Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1221199-A-Change-Will-Do-You-Good-ch3
Rated: NPL · Draft · Fanfiction · #1221199
Friday night found Dax parked outside Tina's apartment. She had to take a few deep breaths to calm down.

'Get it together, Dax,' she thought to herself. 'You've been out with Tina before. Then again this is an actual date, as in going out as more than just friends. Now move your ass before she thinks you stood her up.'

Dax took one more deep breath, grabbed her gift for Tina, and walked to Tina's apartment. She rang the doorbell and patiently waited.

"Just a second!" Tina yelled from inside while trying to put her heels on and not break a leg in the process. Tina opened the door and both she and Dax gasped at the sight of each other. Dax was dressed in crisp black jeans, black cowboy boots, an ocean blue button-up and a black blazer with her hair down around her face naturally while Tina wore a simple knee-length black dress and matching heels.

Dax finally found her voice. "You look...wow."

Tina chuckled and blushed. "So do you."

Dax held up a bag. "I have something for you. Maybe we should take it inside."

Tina gave Dax a quizzical look. "Sure." Dax followed Tina inside then went to the kitchen and sat the bag on the counter.

Dax tried to act serious. "I know it's cliché to give flowers on the first date, so I thought I'd give you this instead." Dax opened the bag and Tina burst out laughing.

"A sack of flour?" Dax started laughing along with Tina.

"Well, at least it's original, if not really dorky."

"Original for sure, and hey! It's something I can use. I can mark flour off of my shopping list." Tina gave Dax a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Only you would think of something like that. Thank you."

"Well, I've always loved plays on words since I was a kid. Anyway, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah just let me get my purse." Tina grabbed her purse and locked up her apartment after they got outside. Dax opened the passenger side door of her truck for Tina and helped her get situated inside then ran around to the driver side and got in.

"I hope you like Italian." Dax said as she started the truck and pulled onto the road.

"I love Italian."

"Great. I made reservations at a new place called LaCarbonara's. It's supposed to be really good." They arrived at the restaurant and were taken to a table in a pretty secluded spot which Dax had requested for more privacy. They chatted about different subjects while they ate and sometimes they remained quiet while exchanging shy glances.

After dinner Dax asked Tina if she'd like to go to the beach for a walk and maybe to sit and talk and Tina agreed. Dax carried a blanket while Tina carried her shoes as they walked in silence. It was too nice of a moment to be interrupted by words so they stayed lost in their thoughts. After awhile Dax pointed out a good spot and spread the blanket on the sand. She sat down and took off her blazer then helped Tina sit down next to her.

"So have you had a nice time so far tonight?" Dax asked as she looked at Tina.

Tina looked over at Dax and said, "Of course. I always have a nice time with you."

Dax looked down with a shy smile playing across her lips. "I know all we did was have dinner. I just didn't want to try and plan too much and run the risk of overwhelming you."

Tina reached over and took Dax's hand which was resting on her bent knee. "What are you thinking?" Tina asked quietly.

Dax brought her gaze back to Tina's face. "I really like you, Tina, and in a way it's kinda scary."

"Scary? How?"

"I mean, I've dated before, different kinds of women, but something was missing."

"What was missing?"

"Friendship. These women, girls really, and I could fuck like there was no tomorrow but no way could we carry on meaningful conversations beyond what time we had to leave for work and how good the sex was. When I was younger that was fine, but now it all just seems really boring. I get way more out of conversations with you than I ever did through hours of mindless fucking with a so-called girlfriend."

"It's called growing up, Dax," Tina smiled as she placed her hand on Dax's cheek. "Some people just grow up quicker than others. It's better when you reach that point on your own, but sometimes people are dealt a shitty hand in life and don't have a choice but to grow up much faster."

