Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1219939-Live-to-Work-Work-to-Live
Rated: E · Other · Political · #1219939
Is Capitalism ridding the world of thoughts?
My politics have changed me. I now officialy realized how much I hate corporations. I went inside of a JCPenny's the other day.The clerks came to me wearing polished shoes, gelled back hair, a soul patch and shiny white teeth.Rows of clothing and racks of shoes. Getting lost in the Gray and White colors. The shoppers reminded me of turtles, shuffeling down the isles, hiding in their shells. I have started to see how dull most parts of America can be. At least the poor countries still have culture...well, before Coca-Cola,McDonalds and NIKE started giving jobs and advertising to every foreign country. Capitalism is riding the world of its culture, and most just sit back and watch it happen. Every city is being filled television sets,gas stations, fashion malls and department stores. Just imagine a world without these things. I wish their were a way to start my whole life over again. Living without these luxuries, would change your whole way of thinking. I'm learning about something different everyday about The country, the world, and myself. In the average American lifestyle, you go to work, eat dinner, watch tv, sleep and repeat. Every once and a while you get a day off... that's sure is nice for the boss to give you a whole day of your life back to you! People wait their whole life to get their dream job and it never happens, and when they turn old and pale, they will regret every hour they had been working.It is estimated that you spend 12 years of your life watching television,about 124,000 years working,and you spend a year of your life looking for things you've lost, I bet 11 months and 29 days, spent looking for things you've lost, were spent looking for lost things that were never found.The chance that you will you ever get out of washing dishes and becoming a rock star,are slim. Most older people probably look back at their life and regret spending all their time working to get ahead in life.Don't grow to do what they do and regret those years you spent working, live your life to the fullest. Explore, Adventure, Dance, live in the moment. I bet your thinking that "How are you supposed to get a dream job, if you are out and about, "Exploring"?", every worker in the world, would love to have their dreamjob, but what will your dream job do? Give you more hours to work? Why do you want a job at all? To get more money?Why do you need money?You have what you NEED, how will extra luxuries make you happy? Will this dreamjob actually make you happy? Will material possesion make you happy? The sad part is that, material possesion will make most people happy...i'm not one of those people. To get what you need, you could create a zine, or make t-shirts, but wouldn't those be considered jobs? Yes, but wouldn't you rather have what you need and be free from doing some bogus job for some big company, or be working in a factory all day to get enough money to get all the fun little gadgets to play with during the small amount of time you get off of work. Which would you rather have, money or freedom?Be happy to have what you NEED, and as long as you know that you don't need a dream job, you will have fun. I have realized that Capitalism has been putting a price tag on human life, don't let it price you.
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