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by dev
Rated: GC · Article · Health · #1228343
Health insurance for senior citizens, a proud way to live end days of life.
Health insurance for senior citizen...


These days you see many advertisements relating to Insurance, that may be either on television or on the signboards. A man tries to tempt us to save for your future. Many of us even have taken steps in this direction for making Insurance of our family members. And then when you see an advertisement relating to the health insurance you feel like that you already have on life insurance, and you don’t need that. Then my friend you are making a big mistake.

The big mistake is that you have already made arrangements for saving money to protect your family from financial problems, in case you die due to some mishap. But what if you don’t die and have to go through a surgery due to some mishap or some disease. Also it may be possible that due to some disease you have take medicines that are too costly for your pocket for the rest of your life. And now think, you can manage that financial problem when you are young, but what if you have already retired or just going to be retired. Then what you will like to do in that case. Will you let yourself become money consuming unhealthy body for your family? Do you want yourself to loose your self-respect by asking for money from others for your medicines?

Remember my friend at such time, your closest and loved one relative, may not feel like keeping you in the house. Then at that time there is hardly any solution to your problem. So it becomes very necessary for a person to save money for health insurance, especially when he/she becomes senior citizen.

Need of health insurance for senior citizen:

With the passage of time when a person reaches its old age, his/her health starts giving up. As the power to fight diseases and infection declines with increase in age. The body of a person may fall ill or prone to disease very easily. In short it is rightly said,

With retirement, the retirement of the body also comes.

That is, the body of a person also start retiring in the sense it stops giving response like it use to few decades back. Hands, arms, legs, heart does not respond as quickly and lively as it use to when you use to go to office, or some party and dance with your partner. And due to this reason the body comes in contact with some disease or weakness soon. Thus to cover those weakness or eradicate or control diseases, we need to have some medicines. Some of the medicines may even go with us till the rest of our lives. These days the prices of medicines are moving up and up. It is becoming hard for a common person to have medicines regularly, as it effects its financial budget of the family and retired person expenditure may not be considered much important in the house. Senior citizens who have retired and have no other means of earning money may find it difficult to meet their expenditure on themselves too. That is why health insurance by the senior citizen so as to meet their medical expenses and try to live healthy life as much as possible, till the last day of their life.

Now the need is of the efforts required by the people and the government in making health insurance for its citizen.

Efforts needed by the government.

The government is completely responsible for our good health. Its the duty of the government to safeguard the future of its citizens. Especially the senior citizen, who have spent all their lives for working for the service of their country. Those senior citizens that had paid taxes through out their lives, out of their hard-earned money. Those senior citizens that try to elect the best candidates in the elections so that their country could progress. Thus government should make efforts at least in making their citizens health insured.

Government should provide grants to the hospitals so as to bring down the expenditure of surgery for the senior citizens. The medicines required by senior citizens should be subsidized or brought under control so that its price may not rise beyond a certain level, which is affordable. Along with that all the companies should be directed to make a separate fund with the help of government and companies contribution for its retired employees, so that their physical care can be taken, even when they retire from the company.

Efforts needed by the people themselves.

Effort in the direction of making health insurance is needed by the people themselves to save their future conditions especially when they grow old. People should themselves start using some part of their savings in this direction. They should encourage others in this direction too. The awareness is required to spread among the people so that they should not forget that if their present is financially good this does not means that their future is also going to be same. After all it is rightly said in the following words.


Thus by thinking that you are financially stable and secure today does not mean that you will not face any financial problem at the old age. By saving in the Life insurance, you might have saved your family future but what about your own future? This question might still need to be answered by you and you only.


Thus we come to the conclusion that we should save, especially for the health insurance for our future. Because depending on one owns self through out life is the best policy. A suggestion may also be given here that don’t let your illness or health problem at the old age take away your life long self-respect. So start investing today in the health insurance policy. Reason being it’s as much as necessary for you as is the life insurance policy. If the life insurance policy saves your loved ones in case you die, than the health insurance policy will save you from heavy expenses that may rises out of old age health problems, and wont let you die until the last hope survives.
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