"Yeah, I've been lucky in that I got to get there in my own time, or at least I'm heading in that direction anyway. I still want to have my fun, but now in moderation. Heh, I remember when I thought settling down was dull. That actually wasn't too long ago. As of late though it doesn't seem so bad." Dax smiled at Tina and Tina smiled back slightly blushing. "Oh but don't worry I'm not callin' a damn U-Haul tomorrow or anything. Fuck that! Seriously, that's something I'll never understand."

Tina laughed. "I know. I like my space and won't give it up until I'm 100% sure I'm ready to share my life with someone more than a few times a week."

"Amen to that. Plus it's not just you anymore. You have Angelica to consider as well."


Tina and Dax looked out at the ocean for a few minute or two enjoying the comfortable silence between them.

"Angelica really does like you." Tina looked over at Dax. "And so do I."

Dax looked at Tina and their eyes met. She gently lifted Tina's hand to her lips and tenderly kissed the palm without breaking their gaze. A few seconds later a cool breeze picked up causing Tina to shiver.

"Are you cold?" Dax asked.

"The breeze is just a bit chilly," Tina admitted as she crossed her arms in front of herself.

Dax slid over behind Tina and wrapped her arms around her in an effort to keep her warm and to be closer to her. "Is this okay?" Dax whispered in Tina's ear.

Tina looked back at Dax and smiled. "More than fine." Tina leaned against Dax's chest and Dax's arms tightened their hold on Tina. Both women let out a contented sigh.

"It was a great idea to come out here tonight," Tina said.

"Yeah. It's really peaceful here," Dax replied and rested her chin on Tina's right shoulder. She picked up one of Tina's shoes and started to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Shit, Tina! These aren't shoes. They're deadly weapons! Is this your alternative to pepper spray if a date goes all kinds of wrong? Just take one off and stab her in the eye with the heel?"

Tina laughed. "Why? Do you think you'll give me a reason to brandish one?"

Dax put Tina's shoe back down. "Well, that wasn't the plan."

Tina looked over her shoulder and said playfully, "So what IS the plan?"

Dax put her hand on Tina's cheek and leaned in for a brief but tender kiss. When she pulled away she whispered, "That was the plan."

Tina put her hand on the back of Dax's head and pulled her back in for another kiss. The kiss grew in intensity as soon as their tongues met. Dax slowly slid her hand from Tina's cheek down to the base of her neck but not daring to go lower just yet. Tina, without breaking the kiss, turned around in Dax's arms and took Dax's face between her hands.

Dax left Tina's lips and planted sweet little kisses down Tina's neck to her chest just above her cleavage where she lingered with her lips and tongue. Tina threw her head back and gasped while running her fingers through Dax's hair. Tina brought Dax's face back to hers and crushed their lips together again. She leaned forward until Dax's back was fully on the ground and began her assault her Dax's neck.

Dax's eyes rolled into the back of her head when she felt Tina lightly nibble on her neck. She wrapped her arms around Tina and rolled them over so she was fully on top of Tina. Their lips met yet again and Dax slid her right hand up and down Tina's side going ever so slightly higher each time until she reached the side of Tina's left breast. She finally dared to cup and squeeze Tina's breast through her dress and Tina moaned into her mouth.

Tina slid her hands from Dax's back around to her stomach and down to the top of her jeans. Dax gently took hold of the hand on her jeans and broke the kiss. She rested her forehead against Tina's while attempting to regain control of her breathing.

"We should stop," Dax said quietly.

"Why?" Tina asked clearly confused.

Dax lifted her head and looked into Tina's eyes. "Not here. Not yet."

"We could always go back to my place-"

"No, Tina," Dax said gently. "I do want you, but I'm not ready to take a chance on this maybe being a one-off. I like you too much for that to happen and then go back to being friends as if nothing happened. You know what I mean?"

"I think I do."

"Now I'm not talking about an ungodly long wait," Dax smiled and Tina chuckled. "I just wanna to do this right, okay?"

Tina smiled. "Okay."

