Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1216548-A-Change-Will-Do-You-Good-ch1-2
Rated: NPL · Draft · Fanfiction · #1216548
"Fuck it! I'm out of here."

After a long and stressful day of meetings and reading less-than-stellar scripts, Tina all but ran out of the studio to the parking lot without even wishing anyone a good weekend. Once she was on the road she put down the windows, turned on the radio and started singing loudly to help rid her mind and body of the stress. She was so engrossed in the song and her own singing that she didn't see the board in the road and ran right over the nail in it. Immediately she noticed she had a flat tire.

"Shit! This day just gets better, doesn't it?!"

Tina quickly stopped her car on the side of the road. She got out looking at the damage and seeing the air was completely gone. Without any regard for her expensive heels she hauled off and kicked at the tire, but missed and kicked the hub cap instead. A flurry of swearwords soon followed once the pain hit her.

"Shit god damn mother FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Tina had had enough. She leaned back against her car and cried. The past two months just seemed to hit her really hard all at once. Work was crazy, her friends were still somewhat distant, and she became a single mom after ending her relationship with Henry as she discovered it just wasn't what she wanted and needed. She realized she needed time to function as her own woman without having to worry about anyone else except for her pride and joy Angelica. Some days she was fine. She and Bette had been able to reach a point where they were no longer fighting and were instead able to be in each other's company, even if most of the time it was to have a little together time with Angelica. But on days like this one, it was all just too much for her to handle.

A minute or so later a truck pulled over a few feet ahead of Tina's car. The driver side door opened and out stepped a slightly thin blond wearing faded jeans, a muscle shirt, and dark wire frame sunglasses. The driver carefully approached Tina, noticing how upset she was.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Tina looked at the blond and wiped her eyes. "A bad day ending with a fucking blowout. I'm just peachy." Tina let out a short fake laugh.

The blond chose to ignore Tina's sarcasm. "Well, if you have a spare tire I can change it pretty fast. I have a jack in the truck bed."

Tina briefly regarded the stranger. It was a rarity to come across a helpful person in the city. Tina smiled and said, "Sure. Lemme open the trunk." The blond went to get the jack while Tina took the spare tire out of the trunk of her car.

"Actually I can change the tire myself. My stupid self just forgot to put a jack in the car," Tina said.

"Well, I have this thing about other people touching my tools. Plus, I'd rather you not take a chance on getting your suit dirty," the stranger smiled while removing the sunglasses. There was something in this person's eyes that created a sense of comfort that Tina hadn't felt in a long time. Soon the tire was changed and Tina was ready to roll again.

"Thank you so much, um..."

"Dax." The blond offered her hand to Tina which Tina accepted.


"I know."

"How do you know..."

"I just do," Dax replied with a quick wink and a gentle smile. Tina looked at the ground with a shy smile.

"So, Dax, what do I owe you?"


"Are you sure?"

"Positive. It's not unusual for me to stop and help people with car problems."

"Okay. Well, thanks again."

Tina started to get into her car when Dax stopped her. "Actually, there is a way you can pay me."

Tina looked at Dax with questioning eyes. "What's that."

"Come to The Palms tomorrow night at nine. They're doing a 50s and 60s theme night. Cover charge is waived if you dress the part." Dax saw the uneasiness that started to appear on Tina's face. "I'm not asking you on a date or anything if that's that you're thinking," Dax chuckled. "I just...I don't know. You looked like you could use a little bit of fun." Dax shrugged her shoulders and look down at her shoes while putting her hands in her back pockets.

Tina tilted her head slightly and smiled. "I'll think about it."

Dax looked back up at Tina with a surprised smile. "Really?" Dax knew Tina's relationship history. Everyone knew it really, starting with Bette up to present day, so Dax hadn't expected Tina to even consider an evening in bar and a lesbian bar at that. Tina simply nodded.

"Great!" Dax said. "There'll be some performers doing their thing too. Oh, don't run off if you don't see me right away. I have my own performance planned so I might be off somewhere getting ready."

"Oh really? What are you doing?"

"Uh-uh. I'm not telling. It's a surprise." She and Tina never floated in the same circle and in recent years Tina wasn't a big part of the bar scene so Dax wasn't surprised that she was unknown to Tina.

After looking at each other for a few more seconds Tina broke their gaze. "Sorry but I really should get going." Tina smiled apologetically and Dax nodded with an understanding smile. "I really will think about it, okay?"

