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a true event and a life exsperenced expreced by the one who lived it |
the cool night air swirled around me as i sat in the small meadow beneath the great willow tree. The nighmares are greater now on this day than on any other. I think back to when this story all began back when everything was bright and new. Back to a day when there was no darkness or nightmares, back when life was nothing more than perfect. I wish i could go back to those days, and change the future. If i only knew what was in store i would have done things different. I lean back against the tree and close my eyes. A flash of light and then the images flood my mind. The Dr. Amber the hospital the screams so deafining I grab my ears and strain every muscle in my body to silence the noise. Then there was darkness and then a thin layer of light and as i walked closer to the light the pictures began to form. And there she was my beloved as beautiful as the day we met. And as my eyes slowly focused i relised this is the day we met. That wonderful day when i first walked into Dr. Reynolds office and there standing before me was the most beautiful creature that god could have created. From that day we were never far from each other best friends twins soul mates. Then as i reached out to touch her a pearcing noise broke through the silence and i double over in pain as if my head were to explode. I woke up nose bleeding and in the darkness once again. Then boom in a flash there was light all around as i cover my eyes waiting to focus on the picture in front of me. I see myself as if i were floating above my body, it was amber and my first kiss six years after our first meeting in her fathers office when we were six. it was the start of what we thought was the greatest thing in the world. then the picture right before my eyes began to fade i reached out to hold on to the moment but it slowly drifted away out of my reach. i seemed to swirl as if i were falling forever, the night circled around me. I waited for the next stop in my lil trip down memory lane. and then it happened the day i dread the most came upon me so quick that i could not run or hide from it. The day when Amber came to me in pain holding her hand in front of her full of blood, then it qiuckly rushed forward to the hospital where i am standing in the OR. And i can here the blood curdleing screams as the Dr grabs my arm and says you need to leave we have to do a c section. i shrug him off as to orderlies and Dr. reynolds drag me from the room with me fighting every inch of the way. then a pearcing noice makes me close my eyes and when i open there was the Dr. telling me that they are both dead i did not hear him i just went into my head and wanted to die. I close my eyes and a horn blows i open them and there were the headlights of the truck brakes screaching and then slam it hits me. and darkness again. the sweet darkness i was joining my love in the after life. Then there at the farthest corner of the darkness is the light. I walk toward it toward heaven to join my beloved i can hear her voice calling but when i reach the light she is not there. my eyes jolt open and i sit up in the or of the emergency room i fall to the floor and scream. nooooooooooooooooo why god take me to i can not live with out her. And with that i open my eyes and remove my hands from my head and there a sweet down poor of rain falls on my head through the branches of the great willow tree the nightmare was over another year passed another year alone i stand and face the tree. running my hands over the carvings that i placed ther over the last five years. I pull out my knive and carve two small circles interlocked in each other and underneath wrote. Life and Love are but two never ending circles intertwined together to form a more perfect life. infinity it is a way of life for me the nightmares are infanite and will always scar my heart. |