"Perfect." Dax gave Tina a quick kiss on the lips then helped her up. "It's getting late so maybe we should head back." Tina nodded and grabbed her shoes while Dax placed her blazer over Tina's shoulders then folded the blanket. Before long they were headed back to Tina's apartment.

"Would you like to come in for coffee?" Tina asked Dax when once they were at her door.

Dax smiled and took Tina's hand in hers. "I'm gonna take a raincheck on that, alright?"

Tina gave Dax her best childlike begging face. "Not even one cup? As a friend?"

Dax laughed. "Don't tempt me, or you may not be able to walk tomorrow." Dax wiggled her eyebrows.

"I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow," Tina replied innocently.

Dax took Tina in her arms for a warm hug. She whispered in her ear, "Soon." Then she gave Tina a soft kiss and ended it before it had a chance to become too heated. "I call you, okay?"

Tina smiled and nodded. "Okay. Goodnight."

"Night." Dax got into her truck and drove off then Tina went inside her apartment.

The next couple of weeks went by with Tina and Dax regularly spending time together and continuing to date. By the end of that time work had gotten to them both and they were exhausted, so instead of going out they opted to stay in and watch movies in their pajamas at Tina's apartment.

They were cuddling on the couch watching You've Got Mail and at the end Tina looked up when she heard Dax sniffle and saw her try to discreetly wipe a tear from her eye.

"Are you okay?" Tina asked softly.

Dax looked at Tina and sniffled again. "Yeah I'm fine. Why?"

Tina smiled. "You looked like you were crying."

"I was not!"

Tina raised an eyebrow at Dax and Dax let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Oh alright yes I was. I can't help it I thought the ending was sweet. But you better not tell anyone." Dax raised her eyebrows at Tina.

"Oh, I'm gonna tell. I'm gonna show up at your work and tell everyone," Tina teased.

"Oh reallllllllllllly now?" Dax playfully challenged.

"Yep. I know! Let's call Ivan right now and tell him. I'm sure he'll love that," Tina laughed and acted like she was going to go get her phone when Dax started laughing and pulled Tina back down onto the couch. They were both laughing and tickling each other. Tina got the upper hand and pinned Dax down.


"Never!" Dax laughed and tried to get out of Tina's grasp but Tina held her down with all of her body weight. "Okay, okay I give!" Both women looked into each other's eyes and their laughter slowly subsided. Dax raised her head from the couch and met Tina's lips in a passionate kiss. Tina let go of Dax's arms and ran her hands down to Dax's sides. She slipped her hands under Dax's t-shirt and gently rubbed the warm smooth skin she found while Dax's hands found Tina's ass and pressed Tina against herself with both moaning at the close contact.

"I'm sure...you have a...more spacious...place...for this..." Dax whispered between kisses. "If...you want...to."

Tina bit her bottom lip and nodded. She got up, took Dax's hand, and lead her to the bedroom. Dax had been used to dating people who had roommates so she closed the door out of habit. When she turned around Tina pinned her against the door and crushed their lips together.

Dax broke the kiss. "Are you sure you don't wanna go a bit slower?"

"It's been so long I don't know if I can handle slow," Tina stated with the lust apparent in her voice.

Dax nodded. "I can live with that."

Dax pressed her lips to Tina's and they began another round of passionate kissing with their tongues fighting for dominance. Dax began moving Tina back toward the bed as their clothes went flying in every direction. They fell onto the bed with Dax on top. Tina looked up at Dax and stroked her cheek.

"God you're beautiful," Tina whispered.

Dax turned her head and kissed Tina's palm. "So are you." Dax wrapped Tina's legs around her and brought them both up into a sitting position with Tina on her lap. Dax began kissing and licking Tina's neck while her hands found Tina's breasts. She felt herself getting wetter as Tina's nipples grew harder between her fingers.

Tina was already going crazy gasping and moaning as she ran her blunt fingernails up and down Dax's bare back. She had almost forgotten how good making love with a woman could be. She decided right then she was never going to be with a man ever again.

