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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1220509
Vore story containing Full digestion
« This is a bad idea. » You say to yourself as you approach yours ex girlfriend house. It’s been more than a year since you broke up with her and you only spoke with her three times ever since. You wonder what she wants. She has only let a short message on your answering machine that she has something important to tell you and her address.

You knock at her door and patiently wait for her to open it. As you wait, you think back at the time when you were with her.

In the beginning, you were very happy with Samantha. She was a very funny girl and full of life. As your relation was progressing, Samantha changed gradually. All started when she joined some kind of stupid magic group. She became obsess with her new passion and her comportments radically changed. She became erratic sometime, to the point of being scary. Surprisingly, when you broke up with her, she didn’t make a scene.

You almost jump in surprise when the door in front of you opens, as you were lost into the mist of the past.

One time is sure, Samantha didn’t change a bit. She is still beautiful as the first time you saw her. Her green eyes have that sparkle of life that made you fall in love with her, the one that was gone when you left her. Her tiny lips, even if delicates, manage to produce a wonder smile when she sees you.

“Oh!, Pierre, I’m glad that you came. Come on in.”

As you enter her house you can help yourself to look at her sexy body. Her medieval clothing just helps her to display her delicious curves.

She turns around and starts walking in direction of her living room. You notice that she didn’t cut her long brown hairs. They are still shiny and soft, stopping just before her beautiful firm butt.

“Here, let’s sit down. It will be more comfortable to talk.” She says.

You happily comply with her request and she sits down next to you.

“So?, anything new since we last talk?” She asks.

“Well, I received a promotion. I’m now the senior manager of the whole department.” She responds.

“Congratulation” She says.

“Thank you. And you?”

“Well, as you can see, I have bought this house two months ago.” She says.

“Really?” you say while looking for the first around, as before you were too captivated by the girl beside you.

“Yeah. Do you like it?” She asks, while slowly approaching you.

“Yes, it is fine. So Samantha, why exactly you wanted to see me?” You say.

“Well, it’s been a long time since I saw you and I wanted us to have a good conversation like the old time” she responds.

“Samantha, it is not because I don’t like you, but I have a girlfriend.” You say.

“I know. Jennifer isn’t it?” She says.

“Yeah. How do you know?” You respond.

“Her voice was on the answering machine. How long are you together?” she asks.

“It will be three months in two days. She is a wonderful girl and we have a lot fun.” As you finish your sentence, you notice that Samantha seems a little displease with what you just said.

With a regain of joy, Samantha says:

“I’m glad for you. Oh!, Wanna see something cool?”

“Yes, what is it?” You ask.

“It’s a surprise. Just wait here.”

As she finishes her sentence, Samantha gets up and happily strolls to her bedroom. You don’t have to wait a long time before she comes back. You notice a small bottle into her hands.

“What it is?” You say.

“You will see.” She responds and opens the bottle. She sprays some powder in one of her hand and approaches you smiling. When she is close to you, she blows the powder in your face. You close your eyes and say:

“Hey! What are you doing?”

Suddenly, the powder on your face start to tingle and you fell dizzy. You open you eyes and see the room move around and continually change shape. It doesn’t take you too long for you to fall unconscious.

When you open your eyes, you find yourself naked in some kind of a huge box. Still a little confused from your blackout, you manage to sit down. Your head is still spinning, but you get better in each passing seconds.

Before you can get up, you are plunged into a strange darkness as something blocks all the light coming from above. You look up and what you see stun you.

You see Samantha’s face looking down at through the opening of the box, smiling. The only problem is that she is huge, about four times her normal size.

“Hi Pierre, I’m glad that you regain consciousness. I was beginning to worry that you never woke up.” She says.

“Samantha!, what is happening?, what did you do to me?” You say in panic.

“It is not oblivious? I shrunk you silly!” She answers.

“Why?” You ask.

“I won’t tell you. I don’t want to spoil the surprise. Let just say that I also invited your girlfriend Sally. I’m sure that we will have a great fun tonight.” She says.

Suddenly, you here some knocks at the door.

“Oh, I think that’s her. I’m sorry, but I can’t have you ruin the surprise.” She says and picks you up with one of her huge hand. As she picks you up, you manage to see your surrounding. It look that you are still in her living room, but everything is enormous. Judging from your surrounding, you estimate that you are 2 feet tall.

With her free hand, she uses a small rope to tie you down and uses a piece of tissue to muzzle you. She carefully puts you into the box.

