Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1213620-The-Cursed-Dragon
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1213620
A story made for school.
The crisp morning air of Colu blew on my face, sweeping against my horns. It was cold, even for the coldest island in the dragon world. The sun wasn't up yet and the whole place seemed to be in one over sized shadow.

I was glad to be up early. It was always a treat to not be victim to the other's dragons taunting and bullying. My heart dropped at the thought of the others. They were cruel to any that didn't fit their 'standards'.

I trotted over to the Banquet Hall, an area for eating daily meals. The dust came up in long puffs as my talons clawed into the ground. I was eager to eat my food before the others arrived.

I finally reached the Hall and took a quick glance around. This place had always amazed me with its large, exquisite paintings of dragons from warriors to rebels. There was one of a handsome dragon pushing and breaking its hard, blue shell. There was another of the Queen, at a young age, fluttering her angelic wings, in an attempt to fly.

I sat down at a large table, made out of strong, thick wood. I impatiently thumped my tail behind me; hunger was getting to me. Running is tiring for dragons, not surprising, as we are not exactly built for it. We prefer to fly.

Soon enough a cloud that lived at the top of the structure came down with a healthy amount of meat. I thanked him with ease and watched as he puffed back up to the highest point in the ceiling. That particular one looked like it might soon letter (letter v.: The action, in the dragon world, of pouring out letters to dragons sent by other dragons. Our Postal Service.). I was glad for I had been waiting for a letter from my friend, who had attended a different school, since classes had begun.

Within a few minutes I was joined by about 10 other dragons. I was lucky for they were almost adult dragons and were much too mature to taunt me. For the ones that weren't quite as mature, they still kept their mouths shut because a dragon of that age would be severely punished for such conduct.

It was not until I had just greedily slurped up the last bit of tender meat did the first gang of 'youngsters' flew in. They prided their flying ability with such glee and showed it off whenever possible, usually tipping their wings at those who couldn't fly for their own cruel enjoyment.

The landed near me, their thin, muscular wings folding neatly into their backs, making it seem as if the had never been there. Their dark talons sunk only slightly into the ground. They were quite small, that being the main reason they were the first to fly. They were walking towards me.

“So, cursed one, what are you doing in the Banquet Hall? Aren’t you meant for the dungeons, by those mongrel rats?” the smallest in the group, who I recognized as Thorn said.

“My name is Belarg,” I corrected, looking at my large feet. My voice was so quiet in the hall that I could hardly hear the words. I wondered if the others had heard, not that it would matter very much.

If they had heard me, they took no notice of it. “Answer me. You might as well. Look at you; you’re already doomed for life.” They sneered at me for a moment, waiting for my answer. When I didn’t say anything, they continued,”You’re a pathetic wimp! You deserved to be cursed!”

This statement was followed by a round of laughter that echoed off the walls of the Hall. With my head still placed firmly down I left the Hall, the laughter ringing in my ears.

Tonight was the dinner of Royalty. Usually the King and Queen only ate in the Royal Café, but on this special occasion they couple would be dining with us.

Every dragon was excited. The females darkened their claws with polish and whitened their teeth. The males sharpened their teeth and practiced their skills (fire breathing, flying, fighting). All of this was in an attempt to impress the Royalty so they just might get a place, no matter what the position may be, even a Nobel. The place that every dragon dreamed of was a place as Queen or King but a dragon becoming either was very rare and a replacement being needed was unlikely.

I was interested in this but I knew I would never be picked. My mother was born cursed, doomed before her death by an evil cloud. She had laid one egg before her death. The cloud had also stated that her offspring would be cursed, although no one knew how. That meant that I was cursed.

It was horrible knowing that you had the legacy of a dark cloud over you. It was horrible being aware that someone had already set up a life for you, and there was nothing you could do to change it. It was horrible not knowing what life one evil cloud had picked out for you. The latter I consider the worst because I was constantly thinking up possible things the cloud might have set upon me.

My eyes drooped sadly. I had no real reason to dress up for the Royalty, unless I wished to seem respectful to the dragons. If I were to dress up it would be just a big waste of time, like my life.

My anger suddenly grew. I was cursed anyways, why should I care what the King and Queen thought? They had never even made an attempt to help a poor soul, such as myself. They cared nothing for me and never even introduced me to my father, whom I had always wished to meet. Why should I be respectful to such heartless creatures?

I would go to the Banquet Hall with blunt teeth, bland spikes and unshaped nails. The King and Queen would see my figure and be distressed at my appearance. Maybe then they would help a helpless, doomed dragon. That’s what I would do…

As I stepped into the Hall, I paid no attention to the shrieks and shivers of the other dragons. They could be appalled at my attire if they wished. I had no thought for these or any other at that point. There was no reason to.

The others stood as far away from me as possible. It would seem, to one that did not know my situation, that I had a tremendous stench coming from my scales. This was the usual behavior of any dragon I came near. No one wanted to be friendly with one who was cursed.

Finally, after around a half an hour, the Royalty stepped in. Every dragon stood. They arched their necks and stood the best way for their type (fine boned, heavy boned, thin winged, etc.) I stood because I was afraid if I did not I would be kicked out, but I slouched without a care of what the others thought of me.

