Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1225556-Alanon-working-title
Rated: 18+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1225556
Start of short story or novella, not sure which...
         Cursing heavily, Alanon Vissimon crawled out from the prickle-burr bush, piercing his hands several times on the tiny little thorned fruit that grew from the equally spiky branches. "Damn!" He dropped back on his rear, his legs bent and arms dangling from his knees as the explicative found an immediate home on his lips and was repeated. "Damn!" Lifting his hands up, his hard gaze took in the dozens of small pricks in the palms and on the fingers. Blood beaded from the holes at a steady rate, and, although the amount was small, pooled in the large palms.

         Hoof beats pounded towards him, turning into the rumble of thunder as they drew closer. Knowing he would be worthless in a fight, he kept his hands away from the sturdy sword strapped to his side and hung his head down, his shoulders slumping. A large shadow blocked the sun partially and something nuzzled his hair. Turning his head and lifting it slightly, he squinted up at the warhorse.

         Black as sin and twice as cantankerous, the horse stood a full eighteen hands high. He'd been a payment for gambling debts. Alanon snorted. No wonder the bastard had been grinning when he'd sauntered away. Alanon had been so entranced with the creature's looks, he hadn't given a thought to the stallion's temperament.

         "So." At his voice, the animal snorted and lipped Alanon's short, golden-brown hair again. To hell with all contrary creatures. "You're a fool to come back, you know." He was convinced it had dumped him in that bush on purpose. What else could it have been? It was the only prickle bush within miles. Miles covered with all kinds of other plant-life.

         Wearily, he grabbed the reins, wincing at the pain in his hands as he pulled himself up, joint by screaming joint. Limping to the side of the horse, he lifted one long, well-muscled leg, resting his foot in the stirrup. Before mounting, however, he glared towards the large brown eye that calmed watched him. "Dump me again, you foul creature, and I turn you into cat food." Pulling himself up by the pommel, he slipped carefully into the leather saddle, settling down comfortably.

         Once in the saddle, his natural gracefulness returned, allowing him an easy seat. A grin pulled at his harsh features as he leaned forward and patted the horse's neck. "There's a good boy. Now, Devil, what say you we start back on the road, eh?" Devil, so aptly named, tossed his head in agreement, his large hooves thumping on the hard packed ground.

         As he lightly tapped the steed's sides, Devil reared into the air, legs kicking. Laughing wildly, Alanon pulled back on the reins and tapped his heels again, forcing the stallion to take a few steps on his hind legs. Neighing, fighting the reins, Devil dropped his front hooves to the ground and stood there, shivering.

         "Now. You won't do that again, will you," Alanon said calmly, settling back into his seat. Hands still tight on the reins, he lightly tapped Devil's sides again. "Forward." He had to admire the spirit of the massive creature. Shaking his head, he sighed slightly and settled back into the saddle. "Oh yeah. It's going to be a long ride back to Aranoth."

         "And there's two more for your trouble." Hunter sat back in his chair, settling his hands lightly on his large stomach. From where he stood against the wall, arms crossed over his chest and head slightly lowered, Alanon had a perfect view of Hunter. He shook his head, marveling at the way his former employer's neck disappeared into his chest. That's a lot of neck. Where does he hide it?

         He waited patiently, letting the silence thicken. Hunter shifted in his chair, a restless continent full of rolling hills. Wait for it… Oddly thin fingers fluttered in the air as Hunter opened his mouth. Alanon grinned internally and pushed away from the wall. "Only twenty gold, Hunter? Twenty gold after what I went through to get that thing for you?" He gestured towards a small wrapped bundle on the large man's desk.

         ”Come on, Alan," Hunter whined, "how bad can riding a horse really be?"

         Alanon narrowed his eyes. "Alanon."

         "What?" The word came out sounding like a rat that had been stepped on.

         "My name…is Alanon." He stalked towards Hunter, whose eyes slowly widened. Alanon suppressed a malicious chuckle. That's probably the most he's been able to see in a long time. His words came out clipped and harsh as he closed the distance and placed his hands on the desk, then slowly leaned forward. "Not Alan, not Al, not Lanon. Alanon." Grabbing the man's shirt, Alanon pulled him an inch out of his seat then dropped him back. Straightening, he let a cold smile curve his lips before dropping away. "Can you remember that?"



