifted the man off his feet and hurled him away. The man hit the ground hard and scrambled to check that he was alive. Quickly he grabbed a smaller firearm out of his sock and aimed it.
"I spared your life today and I didn't have to, don't make me feel I need to correct a mistake." Alexander said. He turned around and walked away slowly as the flames died down alittle. The man lowered his gun and fell to his knees weeping. After the flames died away Alexander felt the spot where his wound had been. Completely closed. As if the flames had soldered his wound shut. He took a deep breath and fingered the scar alittle.
"Wierd," He said as he pushed the controls on his music player. There was no music playing though, he looked down to find that the bullet had severed the wires of his earbuds.
"Man, that sucks." He laughed alittle at this. He had to admit it was funny that after all that the only thing that bothered him was the fact that he had to buy new earbuds.
© Copyright 2007 Keltoi (keltoi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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