Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1216409-The-Accused
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #1216409
A story of intrigue about a woman who must make a moral choice within the work place.
  She ran downstairs out of breath wondering what she was doing. Sweat beaded on her brow underneath a head of curly blond hair and her hands would not quit shaking. How could she have possibly done such a thing? She feared more than reprimand, more than being fired, was police involvement and her ultimate arrest. It wasn’t her fault. Mel started the whole thing, telling her what to do. She just obeyed his commands out of fear for her life. She wondered how she let things get so far.

“Mel, I can’t keep doing this,” exclaimed Bonita.

“You have to. You have no choice. You’re in as deep as I am. Besides, if I go down, you are definitely going down. Just think of that little girl of yours. You don’t want to see anything happen to her.”

“Mel this is getting out of hand. The audit is due.”

“You’re good, I know you can pass it off.”

“Mel I don’t want to do this anymore.”

“You better rethink that. I am not ready to quit. You squeal and your daughter gets it.”

It was an early sunny morning in July. April, Bonita’s 9-year-old daughter, was playing outside, riding her bike. “Be careful and watch for cars,” yelled Bonita.

“Awe Mom, you know I’m careful. There are never any cars in this cul-de-sac.”

“Still, you need to watch. One could pop up at the last minute.”

April’s blond hair blew back against the wind. Her small muscular frame, peddled hard against the wind. She tried bicycling with the wind and found it easier, to her amusement. April was going into the 4th grade and she was excited at the prospect. She would be allowed to walk to school by herself. She still needed a sitter, but soon that would pass. Besides, the sitter was nice. She checked in with her and barely gave her a second thought unless April came up with a question or a problem. April was an only child, but not spoiled as most. Her temperament was easy going, as was her personality. She was polite, but spoke up when she needed to. She had no fear and felt quite sure of herself.

April’s father lived the next town over and she saw him every other weekend; that’s what the court set up. Her dad did not get along with her mom. They barely talked except for simple back and forth conversation that dealt with nothing interesting in April’s eyes. April’s father was 6 feet tall with dark brown wavy hair. He had strong muscular arms and broad shoulders. His hands were large and gnarly with calloused knuckles the size of garlic cloves. His hands were stained with grease and his fingernails permanently discolored from working on cars at his auto repair shop. In his spare time, he worked on motorcycles.

Bonita married Fred out of college, against her parent’s wishes, but she was in love. April came along right away and Fred wasn’t ready to be a father. It caused a lot of friction, until finally one day after April was born, Bonita walked out. Bonita was pretty woman with a fare complexion and her skin appeared almost drawn. Her nose was stark in comparison, thin and almost pointy, but in a cute sort of way. She was every bit 5’6” and slim. She fought off generations of stockiness by exercising and staying on a strict diet, although she occasionally splurged. Life wasn’t worth living without a little risk taking.

It was Saturday, the books wouldn’t be audited until the end of the month which was only a few days a way. Mel decided a while back that it was high time they got some of the action. The company was a tight wad. Skimming off the books wasn’t hard, especially in small amounts. Nobody seemed to miss a thing. Mel was a pouty man, small with a big rotund belly. He was quick to scheme and thought nothing of the consequences of his actions. Bonita was his fall girl. If he could talk anybody into anything, it would be her. She was head of accounting and kept the books up. She thought how long could this go on without being caught. She saw a percentage of the action, but always planned to pay it back in small amounts. Maybe now was the time to do it. She didn’t like the fear over her head that they would be found out. However, they weren’t the only ones skimming off the company.

Fryer and Sons was an accounting firm. It was a simple firm whose ideas were to do accounting for small companies and open up their services at tax time to do business taxes. It was a lucrative firm and they had a good reputation in the community. Fryer and Sons started out in Bill Fryer’s studio as a one-man operation. As the clientele grew so did the firm. Bill hired staff and eventually made his sons partners in the firm. Bill was getting elderly and thought of passing the firm down to his sons as sole proprietors and retiring. He and his wife were now married 37 years; it was getting time to let the firm go. Little did he know his sons were skimming the funds off the books, putting their shares in off shore Cayman accounts.

April saw a car pull up. She dropped her bike and ran to greet it. “Dad, I wasn’t expecting you until next week.”

“Well I just had to see my pumpkin. It’s such a pretty day out, I thought we would hang out at the park together, if it’s all right with your mom.”

