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Run down, forgotton, a nobody names Twinks meets his nightmare in a alleyway... |
The man fell outside the pub, his shirt was puke covered and looked as if he had fought a hobo over it. The man straightened up, and began to walk cautiously down the walk. His name was Henry, but most knew him as Twinks. The nickname wasn't anything special, just a childhood name that stuck. Now there wasn't anything childish about Twinks. His alcoholic driven mentality drove him from bar to bar, nigh to night. Looking. For what, no one ever knew. They did know one thing about Twinks though, he was trouble. Twinks had to almost always had to be thrown out of the bar he was in, and then he would continue his dark walk, just looking to be...accepted some thought, while others just assumed he was just driven to what ever would kill him the quickest. Tonight was no different. A different bar, a different drug, but for all the same reason, Twinks had yet again found himself on the all accepting street. Twinks adjusted his eyesight to the dark alleyway behind Tanks Bubbly Wonders bar and began to trudge along. "Fuckings.....the bastards..think they...fuck..." Twinks mumbled into drunkenly into the alleyway. The forgiving darkness. The darkness never threw him out, no instead it brought him in. It covered him. From his fears, from the rejection. His status on society was simple. Drunk. He was no more then that. A life passed by. And to look at Twinks, one could almost assume his life was meant to be like this. But in reality, Twinks had almost every possibility in the world. His parents were normal, a beating here a discipline action there, but no abuse. Alcohol itself wasn't even present in his family. The only one who even drank, besides Twinks, was his uncle Richie, who actually owned a brewing company in New York. Currently, Twinks had nothing but how the hell was he gonna get home, on his mind. He wiped out the wretched crusted puke from his lips, and gave what he called, a "boozical burp". The stench reflected back into Twinks nostrils, and even though he was dead drunk, spun out, and rejected, Twinks even pulled back at the stench of his breath. Slowly he made his way down the alleyway, feeling his way like a blind man. "The END....the only friend...the end...mystical...jimbleshits.." Twinks sang out into the dark night. "Can ya picta....me and you...in need...of A STANGERS HAND..the desperate land, pornographic hand jobs, up and down your..ha ha ha ha..." Twinks laughed heartily to himself as he heard his drunken rendition of The End by The Doors sang back to him. "Fucking....children insane.." Twinks finished. Twinks looked up and blinked. The bright moon light reflected onto his face, and the summer wind blew across his nose. Snorting, he turned left onto a main street, which he know noticed was no where he knew. "Ride the high west....baby." A soft voice from behind him murmured. "WHATFUCKTHEHELL!"Twinks spun around so fast that bits of puke spun off his shirt and stuck to the wall beside him. "The west is the best..."The calm dark voice replied. " The blue busssss...is calling usssss.." The voice grew louder and began to cackle. " The killer awoke before dawn, and he took a face from an ancient GALLERY AND HE WALKED DOWN THE HALL!" The voice calm at first, grew louder and then erupted in a scream. The drunk Twinks screamed and erupted in a drunken attempt to escape from the voice. Instead Twinks succeeded in flailing over a tipped over trash can. Landing on his face, Twinks let out a Humph. The figure crept over the bleeding Twinks."Father....." The figure murmured. "...ehhh...ehh" Was all Twinks could get out. "I want to kill you."The figure replied, and then let out a loud brash cackling. Inside, beyond Twinks drunkenness, he felt a curdling. Something was wrong her. The figure, O dear God, The figure.... Slowly revealing himself in the moonlight the figure appeared, and the clown suite appeared out of the light. His blood stained glove brought immediate panic to Twinks mind. Then the a large image reflected itself in the moonlight. "The end....my only FRIEND!" The Clown screamed out, and started the large object, which just happened to be a chainsaw. Twinks, between broken bloodied teeth, screamed out into the night. The pain he had suffered in his life had not been like this. The clown ripped his chainsaw down through Twinks leg, and the gurgling of blood and bone erupted into Twinks ear drum. Suddenly, a hot substance erupted up into his throat and spewed on the pavement in front of Twinks. He saw this was his on blood, and the hot substance was followed by a raw burning in his stomach. There Twinks lay, in his on blood and puke, beyond chainsawed by a psycho clown. The clown erupted into psychotic laughter and finished cutting through Twinks bone. The pain was insane. The burning, O Christ, it couldn't stop. It was unmeasurable, more horrible then Twinks had ever felt. The clown then made his was up to Twinks blood stained face and picked it up. Twinks saw the Insane clown looking at Twinks, and the clowns face reflected the moonlight. He wore a white paint, all over his face, and highlighted his eyes with a dark, blood red. His hair was red and resembled an Afro. The clown gave Twinks a smile, and smacked him on the cheek. The Clowns outfit wasn't actually an outfit at all. Overalls encompassed his legs and partially his chest, and beyond that Twinks saw that he wasn't wearing anything. The clown had