Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1218115-Imaginary-to-Reality
Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1218115
A teen girl one day is being followed by Kuronue.
Summary: A popluar teen girl one day finds herself being followed by Kuronue. She tries desperatly to find out who he is. What she find out is no one can see him but her. When she transfers from Yusuke and Kuwabara's school to Kurama's she thinks she finally got rid of him. Come to find out she has more problems than she realizes.

muie5: This is my brand new story. I have been working hard on this. It’s a great idea that I have been thing of for a while. Hope you enjoy it.

Hiei: This isn’t another story where you torture us all, is it?

muie5: I don’t torture that much. Anyways!

I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho just Kelly, Sarah, and any other various characters like some teachers.

Chapter 1: Student 101

“Kelly, what’s up?” asked a girl’s voice.

Another girl with brown hair, shoulder length, turned to whom the voice belonged to. The brown haired girl, Kelly, smiled at the firry red head.

“Hey, Sarah. Ready for school?” Kelly asked.

The red head girl waited for Kelly at the end of her drive way. Kelly stopped by Sarah’s side so that a boy riding a navy blue mountain bike could pass them. Sarah watched, dreamy eyed, as the boy passed.

“Hello? Earth to Sarah. Come in, Sarah,” Kelly said, snapping in front of her friend’s face.

“What were you saying?” Sarah asked, now out of her brief trans.

“You like David Fisher?”

“You can’t tell anyone!”

“Don’t worry I won’t, but I can’t believe you like him.”

The two heard the school bell ring when they got to the campus of the high school. They parted ways with a promise to meet up later at the sign out front.

Kelly walked down a white title hall. Dull gray lockers lined the walls in this hallway. She came to a stop in front of a room that had a sign that read ‘Room 12: Miss Kitchem’ on the right side of the door.

Kelly turned the doorknob and opened the door slowly. When she walked in a paper wad flew right passed her face. Boys and girls were yelling across the room while some were throwing paper at other students.

“Okay, class! Settle down!” a curly blond hair woman yelled over the commotion.

Kelly quickly took her seat as other students got off the desks and settled into their chairs. The older woman stood in front of a white board that covered the entire wall behind her.

Time passed with the teacher talking. Kelly glanced over at one of the many glass windows that coved most of the wall to the right of her seat. There, sitting on the edge of the window seal, was a boy with long raven black hair. The boy’s back was facing her. So all Kelly could see were ribbons going from his wrists to three-fourths of the way up his arms.

Kelly turned to the teacher and raised her hand. After a few seconds the teacher pointed at her. All the students in the class looked at her.

“Yes, Miss Smort?” Miss Kitchem asked.

“Why is there a guy sitting outside the window?” Kelly asked, turning to point at the window next to her.

When everyone looked there was no one there. Everyone started laughing except Kelly and Miss Kitchem. Kelly looked back to Miss Kitchem with a puzzled look.

“He was just there, I swear,” Kelly said to the upset Miss Kitchem.

“Miss Smort, do not waste any more of our time. Class, please settle down,” Miss Kitchem ordered, walking back up to the white board.

Kelly looked back at the window as Miss Kitchem continued teaching. All that Kelly could see was a crystal blue sky and the luscious green grass of the campus.

“But I saw him,” Kelly said to herself.


The school day was already half way over. Everyone was eating lunch or standing in the lunch line. Kelly was paying for her food.

“He was sitting right outside the window. When everyone looked he was gone,” Kelly said to the teen boy behind her.

“Are you sure you weren’t just imagining it?” asked a teen boy with dark, almost black, brown hair that had some red strikes.

“I’m positive.”

Kelly and the teen boy took their seats at an empty table. Kelly looked at the lunch line to see the same guy cut in front of a girl. He grabbed an apple and started to walk off.

“That’s him. Now he’s stealing an apple,” Kelly said, pointing to the new man.

The boy that was sitting with her turned around and didn’t see anyone fitting the description given to him. He turned back to Kelly with a puzzled expression. “I don’t see anyone with the description you gave me, Kelly.”

