Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1220271-Vampire-Slayers
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1220271
A tale of a vampire slayer falling love with her enemy
Jetta Maria Charlotte and Nicole Ashley Charlotte were twin sister, but they were

complete opposites. Even though these two looked alike, their personalities and

behaviors were far from being identical. Jetta and Nicole or Nikki, both had raven

hair, Nikki’s was long and flowing while Jetta’s hair was short and bobbed. Jetta

also had pink streaks in her hair, that set her off from her sister. Both of the girls

figures were alike, short and petite Nikki was a few inches taller than Jetta, but it

was not that noticeable. The big noticeable thing about the two were there taste in

fashion. Nikki usually wore bright colored clothing from American Eagle and such

stores like that, while Jetta wore darker color and clothes from stores like Hot

Topic. Both girls though were needed. See both of the girls were vampire

huntresses at only the age of 17. Their father was the leader of the vampire hunting

clan and that made Jetta and Nikki very special. In their blood flowed the ancient

warriors of the past that have defeated so many important vampires. Jetta woke up

to a loud screaming, she rolled over and seen her sister at her bedroom door.

“GET THE HELL UP!!!!” Nikki yelled

“It’s to early” Jetta whined

“It’s noon and we were supposed to be at headquarters an hour ago, I’ve already

called and dad said if you don’t get up, he is sending Alex and Ricky to come get

us” Nikki said

“well then I should stay in bed, so you can see your precious Alex” Jetta said

“Oh shut up, me and him are friends, now get up” Nikki said, rolling her eyes,

leaving the room. Jetta got up and walked into the bathroom, showering quickly,

dressing in torn jeans and a AFI band shirt. She brushed her hair and let it hang

wet in her face. She walked downstair to see Nikki waiting for her.

“Come on, we have to hurry, if you have forgotten today is Sunday and we have

school tomorrow and I have not done any of my homework and I do feel like

graduating this year” Nikki said

“Yes, fine I’m ready” Jetta said irritably, as she walked out of the house over to her

car, Nikki got into the passenger seat and let Jetta drive. They arrived at the

headquarters, and walked in, Nikki primping her hair and sighing, that she hated

being late. The two walked into the meeting room, all the other hunters and

huntress were there, talking amongst themselves.

”Nice for you two to finally join us” Eric said

“Oh well you know us, we love to make you wait” Jetta said sarcastically.

“What Jetta meant is she is sorry for sleeping in” Nikki said, sitting down next to

Alex, Jetta rolled her eyes and sat down next to Daniel. As Jetta was about to

reply, the door opened and in walked Nikki and Jetta’s farther.

“Nice for you two to join us, next time your late like this, I will make sure you are

punished with combat training for six hours straight” he threatened

“yes sir” Nikki said,

“whatever” Jetta said. He walked over to her and looked her in the eye.

“Excuse me?” he asked

“I said whatever, six hours isn’t nothing anyways” Jetta said pushing her luck.

“Fine, after this meeting you can have your six hours plus two” he ordered

“but it’s Sunday, I have school tomorrow, I need to do my homework!” Jetta


“should have thought of that, before you opened your smart ass mouth. Jetta you

maybe my daughter, but you are also a huntress and I will not have anyone below

me speak to me in that fashion!” he yelled

“fine” Jetta said, slumping in the chair. Her father or David walked over to his chair

and sat down.

“Now, down to the reason I have called you all in here. There is a new threat, he

goes by the name of Sebastian, he is gathering followers around the state and is

trying his hardest to take out the hunters clans. He has succeed in defeating the

shades clan to the north and the justice clan to the west, he is now coming here to

try and defeat us” David said

“When?” a huntress spoke out

“we think he is among us now” David said

“Do we know what he looks like?” Jetta asked, thinking about all of this.

“We have a few photos yes” David said, turning on a slid show presentation. Photos

of a extremely hot guy appeared on the screen. Jetta looked the photos over. He

was a fairly tall man, she could tell, slim, but probably deadly powerful. His hair

was shaggy and black and a close up photo revealed his eyes to be a crystal blue.

His skin was a vampire pale, but it only made his hair and eyes more beautiful. His

face was semi angular, but it was still a very sexy face, he lips were a little pouty

and it seemed as if he always wore a smirk.

“Jetta!” David yelled, Jetta jumped and looked at her father

“yes?” she asked

“I asked you, if you would be able to help tonight on the first watch even with your

homework and the combat training?” David said

“I uh yeah, I’ll be fine” Jetta said, looking around at the others watching her.

“Alright, so tonights patrol is Jetta, Nikki, Daniel, Alex, Jessica, and Marcus” David

said. Jetta watched everyone leave, Nikki said that she was going to go home and

do homework. Jetta watched Sebastian’s pictures slid by on the presentation.

“Jetta you have combat training” David spoke, Jetta jumped and looked at her


“Yes” Jetta said

“It wouldn’t do well to dwell on his looks, it’s just a mask, he is a monster” David


“I know father” Jetta said and she left. She walked down to the training area and

walked around, new slayers were being trained. Jetta walked into a training room by

herself, and warmed up a bit with her katanas. Jetta practiced with the stimulation

practice for over five hours none stop, she had actually developed an audience

outside her room. Soon though, she was being pulled from the machine. She was

panting and sweaty.

“What?” She asked looking up to see Marcus, one of her friends.

“Working a little hard?” he asked smiling “yes a little” Jetta said, moving around a


“Come on, the rest of the gang is getting ready to head out for the night, they told

me to come get you, you’ve got ten minutes” Marcus said

“Alright, I’m going to get a shower then” Jetta said and she walked off to the

women’s showers. She quickly showered, changing into some jeans and a t-shirt

that she had in her locker. She walked back upstairs to see, everyone on the night

watch waiting.

“I’m here!” Jetta announced with a smile.

“Good for you, now we have decided to spilt up tonight and see if we can track this
Sebastian down” Nikki said

“Yes master” Jetta said, as she sipped on the water, she had got from the machine.

“Just go!” Nikki yelled

“Fine” Jetta said and she stalked off.

“You know you should be more nicer to her” Daniel said

“Shut up, I will treat her as I want” Nikki said

“She is your sister though” Alex said

“yeah, well she is a loser that needs to learn to be more feminine and proper, all

she does is be a slayer and go to school, I can hardly even think of a guy that is

interested in her” Nikki said

“She isn’t your mom and neither are you” Jessica spoke up.

“I never said we should be our mom, and I don’t have to explain anything” Nikki said

and she walked off out of the building into the cool night.

“I can’t believe Nikki still has a hard time over her mum” Marcus said

“Well they were closer then Jetta was to her mum” Alex said.

“True, but I think that’s why Jetta works so hard to kill vampires, to revenge her

mother’s death” Marcus said

“I dunno, but we are wasting night” Jessica said and she led the rest of the night

watch out of the building, where they all spilt up.
© Copyright 2007 MissyBlack (missyblack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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