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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1217050
A fanfiction created for the gang-rape incident class mentioned in Battle Royale (manga)
((Same as always... please rate me and tell me what I've done wrong or right. Thank you. Enjoy. =] Oh... if you've read my other works, you might have noticed my lack in changing names. Disregard that please... some stories were, eh... thought up years earlier. ^^;))

Chapter 0: Ditch for a Day

As the lights dimmed and flickered on and off inside an old arcade building, two students stood near the machine that read “GhostBuster”. One of the two boys tapped on the other’s shoulder, trying to get his attention, the other lad stuck in the imaginary world the game placed in front of his eyes. The game warden looked hastily at them as they stood at the machine. The young boy tapped the other’s shoulder once more.

“Aww... come on, Rin... that guy’s definitely looking at us. I think he knows we’re ditching, man,” whispered the boy to his counterpart.

Rin only shoved the boy from his side and stuck to game, saying, “Shut the hell up, I almost got the high-score... so stop being so suspicious. It’s your fucking fault the dude’s staring.” Rin continued enjoying the game, but the game warden finally began to make his way towards the two.

“Oh shit... he’s coming. Come on, Rin... let’s jet,” whispered the boy, hoisting his backpack straps back securely on his shoulders. His knees were buckling together as he shook in fear of the oncoming threat.

Rin smirked as he replied, “I see the bitch... heh. Watch me do this.” He said, looking into the black screen, displaying his high-score results and the game warden’s reflection. As he looked directly into the screen as he slowly dug into his right pocket.

“Aren’t you two boys a little young to be in here. Don’t you go to school?” said the game warden as he quickly began to close the gap between him and the boys. His hand suddenly started to outstretch, ready to place a sturdy grip on the one of the boys’ shoulders. “Why don’t I...” But as the warden’s finger tips neared Rin’s shoulder, he turned towards him with a spray can in hand.

“Hah... I got other plans, fucker!” He quickly sprayed the contents of the can into the game warden’s eyes. He quickly nudged his partner and ran out of the game establishment. “Haha... you liked that shit, didn’t ya, Trent. Ain’t never seen nothing like that in them states, huh?” said Rin, smirking all the while as he ran.

Trent turned towards Rin and shook his head, “Nah... I seen worse. I saw some chick castrate a dude before.” he said this with a slight nod and in 0tone of triumph.

Rin only waved his hand downward in disgust, “Shut that shit up... don’t nobody care about that. Some chick... bet she couldn’t stand up to Cai.” He smirked, feeling he had won the local lottery. Trent nodded and stayed hush. Rin broke the silence with one last statement. “Come on... might as well go to school. Cai’s probably doing things... got plans, ya know?” Trent nodded once more and rushed onward towards the school.

These two boys were few of the students that resided in Fujiyama High of Okinawa, Japan. Yotsumi Rintaru, normally dubbed “Rin”, is one boy of little interest. He is a blond, spiky-haired kid who’s former home was in Tokyo, Japan. Though he talks a good amount about his past, all of it is relatively false. He’s nowhere near as tough as he usually claims and has little to no information when it comes to his “delinquent” past. Basically saying, he’s only feared thanks to his overly-matured voice.
Trent’s past on the other hand, holds truth to what he claims to be. Yamaguchi Trent, Japanese... born, but bred in the states. He’s had a sordid past, gradually amplifying his gang member past. He has a dirty blond, mushroom-styled haircut that any parent could give with a sturdy bowl and pair of scissors. He always wore the more American name brand clothing and stuck to more hip fads. But anyway...

As the two neared the school’s entrance gates, their eyes fell upon the adolescent leaned against one of the columns that held a gate door. He was handsome lad, his face held a bored look, somewhat mused and his hair style was if anything, cool. It was styled into large braids that hit past the boy’s shoulders, while his top was abnormally worn. Below, he wore a pair of long-length, black Dickie’s shorts with black, low-top Air Force Nikes, up top he wore a black zipper-styled hoody, opened and hung across his shoulders Capone-style and the hood pressed against his neck... a black, white and gray striped long-length shirt underneath. Within his hands he held a rather difficult looking text book written in an unknown language (Chinese). This was Ichigowa Cairo, mainly known as “Cai”, short of his first name. When the two neared him, Trent spoke up.

“What’s up, Cai. What are ya reading there, myman?” he questioned, looking curiously towards the textbook in Cairo’s hand.

