Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1217446-They-Could-See-Us
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1217446
What happened if they could see you but you could not see them.
    "I'm not crazy." I told the doctors kicking them and screaming. "Everything going to be alright". he said. Then I started to see them around me; right beside the doctors. Then one the nurses give me this needle. "Everything going to be alright". my father said. I started to close my eyes. Then I was out.

    Do you want to know how to story started well listen quietly. I was at my girlfriends hours just doing some homework. Well not doing homework we was making out. Then her dogs was starting to act a little bit weird. The dogs was barking at the sky. "Maybe is only a airplane". she said. I just look at her and said "Yah!". So we just ignore it and just make out a little bit more. The dogs wouldn't stop barking. Michelle was getting piss off. "Hey! Michael do want to come out with me and find out what going on with the dogs?" she asked. I look at her with her beautiful face and hair how could I say no to something like that. "Ok!." I said. So we went outside looking for something was bugging the dogs but was nothing there. Then I took my camera phone out and said "Hey! Michelle do you like me to take a picture with you?" I asked. She smile and turn her body around. I took my camera phone out and toke a picture of her. We both look at the picture and just laugh.

    The next day I woke up at two o'clock in the afternoon. I check the time on my cell phone then I remember the picture I toke with Michelle in it. I toke the picture and look at it close. Then it was something weird. Something wasn't there before. I look at it more harder trying to find out what that was. Then I realize it look like a alien. Now I don't really believe in aliens but this look like a alien.

    Few hours later I went to my cousin house. My cousin was a computer wiz and maybe she could find out what was with this picture. "Nothing is wrong with this picture." she said. I was surpise nothing wrong with this picture. "Look at it again, Jamie." I said. She came right up to me and told me. "This is not a camera thick this is real". I look at her and look at the picture on the computer and told myself this is wrong.

    I went straight to Michelle house to talk to her. When I got in the door was ready open. I came in and saw all these police officers looking around see if they could see clues. Then I saw her on the ground all around blood and it look like somebody murderd her. Then this police officer came and said "Sorry for your lost." Who would murderd her. "Michelle kill herself." he said. Then I look at him and said "How could she kill herself?" I asked. Then the police officer got called and I just went down to the floor and look at her and remember good times and what happpened last night.

    I wounder if the thing we saw kill her. I didn't believe in aliens. Aliens wasn't real but what I saw. Nothing came in her house and nothing came out her house. The cops believe she kill herself but she wouldn't kill herself. So what was going on. Something was going on and I would find out. What happened if I was next to the list. I needed to find out who was Michelle murder.

    The next day the daily news letter came. I ran straight downstairs and check the door and saw the news letter on the ground. I look at it and saw her face on the front page then I started to remember things that I didn't what to remember. Then my dad came. "Are you alright, knowing what happened." I look at him and just look down again. Just ignoring my father. He look at me and just turn around and did what he was doing before.

    A few hours later I was searching on the computer. I type in search aliens and lots of things came up. Like these kids was playing a game in the middle of the night and then the ball went near a light pose and then this weird thing came out and try to take this kid with him. Now I wounder if that was a camera thick or something us but it look so real. Then I started to hear something in the house. I open the door nothing was there. "Dad!." I called but he wasn't there. I remember dad went to the hospital to get somethings. Then I turn around and saw the same alien. The same alien I and Michelle saw the night before she die. I run out the house like hell. When I was running I could hear the alien talking to other people like other aliens. I open the door ran straight to the road trying to stop a car for help. Knowing the road right beside my house was busy. Then a car came out nowhere and hit me down.

    I woke up wounding where I was. Then my dad came and was looking like shit. "The aliens are trying to kill me; you got to help me dad." I said. He look at me then my mom came in and said "Good bye son." I wounder what was going on. Then they both walk away. I was screaming there names but they just ignore. When they walk out I started to hear something. I try to run but I couldn't I was tried down. Then I saw the same alien I saw at my house and then.
© Copyright 2007 IvalynPeace (ivalyn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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