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by Nix77
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1224533
Ani goes to the city to find a thief..
“So where is he then?” I asked, irritated with this pretty yet vacuous blonde.
“Don’t know and I don’t care. The bastard deserves to be a vamp’s meal after what he did to me” Large blue eyes flashing, the girl started to shut the door on the slum that Theus used to share with her. My foot got in the way. I pushed the door open like she wasn’t hanging off it. I am 6 feet of muscle and magic, more than a match for her 5 foot 2 petite frame.
“What do you mean, ‘deserves to be a vamps meal?’ He’s tangled up in undead politics again?”
“Last I heard he was with Seth. But this was a month back, and he’s incapable of being faithful to anyone or anything for longer than that.” This time I let her close the door.

Sighing, as I turned to the watchers that had gathered to watch us in case we turned into a catfight. The western slums, like the City itself, were overcrowded, loud, and looking for any entertainment going. Most suddenly found business elsewhere, and left. One street kid remained, looking hopeful at the chance of making a copper or two for information.

“You know Theus?”
The kid’s expression turned sly.
“Might do…”
I put a copper in his shirt pocket, and held up another. The kid grinned.
“He’s Seth’s now. High up in the Nest too. For another copper I’ll take you to him.”
“No need, I know the place.” I gave him an extra copper anyway. These kids were hungry most of the time, and scraped a living by doing favours for those higher up the food chain, petty theft, a bit of trading in rubbish, and prostitution. They were often on drugs, and formed gangs in self protection yet would be loyal friends to those in their gang, and were often funny and good company. Theus had been a street kid when I had first met him, and I had been a rebellious rich girl who had bitten off more than she could chew. Well, no change there then.

I picked my way through the slums, tents, sewage, people, goats, pigs and skinny cows. The smell always surprised me as it was not as bad as I expected.  Maybe it was the curry from the outdoor cookpots and stalls that sold deep fries samosas and pakora that took the edge off the desperation, sweat and shit. I felt something on my belt and grabbed the pickpocket with my left hand, hauling the child up off her feet. There was a gasp as she realised how cold my hand was, and felt the chill of Death move down her arm. I growled and dropped her and she ran off. With a bit of luck she would tell her gang, and the story of the tall brunette with the hand that was in Death while she walked in Life would spread and I wouldn’t have to keep fighting off thieves, pickpockets, rapists and idiots whilst I was here.  Or at least ignorant thieves, pickpockets, rapists and idiots. I suppressed a half hysterical giggle. No, the idiots I would be fighting would know exactly who I was and why I had to die.

The humidity hung over the City, smothering rich and poor alike. As the neighbourhood got nicer the roads became lined with stone, and the horses and bullock carts gave way to carriages and constructs that ran on magic. Now the sword at my hip was getting glances from passers by, as it was currently unfashionable to have such an obvious weapon. Those that could afford it had concealment spells or hidden weapons in personal dimensions spelled onto their clothes. The people too were changing, wearing a variety of colours and styles from all over the worlds and times.  Long full skirts and puffed sleeves were in this year, apparently. Non humans were mixed in the crowd- vamps, sidhe, trolls, demons and angels.

Seth’s main club was in a very exclusive district. The buildings here were beautiful grey stone, looking like the old earth’s Paris, soft, and elegant. The bars and restaurants had well dressed patrons and the sound of music from a hundred orchestras and bands drifted and mingled with the warm heat. It was early for the vamp’s place, but that meant it would be quiet, and I was more likely to find someone who know where Theus was. 

I ran through all I knew about Seth in my head. Vampire, old, powerful. He ran a good portion of the Underground in the City, and specialised in supplying pleasure to those who could pay. Drugs, prostitutes of all kinds, parties, and art were his business, and he ran it well. Unlike others of his kind he did not let indulging his hungers interfere with making money, and although he was undoubtedly bad news, he was said to have a warped sense of honour. He treated those who were loyal to him well. He even made a point that his boys and girls were not trafficked, and enjoyed their work, that his prostitutes were perverted themselves and revelled in the unusual tastes of Seth’s customers. Of course when you can manipulate the minds of those weaker than yourself to be intoxicated with pleasure, it was easy to give enjoyment to those who have very little alternative. But it was a contrast to Astrael, a rival, who enjoyed wielding her power and causing as much pain as she could.

Theus would be useful in such an organisation, as he was a master at acquiring pieces of art that were said to be unobtainable. I hoped that he would value our friendship enough to leave his lord for a while. In truth, I am afraid that he has changed too much, and that he would no longer risk his life and soul for a girl he once knew. The Theus I knew would risk it for the joy of the danger, but I did not know the hold Seth had on him. With luck it would be simply a contract between employer and employee, but Theus could be in bondage, or even Blood-bound, a shade in service to his Master. And if that were the case, not even the Guardian could free him. But I could avenge him, and make the dead vamp cross over finally into Death.