Cairo read quite a couple more pages before he finally looked up at the two. “Mmm... nothing that would entice you. My apologies for stalling, the book was getting rather.... interesting,” He said, blankly as he closed the book with a loud THUMP! Cairo soon turned from the two and headed onto the school grounds, going at his usual rushed pace towards his first class, his Nikes tapping on the floor. He turned back towards the boys and gave off a slight smirk. “You do know today is our final day as freshmen. Tomorrow, will be the graduation trip and we’ll initially become sophomores Hopefully, tomorrow will be as interesting as today.” With that, he halted his speech towards the two and went on toward his Trigonometry class. Rin and Trent just stared at each other as their boss left them alone. Luckily, the two didn’t get to see their boss’s book... it was a Chinese Anatomy textbook.

Chapter 1: The Day Before Death

May 12, 2009. Thursday, late afternoon at around 7 o’ clock. The night before the big graduation trip to the Tokyo University, one young man sat at the base of a cherry blossom with a lavish estate. He held a crinkled gum wrapper in hand as he chewed on fresh piece of Winter Fresh. Chewing on and on, the turk gazed at the night’s sky, staring at the moon’s beautiful appearance. The young man with the slightly punk rocker hairstyle, bangs up, bangs down with the rest slicked backward, a dignifying scar on his right eye, bandage under the other and slight chin stubble on his face. He finally heard a feminine voice calling from inside the large home that he resided and slowly shifted up from the cherry blossom. He huffed once and quickly spat out the chewing gum, walking onwards towards his home... tonight would be his last night in such lavish housing. He quickly caught his composure and stepped into the door, taking a glance back at the shining moon and turned back to walk through the sliding doorway. This was Nagashima Kento, formerly known as the Tokyo juvie bounce, he didn’t have much of a good reputation. And besides the scar on his right eye, he owned several others all around his body... those did little to help his image. But anyway, as he head down the long, stretchy hallway, a butler brought a heavy bag to him. “... Thanks.” Kento said with little emphasis and headed towards his room. As he stepped into his bedroom, he quickly grabbed a box of bandages and other needs. For some reason, his conscience was itching him about one thing or another. He just might need these items.

While way across town, another student was having the time of her life. The little (or big, considering her height... actually the tallest of the class... or school) Miss piglet of Class C-4, Hirosaki Kairi was hurriedly stuffing her face with sweets and whatever else she could get her large, pudgy hands on. Anything from take out, fast food all the way to illegally imported chocolates. The Greater East Asia Republic was slowly getting more strict on things such as sweets or even musical choices. Years ago, they had banned Rock and now their sights were set on Rap... seeing how it was the ever-growing fad. As her porky fingers shoved a large peanut butter cookie into her petite, yet largely opened mouth, she thought gently of her many crushes within the classroom. She slowly packed a few things into the backpack beside her, having the look of your casual daydreamer. Loading her bag full of snacks and so on, she finally placed into the side pocket a small wallet sized photo of one of the students she crushed on the most. She gave off a radiant smile, her chubby cheeks redder than ever, placing another peanut butter cookie into the back of her mouth and tears slowly fled down her cheeks as she swallowed. As she ate, her mind filled with dreams of Kento Nagashima, the handsome exchange student in her stolen (or found and not returned) photo. She hoped she would get the chance to see Kento on the graduation trip, for she rarely saw the boy in school at all. Kento... Kento... he was all that was considered within the depths of her cranium. Her head gave a slight turn towards her bedroom window and out, looking towards the radiant appearance of the moon in the sky. She slowly sat her large tooshie onto her rather small futon and gazed out the window at the night’s sky, her gelatinous body quivering profusely after her great descent. As she considerably stuffed her chubby face, she thought on what tomorrow would bring.

Meanwhile, on the more gritty side of Okinawa, a young boy roamed the streets, leaving trace amounts of red behind as he trudged on. Once he reached the apartment he and his foster family resided in, each step taken up the stairs that led him there, he left minuscule puddles behind on each and every step. This boy was Yotsumi Rintaru. Rintaru had just come back from a heated street brawl, so intense was it that he nearly lost his life. Having such a large amount of pride, he didn’t leave the bout until he was nearly crippled. It was thanks to the one he called ‘Cai’ (Cairo) that he even lived. It was amazing, hard to really describe the bout... maybe later the tale will be told. Anyway, as Rin reached his apartment door, he searched as best he could for his room key. Having the little patience that he did, he suddenly just thrust into the door and entered the room with a bang. He gave the small room quite a look over before he finally limped over to the tattered futon he called ‘bed’ and fell down on it mercilessly. As he laid bound to the cushiony futon, Rintaru thought of what the graduation would be like tomorrow. As the thoughts raced through his mind, he slowly closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep slumber.