Dax walked backward toward the driver side door of her truck. "Alright. Tomorrow, nine o'clock. Hope to see you there." Tina started her car and drove off waving at Dax as she passed. Tina looked in her rear view mirror at Dax one more time and said to herself, "Oh hell. Why not?" Bette had Angelica for the weekend, so Tina was going to really try and have some fun.

Tina knew of a costume shop that also had a good selection of vintage clothing on Sunset so she decided to see if she could find something to wear to the bar the next night. She didn't want to go for the super studious goody-goody girl look of the 50s and early 60s, so she chose some clothes that made her look more like a Pink Lady from Grease.

On Saturday night while Tina was getting ready to go to The Palms she started to feel a little nervous. She hadn't been in a predominantly gay setting in quite some time and was a little worried that she might somehow stick out like a sore thumb. She pushed her fears aside in favor of giving it a try. Besides, Dax would be there so that was at least one person she kind of knew.

'There is something so familiar about her, but I can't put my finger on it,' Tina thought while she did her hair. Dax reminded Tina of Shane in a way. Quiet, friendly, helpful, yet a bit withdrawn. Pleased with the results, Tina grabbed her leather jacket and headed to the bar.

Tina walked into The Palms and was glad she didn't see any of her gang there. She wasn't ashamed of being in a lesbian bar, but considering how crude Jenny had been and how nosy Alice could be she didn't feel like having to justify her presence at that moment. Tina decided she could use a beer so she went to the bar and ordered one.

A cute baby butch turned to her left and saw Tina standing next to her. "Hey how are you?"

Tina looked at the younger woman, who barely looked old enough to even be there, and smiled. "I'm fine. You?"

"I'm good." She offered her hand which Tina accepted. "I'm Randy."

"Tina." Randy raised Tina's hand to her lips and gently kissed the back of it. Normally Tina would've found Randy's gesture as over-the-top and a bit of an annoyance, but that night Tina was enjoying the attention and blushed a bit.

Randy quickly looked behind Tina. "So are you here by yourself?"

"Not really." Tina saw Randy's face fall ever so slightly. "A friend invited me but she's busy getting ready."

"Getting ready?"

"Yeah she said something about performing tonight. I don't know what she's doing though."

Just then the music stopped and the DJ took the mic. "Alright ladies gather 'round." Randy and Tina joined the crowd that had gathered on the dance floor. "Now, I wanna hear all the pretty women scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Loud screams filled the bar and Randy nudged Tina urging her to scream as well. The DJ laughed and said, "I have someone who's gonna love the sound of that. Let's show some love for Phil McCockin!!!!!!!!!"

"Who the hell is Phil McCockin?" Tina asked.

"A drag king I would imagine," Randy answered.

The intro to Roy Orbison's "Oh, Pretty Woman" began and a young drag king with a jet black Elvis wig, black moustache, and dressed like Danny Zuko from Grease strutted onto the stage, took the mic and began to lip sync to Roy's voice.

"Hey let's try to get a closer look," Tina said and Randy followed her towards the front of the crowd. A lot of the women were going crazy over Phil's suave choreography. When he got to the line "you look lovely as can be, are you lonely just like me" he spotted Tina and lowered his shades to reveal his eyes to her then winked.

"Holy fuck!" Tina gasped.

"What?" Randy asked.

"That's the friend I was telling you about."

"I see," said Randy with a small smirk. She noticed the way Phil kept looking over at Tina and thought maybe something more was there than Tina was letting on. She wished Tina good night and politely excused herself. When Phil's performance was over Tina made her way back to the bar and ordered another beer.

"I see you made it." Tina turned around to see Dax standing there in the same outfit minus the wig, moustache and shades.

Tina smiled. "Why hello there...Phil." Dax laughed.

"So what did you think?"

"I thought it was great! I'll have to see you again sometime. How long have you been performing?"

"A few years now. It's how I met my boss at work."

"What do you do?"

"I'm an auto mechanic at Best Picture Cars."

"Best Picture Cars..." Tina mumbled while looking up trying to think of where she'd heard the name. Suddenly it hit her and she snapped her fingers. "Oh you work for Ivan!"

"Yeah he's cool. I saw him perform a long time ago and decided I wanted to try my hand at being a drag king." Dax noticed Tina taking the last swig of her beer. "Hey you want another beer?"

"Sure I'd love another beer. Thanks." Dax ordered a beer for herself and one for Tina. "Now what shall we toast to?"

Tina thought for a few seconds then said, "To life."