“Here, this will do. See you later Pierre.” Say Samantha and closes the box.

Samantha gets up and puts the box on the table of her living room. You hear her walk to the door and open it. You hear Sally voice.


“Hi, I suppose you are Sally” Samantha says.

“Yes I am, and I suppose you are Samantha.” Sally says.

“Yes I am. Come on in, we have many things to discuss.” Samantha replies.

Sally enters the house and the two girls walk to the living room. As Sally enter the house, Samantha sparkles a little pinch of dust into Sally’s blond hair. They sit down on a couch near you and you can understand very well what they are saying. You try to move to get Sally attention, but Samantha did a great job and you can’t move.

“So? For what reason you wanted to see me?” Asked Sally.

“Well, I wanted to talk about your boyfriend?” Samantha says.

“Pierre? What about him?” Sally replies.

“He came here a few hours ago and started talking about the time we were together. He was very nostalgic.” Samantha says.

“I don’t believe you. Pierre loves me and would never do that.” Sally responds.

“That not all. He even jumped on me. If I had not shrunk him in defence, I don’t know what he would have done.” Samantha says.

“I don’t know what to say. It doesn’t sound like Pierre.” Sally says confused.

Samantha smiles to herself as her mind controlling spell started working and say:

“If you don’t believe me, opens the box on the table.”

Sally picks up the box and deposits it on her knee. She opens up the box and you see the surprise on her face when she sees you. Even if she is enormous, you girlfriend is still gorgeous. Her delicate visage is just the perfect match with her soft blond hair and beautiful rounds breasts.

“Oh my god!, this is true!. I can’t believe it” Sally says.

“Yes it is, and I know the perfect way to punish him.” Samantha replies.

“What do you have in mind?” Sally asks.

“Well, we can just let go free a predator like him into the wild and we can’t keep him in a cage like a pet.” Samantha replies.

“What are you suggesting?” Sally says.

“I believe that the best place for him is a place where he can’t harm anyone and that he stays with someone he loves like you.” Samantha answers.

“I can’t take care of a 2 feet little man, I have a job.” Your girlfriend says.

“I didn’t say that you take care of him, no one wants to take care of him. I said that he stays with someone he loves, like inside your belly.” Samantha says with a grimlish smile.

“This is impossible; there is no way to do that.” Sally says.

“Yes it is. You just have to swallow him.” Your ex replies.

“It is too big, he won’t fit!” object Sally.

“Don’t worry about that. I have a little trick to help you get him down.” Reply Samantha.

“But, he won’t be digested if we put him there?” Sally casually asks.

“Yes, but at least you will always know where he is as he will be a part of you.” Samantha asks.

“Since it is the best thing to do, I will do it.” Sally says.

“Good. I will prepare him.” Says Samantha while getting up from her couch. She snatches you from the box and walks into her kitchen. When she arrives in her kitchen, Samantha drops you on the cold counter and pick up the scissor. In if a few well placed cuts, Samantha cuts down your bonds. The first thing you do is remove your muzzle and scream:

“Sally!, she is lying, I didn’t do what she said!”

Samantha looks at you while an evil smile and says softly:

“Don’t exhaust yourself. I cast one of my enchantments on your precious girlfriend. She will only listen to my suggestions. I hope that you like the idea of being eaten by your girlfriend because there is nothing that you can do to save you from this.”

“No, please Samantha, don’t do this. I’m sorry that I broke with you.” You say.

“It is too late, now you are just a snack for your pretty girlfriend.” Says Samantha as she picks up a bottle from the kitchen counter.

Samantha pours some liquid of the bottle into one of her hand and start rubbing your body with it. The liquid is cold, sticky and smell like olive oil. To be more precise, it is olive oil.

“Here, this will help you to gently slide down your girlfriend’s throat.” Samantha says.

“Please Samantha; I don’t want to be eaten. I don’t want to die.” You desperately plea.

“Sorry, but you since you don’t want to be with, I will make sure that you stay with your girlfriend permanently, or at least until she shits out what will remain of you after your journey through her digestive track, hehehe. Ok, it is time to go. You have a date with a hungry stomach and I don’t want you to miss it.”

Samantha finishes her sentence and walks back to the living room. You though of escaping, but there is anything you can do against the overwhelming strength of her hand. When Samantha arrives close to Sally, she says:

“Ok, I covered him some olive oil so he will be easier to swallow. Just open your mouth the widest that you can and I will push him inside.”