“Tony, he’s pretty hard to miss! Fine! I’ll take care of it myself,” Kelly said, getting up out of her chair.

She started to cross the cafeteria. When she reached the unknown person, he was sitting on an empty table finishing up his apple. Kelly tapped him on his shoulder.

The man turned to her with the apple core in his right hand. He wore a white skirt that was cut all the way up to his thighs. There were black skin tight pants under the skirt that was being held up be a crooked belt. He wore a black tattered, sleeveless shirt that showed his muscles. A front part of a tattered black hat was held on with some kind of strap and his raven black hair came out of the top in a ponytail.

His violet eyes looked curiously at Kelly. Even tough there was no reason for it, Kelly’s blue eyes showed frustration.

“What do you think you are doing? First, the embarrassment in class and now you’re stealing an apple!” Kelly started out.

“Are you talking to me?” asked the guy.

“Who else would I be talking to?”

“You can see me?”

The guy got to his feet. Kelly’s frustration started to grow as he circled her. Kelly followed the guy as he went around her.

“Of course, I can see you,” Kelly said, “or else I wouldn’t be talking to you.”

“Isn’t that Kelly Smort, the hip-hop dancer of the school?” asked a boy with orange curly hair, sort of in the shape of Elvis’s hair.

“Yeah! Why is she spinning around?” asked a boy with slicked back black hair standing next to the orange head.

They watched Kelly stop turning in circles from where they stood by the double doors. They shrugged it off and walked out of the cafeteria.

“So you must be the one I’m here for,” said the new guy.

“What are you talking about? Who are you?” Kelly asked.

“Name’s Kuronue.”



Kelly grabbed Kuronue’s left wrist and started to pull him along. Kelly continued to pull him until she got to the table Tony was sitting at. Tony looked at Kelly with her left arm stretched out behind her with her left hand gripped around air.

“This is the guy I was talking about. He says his name is Korawany,” Kelly explained.

“It’s Kuronue! Say it right!” Kuronue ordered.

Kelly turned her head to Kuronue. Tony just looked around at the many people watching them.

“So what? Why do you have to have such a hard name anyways?” Kelly asked.

“That’s not hard. What’s yours?” Kuronue asked.

“Mine’s Kelly. Kelly Anna Smort.”

“Stupid,” Kuronue snuffed under his breath.

“Shut up! I’m not the one wearing a skirt!”

“Ummm…Kelly, who are you talking to?” Tony asked.

Kelly turned to him a bit frustrated. Some laughing was heard but Kelly didn’t notice that at the moment.

“Don’t you see him?” Kelly asked, pointing at Kuronue.

Tony shook his head. “But you’re making a scene.”

Kelly then noticed everyone in the cafeteria was looking at her. She started to blush as Tony laughed softly. Kelly turned back to Kuronue to find he had vanished.

“Where did he go?” Kelly asked, dropping her arm to her side.


The rest of the day passed with no more sightings of Kuronue. The final bell rang seconds before a hoard of middle school kids came running out of the white school building.

Kelly stood next to the huge white wall that went around the school. Several kids passed her with either a wave or a hello. Kelly loved the attention but not at the moment. All she wanted was to tell Sarah about what happened.

“Hey, Kelly. Sorry I took so long. I needed to asked Mr. Gar something,” Sarah explained.

“Hey, Kelly. Hello, Sarah,” David Fisher greeted before passing the two girls on his bike.

Sarah got back that dreamy stare. Kelly sighed as she started to snap her fingers in front of her friend’s face once more. It only took a moment for Sarah to come back down to earth.

“Sarah, did we get a new student?” Kelly asked after the two started to walk.

“Recently?” Sarah asked.

“Yes. Like in the past few days.”

“Are you not the popular one? Don’t you know what goes on in the school or are you too busy acting like your queen of the world?”

“You know I don’t act like a self-centered brat.”

