Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1225089-Late-July
by sarah
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1225089
Lesbian love story
  Late July

Meegan Rockton had always seen herself as a person with a husband and kids. But college and life had changed her. She had discovered at the late age of 19 that she found chicks are more entertaining than some 1 night stand with a guy. She had a girlfriend fresh out of college. She found Julie to be this amazing person. But this amazing person she thought she would grow old with saw her as a threat to the world she knew. Meegan came out to her sister and then her parent but not her brother. Meegan was afraid of what he thought of the whole situation and after many years they finally had a close relationship. But Julie thought Meegan was too quick to come out and this scared her to no end...
So the night of their anniversary Meegan Rockton got her Dear Jane letter...
            Rock, I am done and gone… don’t call me... I'm not gonna be there... Thanks for my years of hell... Julies

          Meeg sat there she knew Julie wasn’t happy but she never pushed her to come out. She understood that she never could... Meeg was lucky she could be out... She had a job that didn’t matter in or out... Didn’t matter.  She helped battered wives and husbands, a few kids but that’s it... She had the dream job... In her eyes...  So the next day with her blood shot eyes she enters the office.  Meg hears Tyras voice, Hey Rock... Your here today... Yeah... replies Meeg...  Rock?.. You look like hell Hun... You and Julie have a good time?  No she split... Replies Meeg... Split?? Why... Asked Tyra Cuz she thought I was pushing her to be out... replied rock... Were u asked tiara. NO NEVER...  Well we have a full load... Yeah I have court at 2 and a meeting in 10 mins... Talk at lunch. Have a better day Rock and she wasn’t worth it... I know tiara I know... The day goes on like her days of court always do restraining order and jail... Another good day in court Meeg thinks to her self. On her way home she hears her cell... Oh Fucken Christ I wasn’t supposed to do over night... Meeg pull over... Rock here... Aunt Mee are u coming 2 night and is Aunt Julie?... No I’m coming Julie can’t make it... I’ll be there in little let me go home and change... Is your mom there??  Yeah Hold on... MOM aunt Mee wants you... Hey EEG what’s up? Want anything... Before I come yeah liquor for later... OK Jack or Grey Goose. Both... K. 
Meeg walks into the house. The house Julies and her had bought... there sitting was there cat... The cat Julies hated... But the one she knew Meeg loved to no end.  MOW Yeah I know ob1 your hungry... She put the tuna down and ran up the raw iron stairs to the bed room while walk-in Meeg was fling cloths and shoes I can clean later...  Where did I throw my Levis... ah here they are. Leg in and now the other...  tank aahh there the tank. Bra off tank on... Oh god much better....  Ok now on to the liquor store.
Hi yes um Can I have a bottle of you Jack Daniels and A bottle of you grey Goose?  Thank you... Id please... Sure... OH Mam I’m so sorry... Its ok... that will be $49.98. Here’s your 2 cent. Thanks.
As Meeg pulls in to the drive she see’s her niece kirstie standing waiting for her... with Jon and Zack be hind her... As she get out kirstie followed by on a dead run is her bub (zack) and lagging behind Jon but when Jon see no Julies he chimes in and says .. HI AUNT MEE... WHERE AUNT JULIES SHE promised me we play street hockey. She um had to work late darling... Mom and Jake in side yeah with Aunt Michael. Meeg enters the old southern type house... Hey Ike when u get up here has Dad and Kat seen ya yet? Asked Meeg Yeah we were there today... replied Jake Hi Mitch was it an uneventful drive up?? Don’t know your brother drove all the way... Ha smart girl make him drive as Meeg gives Mitch a hug and grinz... Hey EEG where’s the girlfriend? As Mara gives Meeg a hug...  We split... Girlfriend when did I get a dyke as a sister... asked Jake... You’ve always had one Jake reply Meeg and Mara... Well I guess I can’t return ya and I love you two much to care who you sleep with. Does dad and Kat know? Kat but not dad and don’t say anything... You saw how tired he looked... Yeah I was gonna talk to you guys about that after the kids went to bed...  As they get in line to help themselves to food Jake wraps his arm around Meeg and says eeg you know I love you and always knew you were... right.. Meeg looks at Jake and says yeah I know... are you ok?? Yeah Jake I’ll be fine...
They eat dinner and play football late into the night... Its too dark guys its time for bed... as Mara bellows for the kids and adults to come home... Jake and Meeg carry kirstie and Zack.  Eyes barely open Jon is fighting sleep can I stay up?? Awe Jon u stayed up all night at your dads... I can do it... Jake replies betcha you can’t... Yes I can … with in 5 min sitting on the couch Jon is laying his head in meegs lap... want me take him in.. Yeah want help EEG asks Jake naw I have him...
Meeg returns to eyes look-in at her... K EEG so are you the butch or fem. butch. EEG I really hated Julies she was to nervous and not our type of people... Dad and Kat didn’t raise you to be a snob and she was a snob admit it... Meeg just looks at the three and says and I thought I moved in status when I graduated from college... No EEG you’ll never move up unless dad and Kat have another baby and doubt that’s happening... True says Meeg. The three adults talk into the early morning hours and decide to watch and take their concerns to Kat...
         The next morning was laundry and grocery day... As Meeg pulls into the drive of her parent’s house she sees the toy her dad had his pride in. Meeg walks up to her dad. Hey buddy boy whatcha do... Nothing EEG. Your moms inside you guys gonna go grocery shopping?  Yeah replied Meeg. Meeg walks into the house. Hi Um ready. Hold on EEG one more thing and I’m with you. Where’s Julie... Long story. Besides we gotta talk about pop. Meeg and Kat talk about her dad and  wonder through the store. Um do u and dad want to come for dinner Sunday? Yeah EEG that sounds nice sweetie.