As you are held above your girlfriend, you turn around to face her and say:

“No Sally, don’t do this. I love you.”

“Sorry Pierre, but you have been a bad boy and you need to be punished. Don’t worry; my tummy will take good care of you. And to tell you the truth, I’m a little hungry right now and I’m sure that you taste good.” Reply Sally.

Samantha grabs you by your waist and pin down your arms against your chest. You are turned face down, just to see your girlfriend open her mouth, revealing the darkness of her mouth. Samantha starts to lower you and you can fell the hot and humid breath of your girlfriend on your face. Before your head enter her mouth, you scream:

“Sally, please, don’t eat me!”

You hear a little laugh from Samantha but you don’t see any reaction from Sally. You continue your descent and your head finally enters her mouth, passing before her white teeth. Your face hits her moist tongue and you begin to slide on it as more of your body is pushed inside. Sooner than you want, you reach the end of her tongue and stare at the at the pulsating flesh tube that is her throat. For a few seconds that seems like eternity, you stand still above the dark entrance of her oesophagus. Suddenly, your girlfriend tilts her head and you fall head first into her tight throat. Her powerful throat’s muscles are squeezing your head from all size but they appear to be not strong enough to pull something big as you down. Before you can rejoice from this, you feel Samantha let go your torso and grab your legs. You manage to hear her say:

“Ok Sally, to get that little cheater down, we must work together. I will push and you will swallow hard at the same time. Ok?, here we go!”
As Samantha is pushing on your legs, you feel you body gently slide down her throat as you oiled body greatly ease your descent. You only moved a few millimetres when you feel your girlfriend swallowing. With one gulp, you head and torso are pulled a few inches deeper into her body. You are now squeezed so hard by her wet throat that you have some difficulties to breathe.

Each time Sally swallows, you are pushed one or two inches deeper. When Samantha sees the bulge in Sally’s throat that you head is creating, she stops pushing for a few seconds. She looks closer and smiles when she clearly sees the shape of your face through Sally’s skin. When she had enough of looking at your pitiful situation, she returns to work.

Samantha continues to push on your legs until she cannot push further. The squeezing sensation of Sally’s oesophagus may have been pleasurable, but the idea of going into her stomach ruins it. When you feet enter the dark confine of your girlfriend’s throat, Samantha says to Sally while looking at the huge bulge in the middle of Sally’s throat:

“Good, he is almost down. He will enter your stomach soon. Keep swallowing, that should do the trick”

You feel Sally puts one of her hand on her throat and starts swallowing at a steady rhythm. With all your body inside her oesophagus, her muscles have more grips on you and you are slowly sliding down with each peristaltic movement. Soon, you head passes through a tight ring and you are beginning to enter her stomach.

When your arms get free from her throat, you try to push on the bottom of her stomach to stop your descent. You hold down with all your might but her throat’s muscles are stronger than you and you are forced inside. Few seconds later, your feet also enter her stomach, trapping you inside.

For Samantha, the experience of seeing her ex-boyfriend disappearing from his girlfriend’s throat only to enter her stomach was exhilarating. Her revenge is now complete.

“Good job Sally. You did it!, you have swallowed your boyfriend whole!” Say Samantha.

Sally looks down at her now bulging belly and says:

“Wow!, I don’t believe what I just did. This is amazing. I just eaten my boyfriend and I enjoyed him. He tasted very good.”

“Don’t worry, the fun is not over, but it is jus starting. You will see, it is fun to have a living person inside your belly.” Samantha replies.

With your face on the bottom of her stomach, you start to squirm to have a better position. You manage to turn around and find a relatively comfortable position, tightly curled into a ball with your head on top and not at the bottom of her stomach. Your movements made Sally jump in surprise.

“My god!, I can feel him moving in there!”

Sally immediately puts her right hand on her belly to better feel your struggle.

“Of course, he is still alive in there. You will feel him moving for quite some time.” Samantha says.

“Really? For how long?” Sally asks.

Samantha sits down near Sally and says:

“Well, it depends of how strong he is. About one or two days, perhaps less.”

“I thought that I would digest him.” Sally says.

“You will. Let me show you something.” Samantha replies.

With great care, Samantha lifts of the shirt that cover Sally’s belly bulge. You can feel Samantha hand caressing your girlfriend belly and you at the same time.