Tina brought Dax's mouth back to hers and went to move her hands to Dax's breasts when Dax stopped her.

"What's wrong?" Tina asked breathlessly.

"I'm sorry," Dax whispered and looked away.

Tina turned Dax's face back to her. "What is it?"

"I uh, haven't let anyone touch me in a long time," Dax admitted.

Tina nodded in understanding. She was starting to worry though that this wouldn't work out because she loved being able to touch her partner during sex. Dax saw the concern in Tina's eyes. She took both of Tina's hands and placed them on her breasts and looked deep into her eyes.

Dax whispered, "I trust you."

Tina gave Dax a gentle smile then softly kissed her lips while tenderly carressing her breasts. She realized for the first time how special she was to Dax for her to give up control. Tina knew she'd have to go slower for Dax's sake.

Tina broke the kiss and lowered her mouth to Dax's chest. She looked up at Dax for permission and Dax smiled and nodded. Tina ran her tongue over Dax's left nipple and felt it harden instantly. She then took the nipple into her mouth and sucked and licked. She continued in the same fashion on Dax's right breast.

Dax was in heaven. She had never felt anything this good, not even the last time she let someone touch her, which had actually been her first experience with a woman. She somehow knew Tina would make her feel safe. She leaned forward pushing Tina back down on the bed then rolled over so Tina was on top. She brought Tina's face down to hers for a loving kiss then took Tina's hand and placed it between her legs.

"I need you now," Dax whispered.

Tina moaned when her fingers came in contact with Dax's wetness. She took her time letting Dax get used to being touched there. Tina brought her fingers to her lips and took her first taste of Dax's juices.

Tina groaned. "You're so sweet." She put her hand back to Dax's center and found her clit. Dax whimpered when Tina's middle finger touched her clit for the first time. Tina dipped into Dax's pool of juices and rubbed them over her swollen clit.

"Are you okay?" Tina whispered as she looked into Dax's eyes.

Dax nodded and moaned. She took Tina's hand and pressed two fingers inside herself. Both gasped at the contact. Tina slowly pumped her two fingers in and out of Dax and massaged her clit with her thumb. She then took Dax's hand and pressed two fingers inside herself. Soon they found a gentle rhythm.

"Fuck, Tina, you feel so good," Dax groaned getting wetter by the second. She brought her other hand up to Tina's head and pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

"God, Dax. Fuck!" Tina moaned. "I want...I want more...fingers."

Dax added a third finger and began thrusting faster while rubbing Tina's clit with her thumb.

"Shit. Faster. Faster!" Dax hissed.

Tina picked up the pace and grabbed the headboard with her free hand for leverage. She felt her insides start to tighten as she felt her bosy getting closer to orgasm.

"Dax! I'm gonna...ugh...I'm gonna cum. Shit!"

Dax continued her quick pace and curled her fingers to find Tina's g-spot. She knew she had found it when Tina let out a loud scream and started to shudder.

"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH FUCK! Oh God!" Tina screamed. She gained enough control to rub Dax's g-spot and soon she screamed her released.

"Fuck! Shit, Tina! I'm cumming!" Dax gasped and groaned as her body jerked and spasmed.

They both collapsed in each other's arms desperately trying to catch their breath with their fingers still inside each other. After a few minutes they slowly removed their fingers and licked them clean then pressed their lips together in a lazy kiss, enjoying the taste of their own juices mixed with those of the other. A few minutes later Tina rolled off of Dax and took her into her arms.

"How do you feel?" Tina asked quietly.

"Like being a little femme in the sheets isn't so bad if it ends with an orgasm like that," Dax chuckled. Tina pulled the covers over them and soon they fell into the most peaceful slumber either of them had had in a long time.


A week later Dax and Tina were cuddling on the couch and talking at Dax's place while Angelica was taking a nap after an exciting morning at the beach. Tina could tell something was on Dax's mind.

