Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1223729-Shades-of-Gray
Rated: E · Column · Opinion · #1223729
Regular column featuring various ramblings of the author.
Behold, you are witnessing, rather, reading history in the making. The words appearing before you represent the first column written by a future famous columnist. Upon completion of reading this article you will officially be a fan of the wit, insight, and disorganized thoughts that are the hallmark of this author's literary creations. These traits, along with unrivaled ability to magnify what's trivial, overstate what's obvious, and indecisively waffle on what's momentous, have led to adoption of the "Shades of Gray" nomenclature. As a middle-of-the roader, I suspect I represent a large segment of the population.

In the interest of providing perspective on the author whose prose you now anticipate enjoying on a regular basis (me!), I offer some germane biographical details. I am a middle aged, middle class, married man residing in a Mid-Atlantic State. I have been equally influenced by two distinctly different family groups. My maternal ancestors represent the passionate cultures of the Mediterranean. Dad's family is thoroughly Germanic. How those regions played for the same team in WW II still baffles me. Is it any wonder I struggle to see the black or white of many, if not most issues?

The first topic I herein write about is this idea of "gray area", the territory in the debate of issues un-won by any of the clearly defined sides engaged in said debate. This gray zone is the domain of those who can simultaneously find validity in details presented by opposing sides of an issue. Residence in this land of indecision frequently results from an open, unbiased mind presented with two logical, yet mutually exclusive points of view.

Regardless of the cause, occupation of the neutral zone can be precarious. There is pressure to choose a side, join a team. Internal pressure may be more intense than external pressure. The more pressure one places upon themself to decide, the more loudly the opposing arguments ring in their ears. The desire to stand firm often results in envy and respect for those who take a position and hold it adamantly. Anger, frustration, and self-doubt--gray emotions--loom heavily in the gray areas.Those who find themselves firmly upon the shore of decisiveness rarely show compassion for those struggling in the current in the middle.

However, should you find yourself in this place lacking allegiance to any camp, take comfort. Take comfort in knowing you are thoroughly contemplating all available information. Find solace in your diligence in pursuing a choice you believe in. Lastly, take pleasure in the beautiful colors of your world. After all, black and white have no shades, gray has many.

As I conclude this pilot episode an abundance of columnar topics circulates in my brain. I will also avail myself to discussions of issues presented by my rapidly growing readership. My humble opinion is that my celebrity status will carry with it the obligation of speaking for those I represent who do not have the ear of the public. Until next time, I anxiously await your input and ideas.

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