I had arrived. I paused for a moment at the corner of the club’s street, and loosened my sword and bell. As I adjusted my jacket I felt the throwing knives, poisoned pins on my cuff, and garrotting wire in my collar. I removed the band from my hair and shook it so that it fell down my back. It would be a disadvantage in a fight, but I was hoping that by looking as pretty as I could the doorman would think I was no threat. Yeah, right. A six foot muscular woman in combat leathers, with a unearthly metal sword and a silver bell only necromancers wore is never going to look harmless. Finally I turned up my left palm to see the tattoo of the Lady. She was running as if She were in the middle of a hunt. I inclined my head respectfully to the graceful hound and She seemed to answer with a bark. I breathed deeply and the music that was ever with me since my Claiming grew louder. I turned and walked to the club.
The club was opulent, with dark wooden furniture that glowed in the magical lamplight. There was a stage on which a very beautiful woman, probably a succubus, sang and undulated about the stage. Although that there were not many clients yet, and those were mainly human, I sensed a great many undead beyond the stage, and below the floor. The City was built on tunnels, labyrinths, caverns and forgotten streets and buildings, from the earliest time when this reality was created from the collapse of a thousand others. City had fallen upon city, so quarters and areas were from different times, parts of the world, or even dimensions. Seth must be using this quirk of geography as a home for his Nest, as it would be secure against attack, and impossible to find if he did not want you to.

I walked to the bar, conscious of eyes tracking my every movement.

The bartender was beautiful, as expected. He was monochrome, with long black hair on soft ebony skin and wide black eyes. He was a demon, with large bat like wings and tiny horns. There would be a forked tail behind his tight leather trousers, too. He was topless, with a single shining silver nipple ring.

“Would you like to order, or just stare?”
“Venusian wine, please. And you know you are worth a stare.”

The demon smirked and turned slowly to get the wine, flexing his sculpted torso. I suppressed a grin, and took off my jacket, hanging it on the back of the bar stool. As it was early I had bagged the stool by the wall, and had an excellent view of the whole club. Seth would drop by at least once tonight, so I settled in to wait.


A few hours and half the wine later, I was feeling underdressed. Although my silk and wool short sleeved shirt and leather trousers were practical, they paled next to the glamorous and flamboyant outfits that revealed more than they hid. Despite my grungy appearance, I spent a lot of time fending off polite suitors, and explaining that I wasn’t a professional nightwalker. Apparently I looked like I beat men for money. If Seth didn’t turn up tonight, I was coming back in a dress. With extra knives.

The stares were not all in appreciation of my slim figure. I was also being watched by the other sort of professional that worked at the club. I knew that they had seen all the weapons I had, and were ready for them. In fact, they were ready to discretely disarm me and throw me out if I moved in the wrong way. Which would make approaching their boss tricky. If he deigned to show up.

Finally a group of extremely well groomed and sleek vamps and humans walked in and to a large table in the corner of the room. As they sat, the demon who had served me wine, and who seemed to be the manager padded over to their table. Seth was a powerfully built man with shrewd blue eyes. Unlike most vamps, who as they remained the age they died for an eternity, tended to kill themselves in their late teens to remain young, Seth looked any age from late twenties to mid forties. He was lightly tanned, another break from tradition, and was looked good in a craggy, masculine way. The demon talked to him quietly for a few minutes as waiters and waitress’ brought wine and champagne to the table. Both the demon and Seth looked over at me and I raised my glass to them and smiled. The manager turned and had a word with one of the girls and she made her way through the tables and crowd to me.

“The Master wants you to join his party.” she said, and I caught a slight hint of petulance in her voice.
“Tell the Master that I would rather he joined my party.” I said and didn’t move my eyes from his. The girl gasped slightly and trotted over to relay my message. It was petty, but I objected to the air of smugness that rolled of the corner table. It was the vamps, I don’t like their cool confidence, and I was not good at hiding it.

To my surprise the vampire’s lips quirked and he got up and walked gracefully to my bar stool. Too late I realised that I was easily cornered and that as I was sitting down and he was standing up, at a disadvantage. 

He stood too close and held out his hand.
“Seth, Master of this Nest.”
“Ani, Guardian.”

One eyebrow raised, Seth moved my hands to his lips. He was trying to spell me with his eyes, putting more and more power in his gaze at it had no effect. He should know better than to try to spell the Guardian. I stared at him, and fought down a blush. He really was very good looking. So I got angry instead.

“I am looking for a friend of mine, Theus. I hope that he is well and unbound.” I tried to put some menace in my voice, but probably just sounded rude. I could have done with training in vague threats, along with the weaponry skills. My left hand moved to lightly touch the bell. If I sounded it, all those that were but barely in Life would be called to Death, and it would break even Seth’s concentration.

Seth sighed, abruptly stepping back and dropping my hand.
“Another one. Ex?”

This time I did blush.

“No! I am a friend of his, that’s all. I haven’t been in the City for a few months, and when I arrive here, I find that you have gotten your teeth into him.” I winced at the clichéd phrasing. I was feeling more and more self conscious, and half wished I could just draw my sword and bell and do what I knew I was good at. But I guess killing everything because I was embarrassed is not really upholding the ideals of my family and my office.

This provoked a slow annoying smile, as if the bastard knew I was uncomfortable and enjoyed it.

“Why should I tell you anything about my lieutenants? Perhaps you could keep me company instead, I could even get my teeth into you…”

I was so angry I nearly missed the mocking irony.  Perhaps the sword and the bell were the only way. Before I could get myself in more trouble  I caught a glimpse of a familiar mobile face, and nearly fell of my stool with the force of the hug.
“Ani! I thought you had forgotten me. Or were dead. Or had run off to be married. Look at you, all kitted up for action. Ow, your knives are really digging in my side…”

Theus hadn’t changed.

“Hey you. Rescuing me from mortal embarrassment as always. Drink?”

I looked over Theus to the club owning vamp.
“A bottle of mexicana and two glasses, thanks.” As one of the most powerful vampires in the City went to get us our drinks, albeit with a strange look on his face, I turned to Theus and started to get caught up with what had happened to him since I had left.
© Copyright 2007 Nix77 (nix77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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