"Dax?" Tina asked quietly.

"Hmm?" Dax replied while absently stroking Tina's hair.

"You look like you're miles away. Is there anything you wanna talk about?"

"Truth be told I'm curious about something."

Tina looked up at Dax. "What is it?"

"If it's none of my business just tell me. I was just wondering, well, if Bette knows about me. I mean, I've spent a lot of time with Angelica and as Bette is her other mother I'm sure she wants to know about the people in Angelica's life beyond you and herself."

"Actually it was just last weekend when Bette brought Angelica to me that she asked why she often babbles about the letter D, even moreso when Bette drops her off after their weekends together."

"What did you tell her?"

"I simply said 'D,"' Tina lightly poked Dax's stomach, "is Angelica's best friend."

"And that D is your fuck buddy, right?" Dax wiggled her eyebrows.

Tina playfully shoved Dax and laughed. "No! That's not true and you know it." Tina kissed Dax's nose and settled back down next to her. "I've been thinking-"

"That's scary," Dax interjected while trying not to laugh.

"Not as scary as the heels I wore on our first date, remember?" Tina shot back with a raised eyebrow. Dax pretended to lip her zips. "I've been thinking about us."

Dax resumed stroking Tina's hair. "What have you been thinking?"

"Fuck my friends. I'm through worrying about what they may think of me. If they have nothing better to do than gossip about who's sleeping with whom then they must have sad lives. Well, that's just Jenny and Alice. The others don't care who I'm with as long as I'm happy, even Bette, and I know it's taken her a long time to get to that point." Tina laughed, "Hell, Papi will shout 'Hallelujah' simply because I'm getting laid."

"Good old Papi," Dax laughed. "Just so you know, I never slept with her."

"It wouldn't bother me if you had."

Dax turned Tina's face toward her own and their lips met in a slow sweet kiss. Dax broke the kiss and said, "So you're gonna tell 'em?"

"Yeah. I think it's time."

"Are you really sure?"

"Positive. Being secretive has been fun but it can't go on forever. It's not fair to either of us."

Dax smiled and hugged Tina. She had started to wonder when they would "go public" but didn't want to push too hard. All she knew was that she really liked and cared for Tina, was possibly even falling in love with her, and wanted people to know they were together. Little did she know that Tina was feeling the same way.

Dax pulled back from the hug and said, "Okay, but I have a better idea."

Tina slapped Dax's thigh. "Lay it on me."

"Let's show 'em."

"Show them? You mean like walk into The Planet holding hands or something?"

"No that's way too easy. Here." Dax got up and moved the coffee table out of the way. She motioned for Tina to stand a few steps to her left.

"Gimme your hand." Tina, with a look of total confusion, took Dax's hand. "Ready?" Tina just nodded. Dax tugged on Tina's hand causing Tina to spin a couple of times toward her. She caught Tina and went to dip her when they both went crashing to the floor.

"Uh!" Tina grunted.

"Yeah we're gonna have to work on that," Dax said in reply. She got up then helped Tina get up.

"So what exactly did that have to do with showing people we're a couple?" Tina asked.

"I guess now would be a good time to tell you I studied dance as a kid and if I hadn't nearly lost a leg in a car accident I'd probably be a professional dancer today. Anyway, you know how The Planet has ladies' night on Thursdays?"

"Yeah there's usually a wild theme for the night."

"Mmm-hmm. Well, in three weeks they are doing Rancho Notorius which will be a wild cowgirl party...graced by the presence of one Phil McCockin as his usual cowboy self."

Tina's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh I get it! I get to play the supportive girlfriend!" Tina wrapped her arms around Dax and placed her hands on her ass. "And do I get to slap this cute behind as you strut by?" Tina asked seductively.

"Eh, sort of."

"Sort of?"

"Well, the butt slap can be worked in, but what I mean is you'd be part of the performance."