"Okay, to life it is!" Dax and Tina clinked their beer bottles together and took a long pull. "There's a big chair that can hold two people. Let's go sit down." Tina and Dax sat down and talked about anything and nothing while enjoying more beer. Since Tina hadn't drank so much in a long time she was starting to go from tipsy to borderline drunk and found herself nearly snuggling against Dax and just feeling safe in her presence. Dax played it cool and put her arm on the back of the chair behind Tina to give off the vibe that Tina was with her so no one would try to pick her up. She respected women but somehow felt more of a need to protect Tina from potential vultures, especially since Tina was nowhere near sober.

Dax pointed out people to Tina, letting her know who was cool and who to avoid. She discreetly pointed to the dancefloor. "See that redhead right there? That's Dorian. Avoid her like the plague."


"Because she pretty much has the plague. She's the town bicycle and doesn't ride with a safety helmet, if you catch my drift. She's always horny and doesn't turn down ANYONE." Tina briefly thought about Shane and was glad that she had stopped sleeping around so much.

The DJ put on an Otis Redding song from the early 60s and the dancing went from fast to slow and close. Dax looked at Tina. "Do you wanna dance?"

Tina smiled. "Okay." Dax stood up and held her hand for Tina to take and led her to the dancefloor.

These arms of mine, they are lonely,
Lonely and feeling blue.

These arms of mine, they are yearning,
Yearning from wanting you.

And if you would let them hold you,
Oh how grateful I will be.

These arms of mine, they are burning,
Burning from wanting you.

These arms of mine, they are wanting,
Wanting to hold you.

And if you would let them hold you,
Oh how grateful I will be.

Come on, come on please let them.
Just be my little woman.
Just be my lover.

I need me somebody, somebody to treat me right.
I need your arms, loving arms to hold me tight.

I need your, I need your tender lips, to hold me,
To hold me together when I'm around you.

Dax put her arms around Tina's waist while Tina put her arms around Dax's neck. Dax could tell the alcohol was really starting to kick into Tina's system so she kept a good hold on Tina while still maintaining a respectable distance between them. Tina thought back to the times she and Bette had danced together and how they often had to excuse themselves from their friends to rush home and into bed, sometimes not even making it past the front door of their home. Tina looked down and felt the tears start to flow down her cheeks. Dax saw the tears and her slight buzz was suddenly gone.

"Hey, are you alright?" Dax gently lifted Tina's face bought received no answer except more tears. "Aww," Dax brought Tina closer to her and stroked her hair while Tina rested her head on Dax's shoulder. "It'll be alright," Dax whispered in Tina's ear. Dax had a feeling that Tina was having a flashback to a happier time and the beer just amplified her sadness. Most likely she would be okay once the sun rose, but for the time being Dax comforted Tina in a way no one had done in a long time.

They continued to dance closely and eventually Tina's tears stopped. She lifted her head from Dax's shoulder. "I'm sorry," she whispered as she smiled sheepishly.

"It's okay. Sometimes you just gotta let it out. Plus," Dax whispered in Tina's ear, "you're totally shit-faced." She looked at Tina while trying not to laugh and said, "In case you didn't know."

Tina chuckled and playfully slapped Dax's arm. There was something about Dax that intrigued Tina. She was totally laid back and down to earth. She didn't ask too many questions. She was funny in a subtle way. Also, it didn't hurt that she was pretty cute. Tina looked into Dax's eyes and grew as serious as she could get while completely drunk.

"Thank you."


"Tonight. I really needed this."

Dax nodded and smiled. "I figured as much."

Tina smiled back and she and Dax looked into each other's eyes. Dax had always found Tina attractive and at that moment she really wanted to lean in and kiss Tina but she felt like she would be taking advantage of Tina since she was so drunk. While Dax was going over the options in her mind, Tina made the choice for her by leaning in for a soft kiss. Dax cradled Tina's head with one hand while the other was still wrapped around Tina's waist. When their kiss start to grow in intensity, Dax quickly realized this could get out of hand before either of them would be able to stop, so she ended the kiss and put her forehead against Tina's while trying to catch her breath.

Tina softly whispered, "Wow." It had been a long time since she had experienced a kiss like that and was a bit sad that Dax had ended it.

Dax lifted her head and stroked Tina's cheek. "It's getting late. Maybe we should call it a night." Tina lowered her eyes thinking that maybe she had made a mistake. Dax lifted Tina's chin. "It's fifteen minutes till closing. Let's get out of here before everyone tries to make a drunken dash to the door. I don't too far away. You can crash at my place, alright?" Dax gave Tina a reassuring look and Tina nodded with a small smile. Dax took Tina's hand and they left the bar.

