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A Poem For My Best Friend whom I love dearly |
Behind The Door The dark addictive door Ajar for so long Can it be shut? If it can't I don't have long I see so many doors All a little different Most of them are open Very few are closed I look upon the doors One by one in space To see if I can Find the one To take me from this place All of them are labeled Each described in detail The descriptions make me nauseous I feel as I should cry Because something in me tells me I deserve to die All the doors seem so small In this giant space I wonder if I will ever know The secret of this place But as I look around I see a brightly lit section Of this uncontrollable space The mystifying door labeled Like the rest it’s Just plain and simple It has to be the best Its label simply states In a non-black way Sketched lightly on the surface Of the unblemished door In wispy strokes of blood “Grace is all you need Come to the door and be free.” Behind that door I finally opened I see two men I know One I just met recently And I refuse to let him go Many times I thought I’d lose him But somehow love prevailed Nothing in this world Or my home above Would I ever think of trading him Unless he was a whore The only way I plan on leaving him Is when I’m at death’s door The second man seems to come and go Everyday I ask him If he’ll stop and stay awhile So far his response Has always been “I knock and knock at your door I fill you with emotion Yet, the only time you find me here Is when you’re lost or sore I do not mind helping if you’re feeling down or blue That’s what I’m hear to do But that is not the only thing that makes me come Here day by day I just want you to decide to day If commitment is a chore If you do not choose to listen Then go walk outside that door And remember when you’re lost forevermore I’ll always be hear fighting Just walk in through that door I’ll sit down right beside you We’ll talk eternally” Our eyes meet each other I fall down to my knees I beg him to forgive me He says of course I do And then he asks a question What is this all for? I had no answer I just stared into his eyes He told me then to stand before him as he spoke these words to me He said “come now my son it’s time to fight for me” From that point on I had my life It was finally in my hands I accept that life will not be perfect But now I have some help I now resolve to keep them with me I cannot let them go If I never knew them I’d still be straying In that space But now that void ‘Twas uncontrollable Is now in my domain But only by his grace If my poems could save lives I wish that this one would Because without my faith in that man or without My closest friend My life would still need saving The doors that were around me I now look back and see That even though I’ve been set free The labels on those doors Will always try to latch onto The person that is me If I had to pick something to learn when I was younger It would be the thing that I didn’t learn until someone Stopped to ask me The thing that I would realize Is the truth that we should see Actions flow much easier than words But feelings and emotions show The things we can’t express I hope dear friend That all that’s written here Will let you begin To understand my fear But once again I will never let you go People seem to question my intentions It’s only because they are lonely For if they had a friend like you There lives would be complete So here you go I give you this To do with what you will Keep them near or throw it all away No matter what you choose remember I am not perfect I do not strive to be The thing I strive for most right now Is to be the me I need to be And at this moment I need to be hear for you to stand by you And to see you through the Difficult times ahead All I can ask is that you heed my words Because it’s all from love The last thing I must say is this I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU CLAY (~-Lefty Luka-~) |