Tina leaned back and narrowed her eyes. "How?"

"You'd be on stage...with me...performing."

"Oh my God no way! I can't get up on stage and shake my ass in front of a bunch of horny women!" Tina turned back to the couch and sat down.

"But it's such a cute ass!" Dax exclaimed with a charming childlike face. Tina, however, wasn't budging and just crossed her arms and raised her right eyebrow in response.

Dax sighed and sat down on the couch next to Tina. She quietly said, "If you're not comfortable doing that then we can just tell people verbally. But I really would like for you to consider my idea." Dax faced Tina and gently rubbed her thigh in a comforting manner. "Tina, when was the last time you really let your hair down? When was the last time you really just let go? And don't say in bed either because that's something completely different." Dax winked and smiled.

Tina looked away and thought about Dax's questions and realized she truly couldn't remember the last time she let loose. She looked back at Dax and saw her giving Tina the most adorably pitiful look she'd ever seen.

"Pleeeeeease?" Dax quietly begged. "Women already think you're sexy so you could stand there and pick your nose and people would love it."

"Dax, what the fuck?" Tina laughed.

"It's true! At Milk I used to hear a lot of women mention how hot you were."

"'Were' being the key word here. We all know how word travels so I doubt they'd still think that about someone who visited Hetero Heights for awhile."

"Oh piss on those people! Come on, whaddaya say?"

Tina got up off the couch and started to walk away.


Tina quickly turned around and tackled Dax on the couch. "Oh why the hell not?!"

A week later Shane invited Tina to join the gang at The Planet for Saturday breakfast. She was missing her longtime friend and thought it would be nice to have the gang together for at least a little while. Dax had to work all day to catch up on some projects so Tina decided to go.

"Guys, I invited Tina to join us," Shane said. Alice smirked and Jenny rolled her eyes. "I'm serious guys don't fucking start anything today."

"Heyyy," Bette said as she walked up to the table with Angelica in her arms. "What's up?"

"I invited Tina for breakfast." Shane held her breath.

"Oh that's fine," Bette answer with a little smile. "Hey, Boo Boo, your mommy's gonna be here soon too!" Angelica giggled at her mama.

"Okay here she comes. Remember, keep it cool." Shane glared at Jenny and Alice. "Hey, Tina!" Shane got up and gave Tina a big hug. "How're you? I've missed you. Oh, Helena says hi. She couldn't make it because she's spending some much-needed time with her kids."

Tina returned Shane's hug. "I've missed you too." She turned to everyone else and smiled. "Hey, guys."

The gang gave a chorus of "Heys" "His."

Shane grabbed a chair for Tina. "Thanks, Shane."

"You're welcome."

"Oh hey Angel!" Tina said to her daughter. Bette handed Angelica to her mommy so she could receive hugs and kisses. Tina handed Angelica back to Bette. "So how's she been?"

"Oh she's been great. We're going to the park today, aren't we, Boo?" Bette said.

The girls ate breakfast and chatted. Angelica, as usual, was the star of the show. Soon they settled back with coffee.

"Tina, I just noticed something," Shane said.

"What's that?" Tina asked.

"You look different. Not in a bad way, but in a good way. You look, I don't know, refreshed?"

"You know, I do feel refreshed."

"So I take it things are going well?" Bette asked.

Tina smiled. "Yeah, I'd say they are."

"So, who is he?" Alice asked with a smile.

"Huh?" Tina asked with a confused look.

"Or she, whatever it is you're going for these days."

"Alice," Shane sighed.

"Does it even matter?" Bette asked clearly annoyed by Alice's question.

"Maybe you should answer that, Bette," Jenny said.

"Jenny," Shane said through clenched teeth.

