Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1227241-The-Seven-Sins-of-a-Girl
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1227241
Once, she was innocent. Now she pays for her sins.
The Seven Sins of a Little Girl
By Dana Fridman

Let me tell you a story about this pretty little girl. People told her she was beautiful like an angel, told her one day she’ll be the beauty of the world.

Young and more than a little innocent, she listened to them all, and for the sake of being happy, she left to the big city, to achieve her goals. She wanted to be famous, wanted to have it all, never stopping to think the price may not be small.

People looked at her no matter where she went, and the little money her parents gave her she all too quickly spent. Excitement took her over, as she went to the clubs, where all the gents treated her carefully with velvet gloves. One day an agent found her, and swept her off her feet, with stories of success and tales of important people she’ll positively meet.

Pleased beyond all reason at being “discovered”, she agreed to be his top model and soon appeared on every possible magazine’s cover. Taken with the sin of pride she thought, “Now everyone will be at my feet, I always knew I’d succeed!”

Only a few months later, the flowers and candies started to arrive, and even more fame she started to strive. One day she went to a great party, the agent made sure by the end she’d know everybody. On one of the dances entered a fair haired man, and as he asked her to a dance, she swore she’d never dance with another again. They swiveled on the dance floor for hours on end and she felt that with him there was no need to pretend.

Right at that moment they fell in love, and thought they’d have a beautiful marriage, with lovely white doves. But their happiness was short lived, and all too soon it ended, it happened two years later as they still dated, she arrived home after a long day at the studio and was stunned at what she saw. There stood her boy of wonder, with all the love in the world hugging another.

If only she’d let him explain, it would’ve prevented so much pain. She would’ve understood it was only his good friend. But envy and jealousy has woken up in her, and without waiting for him to explain she went out of the door.

Walking alone in the dark alleys, she searched all over in her bag for her keys. But her hands were shaking too hard because of the wrath, as she thought of ways to hurt him back- none of it seemed enough.

At first she thought to call him every day, calling him dirty names, but then she lifted her head high, deciding she was over with the childish games.

Next she thought of killing herself, letting him deal with the grief; but then when the picture of herself lying on the asphalt appeared in her mind she laughed coldly and thought, “As if!”

Giving up on the task of finding the keys, she turned and entered the Avenue Park; on her way kicking leaves, never afraid of the dark.
From the darkness he watched her, his power bringing forth, “Soon you will be mine,” he said, and cursed her, almost lovingly, with sloth.

Alone in the world, with no one to love, she satisfied herself with buying new things- never saying “Enough”.

Walking proudly from shop to shop, her poor heart losing all hope, she bought and bought trying to buy happiness- even though in her mind she knew she couldn’t buy it- no matter the expense. Losing count of the shoes and the dresses, forgetting nothing was free, without knowing it she sunk into gluttony.

Forever buying things and spending money, those who cared for her didn’t think it was funny; they told her to stop spending time on jewelry and gold, told her the story was getting old. The girl thought she’s smarter than all, and she never did expect the fall.

Not thinking at all about what she did, she just kept on buying, and drowned in her greed.

But no matter how much she tried to forget her love and the happiness ride, she couldn't. She was such a beautiful girl, every one tried to 'get her', but no happiness shone in her eyes, the pretty girl was empty.

Haunted by demons from the past, she let herself be taken by the lust. Going in with the black haired stranger on that dark night, she erased every hope she could’ve had of the light. The Underworld King, Hades himself, has made her his on that dark night under the blood of the moon. Do you think this is the end? Well no, not so soon.

Now under the ground she sits, dirty devils resting at her feet. Sadness is a constant resident in her frozen heart; she should’ve known better right from the start.
All the sins she has committed, have not for naught been unpermitted.

In her beautiful red dress she sits alone, grieving because of all the mistakes that can’t be undone- she looks up from the underworld- and wished she’d chosen love over greediness, coldness and gold.

.The end.

Word count: 855 words.
© Copyright 2007 Black Willow (blackwillow at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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