         " Yes! Sure. No problem." Hunter's chins quivered. "S…so, how much do you want?"

         Once more crossing his arms across his chest, Alanon shook his head. "Hunter. Hunter." He walked around the desk and patted the fat man's cheek. "Hunter, you disappoint me. You know what I want."

         His cheeks swung ponderously as Hunter shook his head. "You can't possibly expect me to give you that, Alanon!"

         Alanon's hand shot out and pulled back quick as a snake, the wrapped package in his hand. "Then you don't really want this?" Hunter's eyes dropped to the package, the tip of his tongue coming out to lick over his lips. Alanon slowly unwrapped the package and looked down at the hideous thing that had been revealed. Hunter stuck out his hand and Alanon pulled back. "How marvelous it would be to eat anything you want and never gain a pound, eh, Hunter," he said softly. "To be young and handsome until the day you die."

         The thin fingers fluttered in the air indecisively. "Okay! Okay. You can have it." Opening the top draw in his desk, Hunter pulled out a small, unbelievably plain stone. "Here."

         "Oh, no. I'm not going to touch it." Pulling out a small bag, he opened it with one hand. "In here."

         Dropping the stone in the bag, Hunter quivered with uncontrollable eagerness. "Now give it to me!"

         Alanon looked down at the carved, wooden statue. It was a slender man caught in the act of stuffing his face, a look of orgasmic pleasure on his features. With a distasteful shudder, he rolled the talisman out of his cloth-covered palm and into Hunter's grasping hands.

         As the fat man clamped his hands around it and slumped back into his chair, Alanon hastily backed away, moving to the front of the desk. Hunter shivered and gasped, shrinking in on himself even as Alanon watched. In only a few minutes, a slender man stretched and looked up at Alanon with a satisfied smile on his face. "You're the strangest thief I've ever met, Alanon."

         Pulling on his gloves, Alanon moved towards the door. "I'm a rare art dealer, Hunter. Not a thief."

         "Whatever you are, I'm glad to have an employee like you."

         Stopping just inside the door, Alanon slipped his hand into his cloak. Palming a small pipe into his hand, he turned and faced Hunter with a cold smile. The magically thinned man sat leaning in his chair, eyes closed and talisman held tight in his hands. "Hunter."

         At his name, Hunter opened his eyes. "Yes, Alanon?"

         "Young and handsome until the day you die," he murmured.


         Alanon lifted his hand to his mouth and blew. The small dart, placed in the short blow-pipe before Alanon had even entered the room, flew swift and straight, striking Hunter between the eyes. In reaction, the slender man jerked to his feet, smacking his forehead as if stung by a fly. He also buried the lethal little dart further into his forehead.

         "Today is your day, Hunter."

         "Who…?" His hand loosened on the talisman and it dropped to the floor. He fell into the chair, twitching, even as his flesh exploded outward into obesity again.

         "Your father wishes me to let you know that, as of today, you're fired." Hunter arched in the chair, gagging as the poison seeped further into his system. Alanon giggled softly and shook his head. "You're fired."

         Still chuckling, he walked toward the desk, grabbed the piece of cloth and leaned down to pick the talisman back up. "Maybe I can find another buyer for this..." Wrapping it back up and placing the package in one of the many secret pockets upon his person, Alanon giggled once more. Turning as the laughter tapered off, he opened the door and slowly slipped out, closing it silently behind him.

         "Hope the boss paid you right, Mr. Vissimon."

         Alanon smiled to the guard next to the door and nodded. "Oh yes. He paid in full."

         "Did he want anything?"

         Shaking his head, Alanon strode towards the open door of the flying carpet dealer. "No. He's going to take a nap." Stepping out onto the street, he quickly moved into the flow of traffic, and then let the smile widen into a nasty grin. "A very long nap." His laughter rang out, the dark quality of it causing people to step aside. What a wonderful day it's turning out to be…

© Copyright 2007 Raider Capt. J.R. (jrpittman at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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