Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1219926-THE-ATROCIOUS-ISLE
Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1219926
Kids go to the island branded "haunted".There is something spooky.Will the kids return?
                                    THE ATROCIOUS ISLE

                                            The haunted island!

In the banks of a river some kids are having fun. “Joe, I think that this vacation would be unforgettable.” said an enthusiastic voice of a girl. Joe, the 15 year old lad looks behind him to find suzy totally engrossed in a pa-perback in her hand. He asks her back “how could u ever confirm it on the first day of our vacation?” he looks mus-cular and has his hair dyed in shocking blue. “Does u have any future sight or what?” responds an amused voice behind them from the river. A lad with a curly brown hair peeped up from the water. “Not exactly Robert, but I could, with this book. This is an astrological treasure” Suzy replied earnestly. “Better keep those things away or else…” a female voice rose loudly. Turning to the trees, they saw a girl with a reddish yellow hair. “Where were you gone, daisy?” Robert asked as he got up from the waters with a swim suit. “John and I went to pluck some fruits like cherries and berries.” As they were talking, John emerged from the woods. “What was all the discussion here about?” “It is getting dark! Let us make a born fire” John said. He was tall, muscular and was gifted with a black shining hair. To be clear, they were 5 in number namely John, Joe, Robert, Susan & Daisy. They put up their tents near the river. This was their first day of vacation. John was the eldest with Daisy & Joe in his same age; Susan was a year younger as of Robert.
Soon, without a single word, they put up their born fire. The sun crawled down. The fire was shining brightly. “Haa…this is life! Our first vacation away from our home…near the river” Joe was on ease. Daisy laid flat on Robert’s laps, “hey guys what about leaving to my island tomorrow” “what!! Your island?” Suzy was confused.  “Hey guys, it is my possession bought mainly for my dream house.” Daisy said as she rubbed his lap with the head. “What!!”  John leaped up. “More about it, there are many rumours that it is haunted. That is why the owner sold it.” Daisy added interest. “A dream house… in a haunted place it’s confusing” Robert got in the topic. “Boys, that’s a secret. That would be a beautiful, lonely and ample spot to enjoy the holidays” “I agree!” Suzy rushed. “So do me” Robert accepted. “Count me in” Jo enjoyed. “I’m ready” john said progressively.
Time rolled. They went home with dreams of the occasion in the island. All the boys were thrilled and anx-ious about the journey to the island. Robert has eagerness in sight seeing and equipped him with binoculars camera & a video camera too. John was more matured and was prepared for anything. He took his knife, scissors, a note, pen, thin but a strong rope, an umbrella, dad’s cell phone and many more. Daisy was quite calm and knew that noth-ing serious had happened when she was there while building her dream house. She took scrabble, chess and a video game set. Suzy, as usual took many books and novels. Jo who had the guts to face anything had nothing in stock than his fighting skills.
About 11, Daisy phoned to Joe. “Hey Joe, let the boys be with you I’ll take the taxi and come to your house.” “Ho! That’s nothing I’ll surely do so.” “That’s great of you… well get ready with things you need and I’ll provide the food and …” “well, that’s all right!” “Oh! I’m sorry!!” “It’s alright; you do take care of us.” Joe kept the receiver down and to his astonishment… there were the boys already! “Err… I didn’t expect you guys here.” “It’s easy to go to the coast from here…”Suzy said. “And that’s what I planned too.” John added. The boys probably had the same thinking!!
They spend about an hour in Joe’s home when Diana arrived. She was wearing a pant and a blue T-shirt. She also had a bag and a suitcase. Joe had nothing in hand and took the suit case of Diana’s. As planned the team got into the taxi. “Hey, do you know something!  There is a passage to the light house. But it is really dangerous as that pass is covered with water due to a crack and it has grown big. When low tide we can easily swim across the ocean as the tides are blocked.” Diana said. The faces grew silent. “Hey Tina!” John started to speak. Diana is nick named as Tina. “It seems that it would be a thrill out there” John continued, “It would be better if we know more clearly” “yes a clear picture of the island!!” Robert added.

