Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1222778-Streetwalker
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1222778
short story...about a prostitute
Ellie tried her best not to feel uncomfortable as she stood by the side of the road. She had done this countless times before, and it always went alright. It was quite a warm evening, and she didn’t feel cold in her short skirt and even shorter top. Cars drove by, some of them beeping at her, but so far, nobody had stopped. If she was wearing her watch, she would have known she had been standing there for half an hour, but she couldn’t. It looked too expensive, they had said. She lit another cigarette, and let it hang out of her mouth, and stood hands on her hips, facing the traffic. A car that looked like it was doing double the speed limit started to slow down as it approached her. She took a deep breath and prepared herself. She couldn’t help it, she still got nervous.
The car slowed to a crawl. She was surprised to see a young man behind the wheel. Most of the others had been exactly the sort of person you’d expect to pick up a prostitute. Old, bald and fat. Wife and kids at home, wondering why daddy was late home from work again. It made Ellie wonder who the real criminals were.
The car stopped and the young man wound down his window. “Hi, there,” he said, smiling casually.
“Hi, darling,” Ellie said, breathing out a cloud of dirty grey smoke that floated off with the summer breeze. “You looking for a good time?”
The young man laughed. “I was hoping you might say that. Hop in.”
She walked round the car, to the passenger side and opened the door. Her tiny skirt rode up to reveal her bare thighs as she slid onto the seat. She closed the door and turned to face the young man.
“You know a place we can go?” The young man asked. Although young, his hairline was already receding.
“You know Kendall House? I got a room there.”
He nodded and started the car. Ellie threw her cigarette out of the open window.
“You want another?” He held out a packet to her.
“Thanks, sweetheart.” She took one out. She was still feeling nervous. “Got a light?”
Kendall House wasn’t far away and they arrived there in a few minutes. He got out of the car and opened the passenger door for her.
“Why, thank you,” she said, climbing out of the car as elegantly as she could. “Such a gentleman.”
“Lead the way.”
“My pleasure.”
Ellie walked in front of him to the room, and felt his eyes on her. She felt flushed and began to sweat. Rather than nervous, she now felt more excited. They came to a door and Ellie pushed it open.
“Don’t you need a key?” The young man asked.
Ellie giggled. “You silly thing.” She opened the door and they both went inside. “So,” Ellie said, closing the door with one of her stiletto heels. “What exactly is it you want?”
“What have you got?” He smiled as he looked her up and down and licked his lips. Ellie, once again, felt a heat rising inside her.
“Can’t you see what I’ve got?” She gave him a twirl. “You wanna fuck? A suck? The whole works.20, 50, or 100 for the full works. Anything goes.”
“The whole works.”
“So, you wanna fuck and suck?”
“Yeah, I wanna FUCK!” He was moving towards her when the door smashed open.
“POLICE! GET DOWN! HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!” Two Male Officers barked as they pushed him down on the bed and searched him.
“What?” The young man looked at Ellie, confused and betrayed. “What’s going on?”
“You’re under arrest, mate. That’s what going on.” The elder of the two Officers said, obviously very pleased with himself. “Good work, Ellie.”
“Thanks,” Ellie replied, avoiding the eyes of the young man that was in the process of being handcuffed and lead away by the Officers.
Ellie was out there once again the next day, in the same spot, in the same clothes (they were the only suitable clothes she owned.) This time, when a car pulled up, it was a slightly older man. He looked as if he was in his late forties, perhaps early Fifties. Though, Ellie still found him attractive. She got in the car and they made their way to the same hotel, to the same room. The man was nervous and seemed to be waiting for Ellie to make the first move. She did. She sat on his lap and asked him what he wanted. She slid to her knees, enjoying watching him squirm. “You wanna suck?” She could smell him sweating. He nodded, licking his lips. She began to undo his zip. She had never gone this far before. What was she doing? All she had to do was get him to say that he wanted a fuck for money. She felt as if she could do it for free. She wanted to. “You wanna fuck? You want both?”
“How much?” He gasped.
“20, 50, or 100 for the full works. Anything goes.”
“Oh, god!” He hissed as she slid her hand inside his trousers. “The…full..works!”
And, once again, the door crashed open and the two Officers barked at the man to put his hands behind his head and told him he was nicked and laughed and said how they were a little too late by the looks of the mans trousers. Ellie stood in the corner, feeling more alive and turned on than she ever had before.
The next day, Ellie stood in the same place, facing the traffic, and when a car pulled up, she wasn’t too bothered that the driver was overweight and middle aged. She got in and asked the man what he wanted. He was sweating through his clothes and said he wanted everything.
“I know somewhere we can go,” she said.
“No,” he said. “I want it in the car. So, they drove off to a nearby garage. Ellie looked at the old man, but she saw the face of the young man from the other night. She hastily undid his zip and he lay back in the seat as her head moved up and down in his lap. Ellie was glad she didn’t have work tonight.

© Copyright 2007 mcdaniels (crackityjones at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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