turned off the chainsaw and now looked directly into Twinks eyes. His eyes. O lord his eyes. They glimmered, psychoticly. Mad. Madasafuckin hatttaa, Twinks mighta said at one point in his life. But now, with the clown sitting on top on him, and his leg was just surgically removed with a chainsaw a few moments earlier, the only thing Twinks could say was, "Just...fucking..why..dontyakill me..ya..ya.....pussy.."after stating this he erupted a spurt of bright red blood, onto the clown's pale face. "Sounds like a plan!" The Clown was smiling now, his white teeth resembled the same tone as his pale skin. Twinks blood had spalterd across the face of the clown, and was now dripping down his chin. The clown licked the blood from around his lips, and cackled. "Let the fun begin" Twinks woke up in a confused and dazed state. His entire body was numb, a feeling Twinks had felt all to often. He looked around at his surroundings. He was laying on a hard, cold floor and it was actually a dungeon. A medieval style dungeon. The irony and sick funniness in all of this finally occurred to Twinks. A killer clown, a pathetic drunk, and now a fucking dungeon. Twinks looked down at his leg, and with amazement saw it was actually still attached to his body. Bewildered Twinks stood up and began to walk around the dungeon. Pain no longer shot through Twinks body, instead he felt fine. His sick drunken stomach no longer existed, and his puke stained shirt had been pulled off his body. The air in the dungeon wasn't exactly cold, but all the same Twinks felt chilled and began to warm himself. The dungeon was surrounded completely on all four sides, and the only entrance was directly above Twinks head. Looking up, Twinks could see the light of day, and even heard a bird calling. Realizing he must be outside, Twinks smiled. "God this is...well what is it." Twinks thought to himself. Frightening, well at first he had almost shit himself. I mean Christ who wouldn't. A psychotic clown, with a fucking chainsaw, had attacked him and cut off his leg. Well at least Twinks thought he had, now looking at his reattached leg. What exactly had happened last night? Suddenly Twinks was very tired again, and laid on his back and looked out through the gaping hole in the ceiling. And there Twinks dozed off, in a psychos dungeon. Waiting he supposed....waiting for what through. "Anything...." Twinks whispered to himself, and then fell asleep. The sound of heavy breathing awakened Twinks. He awakened, to a strange and horrible sight. The clown, was sitting next to Twinks, with a short handsaw in his hand. The clown flashed Twinks a smile and began to massage Twinks head. "Poor little man,"The clown chanted,"always gotta play with your hand." Twinks didn't smile back, but instead looked around at his surroundings yet again. He was still in the dungeon, but now the light above him had dimmed, and he had noticed it was evening. The clown had come down through the hole, and some how chained Twinks down to the floor, with out awakening him. " Well well, sleeping beauty has awaken!"The clown seemed to scream at him."how ya doin good buddy," The said slapping his left leg, which last night had been sawed off. The clown winked at Twinks. Twinks himself just stared at the clown, not knowing what to say. " Who the hell are you, what the hell do you want with me, and what the fuck is going on.."Twinks seemed impressed at his own bravery, screaming at the very man who could at any second, end his petty little life. "Well well, a bit moody today aren't we!" The clown giggled again, his high pitch cackling echoed off the cold dungeon walls. The clown now stood up, and with sudden quickness tossed the saw into the air. Around it spun, shining against the dark sky, and landed perfectly back into the clown's hand. The clown began to skip around Twink's body, juggling the weapon as he went. "Around a 'round she goes, where she stops nooooobody knoooows..." The clown cooed out. Suddenly the clown stopped and dropped down on his knees, landing just inches away from Twinks face. The clown glared at him, and seemed to exam him. The clown's face lay, just inches above Twinks own. The clown smiled, and his perfect white teeth, reflected against his white as ghost face paint. The teeth. Twinks had just realized how insane and inhuman his teeth where. His pale bones reflected the night and shown brightly into Twinks face. " I am the booooogey man," The clown whispered in Twinks face, feeling his hot, dark breath blow against his face. The clown then laid down next to Twinks, and began whispering in his ear. The words poured out of the clown, and seemed to inject themselves into Twink's eardrum, and up into his mind. His psyche. Suddenly, images propelled themselves through Twink's mind. The room was no longer a dungeon, but hell itself. Off in the distance, he heard screaming. Dark rumblings ran through him, and suddenly fire spun around him and consumed him.The images pulsed in his mind and the dungeon warped back to his eye site, the clown stared at him as if to say, " Ha thought that was hell, well boy-o your in for a surprise!" But instead the clown didn't speak, he stood up and leaned over Twinks. "My, My how dark have we become..." The clown whispered, all buisiness now. " What is this place, why am I here?" Twinks didn't seem to care about the clown himself now, he just wanted a bottle of booze and a ride home. " You are here because," The clown put his finger up as if to think, and then suddenly a brightness