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Rated: E · Other · Sci-fi · #1216499
some science fiction and fantasy story, draft
science fiction / fantasy stories, draft

1) science fiction ? ,draft [8 jun 05]
title : "New Earth"
Human have migrated to another part of the Galaxy. With its deep understanding of the Universe and the creation of planets, it attends to create an earth-like planets using simple and sophiscated technology, in time, forever change the rules of the Universe. The birth of a planet, know as starship ! ...
         Architects, engineers , and scientists come together to the point to discuss how they could place an "earth" onto the orbit itself ... in the hope that the new earth will be able to use as an alternative to the "dyling" planet earth ! and to help mankind escape from the fate of being burned up by the dyling star - the Sun in a billion yrs time !

         The year is 3056. The time whereby human enjoyed thousand yrs of prosperity and science.

2) science fiction ? myth ? , draft [2nd july 05]
title : "creation of a new space"
space was dead. There was no oxygen. no food. no drink. nothing. No one could have survived in that condition. ....But things are going to change. The Earth Federation colony has plan to make space a livable place like Earth. They are planning to plant "trees" to help generate oxygen. They plan to do it by using special equipment on a machine to "sow" seeds on everywhere ....

3) sf/fantasy ? , draft [12 july 05]
title : "mechanical ant"
mechanical ant, man-made ,...

4) fantasy ? , draft [8th jun 05]
title : "dragon's tale"
isifer was sitting alone in the chamber, deeply in thought. Holding in his hand where photos and photos of dragons, taken during the days when he explored the temple. So, there is dragon after all! ... According to legend, they lived on the isles of  ? , far deep in the forest of waywright.

5) science fiction, draft [22 may 07]

title - "the maze" ?
The year is 2108. a group of scientists and engineers had uncovered a tomb built by a very famous computer genius back in the 90s and early 21st century. The tomb was specially built onto a computer network based on AI intelligence. To get into the tomb, the group must face some extreme challenge from the computer - mainly, playing a RTS game with the computer. In the midst of success, when the team thought they were "winning" , they found themselves trapped within the computer maze network, with lots and lots more of games, puzzles and riddles, failing which might result in their death or injury.

will they be able to make through the computer ? or will they die inside there ? read on to find out more...

6) sf, draft [23 may 07]
title : "total danger"
Science has advanced, humanity at its peak. It is the year 2070. Man has come to the point of fully understanding the unlying principles and constructions of quantum and computer. The advancement of the techonology has never been seen.

One soldier, by the name of  ??  has accidentally uncovered a mysterious site during his daily patrons in the jungle of ??. Upon futher investigation, he found that it was a site meant to construct a nuclear nuke. Worst of all, it is a design combined and merged with the use of quantum and computer. The effect is disastrous, and unstoppable. .....

7) f / sf ? , draft [23 may 07]
title : "seeking revenge"
An insane tycoon and billionaire plans to usurp the very foundation of man's basic means of survival - the world ?? .

Following his ambitions, are a few terrorist nations that is willing to follow his cause, in return for the revenge to the Nations that are involved in the killing and execution of their muhad leader , ?? . ....

8) f/sf ? , draft [23 may 07]
title : "the cashless world"
A cashless world, powered by intelligent robots, are set to let loose onto the world. Their plan are simple - to control the world by means of seizing the control of the central intelligence AI that is necessary for the daily operations and maintenance of the world civilisations.

One person, ?? , attends to stop this madness with the help and support by the UN peace security council.


9) sf / fiction , draft [28 nov 07]
title - "nuclear holocast" ?
the year was 2??? , a nuclear holocast occured on earth, wiping out millions of lives and many of the cities....

the story begins telling how the survivors survived in the after-nuclear-disaster period, and how they started to rebuild the Earth step by step, pierce by pierce. It was one of the worst nightmare for humanity. Most cities and homes was destoyed, food and air was contaminated, airports,railways and advanced communication system was ?. Its like going back to the ancient time, everything has to be build from scatch again. (a lot of emotions and thoughts involved.......)

10) sf , draft [30 nov 07]
title - "zero liner" ? or "seti" ?
the story begins from a group of teenage participating in the seti@home project, the search for extraterrestrial @ home, using home and available computer to scan the data obtained from the seti centre to search for the possibility of extraterrestrial signal.

One night, a child named harod, discovered that his computer had gave off an alert from his seti@home program. it beeps "attention ! attention ! possible et signal found !" . ......

11) fantasy, draft [24 dec 07]
title - "God's rule"
In the ancient times, God created the world... The human worshipped the God, and followed the rules of the God....
One day, a man by the name of Egsiforn ventured forth into the forbidden zone of the God's realm, in an attempt to steal the one precious artifact guarded by the God himself ...
The artifact was one such thing that holds the secret to God's power.. and though this artifact, Egsiforn came to know the secret of the God's power, and gained super-natural power beyond normal human beings. ....

12) sf, draft [24 dec 07]
title - "the right cause"
For thousand years, men has followed & worshipped thier God of lightness...

Someday, somehow, some of them begun to wander about the "  ?    ".... They began to probe into the things which they are not supposed to know - the stars, the heaven, the sky, the galaxy. .....And slowly, they developed their skill, their knowledge, and their technology.... They became so powerful that their weapons could even inflict injuries and damage on God himself.

So the war fought on, with one side that follows God, and the other side that betrays God for selfish reasons. For thousand of years, they fought on and on, from planets to planets, ...

It is the year 3013, in the calendar and era of the "  ?    ".....

13) sf, draft [28 dec 07]
title - "The big fire"
Dawn has begun for human beings. It is the third age for mankind, the age whereby human explored the vast array of space, and conquers various obstacles to the unknown space.

The year is 1712, the age of "  ?  ". Colonel Licorn is the official in charge of the space exploration project. Headed by the 17 councils representative from various countries. Their aim is to design and build a spacecraft deep enough to explore the region known as ST01, coded named, big fire.


title - "viva !!!"


15) sf/fantasy, draft [12 jan 09]
title - "Mars 's Land"

Mars colony -> insight -> Mars 's Land

transport Mars soil to Earth.
use it to reclaim pacific, indian & atlantic ocean

space sand transporter

takes 55 years to build ?

space station , space science, space technology
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