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Rated: ASR · Other · Other · #1216076
A story about red...kind of
Have you ever noticed that Red is a very encompassing color? Some see it as a passionate, energetic color. They paint their dining rooms red to aid in digestion and have red or burgundy silk sheets and comforters on their beds, to promote passion. Others see it as blood, death, and anger. These people keep away from red in their homes, unless of course they are of the breed that enjoys blood, death and anger. Most people have very definite ideas about the color red; so what would happen if you moved those types into one house?
Mary, Mabel, and Mirabel were triplets who agreed on everything. Well, almost everything that is. Mary’s favorite color was red, Mabel’s a calm blue, and Mirabel’s blood. They had not shared a room in years, and were now going off to college and a shared house that their grandma, Moomoo, had chosen, bought and decorated for them. Mary’s room was done is shades of a deep red, Mabel’s in blue and red, and Mirabel’s in a bright red with dark red accents.
The first night there, Mary had sweet dreams, Mabel couldn’t sleep (she hated the color red) and Mirabel dreamed of blood. For you see, in Mary’s mind, red was a passionate, energetic color that lent itself to fun and good digestion, in Mabel’s mind red was the color of anger and angst, but in Mirabel’s mind, red was the color of her favorite thing, blood. Blood circled itself into every aspect of Mirabel’s life. Her major was pre-med, her favorite movies those of vampires and demons, as were her favorite books. In her spare time, she painted scenes that could have been directly from those books, dark brooding people with dripping fangs and bright, scorching sunsets with lurking shadows. She even had a blood red car and a boyfriend whose favorite tv show was filled with vamps.
Eventually, the girls settled into their new place and Mabel even got used to the deep red in her room. All three worked hard on their courses, got boyfriends and moved ahead in their lives. Until one day when the unexpected happened.
Mary and her boyfriend were enjoying their thoughts on red while Mabel and her boyfriend were ignoring red all together to look at the clouds roll by outside when suddenly, Mirabel’s bloody dreams began to manifest themselves. The walls seemed to bulge and scream silently and first droplets and then streams of blood red paint began to flow down them, covering the floors in macabre puddles of this deathlike substance.
Mirabel, who was painting a portrait of her boyfriend, merely glanced at this anomaly and reached over to dip her paintbrush in a puddle near her feet before continuing her painting. Mary and her man were so caught up in each other that they didn’t notice the puddles until they fell into them and became completely covered, the effects of a tickle war in full effect. Mabel and her boyfriend were starting to walk in the house when they noticed the streaming red paint and, wondering what was going on, called out to the sisters.
As the triplets, who never fight and agree on everything, began to argue over whose fault this was and what exactly was going on, the boyfriends made haste to exit. The sisters continued to argue for what seemed like hours, all blaming the others until nothing could be said that hadn’t all ready been spoken. As they were catching their collective breath, glaring at each other, and thinking of new ways to wage this unexpected war, a cry sounded from inside the house.
The three hurried inside, pushing and shoving all the way, until the sudden appearance of a face in the wall stopped them in their tracks. Then, the face spoke, “Oh please, would you be quiet!” it thundered, “what is going on here?” As the sisters stammered in response, the face spoke again. “I really hope this isn’t over the paint! My son had an accident and spilled his art supplies all over the house.” The sisters looked around in confusion, wondering where this child was and who the face in the wall belonged to. They didn’t have to wait long for the answer. “You see, we are a family who lives on the other side of the walls. What you might call a parallel universe.” The voice explained, “We are slightly more advanced than your side here and have split the world into color codes, we live in a red zone. Our clothes, cars, houses and toys are all red. My son discovered a hole in the universal wall and wanted to see where his paint would end up. I’m sorry about the mess, I would clean it if I could, but the man will be here to fix that hole soon, and I must leave before I get stuck. Have a nice day!”
The face disappeared and left the bewildered sisters staring at the wall in disbelief. However, their disbelief soon turned to joy when the man from the parallel universe not only fixed the hole, but also sucked all of the paint back into his world before closing it off. The sisters learned a valuable lesson that day, to agree to disagree on their choice of colors. Now they live in peace, except on days that a little boy from a Red section of a parallel universe decides to throw his toys through a universal hole and faces talk in the wall. For now though, the story of red has come to an end.
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