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Rated: 18+ · Other · Opinion · #1228275
Whats wrong with todays society!!!!!!
    It seems that in todays society everyone is looking for an excuse for the way he/she acts.  I feel that the psycologist people are to blame, because if you kill, sexually assualt, or cheat on your spouse they some how twist this information and blame it on the way you grew up.  Everyone is looking to blame someone else wrather than blame the one that looks them in the mirror everyday.  I don't really care if you agree or disagree with me on this.  All I ask for is that you take a moment and read this with an open mind.  Just look at the judicial system for a moment.  If you get broken into and the thief gets hurt in your house and sues you will he win?  The answer is 99.9% of the time yes.  The reason is because we look at everyone as a victim.  Just look at the woman who went through the drive threw of a fast food chain restaraunt, spilled coffee on herself, sued for a rediculous amount and won.  Fifteen years ago we all would have laughed at her and told her to suck it up and drive on with your life because your a cluts...  But now we ask ourselves what can we get out of the deal.  We all bitch about the prices of things how they keep going up but in reality we only have ourselves to blame.  We as a society have to pay for other peoples get rich quick schemes.  Insurance fraud, retail theft, identity theft and the list goes on and on.  Because of these people doing such things the business owner has to get a better security system or pay someone to physically check bags and the business owner is nice enough to stick the consumer to higher prices. 
    Now, if one of these people get caught they have to get what is know as a phsych evalutuion.  If they have a descent attorney they get to pick the phsycologist who will best help the case out by saying that its his/her mom/dad/guardian or lack of one or both of these things is why they are the way they are.  And like I said earlier we look at everyone as a victim so we will listen to the sob story, give them the help they say they need, maybe a little jail time or none at all and put them out in the street.  I understand that the prison system is crowded, that is why I agree with the death penalty like the one in Texas.  If you don't know what that is its like this, if you perform a hanus crime and three people witness it you will get the death penalty without all the appeals.  Its like an express lane.  But most states choose to look at them as a victim, and hospitalize them untill they die.  If you actually looked at the cost effectiveness of the death penalty over the appeals and living a life in prison cost per inmate you would change your mind.  I know what your thinking, what if they got the wrong guy.  With the technology today it could happen but it is very unlikely.  The people in prison have more rights than we do and we are on the outside.  They have cable television, three hots and a cot.  If you want sympothy you can find it in the dictionary between shit and sympholous. 
    People we need to wake up and small the roses.  Stop looking for the easy way out and deal with your own problems.  Quit being the victim and be the survivor, not the look at me and pitty me type.  You want to know whats wrong with today's youth, look in the mirror and there is the answer.  They are weak, over weight,and lazy.  Sure there thumbs and fingers are strong from play station and x-box but what about the mind and the heart.  We as an american race lack heart and self discipline.  We expect the next guy to do it instead of doing it ourselves.  Well quit looking at the next guy and get up off your lazy ass and do it yourself.  You will feel better about yourself in the long run. 
    I know I went off in a tangant but people really piss me off with there ignorance and stupidity. 
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