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this is a story about my best friends life
My face went red as I stormed through those horrible big blue doors. As I was walking down what seemed to be a never ending corridor I thought to myself “I cant believe my parents are making me do year thirteen, especially after I told everyone I wasn’t coming back I mean how humiliating”.

My names Philip and I am what you call a typical seventeen year old guy slash teenager. But I have problems and I admit it. I was a happy young lad up until I hit my teenage years. I used to do the things normal kids do, fight with my brother over who had the biggest bowl of ice cream and play in the sandpit at school, eat worms, chase girls you know the immature little kiddie stuff even though back in those days it was ‘cool’ to do those sorts of things.

The troubles really started when I hit high school. I wanted to make a really good impression not look like I really didn’t know who I was. My first day at Edgecumbe College I can remember VERY clearly.
As my mum pulled up to the front gate she grabbed my schoolbag, looked at me with a tear in her eye and gave me a great big sloppy kiss on the cheek! I ran for it, up the stairs, wait! I will rephrase that… I tripped up the stairs and fell through the front doors.

Luckily for me, god must really love me, there were only three guys standing in the corridor who now I must add are my best friends. They helped me up and lets just say escorted me to my next class.
Slowly we started walking. Well they were and as for me, I was limping trying my hardest not to cry.
That year went quite fast, I don’t know what it was about my three friends but we always seemed to get into trouble.

We started breaking into cars and drinking plus the thing I really regret now, becoming a manwhore.
I can’t remember the girl I lost my virginity to or even hoe old I was. I was drunk. By the time fourth form came along I had been in that much trouble that my parents started acting differently towards me.

Year ten was a boring year. I was still doing the things I had been doing the year before and the reason? I have no idea. Things started to get worse. Not only was I hanging out with the wrong crowd but I started drinking even more and eventually about half way through the year started doing drugs. Almost every weekend I was wasted and in bed with yet another girl I knew but only kept contact with when I needed an emergency screw session because I couldn’t pick up another chick.

My dad almost kicked me out of home that year and now that I think about it if I was him I would have because I wouldn’t have been able to handle me either. I can remember coming home in the car with mum after having a meeting with the dean at school. She was crying all the way home. I was crying on the inside and my heart throbbed in pain every time another tear dropped from my mums pale white face. I know those words the dean had told her had scarred my poor mothers heart for life “I’m sorry to tell you Mrs Cozens but your son has been caught doing drugs”.

I desperately wanted to change. Fifth form came along. A very important year and luckily for me I put my head down and was able to still have a social life. I can still remember the night my three best friends got put into prison for something we thought we were experts at and would never get caught doing, breaking into cars. I should have gone with them but they took the blame and wouldn’t let the cops take me. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it was because they wanted me to live my life before I did something stupid but I would rather be with my friends in prison then have to deal with my raging, violent father. Pathetic isn’t it?
I started growing marijuana to pay for the alcohol and petrol to go to another party and sleep with yet another random female. After all my mates weren’t there to help me pay for it all and my parents well they didn’t want to know. Christmas was glum that messed up fifth form year. The Christmas parties weren’t the same.

The beginning of sixth form was when I really started to change. I stopped breaking into cars and being a manwhore, well those days were over. I meter a wonderful girl, she made me so happy.
Her name was Michelle and I would quite often go down and see her. I can still see her face; the way the light reflected onto her hair from the water and made her glow. It makes me cry. We made a promise that we would be true to each other and that we would be together forever but I should have known that sometimes true love fails.

Halfway thought the year Michelle started cheating on me. She told me that she would never do it again and that the reason she did it was because she missed me. A week later she did it again. Michelle broke my heart. My brother got accused of raping an underage girl and who was that girl? My best friend Mel. I knew for a fact that josh hadn’t raped Mel because the place Mel was raped josh wasn’t there at the particular time. My parents also knew but a few weeks later three of Mels friends told the police that josh had also raped them. Now my parents think he’s guilty.

My year kept getting worse. About a month after that one of my friends died. He was only eighteen and had everything going for him. A flexible job and parents who cared more for them then they did themselves. I quite often got drunk at his place. It was so awesome because his house had the best view I had ever seen. The reason? His house was in the middle of nowhere down a long, long straight road and on top of a very, very steep hill.

The only bad thing about going to get drunk at my friends house was that he became suicidal when he was drunk and this particular night he was very, very drunk. He got in his car and just to be safe I got in mine and followed him. He was doing one hundred and eighty kilometres an hour down his driveway and I was doing about one twenty. We got onto the road and he hit full speed. Two hundred kilometres an hour. I was following him at one eighty.

The corner at the end of the straight started approaching. Why wasn’t my friend slowing down? That was the only question going through my head. He hit the bank. I slammed on my breaks and got out of the car. I started looking for my friend but noticed something strange. There were only skid marks on the road from one car and they weren’t from his. I looked onside his car and noticed that the seatbelt was still strapped in but the front windscreen was smashed. The car started smoking so I quickly moved away and in an instant the car burst into flames.

Five people saw what had happened from the house so they came down to investigate. My friend’s body was nowhere to be seen. We spent all night searching until one of the sober helpers found his body. The look of fear had struck his face. He had no arm. His body was found forty meters away form the car we rung the ambulance and the police escorted us home.

The rest of my life well that’s a mystery.
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