April ran to her house. It was a duplex and they had the south side. “Mom dad is here, he wants to take me to the park. Can I go?”

April’s mom came to the door and looked at the car. You could tell she was thinking. “This is your off week.”

“Yeah, I know. I had time on my hands and thought April would like to go out to the park. We’ll have a picnic and go paddle boating. You’re free to come along.”

“No, I’ll stay here, just the same, but you and April have a good time. Have her back by 6PM.”

“No problem. Thanks Bonita for being so understanding.”

“You don’t need to say any more. April, put your bike away then you can go with your dad.”

April put her bike away and climbed in the car with her father. She liked spending time with her father. She always had a good time. Secretly, she wished her father and mother would get back together, but she knew that was never going to happen. They drove off and headed for Cherry Hill Park, a 20-minute drive from where April lived.

“Why don’t we stop for hotdogs and buns and marshmallows and have a cook out?”

“That sounds good dad.”

“Sometime, I’ll have to teach you how to fish.”

“Only if you put the worms on the hook.”

“What about flies—the pretty colorful hooks; you put on the end of the rod?"

“Silly, I can do that. I just don’t want to touch those wet slimy squiggly worms!

“Icky,” they said, speaking in unison and laughing together.

They were off to Cherry Hill Park on their adventure. Behind them a car pulled up slowly and followed them.

Bonita was home figuring out how to pay the company back. She thought about telling Bill Fry what she had done and making payments in installments. She didn’t know what to do. It would blow Mel out of the water, but she had her little girl to think about and what life would she have with her mother in the slammer. They had been skimming off the books for the past year or so. At the audit no one caught it. She figured she brought in two Grand. No telling how much Mel raked in. However, she couldn’t worry about that. She thought about losing her job and what she would do now that her reputation was blemished. All she wanted to do was tell the truth and let her conscience rest. She made her decision.

Bill Sr. was sitting down to a leisurely lunch on his front screened in patio with Tuna Salad, saltines, apple wedges, and iced tea. “Martha,” he said, “I’ve been thinking about turning the business over to the boys. We could retire and do that traveling we’ve been talking about. We could go to the Caribbean Islands or to Europe. What do you think?”
“Do you think that’s a good decision? Do you think the boys are responsible enough?"

“If they are not responsible now, when will they be? It’s time to cut the apron strings. The accounting year is up and they are doing the audits. There will be a clean slate and they can start right away? “

“Shouldn’t we stick around until we make sure their feet are firmly planted in the business?"

“They know it from the inside out. There is nothing to worry about. You’re such a worry wart.”

“I just want to make sure we are doing the right thing.”

The phone rang and Martha picked up the line. “The Fry’s residence.”

"Mrs. Fry this is Bonita Wallace from the firm. I’d like to talk to Mr. Fry.” “Honey, it’s for you.”

“Hello, this is Bill Fry Sr.”

“Hello this is Bonita Wallace from the firm. I am sorry to call on a weekend, but I must really talk to you. Can we set up a time to meet?"

“What’s this about?”

“It’s about the accounts sir.” Bonita’s hands were clammy with sweat and beads of perspiration were on her forehead. Her insides were churning. What had she done now? Deep inside she knew she was doing the right thing.

“Can’t this wait until Monday?”

“No sir, I am afraid not.”

“Well then it will have to be this afternoon around 3PM.”

“That will be fine sir. Thank you.”

Bonita hung up the phone and was out of breath she felt so panicked. This could mean the end of her career. She wondered how understanding he would be. She wondered what would happen once Mel realized she had told what they were doing. Mel always told her that he would get her or her daughter if she ever told. Mel would never come to reason with her. Maybe he wouldn’t need to know that she told. Maybe they could decipher it from the audit. She wasn’t sure what would happen next. She waited and watched the second hand pass slowly on the clock. It was only 1PM and she had 2 hours to go. Bonita tidied up the place waiting until it was time to go. She was so antsy she couldn’t sit still. Finally, 2:30 PM came and Bonita got in her car. She put on her seat belt, checked the rear view mirror, and backed out of the driveway. She put her foot on the pedal and pressed it to the floor almost squealing the tires, and then she backed off the gas and put on the breaks. She was a nervous wreck and thought if she kept driving this way she would get in an accident. She held tight to the steering wheel with her foot on the gas pedal, cautiously looking around her, trying to be more careful. She slowed down when she came to Royster Drive and turned in creeping ever so slowly to the Fry residence.