Dax hailed a cab and they went to her apartment. Besides being drunk Tina was also very tired so Dax had to almost carry her inside. Dax led Tina to her bedroom and took out a pair of shorts and t-shirt for Tina to sleep in.

"You want some coffee? You look like you could use some."

"Yeah coffee would be great, thanks."

Dax left Tina to go make the coffee and grabbed a sheet, blanket, and pillow for the couch so she could sleep there and Tina could have her bed. When the coffee pot was full Dax went to get Tina.

"Tina, the coffee's-" Dax smiled as she saw Tina passed out on her bed. 'She looks like an angel,' she thought. She shook her head and woke Tina up just long enough to get her tucked in. After Tina was out cold once again, Dax shut the bedroom door and went to the kitchen to have some coffee.


The next morning Tina heard and smelled bacon frying which prompted her to open her eyes. She then immediately wished she hadn't done that.

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!" Tina moaned and shielded her eyes from the morning light. She glanced at the clock on the nightstand and it read 9:37 AM. She opened her eyes wider when she realized she wasn't at home. She put her head in her hands and thought to herself.

'Where the hell am I? Oh right I'm at Dax's. Dax's? Oh shit I woke up in her bed. Oh my God. Oh my...I'm gonna puke.' Tina ran to the bathroom and released the previous night's consumption of alcohol into the toilet.

"Sounds like Sleeping Beauty finally decided to join the land of the living," Dax mumbled to herself. She went to the bathroom and lightly tapped on the door.

"Tina? Are you alright?"

"Yeahhhh I'm gonna live," Tina groaned and vomited again.

Dax grimaced then said, "Okay. Are you sure you're okay? You don't need anything?"

"Just the strength to stand up," Tina lightly chuckled then grabbed her head. "Ow fuck."

"Well, if you feel like having a little breakfast come to the kitchen when you're ready. I also made coffee."

"I'll take you up on that offer if I can ever get my ass up off the floor."

A few minutes later Tina emerged from the bathroom and made her way to the kitchen where Dax was putting breakfast on two plates. Dax handed Tina two aspirin and a glass of water.

"I thought it would be best to start off with an appetizer," Dax smirked.

"Thanks." Tina took the aspirin and sat down at the kitchen table. Dax placed a plate in front of her and a cup of strong coffee.

"I hope you like bacon, eggs, and toast. I'm not much of a chef but I think I make a pretty good basic breakfast. I made the coffee so strong it's two steps from undrinkable."

Tina chuckled and once again held her head. "Owww. I'm gonna need the coffee for sure." Tina took a bite of her breakfast and let out a happy moan. "Mmm this is delicious. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Dax took a sip of her coffee and nearly choked due to it being so strong so she got up and added a little water to it. "Make that one step from undrinkable," she laughed and sat back down.

Tina bit off a piece of bacon and slowly chewed it while trying to think of how to how to ask Dax about the night before. She swallowed the bacon and took a deep breath.

"Dax?" Tina asked softly.

Dax swallowed a bite of eggs and asked, "Yeah?"

Tina looked down at her plate and felt her cheeks start to become warm. "Last night...did we, um...well..." Tina looked around trying to find the right words to say when she felt Dax gently touch her hand from across the table.

"You know you can ask me anything, right?" Dax quietly said.

Tina looked at Dax and blurted out, "Did we have sex last night?"

Dax looked at Tina with a neutral expression and slowly took her hand away from Tina's. She decided to have a little fun with Tina. "You mean you don't remember?"

Tina's breathing stopped. "Well, that's why I'm asking, because I don't remember anything that happened after we got back here."

"Wow," Dax said while trying really hard not to laugh. "And here I thought I was good enough that you'd never forget me no matter how wasted you were." Dax got up from the table and took her empty plate to the sink. "I mean, you sure were screamin' pretty loud." Dax turn to look at Tina whose face had gone completely pale and like she might burst into tears. Dax felt like an asshole and wished she hadn't joked like that. She quickly went to Tina and kneeled down by her side.

"Tina, I'm just fuckin' with ya," Dax said with a gentle smile. "Nothing happened. I left to make coffee while you changed clothes and when I came back you were out for the count. I spent the night on the couch."

Tina slightly shook her head. "Nothing happened...at all?"

