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Random drug induced writings, not to be taken seriously.
Before you read this, just know it is not supposed to be taken seriously. Also, the original document had extended foot notes. I will put the foot notes at the end of this document.

The govt. gives the public dead water (i.e. water that has been plasticized ) to keep the emotions (emotions is a concept from the world of forms represented by the element water) in a person lower so that they cannot receive necessary information from the subconscious (or the spirit world; represented also by water for me. Normally I would say they represented fire, but they actually represent water for me according to the symbology of a dream I had.)

Does this mean that my emotions live in the subconscious? Perhaps only when I am away from water (since water is a concept belonging to the world of forms, because I am not in direct proximity to it; where the grass is lush; not dry like it is in Moscow)

Why does the country build things so poorly, with thin plastic walls, and not with creative spirit as it was in the days of yore. Our houses are prisonic .

The computer can be used to represent the subconscious mind, as well as any sort of writing, drawing, food, or creation in the physical world. It doesn’t matter what the item is or what it looks like, as long as the one who creates an intent that is attached to the item.

So, look at our environment. Where is the creativity in the construction of these new buildings we see spring up in a few days? Where is the love? Nearly everything we own is created by a machine, and that is all that we perceive. Let me see a raise of hands if you think that this effects your overall mood/how you feel.

God lives in the love you insert into what you are expressing. Closeness to God is measured by a man’s actions. We live in an interesting time. Because of the lack of art in our society, one can create things of beauty that are instilled with more love . However, a majority of the people in our society are materialistic and are focused on the desires of the physical world, so they do not understand the value of the object created. This because they have become desensitized to it, simply because they are overwhelmed by art because we live in the information age.

You should blow of your head you son of a bitch, you are a horrible person, you have been brought to this world only to wreak havoc. I think you are the anti Christ.

Really? You actually think that of me?

Yeah, I think you manipulate things at a subconscious level to bring hatred and dissonance into peoples life.

Really? I think I’m a good guy. I don’t think I try my best though. A lot of it has to do with the fact that you are always nagging at me and bringing me down. Why have you been created?

I have been created by the lack of love in your life.

Realitites :


O --------------------o-----------------O

Two opposites that are continually moving away from each other until The Snapping Action Occurs Ex. Realitites (masculine) consist of two binary opposites, moving away from each other. The entire time that these binary opposites are moving away from each other, the more brilliant the realitite becomes. However, beneath the surface of a realitite, it has its own subconscious, called Undereality (feminine). As the two binary opposites travel apart from each other, it creates energy that is given to the subconscious. The subconscious, in turn, uses this energy to remanifest it into physical form. When it is remanifested, it causes the binary opposites to travel farther apart.

As tension builds up, it threatens the existence of the realitite. If the realitite proceeds on and on, it becomes harder for the realitite to exist, until finally, the snapping action occurs, and the realitite blinks into nonexistence. If we look to the chaos theory, we see that from the entry into nonexistence, enough energy is left over to create a new realitite. I believe that the new realitite learns from the previous realitite and becomes better than the previous.

Definition of better: Is of a higher vibrational frequency than the previous realitite. It may not seem like it is actually better by the opinions of others, but it is.

Sometimes, people may not even be aware that the snapping action has occurred, and the realitite’s programming in reality will still run, even though the realitite has no undreality, just remnants of 1’s and 0’s trickling into the now.

A realitite is made out of “smaller” realitites. There are infinite realitites inside of a realitite and a realitite exists in infinite realities simultaneously.

Products and material things owned by people are not imbued with character by the creator because they are mass produced by machines, thus peoples emotions are repressed simply because the tone of their owned items are monotone in nature.

PLASTICIZED: Distributed to the public in an unnatural way; such as sprayed with pesticides, frozen. Not caught by the person, killing the animal in love (killing it with intent to help sustain him and his life) to use to his advantage himself with the organism that he/she has used.

Creating an item without loved infused into it from the creator. Ex. Items built by machines, mass produced, sold at Wal-mart, etc. These items in turn make the people plastic, as the love from receiving a gift is absent in the item.

Plastic people are people who have emotions absent from them; the walking dead. Plastic people are also people who are not productive in expressing their true inner self because they are separated from God by sin.

Sin is

PRISONIC: A concept meaning that it imprisons ones mind, spirit, or emotion through an object that is in their physical world. The object can be represented by a symbol of the subconscious. Symbols of the subconscious are imprints created by an event that happens in ones physical world (perceptual reality). The more traumatic events that happen, the more understanding is gained of positive events that occur (A swirling yin yang that grows on every rotation that it makes).

If the energy from a powerful subconscious mind is brought into the physical world, it should have the ability to use this subconscious energy that is gathered from the physical world to change things in the physical world.

Drugs that raise awareness allow you to gather more subconscious energy from the physical world. (MP = subconscious energy) If the energy is not used correctly, it can cause hiccups in the character of the person, causing him to be deferred from his true spiritual self. (i.e. the software installed by the true self into the subconscious mind so that it can be manifested into the physical body)

This subconscious energy can be used to benefit ones self by creating something that others can enjoy (good), or it can be used to fulfill ones selfish desires (bad).

(I define art as a materialization from the creator or creators that is infused with their love. Love is measured by how close one is to God, or how far they have gone from the cave and are still able to bring something back to it)
For lack of a better word. What I mean is energy brought from the subconscious, the world of forms.
Realitites are concepts from the subconscious that take on physical form. Ex: Societies, People, economies, cultures, perceptions, relationships, creations

The Snapping Action is the one event that destroys the created thing.
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