The car followed two cars behind Fred’s car. Mel thought. How am I going to get her alone? He wanted her as leverage to keep Bonita from disclosing their scam. He hadn’t quite planned it right. Nevertheless, he would take the girl and just give Bonita a taste of what he could do. He thought that would be enough to shut her up. The car turned right on to went left on to Garrett Avenue and then left on to Lambert Street down to Patuxent, crossing the river and over to Cherry Hill Street. They were going to the park. It was a perfect place to take her. Now the question is how to get her alone? He hung back slowly watching them park the car. He pulled up behind them none for the worse and parked his car. He hung back and slowly followed him. April was glued to her father; so far, there was no way to take her. Mel had all the time in the world. He would just watch and wait.

Mel watched and calculated what he would do with April once he had her. He would of course take her, tie her up, and take her back to his place. He needed a perfect plan. He would have to find a place to store her for he couldn’t keep her at his apartment. That would be the first place they would look. There was his grandfather’s old hunting cabin. That could prove useful. He hadn’t been there for years. April’s dad was cooking on the grill and April was sitting by her self at the picnic table, now was as good a time as any. Mel snuck up and grabbed her. April screamed and fought kicking with all her might. Mel carried her to his car with her father in pursuit behind him. He revved up the engine and was out of there. Fred didn’t know what to do. He pulled out his cell phone dialed 911 and an operator came on. “My little girl has been taken. We are in Cherry Hill Park off Patuxent on Cherry Hill Street. A man grabbed my daughter April. I couldn’t catch him. He left in a black Pontiac Firebird with tag number PLK. I didn't get the last 3 digits”

“Sir, stay on the line we will send someone out immediately.” Ten minutes later a police cruiser came by and Fred gave him the details. He called in the partial license plate number to the office and the police started looking up registered car owners with Pontiac Firebirds. They got 15 hits.

“Do you know of anyone who would want to hurt you or your little girl?”

“No one I know. Maybe her mother knows.”

“We’ll need her address or how to get in touch with her.”

“She lives at 56 Pompadore Court across the river in Flemming. Her phone number is 679-516-7320. It’s a cell phone.

Bonita Wallace knocked on the Fry’s door. Mr. Fry answered the door. “Why don’t you come in and tell me what’s on your mind.” He introduced her to his wife and took her to the sitting room where they could be alone.

“Sir, I don’t know how to say this, but we’ve been skimming off the accounts. It was Mel’s idea and he forced me to go along with the scheme. I am so sorry. I want it to end and repay my debt. I understand if you want to fire me.”

“How much money are we talking about?”

“For me it’s been two thousand dollars that Mel paid me to keep quiet. I don’t know how much for Mel. He just gives me the books and I adjust them. I could go back and figure it out. I am afraid this audit will point it out. I am tired of doing this. It’s not me. I am usually straight as an arrow. Mel has threatened me and my little girl if I told and I am afraid he is serious about the matter. “

“Well these are highly unusual circumstances young lady, but I respect you forthright coming out and telling me. It took a lot of guts. Well let’s see what we can make of this situation. You say you want to pay me back. Any reason I shouldn’t get the police involved?”

“No, sir,” she replied meekly. "I was just hoping we could settle this together. I just don’t know about Mel. He wasn’t willing to come and turn himself in. I’d hate the thought of going to jail, but if that is what it takes, I’ll do it.”

“Grand larceny is a hefty charge,” said Mr. Fry. Do you know what that means?”
“I think I do sir.”

All of a sudden she heard this ringing sound. Her cell phone was ringing. She quickly answered it was the police. They told her what had happened and she was frantic with fear. She told them that it was more than likely Mel Banks.

“Do you have any reason why he would want to take your little girl?”

Bonita had a decision to make. She quickly stated that Mel had been skimming off the company books for some time now of which she was made to take a part in. “I told him I wanted to stop and he threatened me and my daughter. He didn’t know she was coming to tell her boss what was going on. Officer, my boss is here if you want to speak to him.”

“Yes I would.”

“How long has Mel Banks been working for you?”

“For over 5 years now.”