“It was a joke. Just relax, will ya?”

“Sorry. So did we?”

“Not that I know of. Why?”

“Cause I saw some weird guy. Never saw him around school before, so I figured he was new.”

“I don’t think we have a new student, but I’ll check tomorrow, okay?”

“No, it’s fine.”

After that they walked in silence. Kelly thought about Kuronue while Sarah thought if there was a new student. She tended to have a habit about knowing everything that goes on in school. It was killing her to not know if there was a new student or not.

Soon they both stopped at a two story, very light blue house. There were two flower gardens, one on each side of the white cement driveway. Even though it had a pretty small yard the grass was a beautiful, luscious green.

“I love your house, Kelly. I can’t believe you keep all these flowers alive by yourself. Not to mention you keep your grass so green,” Sarah stated.

“Yeah. Mother says I have a knack for keeping plants alive. See you tomorrow?” Kelly asked, turning to her friend.

“Of course. See ya!” Sarah said, walking down the white sidewalk.

Kelly turned back around and walked up her driveway. She stopped halfway to the front door to look at her flowers. This was when she noticed that one of her few roses were dieing.

“Great! Now my roses are dieing,” Kelly said, walking over to the dieing rose.

Kelly bent down and started to mend the rose. As she was tending to her rose the orange haired teen boy and the black haired teen boy was walking towards her house.

“Kuwabara, I’m going to hit the arcade,” the black hair boy said.

“Nothing better to do. I’ll join ya, Urameshi,” said Kuwabara.

As Yusuke and Kuwabara started to get closer to Kelly’s home Kuwabara noticed her on her knees. It was apparent Yusuke didn’t notice cause he just kept staring up at the sky with his hands behind his head.

“Hey, Urameshi. Did you know that Kelly Smort lives on this block?” Kuwabara asked.

Yusuke looked at his friend with a questioning look. But he could tell his friend was asking a censer question. “No. Why would I know that?” Yusuke answered, arms lowering from the back of his head to his side.

“Cause there she is,” Kuwabara answered, pointing to Kelly.

Yusuke looked forward and sure enough there she was. They reached the end of her driveway seconds later. Kuwabara stopped so Yusuke decided to do the same.

“Hello, Kelly. I didn’t know you lived around here,” Kuwabara greeted.

Kelly looked up to see two boys she’s seen only a handful of times at school. But not wanting to be rude she smiled and stood up. Kuwabara had on a goofy smile while Yusuke kept his frown.

“Hello. Sorry but what are your names? I’ve seen you around school but never been able to talk to you,” Kelly politely stated.

“My name is Kazuma Kuwabara. This is Yusuke Urameshi.”

“Nice to meet you both. Where are you two heading off to?”

“The arcade,” Yusuke answered.

“So you two must live around here. I didn’t know that,” Kelly said.

“Yeah. It’s weird, huh?” Kuwabara asked.

“Yes, it is,” Kelly answered.

Yusuke took this time to scan the house and grounds. He noticed that one of the roses had a small stake holding it up. He figured Kelly must have planted all of the flowers.

“You have a lot of flowers around your house,” Yusuke stated all of the sudden.

Kelly looked at Yusuke. She smiled as she answered, “Yes, I love gardening. It’s a hobby of mine.”

“You must be good at it since none of them are dead,” Kuwabara stated as he scanned the many variety of flowers.

“Yes, but my favorite flowers are becoming more and more sick each day,” Kelly answered.

“Which ones?”

“My roses.”

“Kelly suppers almost ready. Come in and set the table,” came an older female voice from inside the light blue house.

“I’m sorry I have to go. It was nice talking to you, Kazuma and Yusuke. I hope to talk to you two again soon,” Kelly said.

“Ditto,” Kuwabara agreed.

So with that Yusuke and Kuwabara started to head off to the arcade once again. Kelly started towards her house when she noticed an unwanted visitor sitting on the second step that lead to the front door.
© Copyright 2007 Mukuro5 (mukuro5 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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