Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1222196-A-perfect-night-part-3
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1222196
Clarity causes this to take a much darker turn than originally intended.
A perfect night, part 3

Smiling my own wicked smile I gently guide you towards the tall window overlooking

my back yard. I’ve left the blinds open, and the cooler air by the window chills our

glistening faces. With the moonlight streaming in, your dark blond hair is highlighted,

seemingly bathed in an aura, as if you are an angel.

I’m sure the other men you’ve cheated on wouldn’t agree with that either.

The black silk you’re wearing gleams as if it were paint on the polished hood of a sports

car. I lean in closely from behind as I guide you to the edge of the narrow windowsill at

your waist, being careful not to touch any part of you. Exhaling hotly in your left ear I

whisper deeply “Lisa, shhhh, no words now, close your eyes…do nothing…..let me

please you, you are my lover tonight”. Shuddering slightly, a quiet moan escapes your

moist lips, and I know I have you.

Your scent alone is bringing me to full arousal. More than shampoo and soap now. It is

the scent only a woman long aroused, stimulated, lustful, will bring forth. It is woman,

raw and primitive.

With just my index fingers I begin tracing along your upper body, drifting through your

shoulder length hair, around your delicious ears, gently, slowly. Reaching around to your

mouth I gently slide one fingertip across your now slightly open lips. Your mouth opens

as if to receive me deeply, but I want just the moistness your full lips offer. With a

moistened fingertip I again trace the top and back of your right ear, while barely nuzzling

your left.

Your eyes completely closed now, you are swaying ever so slightly. The moist fingertip

glides more easily across your soft skin, as I trace down the side of your throat, slowly

reaching the neckline of your blouse. I want to see more of you, Lisa, now. Reaching

around to the front of your blouse I take the top button in my fingertips, putting almost no

pressure on the body beneath my fingers. I easily slip the button, and you purr gently as

your head tilts backward slightly. The second button opens, then the third.

You reach for the last button and I quickly slide my free hand into your hair from behind,

gently but firmly pull your head back a little farther and quietly but forcefully say “no, do

nothing, Lisa, until I tell you otherwise. Keep your eyes closed”.

Recognizing the complete dominance I have over you, your hands quickly drop to your

sides. We’ve been here before, Lisa, and you’ve trusted me. I’ve never hurt you when

you’re submissive to me. Not beyond the point of pleasure, at least.

Although in truth, tonight may be different.

I hate you for never having a chance to have your heart. I hate you for never really caring

about me, only for what I can do to you. I hate you for constantly reminding me of how

he is everything to you, and that there is no room for me, yet accepting any pleasure I am

willing to give. I hate myself for not being able to put “us” behind me, even though “us”

exists only in my head. I am angry, Lisa, and you will feel that too.

I will give you every pleasure possible tonight, but the pain of knowing tonight will be

our last compels me to take you to the edge of passion, where pain and pleasure overlap,

where rage and lust become one. Just once, I want you to feel, Lisa, feel the tidal wave of

emotion I feel towards you every day. You’ve never been here with me before, but

tonight it will happen.

If I have to hurt you to please you, Lisa, I will, and enjoy it. My only regret is that I will

never see how broken I’ve left you for him. He will know you’ve been taken, Lisa, he

will smell it on you. You will never again be the lover he remembers.

One day, when you two are long separated, I will tell him who damaged you. And how

willingly you let me. How you begged for it, knowing it would destroy your relationship,

yet were unable to pull away.

I’ve given for so long. Tonight I take.

The smile is gone from your lips. My quiet command has brought another element into

our passion. Fear. You’ve always known you can never fight the physical dominance I

have over you, Lisa, but only now have I shown you the emotional control as well.

Releasing my grip on your hair, I gently run my fingers through it, whispering “just let

me, Lisa, just let me, but if you open your eyes again, I will blindfold you”.

Moving around to your left side I reach out and less gently undo the final button,

allowing your blouse to fall open, and off. Your erect nipples are visible through the

almost sheer camisole. So beautiful you are right now. I grip your left nipple roughly

between my thumb and forefinger, causing you to squeal. You recoil and shudder, but

make no attempt to block me. Seeing your mouth slightly open lets me know you are

wanting more. More pleasure? More pain? Both?

You will have more, Lisa. Much more. More than you ever thought possible.

Because he can’t take you where I can, can he? You can only get this intensity from me,

and that’s why you’re here. Guilt aside, you want this. You need this. You’ve been

without it too long.

