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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1220217
Ch. 2 of the First Book of my "Atlantis" series.
Ch. 2: The Boy Named Aterin

Twelve Years Later

“Hey, hurry up Aterin. I think someone’s coming.”

Out of the apple tree a black-haired boy is standing under, a blonde head pops out. The head takes a quick look around.

“I don’t hear anyone. You’re just being paranoid Dias.” said Aterin

“Paranoid? Of course I’m paranoid…we’re stealing!” said Dias

“We’re not stealing.” he said as he throws a shiny red apple out at Dias “These apples belong to nature, and nature belongs to no one.”

“I don’t think Mr. Nidero would agree with that. Come on, you’ve got enough.”


Aterin starts to climb down out of the tree; a brown bag full of apples clutched in his left hand. As they begin to walk through the massive Apple Orchard, both boys begin to argue back and forth about something. Soon their argument filled walk leads them out of the Orchard and into the wide open fields of Atlantis.

“Ok your right!…Your always right, happy now?” said Aterin

“I know I am, about some things. Hey look at that.” said Dias as he points towards the ocean “That’s the second ship this month.”

“My Aunt told me that those were Athenian ships. They’re here about some old treaty or something.”

“I hope they don’t want to go to war. That’s all Atlantis needs right now, you know with the harvest coming in.”

“You know they’ll want to.” Aterin says as he gets another apple out of the bag “You’ve heard the stories, Athens has always wanted to take Atlantis over. Eventually they’re going to find some reason to attack us, and they will. I just hope Mazaku is ready when they do….”

“I hope it never comes to that.”

“Well anyways, I’m outta here. Later Dias.”

“Oh, are you going to The Spot?”

“You know the answer to that….”

With that said he takes off in the opposite direction Dias goes. From the field they were just standing in, Aterin heads to a nearby hill. After some hiking up this tree filled hill, Aterin finally makes it to the top and comes out at a small clearing. Ever since he was little, he has been coming to this same clearing, mainly because it’s quiet and the view was magnificent. From this one spot you can see the whole entire city. A lot of times Atlantean families were seen happily playing in the fields, which had made Aterin always wonder what it was like to have a family. But at the same time, he really didn’t care. Who wanted to play around with a bunch of old people anyways? As he takes another apple out of his bag, he turns his attention to the Athenian ship that has just docked at the edge of the city. Aterin wonders what they want, but decides it’s not important and steadily falls asleep. Later in the day the glimmer from the setting sun shines in Aterins’ sleeping eyes, waking him up. Deciding that there was nothing left to do, he says it’s time to go home. After he makes it back down to the bottom of the hill, the huge crowd huddled around a man catches his eye. Wondering what the heck’s going on, he goes over to investigate. As he gets closer to the group a young boy, who seems to be close to Aterin’s age, makes his way through the mass of people. You can hear Aterin mutter the name “Benusis”.

“What’s this all about?” said Aterin

“New law….one you’re not going to like.” said Benusis

“Great…..other one of Mazakus’ fantastic laws. What’s he forbidding or forcing us to do now??”

“All children 12-16 years of age are to start helping local farmers with the upcoming harvest. No exceptions are to be made. Looks like King Mazaku wants everyone working on the harvest this year.”

“Eh…..is he trying to make our lives more miserable?!” said Aterin sarcastically

One of the men from the group overhears Aterins’ rude comment and walks over to him.

“Now, young one, what would you know about making laws? I seem to think that this law is a pretty good one, you kids these days seem to think work will kill you.” said the man

“Easy for you to say….your not a child 12-16 now are you?” Aterin said

“Hey look, it’s that Aterin kid again..” said a women in the crowd, causing more people to turn their attention to Aterin’s little argument

“Listen kid, you can’t talk to people like that, especially an adult. Didn’t your parent’s ever teach you that?”

“They never got the chance…didn’t you know? They died before I even got a chance to meet them. And what makes you think you can tell me what I should and shouldn’t like? You’re just some commoner….” said Aterin in a superior tone

The man, severely embarrassed by a young boy talking him down, begins to get flustered. He pushes Aterin multiple times, causing Aterin to do some pushing of his own. But before either one could do any real damage, a couple of men grab the man’s arms, as does Benusis with Aterin.

“Aterin I think it’s time to go.” Benusis said as he quickly drags Aterin away from the muttering crowd

“This isn’t over, ohhh no. I’ll see you later!!” screams Aterin

After they were a good ways away from the crowd and close to some houses, they both slowed their pace down. With Aterin still muttering about what he’ll do to that man the next time he sees him, Benusis bids him farewell and enters one of the houses to their right. Aterin then heads off towards another house, still muttering this and that.

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