"Okay, you know what? I don't have to tell either of you anything," Tina said looked at Jenny and Alice. "It's not like it would matter either way. If it's a guy I'm the betrayer. If it's a woman I'm a poser. I don't need this crap anymore. I'm done." Tina gave Angelica a kiss on top of her head. "I'll see you and Mama tomorrow, sweetie. I love you. Bye, Bette, Shane." Then she was gone.

"Geez what crawled up her butt and died?" Alice asked totally perplexed.

Bette leaned in and spoke in hushed tones so Angelica wouldn't hear her. "You know damn well what the problem is, Alice. She was in a relationship with ME, not YOU. If I can get over it, why can't you?"

"Bette-" jenny began but was interrupted by Bette.

"No. Just don't even speak." Bette stood up with Angelica in her arms. "I'll see you later, Shane."

When Bette was gone Shane turned to Alice and Jenny. "Don't you two know how to shut the fuck up? Bette's right. Alice, you seriously need to just fucking let it go. Friendship isn't supposed to be conditional."

"She fucked a man in their bedroom, Shane," Jenny said with disgust in her voice.

Shane leaned in and spoke in hushed tones like Bette had a few minutes prior. "My, Ms. Schecter, how quickly you forget that Tim, the supposed love of your life, found you with Marina's head between your legs."

"It wasn't in his bedroom-"

"It doesn't matter! He caught you in the act. Cheating is cheating no matter the gender. I'm out of here too."

Dax heard the phone ring so she slid out from under the car she was working on, wiped her hands on a towel and picked up the receiver.

"Best Picture Cars."


"Tina? Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not," Tina sniffed.

"Are you at home?"


"I'll be right over."

Dax hung up the phone before Tina had a chance to say anything. She put away her tools and took off toward Tina's place. She rang the doorbell and Tina answered it with a few tears rolling down her cheeks. Dax closed the door and took Tina in her arms. They stood that way for a few minutes then Dax lead Tina to the bedroom so they could relax and talk in bed.

Tina relayed the morning's events while Dax held her tight. Dax hated seeing Tina so upset.

"I shouldn't let this shit get to me. I'm a grown woman for fuck sakes!"

"Sweetheart, they're supposed to be your friends. Yes, friends fight sometimes, but this is stupid." Dax kissed Tina on the forehead. "How's Angelica?"

"She's good."

"Good. Why don't you take a nap?"

"Do you have to go back to work?"

"Nah, I can do some work tomorrow. I got quite a bit done by going in pretty early this morning."

"Okay." Tina yawned and rested her head on Dax's chest. Soon she fell asleep and Dax followed her into dreamland a few minutes later.

Two weeks later Tina and Dax went to Rancho Notorious at The Planet while Angelica stayed with a family Tina knew from her pre-school. Dax dropped Tina off at the door. "Here's the plan. You go in by yourself and do whatever. I'll be in a few minutes later. DO NOT approach me. Just act like you don't know me, okay? It'll be alright." Dax gave Tina a quick kiss then Tina got out of the truck and went into The Planet.

As soon as Tina walked through the door she attracted the eyes of several women. It was hard not to notice the short skirt that showed off her creamy legs. She was feeling a little uneasy being alone, but she walked through the place with an air of confidence. She went up to the bar and bought a beer.


Tina turned her head and smiled. "Hey, Shane!" The two friends embraced. "This is some wild party huh?"

"Yeah and it's barely started," Shane replied and took sip of her beer. "Look, I'm really sorry about that day at breakfast. I told them not to start any shit."

"Don't worry about it, Shane. I'm really doing great for the first time in a long time. If they really wanna be my friends, well they know where to find me."

"True." Shane looked around and noticed all the women checking Tina out. "Hey you wanna dance? It'll keep the vultures away."

"Sure." Tina took Shane's hand and they danced to the music.

Dax came in a few minutes later rather discreetly and checked out the scene. She spotted Tina dancing with Shane and instantly felt better knowing she was with a protective friend. She went to the bar and bought a beer then moved to a corner so she could relax before it was time to go on stage.

