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Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1225335
Prologue to a vampire novel. Honest reviews needed!

         "All apologies aside, I am what I am.

         "And why should I apologize, I’d like to know? What’s so important in 'I’m sorry?' Doesn’t change a damn thing, far’s I can see. I mean, look. I don’t make you say, 'I’m sorry I’m an asshole,' do I? No. I’m just nice like that. So, if you don’t have to say that, I shouldn’t have to apologize for being a hunter instead of prey.

         "Actually… I’m a fighter. One thing I know, I’m never gonna die from a back wound. I don’t run. No, not even if there’s a whole pack of assholes after me. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and the whoopie cushion. They’ve got the scars to prove it.

         "Anyway, enough chatter. I’m having way too much fun. The excitement might just be the end of me. Really.

         "Let me show you around the place. As you saw from the big, neon sign when you walked in the door, this is Brujah Loft. The club is rather…aha…dead at the moment, if you’ll pardon the expression. Most of our regular customers don’t get here until way after the sun goes down.

         "My name. Ah. You might need to know that should you ever get in trouble here, hmmm? Not that there’s much of a chance of you bein’ able to holler if you get in trouble. Aha, aha.

         "Ahem. Enough of that. Officially, I’m Rhiannon von Blake. But don’t ask for me by that name, my friend’s wouldn’t know who you were talking about. Silence is my name. No. No, just Silence. Hmmm? Oh, is that funny? Yes, yes, for one that talks so much, yes. My, aren’t you a delightful little character.

         "Well, make yourself comfortable. My partner, Thomas Cromley, and I just finished renovating this old warehouse to make the Loft. The large lights were a pretty penny, but well worth the cost, says I. Had quite an argument with Thomas about the bar, but who wants to dance when you can't get a drink, hmm?

         "What's that? Oh, no. Those aren't screams, merely high-pitched laughter. Hard to tell the difference with the music so loud, isn’t it?

         "Excuse me! There's really no need to snoop. I'd be more than happy to show you around. We were really lucky to get such a large place. And so well located. Right on the docks in Savannah, Georgia, who'd have thought it. First thing visitors from out of state notice is all the green. I mean, trees, grass...even the Spanish moss hanging from the trees. It's a good thing green is one of my favorite colors or it'd drive me nuts.

         "Hmm? Oh,yes, I think the large bay door kind of gives it a...rustic appeal. This whole area's historic, you know. The only reason they left this warehouse standing was purely for the historical value of it. Oh, yes, most definitely. They could have torn it down at any time. The second floor collapsed in the middle several years ago. We had a hell of a time cleaning the area out so people weren't...endangering...haha...themselves by coming here. Ahahaha...ahem. Sorry, I found that funny.

         "Anyway...enough hilarity. On the right, we have what the previous owners left behind. Those abandoned crates are approximately five feet in height. Oh, no, we couldn't possibly get rid of them. Why? Well, for one, because they do a very good job of providing a storage area. Behind them are the stores of alcohol and whatnot that we need for the business. For another... I happen to like them... that one in particular. I'm not really sure why.

         "To the left, we have, of course, the stage. Oh, I know it's not much to look at, basically plywood and sawdust, but it works and nobody seems to mind it. We've had several up and coming groups on that stage, as well as "already up theres". Oh, Disturbed, Drowning Pool...although I don't think they'll be coming back. Shame, that. Several others that I won't bother to name. Mostly, though, we have local groups. Gives them a chance to be heard. Just call us musical philanthropists.

         "If you'll come past the stage with me, I'll show you the bar. Aha. Yes. It is rather updated compared to rest of it, isn't it. That was my idea. I'm not quite sure what it was that possessed me, but I really like the aquarium behind it. You know, it may not look like it, but that tank is only two feet wide. Oh, it's over fifteen feet long, but there's really not much thickness to it. I figured fish instead of mirrors, what an idea.

         "This is Danny, one of our main bartenders. Say hi, Danny. He's absolutely adorable. Danny, Carry, and Jason know almost every drink there is. Any they don't know aren't worth drinking, trust me. And the shows that they put on...incredible. All that bottle-flipping and everything. Mmm...makes my heart want to beat...faster...just watching. Ahem.

         "On past the bar is the seating area. Well, the main seating area. After a certain time of night, people basically sit wherever there's space. Yes, over in the corner we've a few booths...privacy, you understand. I'm not one to tell tall tales, but not every meeting in here is innocent. Why, there was a Mafia...ah, well, anyway.

         "Here's the oddest bit. Oh, I know they're probably the first things you noticed when coming in. How could you not? They're straight across the warehouse if you're standing at the door. The pieces of concrete are huge, aren't they? That one almost reaches what's left of the second floor. Not even Thomas knows what they're there for, and he's been here for a few years at least.

         "Oh, no. We didn't get this place together. This was his first and then...well..hmm..I'm not quite sure how we became partners. Ha. Odd. Anyway, if you look behind the concrete chunks you'll see the only real window. It's octa...oct...it's got eight sides. Quite a piece, isn't it?

         "If I could draw your attention up for a moment you'll see what cost us the most. That cage structure for the lights isn't cheap, let me tell you. Oh, that? Well, that is what's left of the second floor. Basically a balcony, really. Although I wouldn't trust it to hold you if you decide to get curious. Someone standing just right up there might pull the rest of the floor down.

         "Hmm? Well, that's what we have the walkway for. If you'll look back over the stage you'll see the beginnings of it. The main reason we have it is so we can keep half an eye out for things that need to be taken care of. Someone is up there at all times... mainly the stage manager, Rodney. If you ever see a large man with a clipboard, looks like he hasn't had a good crap for several days? That's Rodney. Sweetest guy in the world, as long as he's getting his way.

         "And that's about it! Well, there's the V.I.P. room but we don't include that on the tour. Oh, no...no, really, I can't. Actually, I think Thomas is back there even as we speak, having someone for dinner. Now, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask one of the rather large fellows walking around. Those are the bouncers. One of them always knows how to get a hold of either Thomas or me.

         "I can see Frank with his finger in the air. It means my turn as tour guide is over...time to put on my owner robes. I see Rodney's moving the band up on stage. Just about time to really open the doors to the public. And then you'll see all sorts of nightlife. Do enjoy yourself. Oh...and if you scream...make sure you scream loud. You'll want to be heard over the music.

         "Oh, now who told you such a thing as that? Vampires? Pish-posh. Fairy tale monsters to scare little children into saying their prayers. Now come, my friends, enough of that nonsense. Let us entertain you. We've the large dance floor, live music, and don't forget the bar. The drinks are on the house.

         "Well, you'd be surprised what we can afford. Eventually, everyone comes through the Loft. Some even like it so much they never leave...."

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