"Nothing, I promise. I wouldn't sleep with someone while drunk and I sure wouldn't sleep with someone who was drunk. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have joked like that with you not knowing how you might react."

"You ass!" Tina laughed and pushed Dax. "You really had me believing we slept together!"

"Well all the same I really am sorry. Am I forgiven?"

"Oh alright." Tina smiled and Dax smiled back, glad that Tina wasn't mad at her. She took Tina's empty plate to the sink when Tina started to speak again. "Although if you really want to be forgiven you could give me a kiss like the one from last night."

Dax nearly dropped the plate on the floor. She turned to face Tina. "You remember that?" Dax asked trying not to sound too surprised.

Tina blushed and looked down at her lap. "Yeah. I remember us dancing and I kissed you."

Dax moved her chair closer to Tina and sat down. "How do you feel about that? Because I don't know if you remember but you seemed upset about something while we were dancing."

"Oh right," Tina blushed feeling a little embarrassed. "My mind is a little fuzzy but I know at one point I thought about my ex-partner Bette and I guess it set me off."

Dax took Tina's hand in her own. "It happens sometimes, especially if it's a relatively fresh wound, no matter who's at fault."

"Yeah, I'll be alright." Tina smiled.

"So back to my question, how do you feel about what happened? The kiss that is."

"I liked it. I REALLY liked it," Tina said shyly.

Dax gave Tina's hand a squeeze and moved a bit closer to Tina. "So did I."


"But what?"

"I don't want you to get the wrong idea, Dax. You're attractive, and although we haven't known each other very long I like what I do know about you. I just...I don't know."

"Tina, I already said you can tell me anything." Dax tenderly touched Tina's temple and whispered, "What's going on up here?"

"I, well, I figure you know about my past since you didn't ask me who Bette was and how I am when it comes to relationships. I just jump from one into another." Tina took both of Dax's hands into hers. "I don't want you to think I'm asking for more than you could possibly give because I don't think I'm in a place to give much of myself at this time. All I know is that that kiss felt right. It's about the only thing that's felt right in a long time."

"Sometimes we need confirmation that we're desirable. It can come from a stranger or a friend. Anywhere really. And I'm glad you were the one who made the move because I was too worried about freaking you out," Dax laughed.

"You wouldn't have freaked me out," Tina smiled back.

"Good to know." Dax stood up and took Tina into her arms for a hug. "Whatever this is, we don't have to try and give it a strict label beyond friendship."

"Thanks. As of right now I'm in the group that thinks labels suck."

Dax laughed. "I understand." She pulled back but kept her arms around Tina. "Honestly I don't know how much I can fairly offer so I definitely wouldn't ask for more from you either. No relationship of any kind should be one-sided."

Tina nodded and kissed Dax on the cheek letting her lips linger there for a few seconds. "I should get going. I want to be home when Bette drops off Angelica."

"How's that going? If you don't mind me asking."

"It's fine now. Bette and I are civil. Once a week we spend time together with Angelica. Hopefully we can become friends someday and not just two parents who have a daughter together."

Dax nodded. "Do you have any pictures of Angelica?"

Tina smiled and dug into her purse to find a picture of her pride and joy. "Here's a recent picture of her." Dax took the picture and smiled.

"She's adorable. How old is she now?"

"She's two. She's a real joy in my life."

"You'll have to let me meet her sometime." Dax handed the photograph back to Tina.

"Definitely. She's a friendly little girl. She loves attention too." Tina put the picture back in her purse. "Well, I really do have to go. Is it okay if I wear these clothes home?"

"Yeah I don't think you wanna leave here looking like a two-bit whore," Dax laughed. "I mean, that outfit last night was hot but Sunday morning might not see it that way."

Tina laughed. "You have a point. Oh by the way, I finally figured out why you seemed so familiar."


"Yeah I sensed something familiar the other day when we met. I just now realized I saw Phil McCockin at Milk a few years ago."

Dax laughed. "I see."

"I remember thinking you were cute then too." Tina winked then went to Dax's bedroom to gather her outfit from the night before. She came back out and Dax grabbed her keys.

"You ready?"

"Dax, I can take a cab. You really don't-"

"I want to take you to get your car myself. I'd be a real jackass to let you leave here in a cab when I can get you there for much cheaper. I need to get down there and get some stuff from last night anyway." Dax locked up her apartment and they were on their way to The Palms to get Tina's car.

When they got to the bar Dax parked and looked at Tina. "Are you sure you're okay to drive?"

