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Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1218609
scary story
         We had just moved into a new house, which seemed to be a pleasant place to live in, when we first we saw it. Much to my liking, my parents had been able to give me my own room instead of me having to share it with one of my sisters. At first, it had looked much like a normal room, paint on the walls, bed in a corner, and my dressers sitting up in it, but then I noticed the closet... It looked raggedy in the afternoon light, as though some creature had torn the edges, and clawed the finish off the lining, the paint peeling off of it. The closet looked suspicious, but I decided to ignore it and unpack my stuff, unaware of the danger it held.
         During those nights, I would be haunted of what happened during the night. Mommy and daddy never believed me and said it was my imagination. I don't imagine things like that. Nothing bad. Its eyes were a creepy yellow, staring at me from inside the closet. I tried shutting the door, that didn't work. It always found a way to work through the cracks with its pale yellow, razor sharp nails. Its body, tall and thin, floating in the dark, black as night but in the moonlight it shown bright as day. Though the fangs are what scared me the most. Long as a vampire's and just as sharp. The moonlight glinted off of them lighting the room, but only slightly as its balloon like head peeked out of the door. The noise it made at first was this tap, tap, tap with each long nail. I heard this noise for the first week after we moved into the new house. It was just annoying at first, the repetitive tapping on my closet door, but then the second week I kept hearing the creak of my closet door opening. Ever so slightly, every night. I was too scared to get out of bed and see what it was, in fear that something from under my bed would grab my feet and viciously pull me under. The third week, I awoke each morning with mysterious lacerations on my arms and legs. I didn't know how they got there, but every morning I awoke with a pain in different parts of my arms and legs, and a deep cut that pulsed pain throughout my body like when you fall off your bike when you learn to fall and your mom puts rubbing alcohol on it to clean it. All you feel is the pain and you wish you could have just dealt with the scrape on your knee. So one night, I decided to find out.
         I was scared to death to do it but I had to, I needed to find out what lived in my closet. I had to know what was hurting me each night as I slept. So I lay on my bed, ever so still, to mimic my sleeping before it all began so I could see what happens at night. I heard the tap, tap, tap with each pale yellow, razor sharp nail. I heard the creak of my closet door open and saw the nails coming through the cracks. All of a sudden I hear a hissing noise and little creatures, no bigger than a shiatsu came rolling out from the semi-opened door. They were such weird creatures. They were round, like a ball, and covered in fur. They looked like such adorable creatures. But when they smiled they transformed into demons. For they, too, had razor sharp claws and fangs. I remained still, even as my heartbeat grew faster. They crept along my room and around my bed, making small chirping noises. There was one, larger than the rest, who seemed to control them. He hopped onto the bed and stared at me, as if evaluating to see if I was asleep or not. I must have fooled them for they continued with their ritual. Smoke hissed from underneath the closet door and an eerie, yet soothing voice called my name. Such a ghostly sound. So soft and airy. I was in such a trance by the sound I didn't notice the small creatures surrounding me until I felt a burst of pain in my arm, and another in my leg. I tried not to scream in order to keep them fooled. The closet door began to open with a long, solid creak. My heart grew cold as I saw the creature began to make his way out of the closet. A cold sweat formed on my body, and I felt as cold as death when I first saw it, a shiver running down my spine. It's long, thin, black arms groped around the door revealing a bony shoulder, smoke falling from it and it appeared to glide on it, though I knew it had feet for I saw them. They had been frail and bony, as though they could fall apart at any second. Next I saw its eyes; yellow as though it had stole them from a cat. They pierced through my heart, sending fear throughout my body as though death was upon me. Then some unknown force closed my blinds, leaving the creatures and I shrouded in darkness. I lost the creature then, not even its fang showing in the absence of light. I blinked a few times to clear my vision. The small creatures had split down the middle, leaving a path from the closet to my bed. It seemed to glide over the floor like It didn't have feet but I knew It did, I saw them. The creature then I saw was all of skin and bones, as though everything else had been sucked out of it. Everything seemed to be getting darker, closing in on me, growing more and more afraid every second. My breathing grew heavier and my heart fell from my chest down to my toes. Then I tried to summon all of the courage I had left.
         With the rest of my courage I shot up out of my bed, facing the monster in front of me. "Stay away from me!" I tried to scream, as It came toward me, hovering slightly over my face staring deep into my eyes killing me slowly, but all that came out was a small squeak that you'd have thought came from a mouse. I fell back onto the bed as the creatures began to mock me, falling into despair. They all moved closer to me, and then I had an idea. Hope came to my body, and as the monster stared over, preparing to take the life out of my soul, I gave all I had into my next words. I said to them, "I'll close my eyes and count to three, then you'll all be gone... one... two... three... "
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