“You see, your stomach holds a big piece of meat right now, much bigger than it normally holds, so it will need time to process it. I suggest that you take the next day off, so that no one thinks that you are pregnant or wear some large clothing.” Samantha says.

“Really?, and he will stay alive for the whole time?” Sally asks.

“Pretty much yeah. Theses little guys are though!” Samantha says while patting Sally belly.

“Hey!, let me out of here!” You say while squirming as hard as you can.

“I don’t think, not until you learned your lesson.” Sally answers.

You continue to squirm for a while, hoping to force Sally to throw you up.

“Look!, you can see him moving! Here a leg,…a hand… and his head. This is fantastic. It is almost like being pregnant.” Sally says.

“Yeah, but I doubt that you will want to keep what you will giving birth.” Samantha says.

“What do you mean?” Sally asks.

“Nothing, you will learn it soon enough.” Samantha says with a smile.

“She means that you will digest me and then you will shit out what left of me. You got to get out of here before it is too late!” You scream.

“Is it true?” Sally asks.

“Yes, but I assure you that it will almost pleasurable as swallowing him.” Samantha replies.

“No Sally, don’t let this happen to me. I love you. You cannot do this, this is murder.” You plead.

“Sorry, but you lose all rights when came here.” Sally replies.

“You will be caught and you will be sent to jail.” You desperately say.

“And with proof?, no one will ever find your body as you will be only one huge girl’s turd. And even if they manage to find you remains, no one will believe that you were shrunk and swallowed.” Samantha replies.

You stay there speechless in your girlfriend tummy, not knowing what you could say to change their minds. Suddenly, you world shakes around as Sally get up.

“So?, what we do now. Since I have no one else at home that are waiting for me, what do we do? The evening is just begun.” Sally says with enthusiasm.

“Ok. I guess it will be fun to go out with Pierre for one last time. I suggest we go somewhere without too much people, so that you could digest you dinner in peace. I don’t want that too many peoples see you with a belly of that size.” Samantha says.

“What about a outside theatre?, no one will see or hear us.” Propose Sally.

“Ok, that is a good idea. There is one not far from here. Let go.”

Your little home begins to shake as Sally started walking. With each step she makes, her stomach squeeze you. When Sally reaches her car she says:

“God, it feels strange to walk with him inside. I feel him sloshing around with every step I make.”

“Don’t worry, you will get used to it.” Samantha says.

As Sally sits down in her car, you are squeezed harder by her stomach wall as her belly slightly contracted.

“Buuuurp!. Excuse me. It seems that little Pierre down here is settling in.” She says while rubbing her belly.

After Samantha sits down in the car, Sally starts the engine and drives to the theatre. While the car is on the road, you start to notice that you new home is becoming wetter by the seconds. As the girls arrive to the outside theatre, Sally says while patting her belly:

“Do you want something to eat?, because I’m not hungry as I’m quite full right now.”

“Sally you have to get me out of here, you stomach is starting to digest me!” You say.

Sally looks at her belly and says:

“Quiet! I wasn’t talking to you.”

“No thank, I’m not hungry right now.” Samantha answers.

Sally parks the car and opens up the radio. Then, she leans back on her seat and lifts off the shirt on her belly, making a little more room for you to squirm around and says:

“Ahhh, that is better. Are you more comfortable Pierre? Because I’m certainly are.”

“No!, let me out!” You respond.

“Chuu, the movie is starting. Just lie down and digest quietly.” Sally says.

The girls turn up the volume of the radio to listen to the movie. With the radio turned on, you don’t hear what the girls are saying and you are pretty sure that they can’t hear you either, so you are along in the dark depth of your girlfriend belly.

You not pretty sure what movie they are watching, but if you have to make a guess, you would say it is a comedy as Sally’s belly tremble every time that she laugh. After on hour since the beginning of the move, you skin start to tingle and then slightly burning. You realize it is the stomach’s acid that begins their work of digesting you. You try to scream and squirm to get Sally attention, but you manage to get is to make her burping and rubbing her belly.

When the movie end, you do not lose time and say:

“Sally, get me out. I’m burning in here!”

“Hello Pierre, I have almost forgotten you. How are doing in there?” She says with smile.

“Not good. I’m being digested!” You answer.

“Well, that is what happens to food once it is in a stomach.” Sally says.

Samantha reads the theatre’s program and says:

“I think this is a double bill. There is another movie.”