“Do you know of where we might be able to find him?”

“No I don’t.”

“Do you want to press charges sir?"

“I’m afraid I am going to have to.”

The police came to the Fry residence and made out their report. The police read Bonita her rights and brought her down to the station for questioning. She was worried about her little girl. They kept asking her questions and she asked for a lawyer. Most of all they wanted to know about Mel so they could find her daughter April.

“I don’t know where he would take her.”

A hearing was set for the charges of grand larceny. A warrant was put out for Mel’s arrest for kidnapping and grand larceny.

The police questioned the neighbors and anyone who knew Mel. It didn’t take them long to find out that he had a cabin off Chaneyville Road up in the hills of Mount Kilmer. Mel had bragged about this cabin to his friends on several occasions and how it was left to him. Of course, he never used it, but to have it meant everything to him. The police sent out their special unit to handle the kidnapping. They approached the cabin with caution and over a megaphone told him the cabin was surrounded and he needed to come out. Mel was dumbfounded. He thought, that bitch told them what was going on. He wasn’t going down alone. He grabbed the little girl, came to the door and said, “Don’t shoot, this is a misunderstanding.” One of the special unit workers grabbed the girl; the other one laid Mel out and searched him for weapons before handcuffing him and putting him in the cop car. He was under arrest and taken down for questioning.

Mr. Fry by this time was perplexed what was going on with his company. He thought it took some guts for Bonita to come and confess what was going on. He didn’t know the half of it. While he was going to press charges against Mel, he made up his mind not to press charges on Bonita as he had forced her hand so to speak. Mr. Fry was sharp as a tack and wondered whether anyone else was skimming off the books. This audit was going to be conducted by an independent contractor so he could find the underlying cause of this. He was hard pressed to come up with auditors at the last minute, but he called an old friend who recommended McCann and Sons. Apparently Mel took $10,000 dollars out of the company and paid Bonita $2,000 to keep quiet. There was another $100,000 missing. Apparently, according to the auditor, his sons had been siphoning off money every quarter for the past five years. The old man sat down dumbfounded. He slowly rubbed his brow. He had a lot to think about. These were his sons whom he was turning over the business. How could he possibly do that now? He had a serious decision to make and decided to press charges against his own sons. This was a sad day for Mr. Fry and what was his going to tell the Mrs.

Bonita was relieved to find out that Mr. Fry wasn’t going to press charges against her. She also had her little girl back home safe and sound. Now the only thing she felt necessary was to resign from her position as the accountant. How could she ever be trusted again? She had learned a thing or two and never again was going to have someone bribe her into doing something against her will. She was also going to pay back Mr. Fry the $2000 she owed him. She typed up a letter of resignation and included a pay back plan.

Mel at this point was in jail without bail awaiting trial. He had been in on the whole thing the entire time Mr. Fry’s sons were skimming funds off the business. They paid him to keep it quiet. Now that they were found out, his charges would be more serious. Bill Fry Jr. and Ted Fry were facing indictment charges for Grand Larceny. They were out on bail awaiting trial. Mr. Fry Sr.’s plans had drastically changed. He still was going to retire, but now he was going to sell the business off. What a pity, he thought. They were strong men with good prospects for the future until this happened. Mr. Fry Sr. felt devastated; as if he lost everything he worked so hard for with one sleigh of the hand. His wife was beside herself with grief. What had she done so wrong for them to do this to their father and her? While tragedy can break a family, it brought these two closer together. They still loved their sons, but not what they had done. When it came time for court all they could do was shake their heads at them and that was enough to send their hair rising along the back of their necks, sending chills down their back. They were ridden with guilt. Mel was charged with them as well as for kidnapping. The sons each got 10 years and Mel got 15 years.

When Mr. Fry received Bonita’s letter of resignation he called her up and said, because of her honesty, he thought she should still be head of the accounting department and she could pay the company back in installments. Bonita didn’t know what to say. She stated that she should be held accountable to the Board of Trustees to make sure nothing like this happens again. Mr. Fry agreed. He told he would now be selling off the company, but would make sure she still had her job. He would remain on as a Board member. She was eternally grateful to Mr. Fry Sr.. He told her; if she worked hard, she could be the company president at some point. Bonita was dumb founded for she was one of the accused.
© Copyright 2007 Cat is Nesting (cnelson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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