         Meeg returns home and begins to clean and do her 1 small load of laundry as she pass the lap top she knew she should sit and do her case that was pending... So Meeg hops on like in college she had mastered multi tasking with work So she hopped on the site she had found Julies on and began to look at a  couple of cuties but nothing grand. Well I might as well go into a chat room see if I can find anyone.  Nothing thrilling here. Then ding. EEG? A small screen pops up. Yes Meeg replies. Hi I’m Hanna. Why do they call you EEG? It’s a nick name I had as a kid. Oh... I seen Ur profile online. I thought it was cute. Are you busy later? No replied Meeg. Meet me at Manhattan East. Ok.
         As Meeg sits at the bar she is becoming more and more nervous... Then a quiet voice whispers EEG? She turns to find a muscular looking person looking at her... Do you mind if we grab a booth? No that’s fine, As Meeg walks she feels an arm go around her back. This is new Meeg said under her breath...  As they sit down Meeg moved close to the wall so no one could see anything go down... So EEG you’re an advocate for violence that must be interesting... Meeg begins to laugh... No I am a domestic violence advocate... Ah that explains a lot I looked at your y profile and was confused by who would advocate violence... Meeg began to feel better... So Hanna what do you do... I’m a chief… Aahh that must be fun... It is … As they talked more Meeg felt her phone vibrates and she knew what that met... Work was calling… Ummm Hanna I have to go .But where do you work I can stop during my lunch and make plans for tomorrow... Is that ok? Umm yeah I work at the La Blanc Inn. Oh ok I work a block away from there. So Tomorrow? But I’ll walk you to your car to make sure you get there safe... Meeg walked to Hanna’s car and as she got in Meeg gave her a kiss on the forehead…Drive safe sweetie... oh hers my cell number... Meeg listens to her voice message it was the hospital call for a victim... She goes and talks to the victim and set up an appointment to meet and set up the restraining order and other legal items. As Meeg leaves the hospital she sends a text message: HI I had fun see you tomorrow... She receive a reply Hi I’m still at the bar can you come back my car wont start... and it’s gonna be a little while till my house mate and her girlfriend get here… Meeg calls Hanna are you ok I’ll be there in 2 min ok... As Meeg parks she sees Hanna’s car... POP the hood Hun let me see if I can fix but you’ll get all dirty... And that stops me how? Meeg looks under the car and see’s a hole that extends from the radiator to her gas tank... Hun your leaking fluids. Yeah I know.. You know Meeg replies.. Oh sorry wrong fluids.. I can take you home I know the bar owner I’ll tell him your leaving the car till my brother can pick it up and take it to my dads repair shop.. So they go into the bar.. Hey Shane around yeah in the back.. Meeg goes into the back Hey Shane you back here... Hey lurch monster where’s the dyke princess…. we split... Good for you... We all knew she was screwing a guy the last couple of years... Yeah Shane your boyfriend... OH such a low blow for you... Hey my friend needs to leave her car here till tomorrow then Jake will be over to pick it up...  Ok lurch monster Ike and I are having a party Friday come with your friend... OK... see you Fri Shane... As Meeg and Hanna leave they see two people by Hanna’s car oh their here you don’t need to take me home... You sure... Meeg walk over to Hanna’s car and introduces herself. Hi I’m Meegan you are the two chicks look up and One says lurch monster in the living... Zeus how’s it?? It’s been 10 years yeah how’s... We split... Oh this is mea... My... yeah we are all so no intros you remember the college rules... Yeah those were the days huh... Have you seen Shane yet...? No he’s still yep... So there is a gapping hole from radiator to gas tank... Ah...  Jakes gonna tow it for her... I can give Hanna a ride home if you guys want to do something... Well that’s the thing its being fumigated and we couldn’t get hold of her... ah. Ok so she can crash at my house... Is that ok Hanna...? Umm Yeah I guess replied Hanna...
As Meeg entered the house she was greeted by OB1. Hi my baby... Oh Hanna this is OB1. Hanna walks over and begins to stroke his belly… Well I guess you’d like to see your room huh….. It up here... As they climb the spiral stairs Meeg began to have thought she forgot existed…Its right here you bathroom is here and my room is right there... ok replies Hanna... Umm EEG do u has a spare pj's? Oh yeah here... Meeg hands her a tank and mins pj bottoms Ummm EEG one more thing... Yes Hanna... Hanna moves closer to Meeg and begins to kiss her... First on the lips then down her neck... So soft that all the memories of Julies was gone. Hanna stopped and began to say sorry but before the words could escape Meeg pulled her into the room and began to undress Hanna with each piece of clothing Meeg gave her more and more deep kisses… Meeg moved her to the bed like a dance they both knew became a ballet
As Meeg awoke to a arm around her she remembered what happened she smile like she hadn’t done for a while… She moved the arm and and put her shirt on to make coffee and eggs… to her surprise there was a note on the door,,, Hi lurch come for lunch we need to chat bout Hanna.. Your sis zeus.

    So later that day she met zeus at the bar she left the night before. Ol shane bar and grill. As walks in shane is standing in the bar area.

Hi shane can you make me a Apple drink.. Sure egg replies shane. Wheres that hottie you were with last night... home.
ah replies shane.

Meeg feels a tap. oh hi taz. its Alex now. Oh sorry replies Meeg. Booth ok. So meeg grabed her drink and followed Alex to the booth.
So whats up asked meg
Whats your intentions with my sister.asked alex
© Copyright 2007 sarah (maxlover1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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