“Take your camisole off, Lisa” I whisper behind you. Hesitating for only a moment you

slip it over your head and it too drops to the floor.

My fingers drift across your stomach, across that area you are self-conscious of, down to

your waist. I find the zipper of your skirt along your left hip, and quickly slide it down to

the stop. With one hand I pop the button holding your skirt at the top, and it falls to the

floor, around your bare feet. Your scent wafts upwards from you, more strongly now, as I

back away to admire your body.

In the window’s reflection I see that your eyes have opened. Bad girl, Lisa, bad girl.

“I told you, Lisa, that I will blindfold you if you don't keep your eyes closed. You've

forced me to do this. You made this happen, Lisa, not me. Now you must suffer the


I coldly ignore your mewling "please, no, no, I can't do that, please, I can't trust you like

that" as I reach for one of the silk scarves I keep in the nightstand.

I have to wonder if you trust him like that.

Even as you whimper, you make no attempt to move away or avoid my hands. With your

hands at your side, I easily knot the scarf behind your head, blinding you completely. It is

not so tight as to stop the tears from rolling down your moonlit face, and dripping onto

your pale, nude breasts.

I quickly strip to my boxer briefs as you sob quietly.

The matching thong you’re wearing disappears quickly as it follows the cleft downward.

I’ve always liked your “hot little ass” but this is the first time it’s been fully exposed to

me. I can see the strength in your legs, the tension of your calf muscles. Your slender

ankles. Your small, arched feet.

Stepping up behind you quickly I grip your hands far above your head, stretching your

nude body upwards. Again you submit to my strength as my bared teeth come down on

your throat and shoulders, biting, tasting.

No matter how angry I am, Lisa, I love your taste. I’ve had enough of you to know I want

to taste, lick, suck, bite, all of you. I want to see the pleasure that brings you.

Your lean body is tightly against me and you feel, for the first time, how aroused I am

because of you. Your hips thrust backwards against my hardness and I move with you for

a few moments, grinding in a sensual mimicry of penetration. Through the cotton of my

boxer briefs I press against your cleft, spreading your cheeks apart and moving between

them easily. Still holding your hands above, my free hand tightly squeezes your hip bone,

forcing you back onto me. Were it not for the thin cloth between us, I would be inside

you now.

Soon, Lisa, soon.

Letting go of your hands I grab both of your hips, slamming you backwards into me.

Knowing how close I am to your sex, how easily you would accept me inside, is almost

overwhelming. As is your scent, stronger than ever now. I feel your hands reaching

downwards, past mine, to the wetness below. “No, Lisa, I am your hands, use me” I groan

into your ear. Moaning loudly you pull my hands from your hips. “Touch me, please

Norm, touch me hard, touch me here” you almost shout as I let you force my hands

lower. Your back arches, you rise up onto your toes to push harder into me as my fingers

slip into the small patch of silky hair above the moist furnace that your sex has become.

Finally I reach the place I’ve never been with you. Biting down hard onto the hollow of

your throat, I squeeze your prominent mound, hitting your spot. Shouting, you buck

against me, but I thrust forward, slamming against your shuddering nude body. Your

engorged nipples press against the freezing window glass as I reach into you.

The first of many climaxes rips through your writhing body. The pleasures of my hands

on your sex, the icy glass against your swollen nipples, my intense arousal, the biting

urgency you feel on your throat, all combine to take to a place you’ve never been. I reach

up to grasp your breasts as the keening wail “no, Norm please, no, don’t let go, I’ll do

anything, finish me” bursts from you. “Cum for me, Lisa, give it to me” I huskily whisper

in response.

Climaxing again, almost continuously now, the pleasure racks your body. Bucking

against me, feeling my strong touch on your body, my hot mouth on your flesh, your

moans and cries only excite me further. I love to please you Lisa. My hands and mouth

roam your body, looking for any way to increase the spasms I feel in your loins.

I let you slide to the floor, my wet fingers trailing up your sweating body to your mouth.

Trembling, your mouth closes on my fingers, tasting your sex. I love your mouth, Lisa.

Still shaking from the pleasures I have given you, gasping as you suck my fingers, as

completely ravenous and uninhibited as an animal would be, you claw at my muscular

thighs. Your still blindfolded face rises up towards me, rubbing against the throbbing

hardness I still have not shown you.

Now, Lisa, kneel before me. And take me in.

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