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A short story of someone I knew |
11-08-05 11:35 PM Tuesday New Thought; Ted. I was reading some of the other writings here and reminded me of someone I known named Ted. Ted was an older man in his 50’s who I think had a wife, not sure if he had kids or not (though I think I remember him saying that he didn’t want to raise kids in this world). Ted ran the “medicine shop” attached and rented out from where I work. Its still there under a new guys who I think is ted also but cant remember. Ted was a pharmacist who as I remember was pretty lenient, I remember he was nice enough one time to give me a prescription for a form of penicillian without a doctors note or anything. I was sick at the time and really appreciated it, for I had no insurance or money to spare. Not sure what Teds background was but he was a worry wort. I remember seeing him early in the morning many times and asking the ever popular “hows it going” which is a common greeting. Its an odd question that most everyone poses of one another and in truth, maybe I should speak for myself, when asked this question the askee is not really seeking the truth. Its merely a common, I guess polite, greeting more than a question, followed by the ever popular “good” or “fine” which most of the time you would be able to tell by the tone of the person is the truth or an absoloute ball faced lie. Ted, although I really liked the guy would answer the question completely honestly. He would say things like “I don’t know in the world we live in” and then go into a story that he was worried about or thinking about. I cant recall any specific thing that he talked about but it was world wide things he was concerned with and not what was directly surrounding him. I thought it was funny in the company of others and joked about him occasionally. Apparently not seeing myself in him. Which I do now as I read this. I think that all of us has a little bit of Ted in him/her. Any way I came to work where a person greeted me with “did you hear what happened”. Apparently Ted had complained of headaches for 2 days and then suddenly dropped dead during work one day. He worried him self to death. Worry and concern and fear are bad for the body and especially the heart and brain. Ted had an anurism burst in his brain. So maybe I should lighten up a bit…Or am I worrying about worrying?? Ug…hehe. |