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by Leo
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #1221557
Written as an assignment, i was given only the first sentence.
The relentless icy wind buffeted his whole body as he staggered on. The mist rolled in like a blanket, stopping him from clearly seeing his path. The blackness of the night smothered him. Where was she? Blindly he stumbled through the trees and vicious brambles, which tore at his aching skin. He called her name, with every ounce of strength he could find. "Joanna!" He shouted into the impenetrable night. He heard a faint noise in the distance. He pleaded with the wind to stop, so that he could listen. Was it an Owl? Was it Joanna, screaming for help as she lay broken and alone? Danny was letting his imagination run away with him. His fear for Joanna's safety was ripping his heart from hi chest. Turning his stomach inside out.

Joanna sat crumpled on the damp forest floor. Her ankle was throbbing with pain. She was talking to herself out loud. "Why did i storm off?" She shouted gruffly. "Why am i so stupid?" Tears trickled down her face, creating a channel through the dirt and grime on her cheeks. She missed Danny more every lonely second she had to sit there. The branches on the trees seemed to be reaching for her, stretching out like bony fingers. The wind was making everything seem to come alive. Joanna was petrified. She was also feeling very silly for over reacting. She berated herself for running off into the darkness, and then hit the log stump which had caused her injury in anger. She shivered and attempted to make the flimsy dress she was wearing give her the warmth she desperately craved. Her tears flowed freely. She cried out, sobbing, "Danny, please i need you."

Danny pushed through the darkness. His energy was flagging but he had to go on. Every breath he took, the icy wind pierced his lungs. He had only been with Joanna a short while but she was his world. He wished with all his heart he had not drank so much punch and accepted the offer of a dance from Rebecca. A twig smacked him in the face, bringing him sharply back out of his thoughts. The mist had covered the floor in a slippery sheen, making walking even more treacherous. The air tasted thick and dirty and the smell of damp rotten wood invaded his nostrils. "Joanna, My love. Where are you?" He continued to wearily cry out.

Joanna heard him. She held her breath. Blood pumped in her ears as her heart burst in her chest. She could barely move as her limbs were frozen stiff. She tried with all her might to call back, but the pain of her injury and her frozen body only allowed her to muster a meek reply. "Danny, i am here. Over here."

Danny's heart was racing. Had he imagined it? He was sure he had heard his voice called. The wind whipped up the damp leaves around his legs, almost tripping him as he sped up. Fuelled now by new hope, his adrenalin gave him the strength of ten men. He shoved bushes and branches out of his way, as if they weren't even there. "I'm coming!" He cried. "Hold on!"

Joanna was drifting in and out of consciousness. The sounds around her echoed strangely in her ears. She was losing her grip on what was real and what her mind was creating. The pain took over and she passed out.

Danny almost tripped over the fragile, doll like body of Joanna. He let out a startled shriek, which turned into a strangled groan as he took in this awful sight. She was as pale as the purest snow. The moonlight was shining down on her. For a moment she looked angelic, bathed in a heavenly glow. Danny took off his jacket and laid it over her. He knelt by her side. His whole body shuddered and shook as he sobbed relentlessly. "Why? Why? Why?" His guilt ridden cries echoed in the vast darkness.

"Danny?" Joanna asked in an agonising whisper.

"You're ok. I thought i had lost you." Danny replied, in gulping words between sobs.

She lost consciousness again. Danny scooped her up in his arms and carefully made his way back to the dance hall. They called a doctor and they took Joanna to hospital where she was treated for hypothermia and a badly sprained ankle. She was in hospital for a while, with Danny by her side the whole time. When she woke, she looked at him and said, "Who'd have thought prom could be such a disaster." They both laughed a tentative laugh and swore to each other they would never be so silly again.
© Copyright 2007 Leo (lianne at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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