The King, massive compared to everyone else, walked in, crunching the granite walk placed for his and the Queen’s arrival. You could hear the builders suck in a deep breath to keep from screaming. His steps echoed in the silent room until he came to the large throne. Then there was a short stomping (stomping is like clapping for humans) before the Queen entered.

The room went completely quiet as her fine-boned body strutted up the, now rocky, path. Everything about her held a sense of pure beauty. It was hard not to watch her as she came past you, a lovely smell coming from her hide.

I continued to slouch, not caring about her beauty or her elegance. She was just Royalty like there had been Royalty before her. She was nothing of importance to me.

Suddenly she saw me and rage seemed to have taken over her. Her spikes lifted and she stomped to where I stood. Her head was red and her beauty had been replaced with fury.

I was afraid. The Queen was a very powerful female. She could not only kick me out of the school, she could banish me from ever being a successful dragon (meaning I could never get a job and only beg on the corners, hoping for a scratch of food).

“This is not a proper appearance of the son of royalty!” she yelled, her thin eyebrows reaching to her horns.

As suddenly as the screaming had started, the room became very quiet. You could hear only the Queen’s heavy breathing as everyone fought to fathom what had just been stated. I could imagine them trying to connect me and Royalty together. This had never even been considered.

I was having just as hard of a time. Me? Royalty’s son? Who exactly was my father?

“M-me? You mean my father’s Royalty?” I stuttered, my brain still working in a wild attempt to comprehend this idea.

The Queen sighed. You could tell she was deeply regretting ever having such an outburst. She took a quick glance at the King. The glance seemed to hold a mixture of fear and impatience. I wasn’t sure why, but the whole look seemed odd to me.

“You,” she began, “are my son.” The crowd gasped. This was simply unexpected. A cursed dragon was actually the son of a Queen? How could it be?

“And…” she continued, the pain of truth filling her lungs, “The King is your father… the old king.”

This created even a bigger gasp. The old King, since he was only in the Royalty a few months before a tragic death in a war, had never been known to have any children. Many had wished that he had produced one son but the Queen had firmly stated that this was hardly possible. She had said that it was a shame, but the King had died bravely.

This meant that I, the so called cursed dragon, was actually the old King’s only son and the offspring of one of the best Queen’s in the history of dragons! The shock of the matter was overwhelming.

“But why… why would you send me to a cursed dragon to be her child? How could you not tell me? Why would you let the only son of Gurlu be teased and bothered by the thought of this curse every day? It is cruel, cruel I tell you!” I yelled, finding that my anger was stronger then my surprise.

The Queen looked like she may burst into tears. “I did not want to, do you not understand? The new King was scared of you because-“

She was stopped mid-sentence by the growl of the king. “Gurlu’s son has no place in this court. I was not scared by this dragon, but it shall be my son’s to become the Princes and Kings, not you,” he stated plainly. I could see his body shaking slightly though, but with all of the fat it was hard to see.

He was scared, I thought to myself. I guess my spikes were a little larger than the other dragons, and my teeth were always sharp. My jaws did clamp very well, better then any other. My shoulders were broad and my legs thick with muscles. I had never really thought of myself for my talents. My ‘curse’ had made it seem pointless.

“So, you decided to get rid of me, did you? If that was your true reason, why wouldn’t you place me with a normal family, where the thought of curses if far from my thoughts?” I stated just as plainly. I was braver now.

The king seemed to be dumbstruck at my words and stance. He stood, looking at me, his stomach looking bigger then ever with this sudden loss of authority. He looked a bit sad and I could imagine why.

That day changed my life forever. It was as if a dove from heaven had finally let my life become peaceful.

After that day I was offered a spot in the Royalty, which I refused, I felt I had been let down by the group and couldn’t imagine all that power anyways. This had been a surprise to everyone since they all couldn’t imagine ever turning down that option. It was what every dragon (except for me, of course) dreamed of.

Many other dragons came to me to ask for forgiveness. I became friends with some who had stood by the sidelines and did not pick on me when I was thought to be cursed. The dragons who had teased me also came, but I could never be friends with such mean creatures. Even Thorn, with all of his rude actions towards me, came. I could only laugh at his proposal.

The King resigned due to severe humiliation. Another dragon had taken his place soon after and the new dragon seems much more worthy of the position. The Queen says she enjoys his company and says he reminds her of my father.

The Queen and I are spending much more time together. She still says I should certainly be in the Royalty but is still tolerant of my choice. I am still angry about her lying but things have improved and I am happy to have a family for the first time in my life, even if my father has passed on.

Now I live a pretty normal life as a dragon. I’m now laughing about the incident and I feel eager to pass the story onto my children and grandchildren, once I have them of course. The story of ‘The Cursed Dragon’ shall now live on long past my death.

Note:Sorry if the little definitions don't exactly fit in. Our teacher said that if there was going to be a difference that the reader might not understand we should just stick a definition next to it.
© Copyright 2007 Anna D. (calli at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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