Elsewhere, a handsome lad was sitting on a rooftop, near the area the bout had gone way. On the edge of the building, his legs swayed back and forth, his eyes on a book in his hand. As he read, holding the book in his right hand, his left hand ran over the area of a newly formed scar on his left eye. This boy was wore a blank expression on his pale face. He was handsome no doubt, but his left eyebrow was cut down the middle, while the other was halved with two loop-piercings completing what it lacked. He had a dignifying tattoo of the kanji character for “Death” on his right cheek and his lip wore a piercing on its left side. He kept his hair in medium-thick, straight braids, and wore what seemed to be , not Fujiyama’s uniform, but his own clothing statement (mainly composed of American brands. On bottom, he wore a pair of long-length, black Dickie’s shorts with black, low-top Air Force Nikes, up top he wore a black zipper-styled hoody, opened and hung across his shoulders Capone-style and the hood pressed against his neck... a black, white and gray striped long-length shirt underneath). As his hoody flapped and flutter in the slight breeze, the boy rushed through page after page. DING, DONG, DING, DO. The school’s large clocktower went off in the distance. Cairo sighed and closed his book, looking towards the night’s sky. Looking at the ever looming moon’s presence, he suddenly felt a feeling... one he’d felt earlier before. It was obvious to him... Tomorrow would a day to remember.

Tomorrow would definitely be a day of reckoning.

Chapter 2: The Game

May 13, 2009. Friday, midmorning. Graduation Day for Fujiyama High freshman. The kids crowded the bus, most with their families giving their final goodbyes before the trip. Kento, who’s mother was one of the class’s teachers, gave him a great hug... embarrassing him as usual. Everyone seemed to be receiving hugs from loving family members, even the Ichigowa Family had each of its members with their parents or guardians. All but one person actually had family there... Kairi. She was orphaned not too long ago back in seventh grade. She ran her life all on her own after the untimely death of her parents who died on an overseas trip. As the teary, plump-faced girl headed for the bus, she was hastily stopped by warming hug. Kento’s mom knew about Kairi’s situation, she had actually offered to adopt her... seeing as Kairi didn’t have any remaining relatives. Yet was declined, either by stubbornness or Kairi’s shyness of being around Kento. But either way, this hug brought a smile to Kairi’s face as Mrs. Nagashima kissed her cheek, releasing the girl from her loving embrace. Kairi blushed and smiled, walking towards the bus and getting on. Most of her class was already seated, Cairo being in the back with his gang, Trent seated near a cute girl and Kento by himself.

“Hey..... you’re single right? Come on... just a kiss. I mean... look at me. I’m cool lookin ain’t I? And I know you watch me out on the court... ain’t I just spectacular ‘n shit?” Trent asked, his usual flirting going on with what ever cute girl his eyes were laid on.
The girl giggled and sighed. “Well... I guess. But... how do I know you’re not just hitting on me the way you do all the others?” Tayako questioned him through her boy-attention grabbing eyes.
“Uh... uh... heh. Come on... it’s me. Trent, the best shooter the school’s seen. Do I look like I’d lie to you?” He asked through his ever-lying mouth. Kento sighed and tried to ignore him.

Kairi smiled as she got on, seeing that Kento was alone and slowly made her way towards him. Each step Kairi took rocked the bus lightly, her head scrapping the roof. She was pretty big and overweight (even for her size), so the aisle hardly fit her and the bus could hardly contain her (it now being on almost all flats), but once she finally got to Kento she beamed down at him and asked. “K-Kento... you mind if I s-sit with you?” She asked nervously, shaking a large bag of snacks in her hands.

Kento looked fearfully down at the foot that had just a few seconds ago stamped down beside him. Though of great size, it was beautifully decorated with pale pink nail polish and wore a flipflop far larger than any sneaker Kento could fit. He slowly checked her profile, looking up at her a bit nervously. She wore her school uniform just like everyone else (besides Cairo), it being specially tailored for her size (though her tummy now poked out from under her top). Once his eyes finally hit her face, he sighed, her wearing a smile that comforted him a little. She was still the same cutesy amazon-height girl he was friends with long ago. “Please, Kento... I-I’ll share some of my cookies with you.” She pleaded once again and he gave a slight smile up towards her.

