Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1227131-A-history
by Magick
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1227131
The history for a MUD. I thought to gain a broader critic base after some comments.
There is a beginning and an end to everything. The end of
one may just be another beginning, or perhaps the beginning
is just another end. Such has been disputed time and again
by the most powerful of mages throughout history.

That was exactly what was going through Cylomar's mind the
moment he opened his eyes staring up at a sky unlike one
he's ever seen before. Moments before, he was in an epic
battle along side his friend and ally, Ghreth. No, it was
years ago, decades. A moment of clarity comes.

The ground is a charred ruin. Smoking craters and mangled
bodies litter the ground around and through a great city.
Smoke rises from a dozen places as might and magic rip parts
of the city apart, inside and out. From Cylomar's field of
view, an officer of the Law, Ghreth, he notes, locked in
combat with a bounty hunter. One of the criminal elements
in the land. The bounty hunter is unknown to him. The
engagement by the fountain quickly passes out of view as a
Warlord rounds the northern wall of the city. A spell
utters from his lips and time and space ripple around
Cylomar. The Warlord freezes as time comes to a halt for
a moment, then resumes. Guards cry from within city walls
announcing that the bounty hunter has been caught and swarm
to the unconscious person. Reality ripples at that moment
as one of the Chaos makes his appearance calling the Void
to do his bidding.

Each of the gods are watching this day. Each lend strength
to their champions fighting in the fury below. Assisting in
ways that might turn the tide of battle for their own. An
earthquake springs forth from the bowels of the land, forcing
citizens and combatants alike to their knees. The gods look
at each other wondering what the other is plotting with this
stroke, but each are perplexed in their own right, unknowing
to the others.

The fighting doesn't stop but for a moment before mortals
rise to their feet incantations already on some lips and are
cast upon standing. The earthquake rises quickly in strength
but not one mortal stops in their fury to destroy each other.
The mages fighting about the lands are the first to realize
that this quake was not cast nor communed from others gods
and they are the first to take precautions against such.
Cylomar is amongst the first of these mages to make plans
and flees into the city, looking for Ghreth, finding him at
the jail house with bounty hunter from earlier. The quake
gains yet more strength. He starts to cast a spell.

A long distance away, another mage is in the Tower of Auspex,
reciting from a scroll recently found, not fully knowing as
to what it holds. Forces of Chaos open a rift to another
plane, calling forth demons to assist them in battle. The
gods begin to act to save their land, realizing only now as
the land begins to rip itself apart that the others have no
hand in this.

Time and space start to ripple yet again, though not by any
mortal or divine hand, as the ground opens and begins to
devour the city. The top of the Tower of Auspex is split by
a massive explosion from within the walls. Time freezes in
whole, gods and mortals alike. Forces of Chaos hang suspended
at the edge of the portal of the rift, sheets of flame that
surround Invokers stand frozen, birds and smoke come to a stop
all across the land.

The world explodes.

Clarity fades from Cylomar's mind as Ghreth describes floating
in pure light, unsure as to how they got there. The light
fades and a wild wood surround them as they are now. They
converse for a bit and see what they can find left of the land
that they once knew but know now is gone forever in their minds.
They start to travel across the land to survey what happened
and instantly find themselves where they imagined. On the
other side of the land. The two friends look at each other
and simply grin.

"Charla?" one asks the other. Long moments pass before the
other agrees. "Then we shall build a city here in its honor."
© Copyright 2007 Magick (cylomar at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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