“Great!” Say Sally. She looks down at her belly add:

“What do you think Pierre? Do you think that we should stay and watch the movie?”

You squirm as hard as you can in protest.

“Buuuuurp!, I think he want to stay.” Sally says.

The two girls laugh and turn up again the radio. The second movie doesn’t seem to be funny as the first one as Sally doesn’t giggle as much. For you, the second movie seems to be much longer as the strength of the surrounding acid is increasing. When the movie finishes, the pain caused by the stomach acid is almost unbearable. You are not sure is you are awake or that you are in a nightmare.

“Well, that was pretty good. How Pierre is doing? Asks Samantha.

“I don’t know. He doesn’t move much lately. Pierre?, Pierre? Are-you ok?” Sally says.

“Wait, I will check.” Say Samantha.

Samantha grabs Sally’s belly and shake it around. Her action force to move a little by reflex.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Sally asks.

Samantha looks down at the ripple in Sally’s belly that you make when you move and says:

“You see, he is fine. He is just a little tired.”

“Yeah, but he is not the only one. After eating a big piece of meat like him, I’m quite tired. I think I should go home to get some sleep. My belly has a lot to digest before tomorrow.” Says Sally while rubbing her belly.

“Ok, just drop me at my home.” Says Samantha.

Sally starts the car and drives to Samantha’s house. When they arrive, Samantha bends down near Sally’s belly and says:

“Goodbye Pierre. It was nice knowing new. I hope that you like your new job as girl food.”

When Samantha gets out of the car, Sally turns to Samantha and says:

“Thank you for the night Samantha. I never had that much fun before.”

“No problem. It was my pleasure. Oh, one last thing, say hello to Pierre for me the next time you see him. I doubt that I will have the chance to see him again.” Says Samantha.

“No problem Bye” Says Sally.

As Sally’s car is getting away, Samantha starts to regret not eating Pierre herself. It would have been nice to have him in her stomach while he is slowly digesting. She starts thinking that maybe it would be nice to eat Sally the next time she see her. Since she will have a part of Pierre, digesting her will be like digesting a part of Pierre.

When Sally arrives at your home, she gets out of the car and goes strait to her bedroom. She removes all her clothing and jumps down on her bed.

“Oh, I’m so tired. I’m not sure it was a good idea to go to the movies. You are quite heavy to carry around all the time.” She says.

Sally gently rub her belly and continues talking.

“You know, you feel very good inside my tummy right now. Since it is most likely our last night together, why do you squirm for a while? I will greatly appreciate it.”

You hear her request but you don’t have the energy or the will to respond.

“Are-you still awake Pierre?”

Sally grabs her belly and starts to gently squeeze it and shake it in all direction with her left hand. When she feels your struggle, she moves her right between her leg and start pleasuring herself. You don’t how long she enjoyed your squirming or how many orgasms she had, but you notice when she fall asleep as everything got quiet.
The night was not short or long for you since you lose and regain consciousness about more than a dozen times during the night. At least, the pain is gone as you lose almost all feeling of your body. For Sally, it was entirely different. She dreams of swallowing you many times as Samantha’s spell slowly wear off.

Sally awakes the next morning full of energy, your energy. You feel her stretches into your bed as she does after a great night of sleep. You don’t even try to move as you are too exhausted by your ordeal.

Like every morning, Sally doesn’t want to get up. She is too good in her bed and starts thinking about her strange dreams that she had last night. She doesn’t understand why she had a dream about swallowing her boyfriend but she doesn’t really care as she finds the idea a little exciting of having her boyfriend in her stomach. As she gets up, she notices the large bulge in her tummy and says:

“Oh my god! It was not a dream. I have really eaten my boyfriend!”

Sally sits down at the edge of her bed and rubs her belly, which is considerably smaller than last night, in search of your existence. As one of her hand squeeze you, your body twitch in reflex. You body is more soft and squishy than it was lat night.

“Oh my!, you’re still alive. I’m sorry Pierre; I don’t know what I was thinking yesterday.” She says.

You try to say something, but it is incomprehensible. Sally gets up and starts walking in circle in her room. For a second, she thinks of going to the police, but they will probably put her in jail for what she has done. Since she doesn’t want to go to prison, she decides to go to Samantha and asks her a way to get him out of there. Sally quickly dresses up with some large clothing that can hide her belly and drives to Samantha’s house.

