Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1219128-A-little-place-in-the-mountains
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Inspirational · #1219128
A christian inspirational romance story.
  It was all Kristy Manning could do to contain her excitement. Soon and very soon she would have the chance to share her faith at the motor-cycle rally. The town only had it once a year. She was just 32. She would be the speaker to give her testimony of how the Lord saved her.
  She had spoke some in her church, but she was not that experienced a speaker. When it came her Lord and Savior she could get pretty fired up about Him. Kristy had grown up in a little hick town where everybody knew everybody's business.
  Her momma had been known as the town tramp. What people did see, was how she had gone through a lot when she was a child. The cycle of sin continued to grow rapidly in her life and family. Several of her family members had been killed by their involvement in drugs and alcohol.
  As the time neared the main event she prayed to the Lord, " Lord I thank you for wanting to do something in me I could not have done for myself. Thank you, for Jesus and His ability to endure such agony upon the cross for my sin and the sins of my family. Lord, I pray you will use me at the rally and may it bring you honor, Amen.
  The people that had came for the rally begin pulling into town. Some of these guys looked real big, hairy, and scary, but she knew she had to do it and be brave.

Jason Oliver, 35. He was tall, dark, and handsome. It only added to his appearance that he loved Jesus and his wheels was a bad little Harley Davidson. It had details on the side that were custom made and outfitted. He also wore a brown leather jacket and sunglasses most of the time.
He was involved in talking to a friend of his when she stepped on stage. He was taken aback. Forgetting all about the conversation he was having with Tim. She was beautiful. Her long black hair shimmered in the wind as she was about to take the microphone. She had blue eyes and long lashes and was wearing a long red dress. She looked tall only because she had heels on or she would only be 5'3 at the most.
  This was the woman he had been dreaming of. He knew it with all his heart.
  Tim turned and said,"yo, dud, what's with ya man?" Jason could only look at her and say."Um." He realized right away that this was not just a physical attraction. Yes, she was beautiful, but he could see her spirit begin to soar as she talked about her life and how God delivered her just in time.
  She told how she turned the hand rifle toward her head. It was suppose to go off, But a distraction of a pounding on the door behind her made her shoot a hole in the wall above her bed.
  It was the preacher at the door that had been praying, praying, and praying he would make it before she pulled the trigger. To the preachers' surprise, she opened the door to see who was there.
Kristy said, "she dropped to her knees at his feet with tear-filled eyes and asked what must she do to be saved."
  When they closed for invitational time, the line had to have been a half mile long.  Salvation had come to the little hick town in the mountains.
  Jason had to meet Kristy, so he fought his way through the crowd. He bumped, poked, and squeezed his way toward the stage where she had just exited.

  Kristy was trying to make her way through the crowd to be out of the way when she hit something that felt like a wall.  It was breathing and gave a little. She looked up and it was all she could do to keep herself from fainting.
Jason arms reached out and caught Kristy from falling. Her high heels were digging into the dirt, making it almost impossible for her not to fall. He was tall as a tower compared to her. Although, the top of her head would fit right under his chin.
  It was love at first sight. Without even a kiss on the lips; just a touch, could have caused the earth to seem to have moved. She trembled like she was cold and he removed his leather jacket, slipped it around her shoulders.
  The band was introduced. They started playing their music.
  Jason finally said, "You did a great job up there, Kristy. I was on my way to meet you."
  "Thank you! " Kristy said.
  "Oh, by the way I'm Jason."
  The moment their hands touched it sent sparks racing between them. Jason smiled from ear to ear.
  They started talking about the rally, times they had set up to do various activities, and the ride itself. The ride would begin in Robbinsville, N.C. which was where they were and go to Knoxville, T.N. on a dangerous road called the dragon tail. It has 118 curves in 11 miles. 
  "I hope you do not plan to eat anything before the ride. You get on the dragon tail and you might loose it."Kristy said.
  "That bad, is it?" Jason asked.
  Kristy smiled, knowing that most people that had traveled through the area did not believe a road could be so bad; until they were actually on the side of the road getting sick. "You know Jason, that it's funny that people often get sick after riding the curves, but then also there are riders' that have died due to weather, or being stupid." She said.
" Some people never realize the danger. They think it's plain fun until someone they love is being pulled from the wreckage. Very few survive the crash."
  The way she talked and used the tone of her voice told Jason more than she was saying, so he asked, " did someone in your family die on those curves?"
  With tear-filled eyes she said, "Yea! my brother. His name was Tony; he was hit head on as someone rounded a curve on his side. He was eighteen."
  He could not believe what all she had been through. Involved in so much death around her, but she was full of life. It almost mad him cry. He was moved with sympathy and held her in his arms; until she was not able to cry any more.
  He realized that the Kingdom of God had a lot of paradoxes, he remembered his dad preaching a sermon on it. Yea! He was a preachers kid. Even though he thought he always had to be tough, he made himself gentle in every situation like Kristy's. He remembered reading God's word about a bruised reed. "How did it go? Oh, yea!'
A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: Isaiah 42:3.