“Sure you can, what kind of friend would I be to deny you a seat?”

“Really?!” She asked astonished, and saw that Kento was beginning to scoot towards the window.

“Sure... just let me scoo...” Before he finished, Kento felt Kairi’s colossal rump begin to press him over and into the window as she sat herself down. Kairi smiled and gave a look towards Kento, hoping she wasn’t hurting him. Her smile quickly turned upside down as she felt she was hurting her crush.

“Kento... do you want me to move?” she asked, looking down towards him, a sad expression on her face. Kento shook his head and smiled.

“Nah... I’m alright. Don’t worry. It’s kinda tight... but nothing I can’t handle. But...” He turned the best he could and took her left arm, rose it and put it around him to press him against her side. “There... that’s better.” He said as he slightly snuggled against her largely exposed midriff. She smiled and pressed him deeper against her. She thought thankfully to whoever may be upstairs for her luck.

The time soon came for the bus to depart, the parents and teachers gave their children one last goodbye and waved after the bus as it began to leave. Mrs. Nagashima smiled as the bus began to leave, she saw that Kairi was seated beside her son and seemed as happy as ever.

Yet... no one’s happiness would last on this trip, that very assured my friends.

As the bus took off from the school grounds, all the children seated and the rest dealt with, the murmur of the children’s voices grew and grew; the driver could care less, he’d hush them all up in a matter of minutes.

Nearing a bridge, the driver quickly slipped on a gas mask, none of the children noticed, and almost immediately after, a switch was flipped. A noxious fume filled the bus and not to long after, each and every student was left asleep... the driver cackling under his helpful mask.

What was probably hours later, Kento awoke to a cold shower of bucket water. ‘Shit... that’s cold’ he thought. After spitting and coughing it up, he turned to see that his fellow classmates endured the same (well, except Cairo who had woken up before the man neared him). He soon saw that the scenery had changed, being him and his classmates were now in a classroom, instead of the nice bus they were on earlier. Kento was about to speak, question what were they doing here, you know the deal... but was interrupted by Trent.

“Man, what the fuck is this shit? Where in the hell are we ‘n who the fuck are you, bitch?” Trent’s crude language was if anything, demanding towards the figure who stood before the whole class.

“Hmm hmm hmm... little ole me?” questioned the man that was centered above, surrounded by an immediate group of two military men beside him. “Well...” he paused, giving Kento enough time to really get a profile on him. This man was fairly short, stocky and he looked a bit on the feminine side. Either way, he wasn’t really the type you would think to hold a position over the military. Anyway, he continued, “... I’m Sakamochi, not that it’s important. You see... you all will be playing a game you se-“ he was interrupted by Trent.

“The fuck kinda game is this? Got my ass in a muhfuckin’ school desk, I got some strange piece of metallic shit on my neck and in a few seconds... I feel like I’m gonna take big fuckin’ shit in my fuckin’ boxers. Now hurry and fuckin’ tell us what kinda game we’re gonna play so I can get it over with and go to the muhfuckin’ bathroom!” yelled Trent, irritated and needing to use the ‘facilities’. Sakamochi didn’t like Trent’s attitude though. He slowly dug into his coat and dug out a magnum, pointing it immediately at Trent and firing towards the floor board.

“Shut the hell up, you brat. Did your teacher not teach you to raise your god damn hands?” he asked irately, the gun shaking a tad as it was still point toward Trent. Suddenly, Trent raised his hand. “Yes, dear boy?”

“Uh... I-I think I’m ‘bout done, sir,” Trent said respectfully, with quite a bit of fear in his tone of voice. Sakamochi clapped and grinned.

“Good... getting on with what I was saying, before being rudely interrupted. You’re all going to play a game. ‘The Game’ to be exact”

“The Game, sir?” said a child with her hand raised. It was Hidetoya Eri, the girl with thick-rimmed glasses, not bad looking on the eyes and whom studied the Occult. Either way, it was her that raised her hand and asked the inquiry of Sakamochi.

“Oh yes... guess I didn’t say, did I? You all... you’re in ‘The Program’.”

“THE PROGRAM?!” yelled the class in unison. They all had heard of and watched the horrid, televised event that occurred every year... pitting a classroom of kids like themselves against terrible odds. Warring students was what it was... the government would pit the class against one another in an all stakes battle royale for their very lives. Suddenly, the desks the children sat at began to feel a lot more comfortable.
© Copyright 2007 BONA (bona at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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