While she is on the road, Sally’s belly started making some strong gurgle noise as it content is slowly draining into her intestines. Her lower valve in her stomach opens and starts sucking all things around you. In the same thing, her stomach contracts, pushing your feet inside it. You try to resist, but you are too weak to put a fight and soon you are pushed alive into her intestines. Without knowing what is happening inside her, Sally puts her right hand on her belly and say:

“Don’t worry Pierre; I will get you out of there soon.”

Sally finally arrives at Samantha’s house and enters it without knocking. She searches the entire house for about one hour and doesn’t find any trace of Samantha. When she was about to leave, she finds a bottle labelled shrinking powder. She decides to take it for evidence.

When she exits the house, she puts her hand the bulge in her tummy, which was a little lower than before and says:

“Sorry Pierre, I couldn’t find Samantha. I guess you are stuck in me for a little longer.”

Since she doesn’t have any idea on what to do, Sally decides to go to work. She may lose her boyfriend, but at least she will keep her job. As she thinks more of it, it is not too bad since there is another cute guy that work with her that seems interested.

Sally sits down at her desk like any others days. No one notice her bulge in her belly. As the day passes, you are squeezed deeper inside her intestines. For Sally, the day passes without any incidents except when she feels one of your involuntary twitches and some gurgle noise of her intestines pushing down. Every time she feels you she is surprised as she thinks you have passed out because she didn’t feel you moving for a long time. Finally, you pass out around the end of her day as the pressure of your surrounding is too great.

When Sally finishes her day, she looks down at the bulge in her belly, which is almost gone and smile. She is a little sad knowing that you are gone but happy in the same time that you are a part of her.

As her stomach is now empty, Sally feels a little hungry and makes her favourite food. After eating her supper, Sally sits down of her TV and thinks back of ex-boyfriend. She remembers the best times that they had together and for Sally, digesting him was one of the best.

Just before bedtime, Sally senses an increase of pressure in her bottom. She gets up and walks to her bathroom. She pulls down her pant and sits down on her toilet, not bothering to close the door since the only one else that have the keys for her house is about to slide out from her ass in few minutes.

Sally relaxes her rectum while wondering if there will some recognizable remains of her boyfriend after his stay inside her. Before she thinks to and answer, Sally lets out an enormous fart that would made Sally ashamed if Pierre where somewhere else than her rectum.

The pressure returns and Sally starts to grunt. She could feel the tip of her turd against her anus, but it is too big to come out. When she stops grunting to get some air, she feels the log moving back in.

“On no Pierre, you are not going back in. You are coming out today!, arrgh!”

Sally grunts as hard as she can and finally, her butt hole opens large enough for Pierre to slide down. She lets out a sigh of relief when she feels the turd coming out of her butt.

“You are quite hard to dump Pierre.”

Sally continues to poop as Pierre is coming out of her in the form of a thick, wide turd. Sally was very happy that the log isn’t too hard, as it would have hurt her butt hole. She realizes that Pierre must have been completely digested as she would feel some hard bump in the log if there is some piece of undigested bones left. Sally poops non-stop for a good fifteen minutes before the log splash into the toilet.

Sally gets up and turns around to see what is left of her boyfriend. A big log of 2 feet tall by four inch wide is what left of him. Sally examines the turd closer and sees some sparkle of white in it, probably some small pieces of bones.

“Wow, almost nothing left. I didn’t though that my body was able to transform a man into a two feet turd in less than a day. I was glad that you help me discover that Pierre.”

Suddenly, the pressure in Sally’s bottom return. She sits back again on the toilet and starts pooping again. This time, the log is soft and small and easy to shit out.

“My good, who know that a man would produce that much shit.”

When the last of Pierre left the confine of Sally’s rectum, she lets a long, powerful wet fart that marks the end of her relationship with her boyfriend.

Sally gets up again, wipes herself and thrown the dirty paper in her boyfriend remains.

“Farewell Pierre, it was fun while it last.”

It took ten flush to Sally to get Pierre down the sewers. She was happy that her ex-boyfriend didn’t clog the toilet while leaving.

Sally returns watching her television. The bulge in her tummy is completely gone and Sally feels a little sad that Pierre was gone. She picks up the bottle that she finds at Samantha’s house and smile. She has just found the perfect way to get revenge on the girl that “forced” her to digest her boyfriend, by giving her the chance to explore her digestive track as she given the chance to Pierre.
© Copyright 2007 thanatos (krishna3ca at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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