flashed in his eyes, and he began to smile." of YOU!" " What are......what do you mean?" Stammered Twinks, completely bewildered by what the clown meant. The clown just laughed at this and looked up through the large hole in the dungeon ceiling. " Some demons, are kept in wraps." The clown began."and others are in wraps, but are being pushed free." "This pushing comes from all darkness, anything, anyone, and anyplace. Everything is darkness, except goodness." The clown paused at this statemen and giggled. "Darky darkness.....surronded you one day some time ago....and now it has been released!' The standing clown began to spin around with his arms held out, like a top. Circling in the light from the hole, he suddenly stopped and stared at Twinks. Twinks understood what he meant by escaping demon, just because he was a drunk he wasn't exactly a complete moron, but this story seemed impossable. Then again this whole event itself seemed impossable. But the possable and impossable are two in the same. A small measure of time, or pain can change somthing to become possable. This had taken place in Twink's soul, the darkness pushed, and the impossable had become possable. The clown.....was pure darkness. From Twink's burnt out, lived out, and completely strung out soul. The clown laughed, as if to here Twink's thoughts and then dropped on his knees directly beside his ear, and began to sing. "Hello there, sweet boy a man once whispered to me, I am the wind and you are the trees. Forever and ever we may ever be, for love of another make us become thee. From apart we fall and united we stand, hold my hand lead me across the fallen land. For you are the wind and I am the trees, break my mind and tear my soul. Spread it in my sacred bowl and make my day damn it again, for across the land and over the see, darker we fall and into me. For once a man once whispered to me, I am the wind and you are the trees. Resembling a dark breeze, feel across the path of mind, and into it you shall befall and become minnnne." The clown ended and grinded his sacred white teeth directly into Twinks ear. The clown lay there beside Twinks, and with a sudden quickness hopped on top of Twinks. "Who are you!?" Twinks screamed out at the clown, the poem the clown had just put into him really brought reality to Twinks mind. He pulled on the chain and tried to pull the clown off of him, but he wouldn't budge. The clown seemed to have an inhuman strength, he was like a boulder. The clown then leaned into Twinks and grabbed his face, mashing his loose flesh around, making Twinks smile. " Happy now!" The clown giggled insanely," I think I have already told you that I am the wind," The clown pointed proudly to himself," and you are the trees!" The clowned pushed a plumb finger into Twinks even plumper beer belly. The clown then picked up the saw, which had laid right above Twinks head. The clown pushed the cold steel of the saw into Twinks face. The coldness of the blade made him shiver. "But before I do my deed of Love and soulful expansion," The clown seemed to chuckle silently to himself over this," I will explain one lil detail to you." "About...why this," The clown through his arms and seemed to be showing Twinks the room," is happening." The clown leaned in close to Twinks face again, and blew out his mouth, causing a small gust to feather Twinks hair. " Once upon a time a long time ago, you sold your soul to the devil ya know. You may not realize and even care, but a demons soul is hard to bear. The Alcohol in your mind and the drugs in your soul, well it was time for your spiritual awakening to take it's tole. You see three pence and a quarter will get you far you see, sadly this is not the case for you or me. The demon ruptured a long time ago, and now the wind needs to blow and you need to....." The clown started to giggle insanely now, and suddenly stopped. The dungeon came to a complete, and utter...silence. The clown stuck his finger in the air, as if to test the air, and then whipped his hand down on top of Twinks throat, pushing into him with all his might. Twinks pulled his hands up to the edge of the chains, but the metal irons held him back. A dark gurgling erupted into Twinks throat. Then suddenly the clown leaned down to Twinks face yet again. ".....GO!" The clown screamed out in Twinks ear, and pulled out the saw. He brought it down onto Twinks throat, sawing fiercely back in forth. The pain was insane, and through the clowns closed hand, Twinks screamed. The blood suddenly erupted through the clowns hand, and out of Twinks throat. It spewed all over the clown, and the clown just seemed to be urged on by this sick gore fest. "Cleanse the soul, out with in, in with the new, the demons leash is thick and deadly and it seems to sing a mourning melody. Cus once you bring me in you just can't stop, and once you start.." The clown sang this as he continued to saw through Twink's throat. Twinks himself had now become unconscious, and the more the clown sawed, the closer to death Twinks went. Finally the clown reached Twinks neck bone, and Twinks last attempt of air had stopped. "....You just can't..." The clown stood up, and licked the blood that had been gushed on his face. He then climbed up out of the hole, and looked at the dead Twinks. Suddenly he began to cackle, and pulled the top of the dungeon closed. But before he did this he looked directly into Twinks dead eyes, and as Twink's soul arose into heaven, it paused for a moment...and heard one final word. "stop." |