"Yeah I'll be fine. Oh shit!" Tina ducked when she saw Alice walking in their direction.

"Um, Tina, what are you doing?" Dax asked confused by Tina's actions.

"That's Alice Pieszecki headed our way."

"The chick who does The Chart on KCRW?"

"That's the one."

"Isn't she one of your friends? Why are you hiding? Oh by the way she's gone now."

"You promise?"

"I swear." Tina sat back up and looked sheepishly at Dax.


"No need to apologize." Dax took one of Tina's hands in her own and gently asked, "Why were you hiding from Alice? She's a friend, right?"

"Well that's debatable these days. She was always a great friend until, well, I got together a man named Henry."

Dax looked confused. "Isn't she bi? What's it to her if you got with a guy?"

"She's claiming total lesbian status now. Apparently bisexuality is gross to her now." Tina rolled her eyes. "She saw me going back to men as a betrayal. I just don't feel like having her up in my business which she would be if she saw us together seeing as she knows nearly every gay person in this area."

Dax pulled Tina to her and Tina rested her head on Dax's shoulder. "I remember hearing something along those lines. I don't know the whole story and maybe one day you'll feel like telling me all about it. But what I do know is that's bullshit if she's snubbing you because of your partner's gender. Any other reason I could maybe understand, but not that. Have any of your other friends been like that?"

"Jenny Schecter and of course Bette to an extent."

"Well Bette I can understand as that's a no-brainer, but Jenny? She ranks right up there with Alice in the no-room-to-talk department. I heard she was a fuckin' nut anyway. Oh shit I shouldn't be talkin' 'bout your friends like that."

Tina laughed. "No it's alright. Jenny IS a fucking nut." Tina hugged Dax and said, "Anyway, maybe one day I'll tell you all about it, but for now I should get home."

Dax took a pen and piece of paper from the glove compartment and wrote some digits then handed the paper to Tina. "Those are my work and cell numbers, you know, if you ever wanna get together sometime for whatever reason."

Tina nodded then looked into Dax's eyes. This time Dax was the one who moved in for a quick kiss on Tina's lips which made Tina blush. "Thanks for the ride," Tina said as she opened the door and got out of the truck.

"Anytime," Dax replied with a warm smile.

Over the course of the next couple of months Dax and Tina's friendship grew and none of Tina's friends suspected a thing, not even Shane. She saw them all from time to time, mostly in passing, but she preferred Dax's company. She eventually told Dax the whole story and Tina was worried that Dax would think differently of her, but that wasn't true. Dax was touched that Tina felt comfortable with her to tell her those things and considered the past to be the past. She just wanted Tina to be happy, even if it meant suppressing her own growing feelings for the older woman.

Dax had had a few relationships but nothing that really rocked her world. Not that she was looking for her soulmate or anything, but she had started to grow a bit tired of being the party girl every weekend and seeing the same old faces. Dax began to wonder what a grown-up relationship would feel like, particularly with Tina if she was ready to try dating again.

Tina was thrilled to have met Dax. She was younger but not immature. She enjoyed a few wild weekend nights partying with Dax when she didn't have Angelica for the weekend, but she also treasured more serene moments with her friend, some of which involved Angelica. Tina was pleased her daughter took a shine to Dax and Dax also adored the little girl. Dax admitted to Tina that she had been nervous about meeting Angelica as she wasn't sure how well she'd get on with a child. Tina was actually relieved to hear Dax say that because she too was worried that Dax might shy away when the reality of her being a mother set in. Sometimes Angelica would cry for Dax when she wasn't around. If it wasn't too late sometimes Tina would call Dax so Angelica could hear her voice. It always worked and in no time Angelica was happy again.

Sometimes the lines of their relationship were blurred. They considered themselves to be friends, but sometimes they shared lingering touches and innocent kisses that lasted a bit longer than just a friendly peck on the lips. Usually when they watched a movie either at Dax's or Tina's they fall asleep on the couch and wake up in each other's arms. Tina was used to things like that, but not Dax. Dax was most definitely surprised when she realized she enjoyed this softer side of life. That was the revelation that pushed her to make a decision.

One day Tina and Angelica went to Dax's apartment to hang out. While Tina and Dax were on the floor playing with Angelica, Dax finally got up the nerve to ask Tina a question.

"Tina?" Dax asked quietly.

Tina looked at Dax. "Hmm?"

"Would you like to go out with me sometime? A real date?"
© Copyright 2007 Lamentamini (saxylady at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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