“Well…ok! This island is bought from an old man who was in his death bed. It is quite interesting that he tried to say something, but he couldn’t and he gave us some scribbling in a paper. It absolutely meant nothing it was not a familiar language. It seems that his children were afraid to take the possessions even it was costly if sold. But the rumour that it was haunted kept them away. And thus we got into the island for the first time; I was there while constructing the house, nothing seemed suspicious. But I did not visit there for some years, probably 7…” Diana started the story.
“Is the paper safe?” Robert was eager. “Err... no guys dad threw it as it was verified to not match any word of the languages now existing. Is that bad?” “Hey, no prob!” “Well then, the house is built only in a part of the is-land. About 2/3 of the island is a woodland. That would be a good spot to camp…”Diana continued. “Good idea!” Jo exclaimed, “We can camp out there.” This idea sounded good to all of them except one. “Hey what about a breezy cool, free, ample place to live, my house!” interrupted Diana. “Ok, let’s be in your house. But we can camp for days in the jungle” John acted as a leader. “Quite easy to say!” raised a voice. Diana said, “There are snakes around, like cobras and vipers.” “If you are going to fear for it, it’s no use being a vulture!” said Joe who was the bravest one around. “Ha! Big deal!” quite angry was she. The ‘vulture’ really meant about their team. The team was named as ‘The Cruel Vulture’. They used certain words as codes to create privacy.
They created about more than 100 code words. The taxi stopped. It seemed a quick ride. They were out to breathe a cool, fresh air in the sea shore. It was dark and spooky around. The light house shone well. A boat with two cabins was waiting to be on sea. Quickly they got with silence. The boat swam on the beautiful yellowish sea. The moon was clearly reflected. Thinking and peeping, the vultures moved on for a long time. “I wish we would be soon on the island.” Said mark. “It’s getting really dark!!” Diana, who always sees the eyes of the person, saw a change in his eyes. It seemed like a fire. “Hey!!” as she shouted, she turned back to see a big boat which was burn-ing. “A burning boat!!” Robert who was driving the boat was being said to take a turn towards the burning boat. He was quick and so they were also quick to get near the boat. “Jo, use the buckets to pour water and so do you Diana. Rob and I’ll get in to see if anyone is inside. Suzy, help Tina.” John had a plan. The plan was executed. Rob was the first to get in. the fire was brutal and seemed dangerous. “Hey it’s tuff!” Robert said as he dodged a flame about to hit him. He managed to see a dark figure moving behind a flame. “I’ve got him!!!” he shouted as he tackled through a flame. The person dived into the waters on the opposite side of the boat. They could not see his face but was sure that he was a man. As for risk taking, Rob dived to follow him. He was crowned as the champion in schools level. Joe had a quick response. He too jumped.
Minutes fluttered no sign of Robert who was the fastest of all. “John, its scary…is Robert safe? It’s spooky!” the younger suzy was afraid. “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine!” john said. “Not to worry. I’m fine!” a voice from the waters. “It’s Robert!!” suzy jumped at him as he got up the boat. “And me too!” Joe followed Robert up the water. “He is not the person to be helped! He seems to be the world champion or of that sort! He kept a lead about yards away. I’m exhausted!!” Robert muttered to john as he went into the cabin. Joe speaks, “I could not keep up Even with Robert we chased about minutes when we could not find any sign of him, even the water moving.” he too moved to the cabin. “Well, at least we know there’s nobody to be rescued and we also put out the fire without any danger. Let’s move!” said the leader john.
After about an hour they were able to find their islands. “Hurrah!!” sounded the vultures. They all were rescued from a dreadful trip to the island. The boy’s were surprised to see a dark spooky forest in front of them. John who had torches gave it to all. They started to move towards the woods. They crawl following each other. “We are near the house.”  As she said she took a careful little step. Boys helped suzy from crumbling through a thorny bush. “Here we are!!!” said daisy with a dramatic voice. They all took a look on the mansion glittering by the moonlight straight in front of their eyes. “Ha...”the soft amazed voices of the children. It looked perfectly like a pal-ace. It was painted in light blue and violet accompanied by a yellowish paint. The open-mouthed children moved close to get a perfect view. This exactly seemed as a dream come true to all as they have never ever seen such a beautiful palace. This palace was made precious more than it was, as it was surrounded by a dense forest like a pearl in a shell. “So this is it, this mansion is where we are going to stay!! Am I right?” the amazed Rob infested his words. “Of course we are!!!!” emphasised Diana. The children were out of speech as they strolled towards the gate. It was a big one. Suzy tried to open the door, “hey!!! I can’t move this thing.” Diana smiled, “Of course... they are supposed to be immobilised unless we use our remote...” “What?” said the amazed children. “Yes this is one feature that can never be under estimated!” she said, “Come on guys… let’s rock and rule.” The joyful children ran to the door step. She took the remote and clicked a button. The big door opened without a sigh. There were no more words.
The children dragged through every nook and corner to enjoy the beauty. It was about 11, when they got back to normal. The vultures decided to sleep and so they did. Ha… it’s… Da…w…n… the children got up with a good day’s yawn. The clock was nearing 6. “Nothing is like a good night sleep” john commented. “How about leav-ing this good place?” Diana giggled. “Err... Not quite right… is’ it?” Joe struggled. “No way!! I’ll never leave this place.” confined was suzy. The children were sitting on their beds, talking. Robert was deep on thought. “Let’s make our plan. As planned before, we’ll be here for three more days and then let’s camp in the woods” said he. There were no comments about, until…
Suzy and Diana, with the items brought, had to cook. They were in the big kitchen, ‘A grand one’ to be precise. The boys too helped. Suddenly... To everybody’s shock. an arrow pierced through the air and hit the wall. An old thread with some papyrus hung down. Joe was quicker as it was close to him. It read as follows,

I order you to leave this place. or be sure of death. It counts every moment you stay here.
                                                                Signed by,
                                                                      The Evil Knight

“I’m scared! What are these suppose to mean?” asked Suzy. John whispered quickly, “down, I say hide ” he jumped over the window to the thick thorny bushes. “the evil knight! I must have expected this." said diana


wait until i post the next chapter. it will be soon...
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