"Guys, I can't believe you dragged me here," Bette said.

"Oh come on, Bette! Have some fun!" Alice said.

"Yeah you just might see something you like," added Helena.

"What I'd really like to see is my bed because I'm exhausted. Work has been fucking crazy," Bette retorted.

"Wah wah wahhhhhhhh," Alice said as she rolled her eyes.

Tina looked at her watch. "I better go."

"So soon?" Shane asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay." Shane and Tina hugged and Tina walked toward the door. When Shane was out of sight Tina darted toward the back and met Dax who was changing clothes.

"You ready to do this?" Dax asked once she was ready. She was dressed all in black similar to a young Johnny Cash. her blond hair was slicked back and she donned a small moustache and black cowboy hat.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be," Tina said.

"You'll be fine. Remember when we practiced I told you to act like we were in front of a crowd? Well, now perform as if it's just us and nobody else." Dax leaned in and gave Tina a long slow kiss.She took Tina's hand and said, "Let's go."

They stopped right next to the stage in the shadows and waited for Kit to make the introduction.

"Cowgirls, have I got a treat for you tonight! I'm sure this is one cowboy you'll love, but hands off! One cowgirl has already stolen his heart. So, without further ado, let's give it up for Phil McCockin!!!!!!!!!!!" The spotlight went out and Tina and Dax took the stage. Ty Herndon's "Steam" started to play. After "Go" the spotlight came on and Dax started to dance. The crowd started screaming. When the lyrics began the stagelights came on and everyone suddenly saw Tina right up against Dax as Dax lip synced with the lyrics. The crowd then went crazy over the couple on stage.

Steam from a summer raindrop
Rising off the blacktop
I wipe the sweat from my brow
Steam on my radiator
I'm late and getting later
Should be at your place by now
Bank sign says 102
But that ain't nothing when I'm next to you

There's fire in your fingertips
Flames in your touch
Desire in your burning lips
Can't get enough
Today was a scorcher
But I'll go you one better
Tonight when we get together
We're gonna make steam

I dream of you there on my front steps
Sunning in that short dress
Hotter than the Texas heat
Seems I'm never gonna get there
Traffic's going nowhere
But when I feel you next to me
Girl the things you know to do
Just make my heat index go through the roof

There's fire in your fingertips
Flames in your touch
Desire in your burning lips
Can't get enough
Today was a scorcher
But I'll go you one better
Tonight when we get together
We're gonna make steam

Girl the things you know to do
Just make my heat index go through the roof

Flames in your touch
Desire in your burning lips
Can't get enough
Today was a scorcher
But I'll go you one better
Tonight when we get together
We're gonna make steam

Ha ha ha
We're gonna make steam
Come on

"HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shane dropped her beer.

"SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Alice, Jenny, and Helena.

"Tina?" asked Bette.

Dax and Tina were dancing so close and sexy on stage. At one point Tina had her leg wrapped around Dax's body with Dax's hand holding onto it and bending Tina back while they ground their hips together. It looked like they were making love right there in front of the whole crowd. There was no denying they were a real couple.

"Oh my God! I just remembered who Phil McCockin is!" screamed Shane to her friends.

"Who is it?" Bette asked.

"It's Dax who works for Ivan!"

"Wow!" exclaimed Alice. "Tina did good. REAL good! Dax is a fuckin' hottie."

Bette stood there totally mesmerized. Now she knew why Tina seemed so much better. It was obvious that Tina and Dax were in love. Bette just laughed and shook her head. "GO, TINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Bette screamed. Her friends soon joined in cheering Tina and Dax on.

At the end of the song Dax slapped her hat on Tina's head andthey crushed their lips together in a passionate kiss and the whole crowd was screaming so loud no one would be able to hear until the next day. When they broke the kiss they stared into each other's eyes.

"I love you," they said at the same time then smiled. Then the place went totally dark.

© Copyright 2007 Lamentamini (saxylady at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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