  Kristy's pastor, Jerry had caught sight of Kristy and made his way over to tell her what a great job she did. Kristy introduced Jason to Jerry. They shook hands. Jerry embraced Kristy and said to her, "I'm proud of you kiddo, God's going to use you even more after today."
  She returned, "Thanks! You just do not know how encouraging you are?"
He told Jason it was nice to meet him and said he had to get back in case he was needed.
  "I am sorry for being such a baby a little while ago." said Kristy.
  "It's no problem after what you have been through. I would never think that way about you." Jason replied.
  "Are you hungry? Would you like to get something to eat with me? Jason asked.
  "Yea! Sure."
  They walked to the concession stand where they both got a corn dog and drink. The evening would soon be over and they both dreaded it ending. They sat on the bleachers watching the program and listening to the music.
  It was amazing at how many grown, tatoo-covered, men were crying like a baby. It moved Kristy's heart to see such a God glorifying sight. No man could take credit for what had happened in this little hick town.

  Kristy already was thinking about having to part with Jason. She had just met him, but felt such a connection. His best friend Tim, had come to sit with them, met her, and seemed to be a very funny guy. A little crazy, but fun.
  They acted like they had known each other forever; of course, they knew it was a spiritual thing. They laughed at Jason's friend until their sides hurt.

  One hour later, when the sun was setting and the band was clearing the stage. They knew they had very little time left together," this trip, thought Jason.' There had to be another meeting of paths. He already wanted to move to the mountains and be with Kristy forever. He knew he had to take things a little slower then that.
  Jason said, "I will be back as soon as I can to see you. I believe God allowed us to have the day together, and it felt great. I just hate saying bye." He kissed her softly on the lips and said, " that's until we meet again."
He left.
  Kristy hated to see him go too. But for now God knew best. She trembled again at how sweet the kiss was that he had laid on her lips. She remembered she was still wearing his jacket. She yelled to him, but he insisted that she keep it for now. It would remind her that he was really real.

  The next day all the motor-cycles took off. There was crews set up around every curve taking pictures. It was great. Although, just like Kristy had said there were many of the drivers that ended up pulling over; for they were sick.
  Everything was going smoothly, until something flew off of Tim's bike. It caused him to loose control of the cycle and flip into a big ditch. Jason could not believe it. He immediately pulled over to help.
  Time started to feel funny. Emergency crews responded fast. They rushed him to Asheville. Jason had to find Kristy, if any one was good at praying in this kind of situation it had to be her.

  Kristy was at the church cleaning when she heard what she thought to be a motor-cycle. "Know way, you got it bad,' she thought. She busied herself once again picking up papers out of the seat.
  The door banged open and there stood Jason with blood all over him. She ran to him.
  "What happened? Where are you bleeding from?"
  Jason had to put his head down between his knees, he thought he was going to faint, or puke.
  She screamed.
  "It's not me; it's Tim he had a wreck, they took him to Asheville." Jason said as he tried to catch his breath.
  She replied, "Let's go!"

  They arrived at the hospital and was relieved to find out that Tim was going to recover. Kristy and Jason had held hands and prayed their whole trip to the hospital. Tim was cut up, banged up, had to have a bunch of stitches. But the main thing was he was going to be alright.
  Jason had his arm around Kristy and hugged her when they found out the news on Tim.
  Jason said, "Now, that we are together again, kiss me."
  Kristy said, "Gladly!"
  They kissed and he agreed with her that he could never leave her again.
© Copyright 2007 joywriter (admirable at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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